Page 41 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Feb. 6, 1951 WMC Faculty Team Tops Boxing And Mat Contests Riflemen Trounce Student Five In Benefit Game Highlight Terror Week End Johns Hopkins U. The Western Maryland College nim- rods outdistanced the Johns Hopkins On January 17, Western Maryland's ferocious faculty five riflemen, 1358-1323, in a shoulder-to- trounced a hand-picked student body team, 27-14, in one of the shoulder match held in Baltimore. most hilarious contests ever played in Gill Gymnasium. Staged for the benefit of the World Leading the Terror rifle team, Student Service Fund, the game was guided by three lovely faculty maid- Ralph Gorten fired-276. Twiddy scored attended by a spirited crowd of both ens, Miss O'Rourk, Mrs. Kordalew- 275. faculty and students. Referees for ski, and Miss Firor, who wrote the WMC the contest were Stan "Blind Man" faculty cheers. The 9ne which is Garten 27. Fieldman and the cad who led him on quoted below is typical of the spirit T\viddy 276 the floor, Sam "Save Me" Winston. which prevailed at the game. Buffington 272 After a brief discussion of the ap- "First we teach 'em Schatzberg 2.9 plication of the square ray to the re- Then we flunk 'em Gwynn 26. sistance of the ball as it is shot from Now, by golly, the foul line, Trainer "Preshle" Free we have sunk 'em!" 1358 revealed that the real secret of the faculty success was that they had the Shatuck 2., long and short of the situation, long WMC Halts Clayton 2., Straughn and short Sturdivant. Rhoads 257 High scorer for the faculty was Josephson 252 depart- Balto.U.69-50 Joltin' Jim Boyer, who dropped in Wilson 238 twelve points. The athletic Johns Hopkins University ment was further represented by Ha- Gordon 274 vens and Corrado. The best build on. The Western Maryland five downed Watson Solomon Bob Wilsey Lader 271 the floor was th1\_tof Professor Hurt; a powerful Baltimore U. quintet, Loresman 262 he never can see if his shoes are tied. 69-50, in a hard-fought contest on the Gerwig 260 Huber demonstrated his faith in losers' court. Penn State Downs Wilsey Wins Weir 256 the power of prayer -late in the third Scoring 21 points in each of the and led at the WMCBoxing Team quarter when .he came dri?bling d?wn ....first two quarters, the Terrors gained For Matmen 1323 the floor on his knees. Spicer, besides an early advantage loosing his faith, almost lost his panta half-time, 42-28. The third quarter Scoring one victory in eight match- Goldman 251 a few plays later. was slow with the victors scoring ten Watson Solomon took the only es, Western Maryland's wrestling Wooley 2" "Mo~stache" Marshall and "Much" pointa a~ainst the losers' eleven. In ·points awarded to western Mary- team went to defeat at the hands of Adler 243 Makovitch wer~, o~~ed fro~ ,~he can- the final period, Western Maryland land's pugilistic efforts last Saturday Drexel Tech's matmen, 25-3. Snyder 2.4 test when the Mighty Mite (Mar- tallied seventeen points outstripping night against Penn State. Bob Wilsey scored the only win for shall) took a swing at "Much." the losers by four markers. In the first bout, Jerry flrandea, was the losers when he won a decision in The Army battled it out right in Walt Hart Terror forward Jed the routed by an aggressive Sam Marnio, the 130-pound class, In the 123-pound Shippensb'g Downs the middle of the court as "Body" scoring with 21 points A:t Press whose strong right hand put Grandea Armstrong booted "Skinny" Moles- added eighteen to the Western Mary- on the ropes with blows to the midsec- event, Don McShane dropped the de- tion and head. The bout ended in the cision to Tech's Snively. Joe Ravenis Terror Cagers By 2 ~v:;lt~f ~~~h~:~o~i:i:c:roet ~~~ ~nOi~~ land cause. Pts. second round with a T.K.D. Gil Stange representing the Green Terrors in the for the victors. Rounding out the Forwards FG. FT. F. 18 stood up through three rounds of lefts· Fearless Five were MacDonald, Crain, Press 6 3 o o and rights to the heap by Jim Barr. ~~:~:r~:d L~la~la:v:s ~~:ne~10b:riS~:~ theShi~~:~::~rg :::::_;:~ceher~?~~f:: Liggitt, and Holthaus. Langrall 2~ !:~;.powerful left decided the Drexel, was able to pin Terror John streak when they eked out a two- The faculty cheering section was Hart 2 Malonee when he injured John's arm. point, 66-64, victory over the Green. Rhyne Western Maryland forfeited in the Centers 135-pound class for lack of a fighter- to ~~C!e~~~~!l :;:tl!O~: ~!ee l~~:p~:n~ The Western Maryland squad Press Tallies 41 Hammaker 11 3 fill the position. George Van Nostrand division, with the latter capturing the started fast and held a comfortable Phipps and Ed Kelly suffered technical knock- 167-pounder, To Pace WMC Guards 12 outs. Ted Samakouris lost to Pat Hes- no~:~~ ~:~~~\~~OiIill'S battle to Alan ::Yde7;Pa~:!a~:~dth:~ ~:l:-~:~ 0~2~:5d running to another victory. dropped a hard-fought nie and John Molesworth was knocked Makowski of the second half, With the start Moore 0 out. DougJas, while Alan Carlson, Drexel, the situation reversed itself; and the decisioned Ray Faby in the 177-pound Against Mounts Hallmark 0 Watson Solomon punished Herb Rydzewski 2 Kurtz for two rounds with punches to class. In the unlimited class, John Shippensburg quintet proceeded to Despite Art Press' greatest scor- Pisetzner the head. Watson was the aggressor Billing and Syd Albrittain met in a chop down the Terror advantage. Late ill the third period, the score was fierce encounter, with the former, per- ing effort of the season, Western Kaufman and was in charge of the situation for forming for the Blue-and-Gold, Ieav- knotted; and soon the visitors had Maryland's basketball team suc- those rounds. Kurtz came back in the ing the mat with a hard-earned tri- forged ahead. They compiled a size- cumbed to a second half Mount St. 27 15 18 69 third to give Solomon very good com- umph. \ able lead only to see a final minute Mary's rally and went down to defeat, petition, but the points still favored rally by Western Maryland almost WMC after the bout. swished seventeen field ~oals Cadets Pound Terror' pull the game out of the fire. As the 93:;;ss The final score was Penn. State, 7; Catholic. U. Downs final seconds ticked off, the winners ~;Id o~ev:~ ~ro~~t~~s~i:f~~g~e;:a~~d t~~ Boxers; Win By 7 WMC, 1. put on a successful freeze and man- aged to score two baskets as the Ter- season. The Green Terrors, trailing Western Maryland's boxing team Intramural Terror Team, 71-59 rors desperately tried a full court by four, 34-30, at the termination of was badly defeated by West Point on press. the first quarter, fought back in the January 1.3 when the team scored The second half proved to be West- Arthur Press again topped the scor- second period and held a slim lead, only a half point against Amy's Basketball ern Maryland's downfall when Catho- ing column as he sank ten baskets and 39-38, at the intermission. 1t was a seven and a half. lic University downed the visiting seven out of seven from the foul line after- Season Opens different story after the half, though; Terrors cagers, 71-59. for a total of 27 points. McCullan, the Mount, with Cosgrave showing the The most obvious fault of WMC's Both teams were knotted at 33-33 working the pivot for 'Shippensburg, way, went wild and outscored the strength as witnessed on that when the first half ended. It was paced the winners with 24. Chuck The intramural basketball season Western Maryland on top after the Hammaker was second on the Terror 10~:~i:0~~k:~s~~:t~~;h t~:eg~::kets ~~~:ssW;:q:~:ert:atfi~~~k f~;~~:si~: first quarter by a one point margin, got under way on January 4 as the scoring list with 15 points. Blue Barons stopped Gamma Beta 10-9; Catholic U. came to the fore in ~~: f~hrr~~ef~:e:~O!~dt~o~d~e:~: :h~~:. ~!~;~~~~:~~.O~h;~g::~::t:~e:v:\~!~: Chi 30-25 and Alpha Gamma Tau the second half when they outscored teen points .. Chuck Hammaker tallied ~o:~c~~u:;~hel",knockouts or techmcal downe.d the Rebels 35-24. the losers by six points in cach period, Nimrocls Beat ten points. Jerry Grandea was the first of As the season progresses these 18-12 and 20-14. As usual, Art had another Press WMC three to stay on his feet, but he lost. heated contests will provide unlimited good evening with a 21-point total to B. J. C. Squacl Forwards John Molesworth also withstood a thrills for both players and spec- FG FT T Pts. nine-minute ordeal. Our heavyweight, tators. pace the scorers of both squads. Cran- The Press- 17 2 41 Wataon Solomon, hung up WMC's February ston led Catholic U. with 17 markers Baltimore Terror riflemen downed the College team, 1331- while Walt Hart and Chuck Ham- Junior Rhyne 0 0 only tally, winning a half point by a 6---7:00 p.m. 1250, on the Western Maryland range. Kaufman 0 draw. Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Delta Pi maker each netted twelve for the Dave Buffington fired top score for Hart 10 The team now has had three addi- Alpha Green-and-Gold. Pisetzner 5 tional weeks in which to get experi- 8:30 p.m. the Green Terror squad with 268 out Centers ence and to get into better shape. Rebels vs. Seminary Terror Cagers of a possible 300 points. Huback, a freshman nimrod, followed one point Hammaker 0 Also, a promising newcomer to the 7-7:00 p.m. behind with 267; and Garten, one Hallmark s~ene is Ed Kelly, a hard-hitting, ag- Barons vs. Alpha Gamma Tau Defeat Loyola point lower with 266. Twiddy and 8:30 p.m. Guards gressive freshman. Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Gamma Rhoads rounded out the team with Rydzewski 0 Beta Chi With Art Press and Chuck Ham- 265 points each. Langrall 0 8-7;00 p. m. maker showing the way, the Green WMC Makowski .13 Freshmen Top Delta Pi Alpha vs. Rebels' Terror quintet upset a favored Loyola Buffington 268 Phipps 8:30 p.m. squad,60-46. Ruback 2.7 It was the Hill club all the way. Moore Hagerstown Seminary vs. Pi Alpha Alpha Raking an early lead the winners Garten 26. " 15 21 73 keteers trounced the Hagerstown Jun- 12-7:00 p.m. poured it on in the second quarter and Twiddy " 265 Rhoads, W. Western Maryland's freshman 265 Gamma Beta Chi vs. Alpha bas- though the ac- were never in danger Gamma Tau Terrors Down ior College five, 64-41, on the victor's 8 ;30 p.m. tion· slowed up considerably during 1331 the second half. home court. Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Barons The contest was hard-fought all the 13-7:00 p.m. Despite being closely guarded, Press Rhoads, D. 261 Gallauclet Five way, but superior scoring power soon Seminary vs. Alpha Gamma Tau rolled up a total of 21 points, four Gwynn 261 Schatzberg 258 sent the Terrora' team soaring ahead. 8 ;30 p.m. more than Hammaker-the game's Clayton 258 seventeen scorer, The Terror Eagers trounced the With only two seconds to go before Delta Pi Alpha vs. Barons number-two Rydzewski with scored nine Shattuck 242 Ed points. Gallaudet Tribe, 97-55, on the losers' the half, Pat Rogan made the \eve- 15-7:00 p.~l. points for the victors. For Loyola, court. ning's most spectacular shot. He Gamma Beta Chi vs. Rebels Cook was high man with eleven count- Baltimore Junior College The Western Maryland scoring was dribbled to mid-court and let the ball 8:30 p.m. Jones 267 quite evenly distributed with the ex- fly with an dverhand push shot which Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Pi Alpha Rehak 251 ception of Art Press. The tricky swished through the cords aa the Alpha Brooks 250 Green-and-Gold ball handler and high buzzer sounded. 1~-7 :00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Cassity 242 scorer sunk fifteen shots from the Top in the Terror scoring column, Seminary vs. Barons Seminary vs. Gamma Beta Chi Cheowith 240 floor and two from the foul line for a Dusty Martinell downed seyenteen 8:30 p.m. 22-7 :00 p.m. grand total of 32 points. Chuck Ham- points. Bill Pfeiffer came next in line Delta Pi Alpha YS.Gamma Beta Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Rebels 1250 maker was second man for the Green with fourteen points to his credit and Chi 8:30 p.m. Terrors with thirteen, while Walt Dick Linton dropped twelve. Two 21-7:00 p.m. Seminary vs. Delta Pi Alpha Cappy 238 219 Dunker Hart tallied eleven markers. Wait· !a=~~~~.~ ~l~~~ _,y. .g:!:n:iT~~pha."e. Alpha 2~1:QQ.p-~·.:· : _ 202 stavred {-or
   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46