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"?j;;U"Bw; Library .." Vol. 28, No. 10 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. February 20, 1951 Musical Show To WSSF Benefit Bazaar Will Be Presented Friday Feature Local Hill Talent, Booths A musical program will be pre- A benefitbazaar for the World Student Service Fund will be sented at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall held in Blanche Ward Gym on Saturday, March 3. It will feature this ~riday night. It will"feature The the same successful money-raising ideas that have been previously Don lifakosky Pereiem: Garden, a song cycle, and used, plus some new and different talent never before witnessed. Traditionally, all fraternities, soroH- a one-act comedy. Hawkins, Makosky Elected Telephone, Persum Garden will be per- Activities Regulations ties, and most of the other organiza- Committee The tions, will operate their own conces- formed by a quartet consisting of Kit- ty Olewiler Shook, soprano, Marilyn Reviews sions or booths. In past years, these To Head 1952 Aloha Staff Hardester, alto, Louis Pietroforte, To familiarize the officers of campus have included darts, basketball toss, a cafe, bowlin'g, dancing, and ping pong. tenor, and William Simpson, baritone. A spoken introduction will be pre- organizations with the regulations Above and beyond tl':teordinary con- will be Mary Hawkins and Don Makosky were elected editor-in-chief sented by Dr. Thomas F. Marshall. covering extra-curricular activities, cessions, extra entertainment There will furnished at this bazaar. and business manager of the 1952 ALOHA during a meeting of the Words for this song cycle have been the Activities Committee, led by Dean appear three star-studded shows each the junior class on February. 7. selected from the Fitzgerald transla- L. Forrest Free, has issued a review hour. Local Hill talent will provide Mary is a native of Glen Burnie, tion of the Rubaiyatt of Omar Khay- of the rules to assist in planning, Maryland. While in high school....she Magazine Sponsors yam. The music is composed by Liza scheduling, and conducting special these fifteen minute treats, the first served as prgsident of the Student Lehmann. events. of which will be Pat Huddle and his Death Valley Gang. A preview of this Council, as business manager of the 1951 fiction Contest Telephone is a one-act comedy by Regular meetings and activities of show, featuring Mary Ruth "What" school newspaper, and as a member Menotti and will be rendered by Kitty campus dubs are scheduled between Williams and extraordinary hill-billy of the yearbook staff. In recognition In the hope of stimulating the de- Olewiler Shook and Bill Simpson. the hours of 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m., tunes, was seen at the Student Cam- of her citizenship, she received the J. sire of college women to turn. out Monday through Friday, and on Sat- paign Banquet last Tuesday night. Purnell Johnson Citizenship award good imaginative writing, MA- Four faculty members have been urday afternoon. Special events which upon graduation. DEMOISELLE is again sponsoring offering valuable assistance in the use college facilities, which are sched- Fraternities Contribute Here at WMC, Mary plays an im- its annual College Fiction Contest. Es- production of this event. Miss Esther uled at hours other than stated above portant part in campus activities. She tablished six years ago for women un- Smith is the dramatic advisor; Mr. and which, in particular require paid Representatives from each rratar, is a member of the College Players; dergraduates between' eighteen and Alfred de Long, the music advisor. admission, must have approval of the nity will then make their eontr-ibu- and in the journalistic field, is adver- thirty, the contest has been very suc- Sta"ge settings have been designed by Activities Committee before public tlons. Roland Fleischer of the Black tising manager of the GOLD BUG, cessful in encouraging the talent Mr. Donald Bailey. The accompanist announcement and publicity release. and Whites, Jack Molesworth of the assistant editor of the Phi Alpha Mu found in colleges and universities. for the entire show will be MJ;..Oliver The first step in scheduling an event Preachers, Jim Culhane of the Bache- sorority yearbook, and a member of In the past, women from fourteen K. Spangler. is to check the College Calendar in lors, and Jay Eggly of the Gamma the 1951 ALOHA staff. She is an edu- different colleges have won prizes for Dean Schofield's office and request a Bets, will be the comedy team of the cation student and is majoring in their short stories, and many more tentative reservation of the date de- evening, the sororities Last, but not least, English. contestants ranging from freshmen to Banquet Celebrates sired. An application form should are furnishing a chorus line. The The newly-elected business mana- seniors have entered the contest. then be obtained from the office of the ger, Donald Makosky, is from West- MADEMOISELLE is usually well Dean of Men, filled out, and returned names of the girls have not yet been minster. In high school, he partici- represented in the annual anthologies Student Func:!Drive to the same office for action of the disclosed. pated in dramatics and musical activi- of best American short stories, and To arouse student interest in west- Activities Committee. The Committee The purpose of' this bazaar is to ties. His athletic ability is shown by several of the fiction contest's prize meets regularly the first Thursday in raise money for the Student Service the fact that he was a member of his stories have been among those se- ern Maryland's mid-century fund- the month at 2 :30 p. m. in the office .Fund, a worthy cause, which has not high school's 1947 championship base- lected for reprinting. The contest of- raising program, a student banquet of the Dean of Men. Upon nctlfleation yet reached its quota this year. ball team. He was presented the Ro- fers an inccmporable opportunity to wa,s given by the Student Fund Com- of favorable action of the Committee, tary Award and the Valedictory mittee last Thursday evening. publicity may be released and final Award upon graduation.' . ~~ew~~~!:~e;ct;::~~t who is i,nterested After dinner, Harry LeFew, chair- reservation of the date filed. 'Club News On the Hill, he is a.iocer member of man, introduced the committee repre- Consult Faculty Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity, the Col- Undergraduates Eligible sentatives, who reported class eontri- For the permission to use college lege Choir, the Argonauts, and the : \V omen undergraduates only are butions. Leading the campaign is the facilities, certain faculty members Canterbury Club Future Teachers of America. As a eligible and stories which have ap- Senior class with 77 per cent of their must be consulted. For the use of AI- The Canterbury Club is planning an sports enthusiast, he participates in peared in undergraduate college pub- goal collected. Of the total $3500 umni Hall, Baker Chapel, or Harvey. intercollegiate conference to be held many athletic activities. He is a mem- lications are acceptable only if they school goal, $3126 has been donated. Stone Pavillion, see Dean Schofield; here Saturday, March 3, with eleven bel' of the golf team and was a steady have not been published elsewhere. Class goals vary, based on the per- Music Hall Auditorium, Miss Gesner; other colleges. pe~former last year. This past fall, he McDaniel Lounge, Mrs. Jefferson; Gill Nell Hughes and Anne Smutny have coached the Black and White touch They should be typewritten, double- centage of students per class. Contri- football squad and now plays on tbeir spaced, on one side of the paper only, but.ions are made by pledging or by Gymnasium or the Men's Athletic been delegated to represent the Club basketball team. Don is an English and accompanied by contestant's direct cash donations. The three-week Fields, Mr. Havens; Blanche Ward at the Annual Tridiocesan Conference major and plans to go into the field of ;;;~Ol~:~e y:!~.r~~; ~~~~~!::~ds~e~~ drive will end on Friday. Gymnasium, Mrs. Veale and Miss in Washington on February 24-25. education. , Parker; Women's Athletic Fields, The Club had two deaconesses speak postmarked by midnight April 15" Tenor Jim Hager, and Pat Huddle's Miss Parker. on Episcopal Church rural work in 1951. The judges are the MADE- Death Valley Orchestra, with Mary The College Dining Hall shall not Virginia at their February meeting. Fraternities List _final. Address entries to College Fic- nished ,the entertainment. The Death be used by any organization gag, for pro- sea Ruth Williams as guest soloist, fur- MOISELLE editors, whose decision is stunt, motion, activity, or the Valley Orchestra Reverend Burgess John from the Seventeen Pledges tion Contest, MADEMOISELLE, 122 bell, Ed Caufmann, includes Soup Cam- like, at any time. The public address School of Religion at Howard Univer- East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. system shall be used for announce- Pat Biddle and Prizes will be $500 awarded to each Pat Huddle. Group singing, led by ments of general interest Of emer- sity will speak tomorrow to the SCA 'Western Maryland's four fraterni- gency announcement. Regular meet- ties have released the names of seven- of two winners for publication in Au- Bill Simpson, concluded the program. at 6:45 P. M. in Baker Chapel. His teen new pledges who have been se- gust, 1951-..MADEMOISELLE. Other Ten members compose the Student ings of clubs, organizations, and com- topic will be "On Being a Christian in lected this week. acceptable stories will be bought at Fund Committee: Harry Le Few, mittees will not be included. One's Vocations." Alpha Gamma Tau has five new regular rates. chairman; Angela Crothers and Mal- Organizations which schedule events The program at SCA on February members: Gene Clingerman, James colm Meltzer, senior captains; Libby requiring an admission charge shall 28 will be conducted by the Methodist make out a tax report to the Depart- Clingerman, John Haller, Tom Scott, College ROTC Adds Schubert, Jack Lambert, and Millard ment of Internal Revenue. Forms may Student Group. and Steve Pupa. LesCallette represent the junior class; be obtained at the U.S. Post Office. Wesleyanettes-Wesleyans Four students have pledged Delta Pershing RiRes Fraternity Jane McLeod and Ashby Colliris, soph- Groups handling money shall keep ac- Pi Alpha: Pat Biddle, Richard Hoch- omore captains; Janet Cross and Dick The Wesleyanettes and Wesleyans stein, William Johnson, and Bruce Very recently, Western Maryland Carvell, freshmen representatives. curate financial records which should went to Buckeystown, Maryland, the on for audit 18, to present at any time. be available Sunday, February Williams. College made a valuable addition to Pledge cards have been sent to the The College Treasurer provides a safe morning service and were later enter- Gamma Beta Chi has admitted five: the Military Department in the form where stu- Peck Carter, Don Heins, Ray Faby, of a drill team. At that time, there administration building pledge pay- depository for organization funds. tained at lunch. dents may make future Posters, signs, and other promotion At their last meeting, the Wesley- Jim Muller, and Howard Wagenblast. was talk of establishing a chapter of materials shall be placed on author- Three new pledges have been added the honorary military fraternity, the ments. Students are expected to as- ized bulletin boards only and under :~;t~:rst;fna:e~, t~rsl.e~~:es:f s:~~io:~ to Pi Alpha Alpha: Thomas Dryden, Pershing Rifles. In the past two sume the responsibility of fulfilling the work in Africa. Asa Grammes, and Walt Widdowson. months, this plan has materialized; their pledges. the specifications of those boards. and Western Maryland has, to date, Heggemeier P;esents twenty-one. charter members. Member- ship is entirely on a voluntary basis; Initial Piano Recital . a fee of $7.00 is paid-by each new Friday evening, February 16, "Miss member. Arleen Heggemeier, new piano in- The charter members of the organi- structor at Western Maryland this zation are: Charlie Albert, Sid Al- year, presented her initial piano re... brittain, Ted Bobilin, Dave Buffing- cita l in Alumni Hall at 8:15 p. m. ton, Richard Durst, Bob Ebert, Ward Miss Heggemeier chose selections by Glasby, John Isaac, Rudolph Kraus, classical, romantic, impressionistic, Brady Kunkle, James Marsh, Mickey and modern composers. McCall, Jack Nau, Tom Page, Steph- Her first group of selections were en Pupa, Weldon Reed, Bill Rhoads, Bach's Prelude and Fugu.e in e b Mi- Ken Shook, Watson .....Solomon, Carl nor, Beethoven's Rondo in G, OplUl Sturgill, and Martin. TullaL 51, No.2, and Chopin's Sonata, b A formal initiation will be held in Mino!', Opus 58. In her second group, the very near future with officials she played' three ~elections by Brahms, from Regimental Headquarters in Capriccio Opus 76, No.2, intermezzo, Philadelphia in charge of formalities. Opus 117, Np. 2 a.nd Ballade, Opus At present, cadet Col. Robert D. Ebert 18, No.3; three Debussy Preludes, is the Battalion Commander. La pu.erta. "del Vino, Bryeres, and A new possibility is the formation Feux d'artifice; and Sonata, Opus 28, of a Pershing Rifle rifle team. This, GOLD BUG STAFF: Seated, left to 1-ight: Bob Wilson, Anita Fiery, John Haller, Jane McLeod, Jack Loper, and Bar- by Prokofieff. however, is not definite as yet. bara Bankson. Sta.nditlg: Jim Mullel', Maurice Cubberly, Audrey Groom"Betty Walter, Stu Abrahams. Delayed Photo,
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