Page 42 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 42
·4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 6, 1951 Graduates And New Sororities, Frats I College tzz: I Enrollments Reported Elect Officers Tuesday, February 6 The Registrar's officehas announced Basketball, Catholic U., Home. that nineteen We~tern Marylanders The officers elected in the fraterni- Wednesday, February 7 completed their requirements for ties and sororities for the second sem- Argonaut Benefit Movie, Carroll graduation last month. These gradu- ester are as follows: Theater. ates are: Edwin L. Bobo, Gilbert F.' Alpha Gamma Tau Friday. February 9 Clough, William E. Davis, C. Ray Basketball, Gallaudet, Home. Dow, Stanley J. Fieldman, John B. President, Jim Culhane; Secretary, Fritz, Albert T. Grimes, Albert W. Bob Catell; Treasurer, Norm Needle; Saturday, February 10 Moulthrop, Henry R. Norman, Nor" Chaplain, Bob Wilsey; Sergeant-at- Valentine Ball, Pi Alpha Alpha, man E. Regan, John O. Seiland, Arms, Arthur Shearer. Gill Gym, 8:30-11:30 p. Ill. James L. Shannon, Pakpongsnid Snid- Pi Alpha Alpha Basketball, Johns Hopkins U., vongs, James E. Zile, Mary Ellen President, Kendrid McCall; Vice- Away. Fritz, Dorothy R. Frizzell, Dorothy President, Roland Layton; Secretary, Sunday. February 11 L. Klinefelter, Eleanor J. Nettieship, Brady Kunkle; Vice-Beta, Bob Fra- Sunday School, Mrs. Elizabeth J. and Elizabeth L. Wallace. ser; Treasurer, Jack Loper; Delta. Marshall, Speaker, Baker Chapel, These students were replaced by Mike Chirigos; Master of Ceremonies, 9:15 a. m. eighteen incoming I freshmen and Roland Fleischer. Chapel, Rev. J. Edmund Lippy, tran~fej's, seven of whom come from Westminster Reformed Church, BaltImore: Gordon, Crooks, Walter Gamma Beta Chi Speaker, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Davis, William Schneider, Paul Ste- President, Jay Eggly; Vice-Presi- Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8:15 p. vens, Raymond Stevenson, Lee Saun- dent, Phil Sack; Secretary, Russ ders, and Arnold Amass. John S. Der agon ; Vice-Secretary, Sam Win- Monday, February 12 Ejsmont comes to WMC from Cam- ston; Treasurer, Sidney Albritain; French Club, McDaniel Lounge, den, N. J.; and Donald Erb, from Vice-Treasurer, Carl Seyler; Beta Pi, 6:45 p. m. Taneytown. Royden B. Kohler is a Dick Stone; Sergeant-at-Arms, Lou Camera Club, Science Hall 310, 7 new day student. Pietroforte. p. m. Warren M. McFague is from Med- Delta Pi Alpha Tuesday, February 13 ford, Massachusetts, and a transfer President, Ed Rydzewski; Vice- Basketball, Washington College,' football star from George Washing_ Pr eaident, Mitch Tullai; Secretary, Home. ton University. Another transfer, Hugh Councill; Treasurer, Ernest Wednesday, February 14 from University of California, is Makowski; Epsilon, Bruce Rudisill; Lutheran Students' Meeting, Me- Austin L. Taylor, a Washingtonian. Chaplain, Mike Rentko; Correspond- Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p. m. There are three' special students in ing Secretary, Dick Cohen. Repfinl.d from Ja,,"a,y 1950" ... of hq~'" Thursday, February 15 education, Walter R. Deming, Mar- Basketball, Gettysburg, Away. shall A. Morningstar, and George L. Phi Alilha Mu "Did you ring. Si,·r" Friday, February 16 Stein. Carol Ann Closson comes to President, Mary Ruth Williams; Argonaut Tea, McDaniel Lounge, 4 Western Maryland after returning Vice-President, Libby Davis; Secre- p. m. from a stay in India. Mrs. Pauline L. tary, Nancy Phillippe; Treasurer, Faculty Recital, Miss Arlene Hag- Davis and John R. Sgariglio are for- Alice Year-ley ; Chaplain, Phyl Smith; Sororities Announce cille Hall, Nancy Wakner ; Phi Alpha gemeier, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. and Sigma Sigma Mu: Anita Fiery; mer students returning for additional Sergeant-at-Arms, Charlotte Reed. Saturday, February 17 work. Twelve New Pledges Tau: Marsha-Beebe, Kay MacLaugh- Basketball, American U. Away. and lin, Rostlee Otto, Janet Pyrtle, Twelve Western Marylanders have Delta Sigma Kappa Sue Simpson. Sunday, February 18 bids were sorority Second semester bade farewell to the Hill to serve President, Sonya Wine; Vice-Presi- accepted Thursday night, February 1. Sunday School, Bakel' Chapel, 9:15 Uncle Sam. These include: Allan Al- dent, Dotty Litsch ; Secretary. Janice Following is a list of the twelve new a.m. bert, Ivan Armacost, Richard Clen- Benson; Treasurer, Betty Hall; Chap- ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE Chapel, National Conference of. daniel, Charles DeIcher, Gordon El- lain, Doreen Stephens; Sergeant-at- pledges. Delta Sigma Kappa: Joan G9Lp BUG Christians and Jews, Alumni dredge, Robert Lee, Daniel M. Mac- Arms, Mary Laux. Grube, Nancy Neal, Winnie Spencer; Hall, 7:15 p. m. Lea, George Green, William Sauter, Iota Gamma Chi Iota Gamma Chi: Diane Carey, Lu- Fireside, McDaniel Lounge, 8:15 p. Herman Stouffer, Frank Wilsey, Rob- President, Mary Buchman; Vice- ·G.C. Murphy& CO. m. 19 ert Winfrey, and John Twiddy. President, Betty Shivers; Recording Monday, February McDaniel Lounge, 7 IRC Meeting, Secretary, Mary Bell Shawn; Corre- p. m. sponding Secretary, Patty Crawford ; The Friendly Srore PATRONIZE Griffin's Tuesday, February 20 Intersorority representative, Sally OUR Griffin. J?ormit~ryand ctauroom Basketball, Baltimore tJ., Home. ADVERTISERS. Sigma Sigma Tau Headquarters Suppliea President, Doris Joiner; Vice- President, Chris Meinl; Secretary, for IF YOU CAN'T GET IT Everybody Is Welcome Peggy Timmons; Treasurer, Ann Valentines 6-10 W~t,Mail1 Street AT THE BOOK STORE Vanorder; Alumni Secretary, Mar- WutinillltU,Md. To Stop In At vina Munch; Sergeant-at-Arms, Ruth and TRY Garvey; Intersorority representative, Margaret & Earl', Sully Ray; Sunshine Representative, Good Food COFFMAN'S Nell Hughes. MURRAY CLEANERS SANDWICHES- Stationery Store SOFT DRINKS PIck Up and Delivery FRESHMEN INVITED Times Building Every Monday and Thursday CREI!E PAPER GREETING CARDS "MEET AT Phone Reisterstown 371 SCHOOL SUPPLIES PETE'S To Get Your Eats" Main St.-Red Neon Sign Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdayl and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and HolidaYI. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday MaUne.l: 2 and' p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week- Save Money Save Trouble Matinee 2 p. m,-Evenines 7 & 9 p. m. day ehowa continuous from 4:30 p. m. BAUGHER'S ,pecial SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 4-5-6 SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 4-5-6 "FRENCHIE" "AT WAR WITH THE ARMY" Technicolor MEAL TICKETS Dean Martin Polly Bergen Joel McCrea. 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