Page 57 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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/' The Gold Bug, May 24, 19,.\9 Terror Sports In Review; Powerful Backfield Forms Editors Note: dyed-in-the-paper red publication. Here is a cut from one Way back around November 3,1936 the Gold Bug staff published an iSsue called Old /'tfllg-a Brevities Of The Year Nucleus Of Terror Grid of their news articles explaining the policy: "The votes had been counted. Machine For Coming Fall Browder won. Unbelievable, but true, Western Maryland had gone Communist. "The two articles below are direct 'lifts' from their sports page. 1948-49 has been an interesting one from a Western After completing an intensive standpoint, and while not the most successful, it had many spring practice session, Coach Charlie SENSATIONAL RUSSIAN entertaining moments to be long remembered. Following is a Havens anticipates a very successful 1938 Schedule Cards of the major varsity teams and their accomplishments. season for his charges up-xt fall. University Of Moscow REDS TO BATTLE FROSH Havensmen, led by Jim Cotter at end and backs Joe Giannelli and This attitude is taken only after a Corrado, posted a five and two record, losing only to Gettysburg and pleasing performance a,¥ainst a very Hopkins. The gridders kept the winning string of Homecoming games un- strong Georgetown eleven. In this in- Local Aggregation To Meet Co- broken with a 20-2 victory over Randolph-Macon, and outplayed a strong formal scrimmage the Green and Gold Champions of C. C. S. R. Notorious Female Football Team Lebanon Valley eleven, winning 13·0, to highlight a successful season. ' forces lost only by a two touchdown Here Will Have Hot Session In Undoubtedly the most disappointing affair of the whole campaign was margin to a team that ai,nually meets . Student Lounge the 7-6 loss to Hopkins in the last three minutes of play and with it the such perennial powers as Tulsa, Den- Dame Rumor, that wicked old hag The Russian Reds, an all-gi rls ver, Kansas, and George Washington. who is still a member of the class of For the coming season, the coaching With the exception of the end posi- '41, has it that the 1938 or 1939 foot- team from the inlands of Siberia, will staff will have added assistance in tions, WMC seems well-fortified for ball schedule will include the Uni- be the next opponents of the Fresh- the person-of Dick Harlow, leader of the on-coming season. Wdt Hart and versity of Moscow, co-holders of the man team, meeting the boys coached the Terror gridioron machines in the Hank Norman should Lll the gaps championship of the Communist, Com- by Bullsky Draperanovich next Satur- late twenties and early thirties. Fol- adequately enough, but.e the loss of munist, and Socialist League of Rus- day evening in the Girls' Lounge. lowing his stay at Western Maryland, Piavis and Cotter willJ)efinitely be sia. The Communists, coached by Jean Mr. Harlow spent many valuable felt. j No attempt was made to schedule "Tiger" Harlow, have been undefeated years at Harvard as head gridiron The atrongly-rurming., backfield and the other co-holder of the C. C. & S. for two seasons and are considered mentor until he was forced to retire hard-charging line should, once again, championship because he has not yet by leading authorities in the Soviet recently due to ill health. Now he returned from exile. as the potential candidates to repre- has returned to the Hill to help his The Russians will bring to America sent the West (that is, Europe) in close friend and former player, one of the most colorful teams of re- the Vodka Bowl game to be played Charlie Havens, coach the squad to cent years. Arrayed in red flannel Fcw Jeers Day in Flanders Field. what is hoped will be an undefeated underwear and wearing moccasins Soviets Are Favored taken from Japan in the Manchukuo The invading Soviets will be heavy The soccer team under the direction dispute, the visitors will create a sen- (take the word literally, please) fa- of Coach Jones could garner but three sation when they try to appear on vorites over the Baby Errors. The victcr ies in twelve starts, Several the field. (Terre Haute police chief Frosh have suffered two defeats so heartbreaking losses coupled with in. please note.) far, losing by a top-heavy score to juries hurt the club in the year. A To facilitate distinguishing the the Vassar Freshmen, and also suf- mid-season drive netted wins over 1'\ various reds who play on the first fering from a tongue lashing by Towson and Gettysburg but the year's string eleven, the Russians will wear Coach Draperanovich. bright spot was the 2-0 upset of high- swastikas on their backs, each man Ceremonies that take place between riding Baltimore U. Captain Jack having a different number of swas- the halves include hoisting the Soviet, Spicknall performed well in the nets tikas on his underwear. Sports writers flag on the goal post in center field while Hackman and Earll strengthen- may identify by counting said num- to signify that the girls are World ed the backfield. Winfrey and Stephen- bers and dividing by two. Champions in their respective sport. son led the forward line. Because they wear long beards the Line-ups Given The basketball team, after a slow Moscowlans have been termed the Coach Draperanovich has not sub- start, gained new life with the ad- "Soviet House of David." Babe Ruth mitted his lineup to censure yet, but Press and Walt Hart at mid-year, and with this duo sparking tried to crash their team, but he was the Red's lineup is already picked. with Leo Lathroum, Frank Stephenson, and Al Jacobson. informed that only the American In- Starting off will be: -.' versity of Moscow. was marked by a dian is Red enough_ to join the Uni- LE-Eloise (Hex-on-wheels) Chip- do not make its presence felt throughout the call The Communist champions do but LT-Kay (Clam) Souder like Americans signals Mason-Dixon Conference. LG-Mary Lou (Pithecanthropus) Many teams are not blessed with instead yell the names of pieces of Rockwell such an array of talent as Gianelli, territory they would like to own. RT-Sally Price, Bolshevik College, Frank, Corleto, Albrittain, Ransford, Whenever the center feels that the Russia Ligorano;and Kobosko. With this right one has been called, he flips the RE-Sally Price, Bolshevik College, lineup, success seems assured. ball back. The center is Joseph Stalin, Russia However, a team is only as strong veteran and taking a Post Graduate .QB-Leon Trotsky, U. S. S. R- as its supporters. Western Maryland course in the art of seizing property. ex-officio has always had adequate backing in (His tutor is Mussolini.) LH-Leo Tolstoy, Communist College the past and has usually reciprocated The Communist band under the di- RH-Earl Browder, Terre Haute through a winning season. Let's give rection of Rubinoff, without his vio- (Ind.) prison the team excellent support next fall lin, will play go';d old Communist FB-Puffy Forthman, Bolshevik in the hope that they can bring the songs during the halves. To add color College, Russia M-D crown to the Hill. to the occasion it has been rumored Captain-Anyone of the four Horse- that Comrade Earl Browder will men backfield throw out the first bomb. Best Bet--Any one of the Seven Mules line "BOWL" About Ebert's Goal. at FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Research into the matter of September Modern Recreation whether or not Bob Ebert set a new la- 24 Dickinson Away record for intercol1egiate scoring crosse has failed to produce a conclu- October Next to City sive answer. The United States In- 1 8 Gettysburg Away Lebanon VaHey Away Parking Lot, tercollegiate Lac r 0 sse Association 15 Washington College Away keeps no scoring records but C. J. 22 Mt. St. Mary's Home Sutherland, secretary of the USICLA, Jim Cotter says, "from my personal recollection 29 Hampden-Sydney Home graduates Monday, leaving an end November wrestling front, mentor Bill position that will be hard to fill on the 1 do not recall any individual scoring 5 Catholic U. Home the matmen against seven local gridiron. Jim plans to go in to as many as ten goals in one game." 12 Franklin-Marshall Away during the '48_'49 cam- the business world. ·Monarch Cleaners Still, that does not constitute 19 Johns Hopkins Away finishing with a two won, five absolute proof that a new record was record. Their two victories were at the expense of Baltimore U. and Tow- made. Does anyone know? Teachers. Cleaning and Pressing TENTATIVE SOCCER SCHEDULE The loss of Jack Larrimore and Paul Schafer, both consistent winners, PATRONIZE netober middle of the season weakened the Green and Gold as inexperience 8 Navy JV Westminster, Md. OUR 15 Drexel The Kernmen sent four delegates to the M·D tourney held at Hopkins--- Phone 484 ADVERTISERS. 19 Delaware Wilsey, Jim Marsh, John Silber, and Bill Kern. The latter wonthe heavy- 25 American U title handily to remain undefeated in intercollegiate ranks for the 28 Loyola straight year. November western Mar-yland's baseball team, even though finishing w~1I below the 8 WEEKS COURSE 1 Baltimore U mark, completed what may be called a successful season by defeating Budmell their arch rivals, the Greyhounds of Loyola. When the Terror nine ral- Smith & Rcifsnider Intensive summer s c h 0 0 1 Towson trailing in the first game by nine runs, to win 21-20, they furnished training in shorthand and 11 Gettysburg baseball thrill of the spring. Incorporated tY1Jewriting. A day course ,16 Franklin-Marshall and Gold lacrosse team under the tutelag,e of piayer,coach recommended for high school 22 Johns Hopkins one of the more successful teams developed here this spring. graduates and college stu- losing their last game to Loyola by a large score, the stickers LUMBER - COAL dents. five won and four lost tally. Four of the five wins were by Summer classes begin margins. June 20 and July 5 WESTMINSTER'S Trips to Lexington, Va., and Lancaster, Pa. highlighted the schedule, and Westminster, Md. Attainable objectives are: FAMILY 'Squad came home with victories both times as they dropped VMI, 14-4, (1) The ability to take notes FrankHn and Marshall, 20-2. on lectures and typewrite RESTAURANT Bob Ebert was the high scorer and a standout at attack, but he was ably' manuscripts; (2) Basic at this position by Norm Needle, and Joe Keenan. Charlie Mann, SHEET MUSIC training in essential business , and Jim Hackman dominated the midfield, while Chad Aiau, skills; (3) Credit toward Benny's Kitchen Brown, and Elmer Richards sparked the defensive unit. POPULAR~TANDARD graduation from a complete I a doubt, Professor Frank Hurt gave the Hill one of its best CLASSICAL Secretarial course. learns in years this spring, turning out a squad that at one point had Wher~ old friends meet straight triumphs to its credit. RECORDS REQUEST SUMMER Only Loyola was able to solve the potent Terror racquet swingers twice, SCHOOL BULLETIN and like to eat besides upset losses to CU and Hopkins, the Hurtmen had a clear slate. Choose from a Large Selection Strayer College Rowe Moore and Norm Stern operated-as co-captains, but Doug Weaver, 13th and F Sts., 59 W. Main St .. Westminster Spittel, and Bobby Talner led the team with the greatest number of Stu's Music Shop 13th and F gta., Washingwn Phil Sack improved with each outing until he became one of the Telephone NAtionai1748 Phone 654-J competitors on the squad, while John Sternberg filled in capably as 34 W. Main St. v Phone 585
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