Page 58 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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{ 6 The Gold Bug,May 24_,1949 ROTC Holds Final Review fre"m f;lu& Gives Sororities, Fraternities Choose Of~cer Successful Comedy Fi.her Presents Award.; Engle Receive. Sun Medal For Future Semester As Year Closes vil~e~' 'i:~::i;;a;~e!:~~~:~a~: ::~ As the final curtain closes on On Thursday the military department held its final review and presented M~ 16 scored another suc- award presentation. cess to the Ime of annual prize win- the year, the sororities and frat- C~ptain Charles W. Fisher presented the awards as a repre- ernities choose their leaders for the future semester. sentative of the Carroll County Reserve Officers Association. ning ~eatrival presentations by the Sorority election results are as fol- Bryan Haddaway; vice-president,. French Bill Simpar secretary, ?epa -tment. Hackman; The Sun 'Medal was presented v to 1 Hank Corrado; sergeer Cadet Major Marshall C. Engle as uniform improperly during the 1948· su~~:::~~tthl::~~y o~e~~:;iO:n~r~~ lowe : GAMMA CHI: president, treasurer, Bill Monroe; chaplain, Joe IOTA at-arms, the outstanding ROTC member on '49 school year. Lou Pat campus by the SunpaptW8 of Balti- The Gold or second award for the Robinson Gardens to Blanche Ward Hyder; Moore; vice-president, Beyer; Giannelli. BETA CHI: president, secretary, Margaret GAMMA more. ROTC badge was awarded to 17 stu- Gym, the enure cast performed so ex- treasurer, June Beaver; correspond-' •Gene Frank; vice-president, Dick Fla- Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Homer C. dents. A secdnd gold star was earned cellently that even those in the audi- ing secretary, Nancy Burdick; inter- vin; secretary, Harry Walker; -treas- Earll, Cadet Captain Leon F. Gruber, by four of the future officers and also ence who knew no French other than sorority representative, Kitty OIe- urer, Ken Hoover; vlce-tredsr er, and Cadet tst Lieutenant James M. four were awarded a third gold star. "wee", eomptetely enjoyed the produc- wller, Bob Wilmer; sergeant-at-arms, Puss Leonard received outstanding cadet tion. KAPPA: awards from the Maryland Chapter Many off.campun guests attended dent, DELTA SIGMA Kompanek; presi- Mettee; chaplain, Dan Honemann. ALPHA' ALPHA: Lee Theoda president, PI vice- of the Reserve 'Officer'S Association. T. Hicks And Sons and were_ euthuaiestic in their praise president, Betty Lee Robbins; secre- Carroll -Parker ; vice-president, Rill of the FrellJ::h department and its 1al- Ten Reeelve Rifle Letter ented -membors. tary, Rae Acher ; treasurer, Rita Dulaney; secretary, Charlie H. ill- Twenty-two members of the West- To Build Infirmary Years ~ it was traditional for Ludwig; sergeant-at-arms, Barbara mer; treasurer, Dick Dunlop; ser- pa ern Maryland College Band were pre- French stud. 115 rrom various colleges Pfoutz; alumnae secretary, Peggy geant-at-arms, Bill Huber; cor-res- sented band letters by the Military Low bidder, Thomas Hicks and univershies h compete at West .. Kerns; chaplain, Rachel Holmes. pending secretary, Cliff Pfaff. Department. and Sons was awarded the con- ern MS1'yland for the best theatrical PHI ALPHA MU: president, Dora- Ten atudents received the WMC tract when bids for the' con- presentation. Due '.0 the fact that sports letter for having fired the struction of the new infirmary Western Maryland won the honors ~~~ L~~e:~:;e:~c;~:~:~~~d:;~h~::~~ Post Grad Students highest number .. of matches on the were submitted last week by year after year, the other schools son; treasurer, Mary Will; sergeant- (Continued from page 1, column 3) rifle team. In addition to these,' the five contractors. at-arms, Suzy Bruning; chaplain, men firing the three highest total Work on the new building, which dropped out of tre competition. -wtth- Marian Auld; alumni secretary, Flo- of his lamented tragedies, i.e., a bump ambition ie on the head. Pete's great scores, Ralph Gorten, David Buffing- will be located in back of the Admin- ~~!n ath~o~:~Jet~~i;e;~!:~ ,,:ould have rence Rice; sunshine chairman, Mary to introduce jitterbugging to ton, and Paul Schatzberg received the istration Building, will probably be Ruth Williams. holm. Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals re- started within the next month. Hicks Much apprecittion is extended to SIGMA SIGMA TAU: president, Roqer Simpkins is flying to spectively. For being the outstanding and Sons is the same contractor who the students why helped decorate the Jane Guttmann; vice-president, Ginny land in June with a student freshmen member of the rifle team, built the more recently constructed gym for the oeCISion and many con- Blake; secretary, Rachel Ennis; from the University of Gene Mechtly received the Sergeant's buildings on campus, namely Blanche gratulations to the director and treasurer, Ginny Clayton; sergeant- plans to study the medal. James Leonard was awarded 'Yard Hall, Albert Norman Ward actors. ' at-arms, Jean Mellon; alumnae eecre- and geography of the PMS and T medal for being the Hall, McDaniel Hall, and Gill Gym. tar-y, Mary Kay Wills; intersorority At the University of outstanding member of the rifle team. The architectural design of the in- Mr. Harri~on Plans representative; Dorothy Payant; sun- will hear lectures given by Twenty-three students received the firmary will follow the same pattern shine messenger, Jean Simms. Western Maryland College ROTC as that of the newer "buildings. Annual 1'umni Day Fraternity Elections badge by maintaining at least a B average for no unauthorized drill or Plans For Building Under the direction of Mr. T. K. Fraternity decisions reveal the fol- class absences, or for untidy appear- Blue prints reveal the building will Harrison, WMC purchasing agent, lowing: ance in uniform or Ifor wearing th; be about 85 feet wide, facing Talley- plans are being lnade for the annual ALPHA GAMMA TAU: president, town Road, and about 45 feet in Alumni Day t.'Je_held on Saturday. Joe Fowler; vice-president, John SiI: depth. A one story building with base- bel'; secretary, John Dorgan; treas- ment, it will have a men's ward, a Sports events, dancing, and a gar- urer, Larry Bailey; sergeant-at-arms, Westminstcr's women's ward, two isolation wards, den' party hav been arranged for Elmer Richards; corresponding secre- the day. The Al~mni banquet will be New Modern Drug Store two nurse's rooms, an examination held at 6 p. m.rn the college dining room, a treatment room, and a kitch- hall. Approximately 500 alumni repre- Local Chepter of AKA DRUGS senting various states are expected to SCHOOL SUPPLIES be present. . Chooses New Lead" .. The class of 1899 will hold its Gol- COSMETICS C!.tfpttfes C .... pany Phone 703
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