Page 48 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 48
The Gold Bug, April 29, 1949 The Case Of Lucy Denture, Or BRIGHT "I Leader Of Many Just "Whatta Break" 1 F[JREL:Fl:;r . Who Stole The Toothpowder? by Al JacobBon by Jim90tter MondllY, :May 2- Since this is such an extremely unusual case, the celebrated Bob Martin scholar, frat president, I first met "Jay" in the rain on International Rei a t ion B Club football player, and a schoolmate registration day in September 1946 'I'u1\!:;'i;~a;~n~e, 7 - 8 p. m. ~~~t~e~:Si~~~it~~~e~i~\o~~~j~::fo~i~~~h;~ Hf~v~p~~iatt~Cf~~~I~'~ whom all WMC'ers are proud to and it should have been an indication claim as a friend, came here from of things to come. With "Jay", it Barbara Sewers, Piano Recital, w~~kthe two enter the dor~, they are "Well, Archie--any clues?" Baltimore. During his school days at never rains but what it pours. Th~I:~:;:e!l:yo~n~e. met by the house-mother, Mrs. Lin- "No, but I got a swell list of ad- Pclyteehnic he was laying the founda- It might have been his four years tion for a collegiate career that was in the Navy .or his undying love of sa~uh:d~:P:la~us: ~Party (i~~~~~\~~~nb:~i:~et~r::~~:it c~~:~ dr~~~i~;~~t::,le::c::esen~m::~:.':olved interrupted by a three year tenure horses, but Jay prefers to remain a May Day activities M. Avoir-du-pois, making one of his the case. in the Army Air Forces. bachelor (for the time being that is). Monday, May 9 _ famous snap decisions, suggests that .The suspects, Mrs. Lincoln and It didn't take long for the Air Brew's order of preference is the Force to recognize his ability. ,lm- horses to win, National Bo to place Canterbury Club, McDanicl Lounge :~:y ~!t !~:l~~'~~~'i:~n~~l~h:~s s~~~~ ~;~~:~ tr!:r:,or Q~~el,~hO;::t4~fw~~~ Thursday, ~f~'12 _ - she just put the new seat covers on. Lucy Denture in the solo part, of Military Inspecton, 11:30 a. m. While M. Avoir-du-pois is resting, course. Mr. Avoir-du-pois points to Reception by Dr. Ensor for Seniors, and knowing McDaniel's chairs, it's a Lucy and says: President's home, 8 _ 11 p. m. full-time job, Archie decides to do "You did it! Mrs. Lincoln, campus Friday, May 13 _ some investigating. As he is wander- her." (Lucy is carried away scream- A.rt Symposium, McDaniel Lounge, ing down second floor hall, he hears a ing.) 4:15 p. m. :~::;g~~r~~is~~:t~~rd::S~le i:~~i~iS~ M. Avoir-du-pois continues: Glee Club Tc Prerent tress-maybe murdered! cute young be::U°s~ ~:; ~:;~ ':::r:n~;k\~~~t:~~~ partly He's right . .A there was only one can of Dr. Lines Annual Recital Sunday coed tripped on her bathrobe while es- tooth powder in the dorm. It belonged caping to her room from the "john." One look at the body; no, two looks- to Little Lou. Of course, everyone Under the direction of Miss Grace he's human you know, and he is con- knows that Dr. Lines is the only tooth C. Murray, leader, the local 'Women's vinced that she's dead. Being a very powder for white teeth." Glee Club will offer its annual reci- tal in the cplace of the weekly chapel ~:::1~~;ntp~~~2J8d~:e:'s hbeOXuste: ::l~ t'Il~~t~:e1~:t z:zs: :oo:~~:::; services Sunday in Alumni Hall. the French M. Avoir-du-pois, Department. Bob .Martin JfLY Brewing ton: Soloists for the program will be down to the P. A. isn't working but just of with 2. Wha.t would YOlt do if yO!' course mediately after the formal introduc- and the girls to show. Dorothy Lou Alexander, Rachel Holmes, ~:~if~nat:; ~~:.n~~e~:l~, c~:~t;cI~~~we;~~~e::'~ :o~~~aifOt7;: ::8~::~h Oleiwiler, Kitty Rup- Dorothy tory examinations, he was sent to Majoring in economics and minor- Cadet Training to study Navigation. ing in Spanish, "Jay" has set some pert, and Betty Simpson. Included in next time, Archie! After graduation, he was assigned to kind of a record for the number of the presentation will be the Mozart Suspects Grilled the CUBe." ATC (Air Transport Command) straight A's he's acquired the past Alleluia; Lo, JlIy Sheperd the is Divine While Archie is playing detective, 4. Sa.nscr-it for "Who done It?" to Listen Haydn; Angels by where he ferried planes to all parts three years. The interesting thing is Sholtting, a negro spiritual; Motet, M. Avoir-du-pois is grilling the sus- of the world. that he'd r-ather play Bridge or Pitch The Lord Is My Sheperd by Mrs. H. pects. There is Lotta Frame, study- Bob entered WMC in February than study, and usually does. An H. A. Beach; The Lamb by Maclary; ing psychology; Honey Dewlittle, 1947-8 tired, war-weary veteran who ardent Gamma Bet, J. Walter is' now Walter's I TfLlked With God and Southern gal studying military science contented himself to a rather peace- the President of his fraternity and his Blessed Is the Man by Erb. and tactics; and Lucy Denture, music ful and somewhat reticent life. How- brothers will acclaim his ability as a Ruppert ever, in the fall of 1947, he emerged leader. The Interfrat Council chose Dorothy [(now That will sing the major. Redeemer solo I My After two hours" Archie reports from his hermitage for football and him as general chairman of the May Liveth by Handal. Reverie by Vierne 1\1.Avoir-du-pois. to he has been in the ,limelight ever Day dance. will be given as an organ solo by since. His biggest claim to fame is a golf Carol Lowe. The Glee Club and This ex-All-Maryland choice at trophy that he won at the Patholog- soloists will be accompied at the Underarm Deodorant guard from Poly was a very instru- ical Institute of Technology miniature piano by Martha Schaeffer. mental factor in the winning Terror golf course He attests prowess as a teams from 1947-1949. However, ping-pong player and has much abil- football isn't his only forte. He is an ity in baseball. Any other activity is econ major who excels and thrives purely- co-incidental. I J. WM. HULL,Jewel er on figures (business and otherwise) A native of Salisbury on the East- Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds from RCA Victor and he has also made the Dean's List ern Sho', Jay hopes to get a perma- for two semesters. nent location in that area. He'll prob- The Store of New Fashioned ~ WESTMINSTER'S Far Away Places Besides being president of the ably graduate Summa Cum Laude; Jewelry and Old Fashioned Red Roses For A Blue Lady Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity, he also was 'and with his ability, he should be able Honesty FAMILY Forever And Ever selected as the Preacher's representa- to write his own ticket. RESTAURANT Sunflower tive to the National Fraternity Socie- That infectuous laugh resounds his TIMES BUILDING ty as the outstanding member of the "You talked me into it" or "Whatta East Main Street Careless Hands club. He is also president of the in- Break." He gets a big kick out of Westminster, M~. Benny's Kitchen Galaway Bay ter-fraternity council. living and will be young all his life. "A" You're Adorable With this background, Bob is pre- Needles $1.50 $1.00, 50c' paring himself for graduation in Where old friends meet May. His plans for the futurc are somewhat dubious, but from past ex- and litce to cat Radio' periences, you can't help but feel that Serving Coca-Cola Bob Martin will continue to carry his 59 W. Main St., Westminster habits of success into the future Phone 654-J Electronics Serves Hospital~ty 14 W. Main St. Buy Your Bedtime Snacks Phone 703 at PETE'S GROCERY STORE -~ Sealtest Ice Cream -~ Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Main St.-Red Neon Sign Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. SAT., APRIL 30 Attention Graduates FRI., SAT., APRlL 29, 30 "PRAIRIE OUTLAWS" I Order Engraved Calling Roy Rogers "F AR FRONTIER" Trigger Eddy Dean Cards Early Also Engraved Wedding TruecoJor SUN., MON., TUES., Invitations and May 1, 2, 3 Announcements SUN., MON., .TUES., "RED PONY" MAY 1, 2, 3 Robert Mitchum Myrna Loy P. G. COFFMAN CO. YANKEE" "CONNECTICUT . Times Bldg. Bing Crosby Technicolor "RENEGADES OF SENORA Rhonda Flemming WED., THURS., MAY 4, 5 City Allan Lane MAYI 4, 5 WED., TItURS., "]\fOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA" FRI., SAT., MAY 6, 7 Rosalind Russell Michael Redgrave "LOADED PISTOLS" Gene Autry WELCOME FRI., SAT., MAY 6, 7 STUDENTS SUN., MON., TUES., "SERGEANT YORK" MAY 8, 9, 10 Gary Cooper Joan Leslie The Percy Kilpatrick Majorie Main "MA AND PA KETTLE" Coffman~Fisher SUN., MON., TUES., WED., MAY 11 MAY 8, 9, 10 "MY DREAM Company Jack Carson IS YOURS" '"KIT CARSON" Doris Day D8Jla Andrews . "DARK POST" THURS., FRI., MAY 12, 13 DEPARTMENT STORE WED., THURS. MAY 11, 12 "HOMICIDE FOR THREE" aornED UNDER AUTHOIUTY OF THE COCA_COLA COMPANY BY William Holden Nina Foch "ROSE OF THE YUKON" 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTrLING CO.. INC. FRI., SAT., MAY 13, 14 SAT., l\fAY 14 "KISS IN THE DARK" "TIOGA KID" C1U9.1loeeo.a-Col"COlllJlOftY David Niven Jane Wyman Allen Lane
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