Page 45 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 45
. The Gold Bug, Feb. 20. 1951 Terrors Down Loyola Ekes Out Sho'men, 65-56 Five Point Victory Avenging an earlier Mason-Dixon Over Terror Team Conference setback by Washington College, the Green Terrors of West- John Mallonee, Bob Wilsey, Ray ern Maryland College downed the Faby, and Sid Albrittain all scored Shoremen, 65-56, last Wednesday in , for WMC in the wrestling contest Gill Gymnasium .• against Loyola, Wednesday, February Art Press and Chuck Hammaker 14, when the matmen tussled to a 18- paced the victor's attack, scoring 21 13 decision, just five points short of and 17 markers respectively. Com- victory. bined with these successful efforts was The bout started with Don McShane the 13 point total of Walt Hart, who dropping a decision to the Loyola sank several set shots from side court. lightweight. In the next event, Bob The engagement brought together Wilsey tied the score at 4-4, for a two of Maryland's leading cage stars, draw bout. Nick Scallion, of the Maroon and John Mallonee fought hard for two Black and' Art Press of the Green and periods; and then in the third, when Gold. Held scoreless for the first seven it looked as though he were in trouble, minutes of the contest and fouled out he turned the tide and took his oppon- with seven minutes of playing time ent down with a "double chicken- remaining, Scallion nevertheless bet- wing." The official time in the bout tered his 26-point average with a blast was six minutes, eighteen seconds. of 31 points. Playing the last half Ray Faby fought to a close 7-6 de- with three personal fouls charged cision and big Sid Albrittain sailed to against him, Press retained his 21- a 5-2 victory against his Loyola com- point average with a final tally of 21 petitor. Jack RaIl was edged out in a tight points. decision, and Mary Siegel fought all th~0~:;e:~~~s~0~h:i:;p~:~::s,2~:~:~ the way but was pinned. In this bat- of 14 out of 22 conversions from the tle, the Terror matmen showed their foul stripe, Western Maryland sank real skill and power. As the season 28 pointers from the floor against the progresses and the team gains valu- loser's 21 successful field goals. able experience, they will turn in some The Westminster quintet relin- top performances. quished the lead score to the visitors from Chestertown only once during Plus And Minus the forty minutes of action, that be- ing in the first quarter when Wash- By Bob Wilson ington College went ahead 9-8. Quick- We are 80rry we were 1mable to rtm eaeee picture8 in the last i8sue; however, the rail 8trike delayed their return ly.the Terrors pulled in front again to from our engraver in Philadelphia. • Everyone makes mistakes. I found lead at the end of the half 40-27. that out years ago and it was even WMG Girls' Basketball more vividly impressed on my mind FG. FT F. Pts. Terror Cagers Cagers Downed when my first trig paper was re- Forwards turned. Press 21 13 Rout Gallauclet By'JHU, 71-68 Season Underway. To get right to the point, in several Hart of the recent home basketball games Rhyne 3 Western Maryland's girls' varsity our attitude as spectators has been Centers Coach Ferguson used his entire The Terror cagers dropped a hard- basketball team began the current anything but becoming when the vis- Hammaker 17 bench as Western Maryland's basket- fought three-point decision, 71-68, to season by bowing to Baltimore Junior itors have been ahead. Everything Henderson 2 ball five routed the Gallaudet team,. the basketeers of Johns Hopkins Uni- College, on February 6, by a score of was wonderful so long as our Terror Guards 76-44, in Gill Gymnasium, on Febru- var-sity. 30-22. Again, the varsity team was squad held the lead; but as soon as the The Western Maryland five gained ary 9. Makow;ki defeated on February 14, by St. contest became close, every little inci- Rydzewski It was the homesters' ball game all an early-game lead; and by the end of Joseph's College at Emmitsburg. The dent was magnified into a prepos- Phipps the way. Taking an early lead on the first quarter, they managed a one- winning team scored 44 points against terous, underhanded raw deak If the Kaufmann 0 Walt Hart's pop shot, the Terrors point advantage, 20-19. The Green Western Maryland's 25. referee called one against us, he was were off and running, and they were squad maintained the pace throughout The inter-sorority basketball tour- all wrong and should purchase a pair T~tal 65 able to pile up a substantial lead at the second quarter,,,leading by ~39-33 nament was initiated Monday, Febru- of glasses. If the call came our way, the half-time intermission, 40-23. The when the buzzers sounded for the half. ary 12, when Sigma Sigma Tau everything was dandy and the old boy second half was much the'same, as Johns Hopkins rallied. The ad- downed Iota Gamma Chi by a score of was not so bad after all. Boxing Suspended the Green-and-Gold piled up points vantage passed from one team to the 23-11. Mary Bell Shawn, of Iota Our disapproval of the referee's ac- and the resulting substantial advant- other with Hopkins coming', out one Gamma Chi, was high-scorer of the tion has also carried over to the ae- The Athletics Department of West- age. Gallaudet was never able to point in front at the end of the third game, tallying all eleven points made ern Maryland College has suspended threaten the winners during the entire period. After a thrilling final quarter, by the losing team. ~:a~s ao~o::r Pl~,p~:e:t:'oo~e;:;b~: Terrors found the themselves just boxing here and has cancelled th" re- game. The schedule for the remaining matter who happens to make it; and maining bouts of the season. Hart Starts Scoring four points away from victory. games of the tournament is as fol- no matter how hard we protest, two The board was prompted to 'the ac- Walt Hart started the Terrors on Press led the Terror scoring with lows: Iota Gamma Chi vs. Phi Alpha points will remain two points. tion by the loss of the team's coach the road to victory as he rolled up the 28 markers. Chuck Hammaker netted Mu, February 26; Phi Alpha Mu vs. Let's consider the situation from and several of its promising boxers at points in the initial momenta of the 15 points for the Terror cause and Sigma Sigma Chi, March 5; and Delta another angle. Our opponents witi1' the end of the last semester. Through- contest. " Ernie Makowski dropped eleven. Sigma Kappa vs. Iota Gamma Chi, their coaches and managers arc the out the past years, boxing. has always Press was the game's high scorer as Heading the Hopkins scorers, Burk- March 12. The Phi Alpha Mu-Delta guests of the college and therefore the been one of the more prominent of the he dropped nine field goals and two man scored 17 points; Dayton, 16; Sigma Kappa game-date is undeter- personal guests each of us. Why college sports, and this year's team fouls through the cords for a total of and Tilien, 15. mined at present. should they not be treated with the re- showed the traditional Terror spirit 20 points. Hart's one-handers gave spect due a guest? in all its matches. Th~ fighters have him a total of 16 markers. For Gal- WMC Nimrods Lose under the .500 level; they now have Our enthusiasm and spirit at the given their fuJI effort to the game and laudet, it was Admunsen in the role won three out of seven contests. games has been at a wonderfully high deserve praise for their momentous of high scorer, tallying 14 points. To Frederick, 1346.1361 . WMC's Score level. We are supporting our teams attempts. Huback 273 now; let's go one step further and In a close shoulder-to-shoulder Garten 273 convert the jeers to cheers. Instead of Terrors Beat .A.U. Eagles Stop match, the Frederick National Guard Buffington ... 271 downing the visitors, applaud our own song of a few squad. As a popular 27. by a 1346- team edged the Terrors Rhoads, W. · h I· U· WMC Basketeers 1361 score, on the victor's range. Clayton 259 years ago says, "You've got to ac- positive, eliminate the centuate the Huback and Gorten each came out Cat 0 Ie nlv. The Western Maryland cagers with a total mark of 272 for the Green 1346 negative." bowed to the league-leading American team's high score. Hubeck, however, Rhoads, D. 255 fired four points higher than Gorten 255 On~ Point Wins ~an~~~:~%a~;~~S~t~~~6~c~nr'ss~~~~ in the off-hand position; and this Gwynn 248 Nimrods Bow Wilson court. mark is used to determine In the top Boyle 246 To Maryland U. third results. score when a tie 245 In one of the most thrilling games The Terror baaketeers bounded to place, came Dave Buffington with a Sbattuck ever witnessed at Gill Gymnasium, an early lead and at the end of the total of 271. Bill Rhoads followed with Western Maryland upset a favored initial quarter bad outdistanced their a 270 mark, and John Clayton rounded The crack Maryland U. rifle team Catholic University quintet by a opponents 15-9. The Green team in- Save Money outdistanced the Green Terror nim- single point, 64-63, on February 6. creased their advantage in the second out the first five with his score of 259. Save Trouble rods, 1336-1433, in a shoulder to The Green Terrors and the Cardi- period as they rolled in 19 points Thilt loss dropped the team's record shoulder match held on the victor's nals played nip and tuck ball all against-the A.U. Eagles' 13. At the BAUGHER'S specia' range. through the entire game. Good defen- intermission the Terrors held a twelve John Clayton was the leading rifle- sive play marked both squads' per- point advantage over the victors. man fctr Western Maryland, with a formances, but neither was able to MEAL TICKETS mark of 269. Ralph Gorten scored 268 stop the opponents' big guns. Art- Second Half Costly Now On Sale points; Dave Rhoads and Dave Buf- Press tallied 27 points for the win- c After the half the American Uni- fington each totaled 267. Dennis Boyle ners, while on the other side of the versity five fought back with re- rounded out the first five with a 265- ledger. it was Cranston, mainly on newed vigor and began to chop away Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 point total. This loss lowered the Ter- long sets, with a total of 24 markers. at the Terror advantage. The West- t~re1°~et::~~~~e Balint, performing nicely in the pivot ern Maryland quintet nevertheless ~~~:~ ~i~:!n~ The Score: with for the visitors, took third honors with managed to maintain the lead and WMC 17 points. Chuck Hammaker, the Ter- were seven points in front as the final 26. ror center, tossed 16 through the hoop. period began. MURRAY CLEANERS ClaytQn After an evenly-fought first half, In the final quarter, however, fouls Gorten 268 the Terrors emerged with a 34-31 ad- began to catch up with the Terror Rhoads, D_ 267 vantage. When the third period squad. Chuck Hammaker was the first Pick Up and Delivery Buffington 267 Boyle 265 started, Catholic U forged to the lead to commit his fifth personal foul. Walt Every and for a while appeared to be going Hart soon left the game; and before 1336 on to victory. The Green-and-Gold put many minutes- more, Art Press had Monday and Thursday on a determined rally and soon was also fouled out. Shattuck 25. back on top. The winners put on a suc- Leading the Western Maryland at- Phone. Wilson 257 cessful freeze in the final moments as tack was Art Press, with 19 points. Reisterstown 371 Hubaeh 253 they gained possession and thwarted Hammaker and Phipps each added 12 Gwynn 24. all Catholic U. attempts to steal the markers to the Terror total. Ernie Chuck Ham1Jta.kl»' Hooke Lamberton 232 ball. Makowski netted ten points.
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