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Libr~ry western Maryland College ~-'8Et~j,;Q,;ter; ....Md. A PHiLOSOPHICAL OLD MUG QUESnON 'LIFTS' PAGE 2 PAGE 5 Z28. Vol.26, No. 14' WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 24,.1949 Senior Play Features Most WMC Students 79th Annual Commencement Elaborate Sets To Date To po Further Sees 170 Students Graduate Work Abroad Featuring the most elaborate sets used by- the Dramatic Art Address To Be Delivered By Dr. Harris E. Kirk; Department to date, will be this year's production of the senior play, Western Maryland has had a num- I Remember, on Friday, in Alumni Hall." ber of foreign students for the past Gradu.ting Cia.. Is Largest In History Original designe created by Don years but not until now has there Bailey represent three, main scenes- been a mutual exchange with the Hill. Approximately 170 seniors will graduate in Western Mary- delong Directs the kitchen of the "house- on Steiner will be representing Western Mary- land's 79th annual commencement on Monday. This summer some of our graduates corridor, and a hospital The commencement address will be Street", Choir Oratorio Uncle Chris' bedroom on the ranch. land whilantudying in Europe. delivered by Dr. Harris E. Kirk, pastor of the Franklin Square Presby- Revolving the for Of the May graduating class, Peter turntables used first time in local college plays have Callas will study at the University of terian Church in Baltimore. Tho Prodigal Son, an oratorio writ- been constructed for the presentation Stockholm and Roger Simpkins at the This year's graduating class will These last days of the college year ten by Arthur S. Sullivan will be of snorter scenes. Animal lovers will Universities of Birmingham and Ley- be the largest in Western Maryland's are so full of activity for all of us presented in Alumni Hall, Sunday, at appreciate Uncle Elizabeth, ·a live history. The commencement exercises that I scarcely have time to write and 4:00 p. m. cat who will make his debut as an d~n. "Cosmopolitan Pete", so called be- scheduled to take place at 10 ;00 a. m. The oratorio, directed by Mr. AI- actor. cause he saw Canada, Cuba, and Mex- in Alumni HaU will mark the .close ired de Long and accompanied by Mr. Jortrayal of Family Lifc ico hitch-hiking during vacations, will of Alumni weekend including the Oliver Spangler, will be sung in con- As previously announced the year's leave for Sweden on the Gripsholm in Alumni Banquet and the Baccalaur- nection with the .Baccalaureate Serv- final production of the College September. He plans to do graduate eute service. ice by the college choir. Dorothy Ru- Players J Remember Mama by John work in political science at the Uni- Varied prizes and awards to be pert, soprano, Dorothy Alexander, Van Druten and directed by Miss versity of Stockholm where he was presented include: Mary ward Lewis contralto, \Villiam Simpson, tenor, Esther Smith will be presented Fri- accepted through the American- Prize for Best All Round College and L. Forrest Free, baritone, will day at 8: 15 p. m. The sincere por- Scandinavian Foundation. He intends Woman, Bates Prize for Best All sing the solo parts. trayal of a Norwegian family repre- to stay for one year or more, special- Round College Man, John A. Alexan- Mr. S~Jlivan, in the Preiace to his sents ,the universal ups and downs izing in government, and hopes to der Athletic Medal, Lynn Francis oratorio, has said, "It is a remarkable of family life and has a heart warm- teach at college upon his return to Gruber Medal for Proficiency in f~ct that the Parable of the Prodigal ing appeal for everyone. the USA. Extra Cus-rloular Activities, Adelaide Son should never have been chosen as President Ensor has announced Ser-ved With Submarine Forces Et-ich s Watson Prize for Excellence the text of a sacred musical eomposi- that this year there will be an admis- Pete, frequently seen on the tennis in Home Economics, Milton Hum- tion. The story i~ so natural, pathetic, sion charge of $.75. Students will be courts-but never playing, comes phreys Memorial Scholarship, History and forms so complete a whole; its admitted through their activities from Hagerstown, Md., and during Excellence prize. lesson is so thoroughly Christian; the books. The proceeds of the play will the war served with the Submarine characters, though few, arc so per- go into a fund for refurnishing Forces in the Southwest Pacific. He fectly contrasted, and the opportunity Alumni. Hall. entered Western Maryland in 1946 Trumpeters Initiate; for the employment of 'local color' is Smith Describes As 'Must' Bneor so obvious, that it is indeed astonish- Miss Smith says, "that the play is ing to find the subject so long over- Tap Two Members certainly you students won't have looked." However, the story was used a must on everyone's commellcement time to read. The Editor, however, in Debussy's opera, L'enfant Prodi- weekend schedule." Dorothy Alexander and Marion wants a few words of farewell; there- g1).e. Auld were the two women of the in- fore, here goes-even at the risk of The text has been taken entirely Lizer Earns A ward coming senior class who were initi- "wasting their sweetness on the from the Scripture, although not ated into the Trumpeters at the an- desert ail'." The almost literal tr-uth wholly from the parable itself. The In 'Atlantic' Contest nual Tapping Ceremony held 011 the of Orev'e line is peculiarly appropri- pr-odigal has been pictured not as the President's lawn, Thursday. ate in this instance; because what can stereotyped brutish personality, but The Search /0/' _El Dorado, a story These women, selected on the basis be more like a desert than a student's as a "buoyant, restless youth, tired of by Robert Lizer , earned a Merit of an objective point scale measuring mind when the final exams are near- the monotony of home, and anxious to Award in the 1948-49 College Con- curricular and extra-curricular activ- ing completion. All the fertility of see what lay behind the confines of tests sponsored by the Atlantic, ities, have been active in many col- creative thought has been exhausted. his father's home ... and Jed grad- Monthly Magazine. lege organizations, holding position~ All flowering ideas of faint under- ually away into follies and sin .... " Mr. Lizer's narrative was selected of responsibility throughout their standing have wilted beneath the The music ranges from the beauti- f'rom 353 stories entered by students three years of college, and being scorching rays of examination ques- ful, moving tenor solo "How many representing 95 colleges. Entries slated for numerous duties in their tions. hired servants of my father's have were classified in three divisions- final year here on the hill. But if you still have the power to bread enough and to spare, and I Prize, Top, and Merit. Gamma Bets, president of the Class- read this far and will forgive the peri'sh with hunger!" to the bacchanal Commenting on Mr. Lizer's story, ics Club, and treasurer of the F.T.A. Motto Explains Policy facetious strain of the above, I wish chorus, "Let us eat and drink". the Atlantic Monthly said-"Colorful (incidentally, ;there is no money in "For if the trumpet give an uncer- all of you a very happy and success- Presentation of the Prodigal Son account of the search for gold in the treasury). He played ore-the soc- tain sound, who shall prepare himself ful summer'. I have heard lots of will conclude the year's activities of eMili, 1540. Keeps up tempo and the cer team and in this activity met one to the battle?" is the motto of the plans-matrimony for some, summer the college choir. dramatic action is sustained." (Continued on page 6 column 5) organization, and explains the green school for others-a counselor at and gold emblem which the Trumpet- camp or a waitress at the seashore- eTS are entitled to wear. Harrison Yields ·BusinessManager Post This year's membership is the that new job or just plain loafing. it is, have a good time do- Whatever smallest one that has ever been ing it; and when fall comes on Col- the This because to the Has 19 Ye.r Rec';rd and has had a wide variety of exper-i- a Foutz Named Successor chosen. of these is two true women chosen lege Hill, we will look forward Maryland scores best year yet at Western ences. After teaching school for placed them completely out of compe- Along with the many changes oc- year, he went into business, later Mr. Charles R. Foutz, Jr., of west- tition with those mrfneroua candidates College. Lourell: S. Emw}", curring at Western Maryland this spent three years in an oil field in minster, will succeed T. K. Harrison who scored next highest. year, T. K. Harrison will retire as Texas, and worked with the Bethle- as manager of the bookstore and post- Dr. Evelyn Mudge is the advisor President. business manager of the bookstore and hem Steel Plant at Sparrows Point, office. He will assume his new position of the group. Graduating members post-office, a position which he has Md. June 16. are Betty Amos, Dorothy" Gamber, In 1916 he went to work for the held for the past nineteen years. United Railways and Electric Com- Mr. Foutz attended Wester~ Mary- Jean Sause, and Barbara Sowers. Senior Service Colonel Harrison was born in Char- pany in Baltimore. He stayed with land in 1925-28. A veteran of the last lotte Hall, Maryland, where he at- war, he has been connected with the Alexander, Auld Activities To Take Place tended Military Academy, taught them for 13 years with the exception westminster Savings Bank for many of 29 months when he was given a three classes, took review work, and leave of absence during the 'World years. Dottie Alexander participated in entered WMC in 1898 as a sophomore. He is married and has four chil- the following activities: SCA ... 4; In Alumni Hall War I to serve at Camp Lee, Virginia, dren. His wife, the former Henrietta member 3, Commission Chairman and the Baltimore Quartermaster Li"itle, is a graduate of the class of Student Government ... House Presi- Baccalaureate Depot. '33. The son of Dr. and the late Mrs. dent 4; Class Secretary 3; Aloha Edi- of HJ4!J will take Service for the class at place Sunday Spent Year in Rio Charles R. Foutz, Mr. Foutz comes torial Staff 4; Phi Alpha Mu . 10:30 a. m. in Alumni Hall. Prior to assuming his present posi- from a family long associated with Sunshine Messenger 3, President 4; tion, he spent a year in Rio de the college, his mother and two sisters Intersorority Council 3, 4; Choir (for -Wearing their academic gowns, the Janeiro, where he was with the Em- being Western Maryland graduates. no credit) 1, 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, graduates and the members of the pr-ezas Electricas Brasileiras, a sub- 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball faculty will march in procession to the stage where they will take part in sidiary of the Bond Company of New 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2; Honorary the proceedings. Guests and students York. of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Volleyball Team 2, 3; French Club 2, will sit in the audience. Dr. Lowell he has been a Vestryman for about 15 Colonel Harrison has retained close 3,4; One Act Play 3; Argonauts 3, Ensor will deliver the sermon. contacts with alumni from some of years. And at present, he possesses a 4; Arts Symposium 3, 4. the first graduating classes and has holding commission as Lieutenant Marion Auld worked in numerous This Baccalaureate Service is a been the executive secretary of the Colonel in the Honorary Reserves. extra-curricular activities: SCA . traditional one, that has been per- Alumni Association !ince 1924 with Has No Definite Plans Freshman representative 1, Cabinet 2, formed regularly for many years, and the exception of the year he spent in Mr. Harrison has three daughters, Freshman Club Commissioner 3, Com- helps complete the commencement ae- Brazil. two of which are graduates of WMC, mission Chairman 4; Sunday School tlvitiee each year. The order of the Various organizations in which he and the third, a lieutenant (j.g.), in 1,2,3,4; Wesleyanettes 1, 2; Student service will be: Procession ... A has been active are the Reserve Of- the l'cg{Iiar Navy. He has four grand- Government 4; Phi Alpha Mu . Mighty Fortre88 Is Our God; Invoca- tion, Anthem by the Choir, Command- ficers Association, Carroll County daughters, all who hope to enter Chaplain 4; Glee Club 1, 2; IRC 1, 2, ments with responses by the graduat- Historical Society, Southern Maryland WMC someday. 3, 4; WAA 1,2,3; Play Committee T. K. Harrison Society, and the American Legion. He As to future business plans, Colonel Chairman 3; One Act Play 3; Three ing class, Responsive Reading, Scrip- belongs to the Kiwanis Club, of which Harrison has nothing in mind, but he Act Play 3, 4; Argonauts 3, Secretary ture Lesson, Hymn, Sermon by Doc- Since his graduation from the Hill ill he was past president, charter mem- does expect to continue his close re- 4; Racial School Work (2 hours per tor Lowell Skinner Ensor, and the 1901, he has held various positions ber, and first secretary. As a member lationship with the Hill. week) 2,3, Choral Benediction.
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