Page 44 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 44
The Gold Bug, Feb. 20, 1951 View4 tJ).1UUH ~~?~r:~~~t:E~:di:~,:~;~:rt:i:~,:~;::::f.~~r~::~:'~~:~::~:~~~:~£1;:~~A:~tE light. 1 quietly explained to her just what with had happened-mingled call it? They do not realize, or h'ave dents are asked to make tfte of these fulness, because he felt that he was Pins 'n Points mutter curses of the Spanish Inquisi- the elu- we again pursued tion-and Congratulations to senior May sive sleep. !0::~!~~:~a~7;: ;~:~~e s:~;!t o~n~~~::~ :~:P::~::SinP!::s::;;:;;~a~~u~o~~:~~~ be~~o~:,je~::~.;, I'm sure you mean Court representatives Mary Bankert, property and equipment. If we are to ers rather than on the Boor. well, but a little boy your age isn't Betty Bachtell, and Peggy Simmons. Alarm Rings! maintain a reputable library, the next Students are also requested to re- capable of judging such things." Congratulations to Janet Cross, The chase was finally rewarded and step inevtiable will be to post a frain from defacing the tables in the "Oh, Miss Benbee, .I realize I can't Sweetheart of the Valentine Ball! I caught her in a net. But she was guard at the door to check the hon- Grill. The campus equipment that we be expected to know everything at my Also congratulations to the Black' and yet restless and broke the bounds Whites for their -- mobile. Real aided by the most ungodly sound to all ~~;I1;!.~~r~;~~~:~~:s~~~ :~:,si:~:~e:o~~:h :~~~l::~~ t~e~~r~~ii~:e~~i!~ ~:~a:~::.b:~~ i~Ut~e~: st~:~::~:t~~: clever! sleepers-the. alarm. I gazed out of up to us to develop an outburst of present campus facilities, it is unlikely to a desire to have them true, a sub- my window expecting to see the sun, spirit that will find and return lost that the administration will readily limation for not being so perfect our- Want to study in Scandinavia this but instead was greeted with the un- summer? The College of Puget Sound, cordial night. It seemed the mechan- :f:o~%::~oJ!tl:~:~r;0:od7~:~I~fi;h~~ ::~::::~i~~:~:ns for the purchase :~::i!l~f ~~:~;" I don't know what Tacoma, Washington, is sponsoring a ism of the clock was slightly dis- What is school spirit? It is that el I "That's quite all right, Miss Ben- summer session at the Union School turbed, though certainly no more than of the Methodist Church, Gothenburg, I, and it was four a. m. Being accus- intangible som'ething that makes stu- \ 8its bee. I realize that I am a superior Sweden. Some of the special features tomed to such minor disturbances, I dents feel, think, and act at all times Borrowe specimen of mental intellect, but I include guided trips to local points of calmly reset it and dozed lightly until from the point of view of the prestige, shall try to use my knowledge for'the interest. As an added attraction, all it rang again for the proper occasion; improvement, and reputation of the National headquarters has notified benefit of these lower creatures. courses will be taught in English. See and I rose for my first period class. college. It is not like a sweater put on five sororities at George Washington That's why I had to speak; believing the Old Main bulletin board for fur- I am certain that 1 could adjust my- while cheering for teams and laid University of the imminent release of those fables might create all sorts of ther details. self to the stimulus if it were not for carefully in a drawer until the next an anti-sorority motion picture pro- emotional blocks." the fact that frustrations are caused game. It is not Iou'd shouting as to duced by Twentieth-Cetltu~y Fox. The "Why, Percy, ah, ... that's Most recent engagement for this by varied patterns and the introduc- what is wrong or what should be done. letters, all urging a "don't-get-ex- very sweet of you You say, . month of Cupid and Valentines is Jan tion of new factors such as tests, ex- It is rather the daily interest in all cited" attitude, ranged from telling your psychiatrist . Ports, '52, and Elsie Ott. Congratula- aminations, term papers or other \ school activities, the regular, active the sorority members that the film "Indeed, yes, Miss Benbee. You tions and Best Wishes! minor tasks. participation in as many as possible, was "childish," t.o advising them "by ought to see him. He's done wonders Yes, my robot friends, I sympa- the enthusiastic support of school all means go and see it" in order to be for me." Blanche Ward is trying a new house thize. It is not only Macbeth who mur- projects and athletic contests-all re- able to answer any questions arising phone system-sounds like the Morse ders sleep.. placing the usual grips with con- over the film. The movie, entitled, At this point, I tiptoed quietly Code! Jane Logan. structive criticism or suggestions de- Take Care of My Little Girl, and star- from the room and ran quickly out of livered not to the world at large, but ring Jeanne Craine, is to be released the building, forlorQ. comparisons with Glad to hear the Pan-Hel Council to the party or parties concerned. ~in July; and, according to VARIETY, my school days 1'Unning through my signed Sam Donahue and his orches- Colonel Award. Purple The school spirit at Western Mary- show-business weekly, it exposeSi"- mind. If this is the result of modern tra for the Ma~! land is good. Could we not make it tain evils of the college fraternity d education, I'm taking .my daughters He.rt To V deran great? sorority system. Incidental to out of school today. Nothing is sacred Orthids to all the organizations who news item is the fact that L. G. B in this modern world. If George Wash- have contributed so generously to the by Jay Eggly four, of jewelry-firm fame and chair- ington isn't even safe from psycho- Student Fund Campaign. Also to the Colonel War Lord was in Walter DEADLINll FOR NEXT ISSUE man of the Interfraternity Research analysis, pretty soon my children will classes who have done a grand job so Reed Hospital giving out the Purple COPY: and Advisory Council, attempted to be coming home from school to tell me far. Special thanks to those talented Heart to wounded American soldiers Wednesday, February 28 stop production. of.the. picture. I'm a frustrated, maladjusted old WMC'ers who entertained us at the of the KorelJn War. The· next name on man. I'm moving back to the hills, student banquet a week ago. Maybe the list was that of P.F.C. John T. Naval Reserve officer commissions while I've still got a fighting chance there is some of that college spirit on Thomas 34471399. The Colonel looked THE GOLD BUG are now being offered University stu- to stay boss in my own cave. campus after all! at the now well-bandaged face of the to qualified George Washington boy hero. As he pinned the Purple dents. The candidates study naval or- Heart on the lad, a smile came over ientation and other subjects in two our hero's face ... annual six weeks summer courses. "What a horrible night, John. Let's Men will be stationed at Newport, g,et out of here before they shell the Rhode Island; and women will take daylights out of us. Those Koreans modified courses at Great Lakes, Illi- must be giving us both guns." nois. "Look, Bill, that sounds o.k. for me. I think we are gone if we stay around The DIAMONDBACK of the Uni- here much longer. Let's run for the versity of Maryland announces that other side of that stream. Ready? __ Sl.IlnBowlabey,'52 students planning to .seek admission Let's get going .... " ~ __ JaneMeLeod,'63 to medical school in the fall of 1952 The next thing our star can remem- ._John Haller. '02 ~_Anlt&Fiery,'53 are advised to take the Medical Col- ber was that he was flat on his little ___ -Bob Wilson. '64 G.!. back looking up at the sky above. _.BarbBra Bankaon. 'U lege Admission test in May, according __ Stu AbrahB!>l8. '63 to the Association of Medical Colleges. He could hear birds·, see stars, but ..__ Audrey Gr<>Om. '58 __ BettI'WBlter,'53 Application forms and a bulletin of could not move a muscle. As he o.8'raper __ M&uriceCubberiel'.'5I opened his eyes, he could see his steel Cartoonin Jim Muller, '52 information giving details of registra- BUSINESS STAFF tion and administration, as well as helmet coming out of the sky. The Busin"". Manal!'er_ ______Jack Loper, '52 sample questions, are available from helmet was coming down, down, down, Advertising Managel'1l__ .Mary Hawkins, '52 and then, you know it, he got the hel- Ward'. '52 the Educational Testing Service, Box Circulation Manager,,- __ Peg Brown. '51 592, Princeton, New Jersey. met right in the face .. Glen Ashburn. 'S3 The Colonel shook the boy's hand, looked him in the eye, and then walked Arnold Am...... Tom Dougl ....... Tom Dryden. Elaine Goldblatt. Harry Grander. Mary Ann' ADD A NEW BRICK TO OLD on to the next room. This was the first Kife •. Betty M"wim"m6,Chris Miller.Dori. Reck. L"" SaunderS. Dot Scbmidt, Bob Scbnit- MAlN..,....SUPPORT THE MID-CEN- -time a man ever got the Purple Heart ""r. Ann Smutny, 1'.u1 TbwQbuTll'. Nell TURY CAMPAIGN. I cQuld'8 swore I brought out four platters, Pat! for being wounded by his own helmet. W\eker.
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