Page 54 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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2 The Gold"Bug, May 24, 1949 THE GOLD BUG ,tl p~ 2~ TheTaleOFAnAnt Pu,,4 'n A Dialogue by [Baac B. Rehert In This New World Offid"l student new"paper of We.lern Mary· A check with the registrar's office land CoUege, llubli.bed aami'moutbl, on Fri· Reprinted from THE GOLD BUG, May 7, 1942 shows that little more than one day, during October, November, .Jann.ry. February, Marcb and April, and montbly duro The purpose of this literature course is to acquaint you with good litera- Fifty-million years ago an ant was hundred and fifty students have reg- ing Selltember, December, and May, Entered aa ,eMnd cl&S$ matter at Weotm;IUIter Po.t ture. We shall read good literature and thus form a taste for none but the climbing up a tree and got stuck in istered for summer courses at 'Vest- Office, under the Act of March S, 1879. best. the sticky resin that oozed through the ern Maryland at this printing. This is Member But why isn't this book as good as that-I like it better. Isn't is better bark. The resin flowed over him, a considerable drop from last sum- hardened, and fell to the ground. The Associated ColI'eglate Press if I like it better? tree grew old and died. The whole mer's larger enrollment, but registra- tion is yet to be completed. Rumors Well, that just isn't good literature. Bllbeerlption Price U.OO • Year Why not? Who Bets the standard for good literature? forest was a spectacle of birth and referring to the country club atmos-. I am sorry. That involves the question of whether there are absolutes, destruction as new trees grew among phere notwithstanding, a "C"grade is EDlTORlAL STAFF or whether all things are relative. We can't discuss that here. That is a the rotted fibers of the dead ones. still the mark to pass, summer or Edito'-·in-Cbid ..•....•....•. BilJ Porter, '50 philosophical question. \ And the forest itself passed away, winter! A•• oci"te Editor Theoda Le" Kom Bnek, '50 We have seen the gradual development of the animal kingdom from the turned under and pressed into coal as Monaging Editor Micke, '50 Feature Editor .. Louis ,'51 amoeba to man. Do you see how man evolves from lower animals? the mountains slipped slowly Into the The Sophomore picnic at Frock's News Editor.... ..... ,'50 Yes, but where did the amoeba come from? valleys. And stirred into this great A.. i8\8nt New" Editor '51 recently was more a success than was Sport. Edi!Or . .'50 We don't know. It probably developed from inorganic matter. earth-rumbling and grinding was the expected ... the class even made ~~l~:d~~I~i;~~:':~.a~.c: :;:~~il~~':~~ But we cannot create' life. The book says so. Did God create only the lump of hardened resin, preserving money. A considerable number of less Exchange Editor Mary Jun Rupert, '51 amoeba?---or did He inspire life into all creatures as they now are? against water, air, and shifting earth Co"ooni&1 .Patrieia McLaren, '51 timid members tried the pool and had Let's get back to the discussion of the similarity between man and the the delicate, encased ant. to be vir-tually thawed out when they other vertebrates. Your question is good, but we cannot discuss it here. It Fifty-million years later a geologist. reached dry land. Inter-sex softball Busine •• Manager Edward Wri,bt, '50 is a philosophical question. digging in the ground where once the A •• t. Busine •• Manager .... Elinor Pric". '50 was on the agenda for the day and, Advertising Manager •.. ,Lloyd aowling. '51 People react to stimuli in given patterns. By conditioning, we can train old forest grew, unearthed the-amber- discounting rumors to the effect that Cireul"tion Manager.. Jerry Lockman, '51 them to act in given ways, by establishing 'S-R bonds. tomb. You've seen it in freshman they were helped, the women were ex- Does that mean that all learning depends on conditioning---or previous biology lab. cellently represented. Food, dancing, Stanley Bowl.bey, Blaeki. Brandt, Pcg Brown. Mike Chandler, John Gruber. J. C. experience? and chatting by the fireside completed Higgins. Al Jacobson. Peggy Kern". Jule. Yes. Alas! No Change. No Change! the day. Levin, Helen Lindahl. Jack Loper, Ed Nordby. Paul Pp.hkolf. Bet\)· Lee Robbin •. Jack Then if all reaction to stimuli depends on past experience, is there no Spicknall. Bab. Sower., Beny Taylor, Harry freedom of the will? Cannot man think out a thing for himself? Is he a free', Fifty-million years, and the ant is Walker, Norm" \Vright. AliceYcarly no different from those that make Social Item: Spring brought its rational creature at all? What is the mind anyway? . usual epidemic of student engage. Wc are interested here in behavior. We really don't know the answers to mounds in your garden. In that time merits. On this campus, Kathy Gibbs, the great reptiles had eaten foliage E~changes Reveal the questions you asked. They are philosophical questions. over all the from the very tree whereon the ant freshman, gridiron star for the Green to Gene was engaged Napoleon was a rascal. He tried to set up a dictatorship Frank, world. If he had succeeded, we might never have gotten the democracy we had become entrapped, and when the and Gold; Rachel Holmes, Sophomore We're A Bit Early have today. It is more efficient than de- forest greenery grew and sparse, so May Court Attendant, was engaged scurrying waned the re-ptiles; Well, what is wrong with dictatorship? mocracy? Who said democracy is best? among the clumsy feet of these dying to Bob Ebert, noted lacrosse player; Graduation exercises at WMC seem \Ve are living in a democracy. We must learn how to conduct ourselves- animals came the mammals, small, in- Betty Ranck was engaged to Linden to precede most other colleges by a to discipline ourselves-so we can make our democracy work better. significant, but they were to replace "Doc" Sommers, recent Western week, the most popular date appar- But democracy means equality of opportunity. I don't want the negro to the stupid, lumbering reptiles with Maryland gradua~. ently being June 5. Here are a few have the same opportunities that I do. He's inferior. an activeness and intelligence that early announcements of commence- You are not being loyal to your country's ideals when you say that. was to sweep the earth. And all the ment activities from the papers of But I'm not eure that those ideals are true. Maybe an intellectual time, through fifty million years, the According to reports received, the neighboring colleges. oligarchy would be a better form of government? How do I know? race of ants remained, untouched, un- Freshman picnic at Cascade Lake was also a success. Like the sophomores, Baccalaureate services will precede But you are living in a democracy. You should adjust yourself to it. What changed by evolution, immutable, per- swimmers were almost frozen in the Commencement at Albright College on is the best type of government? is a good question; but we cannot discuss it fectly adapted. water, and warmed up by playing vol- Sunday, June 5. Bishop John S. here. It is a philosophical question. In the midst of change the ant has ley ball, badminton, and by dancing. Stamm, a Bishop of the Evangelical BleBBed a1'e the poor in. spirit: For thei1's 1'S the kingdom of heaven. remained unchanged. It lives today The usual comment was "Beautiful Church and President of the Federal Blessed are th6JI that mourn : For they shall be comforted. like it lived fifty-million years ago. day ... but the water was really Counucil of Churches of Christ in BleBBed are the meek: f'or they shall inherit the eartk. Brainless, driven by a chemical clock- cold!" America, will be the Baccalaureate Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteou8neBB: For work that has not run down, the ant speaker, while Dr. Harry J. Carman they shall be filled. has senselessly carried on the pat- If you hadn't noticed, the previous will deliver the Commencement ad- This is the "Sermon on the Mount." Our Lord Jesus died for these terns of its ancestors, stuck in a issue of The Gold Bug was almost dress. Dr. Carman, Dean of Columbia ideals. • groove,Jike a brokep phonograph. completely written and made up by College, N"W York, also will be Why? Why didn't Jesus talk his way out of it? the newer members of The Gold Bug awarded an honorary LL.D. degree at The prophecy said He should die on the cross, that He might be raised A Ray Of Hope Creeps In Here that time. to meet His Father in Heaven. staff, headed by Nancy Winkelman. Some orchids should go their way for June Salso has been set as the day But bow do we know He ever did? How do we know there is a God? Out of change came the race of men. the amount of work that went with for the January and May graduating The Bible says so. You do not doubt the Scripture? They are not still, but change with the task. Considering the fact that it classes of Loyola College to receive But there are inconsistencies in the Bible-it isn't infallible. Maybe Jesus unceasing variety. The patterns of was done almost wholly without su- their ancestors are not always influ- their diplomas. Joseph A. Reiter, a was wrong. Maybe He had the wrong idea. Hitler certainly doesn't believe ential, and often are lost and forgot- pervision, it was a commendable ef- member of the Debating Team, has that the meek will inherit the earth. ten. They are sensitive to change, and fort. been chosen as Senior Orator, and But Hitler is a maniac. may change one, another, inventing the principal address will be given by Well, I've heard atheists who said that Jesus was a fanatic too. They the Honorable John L. Sullivan, for- say he was just a smart Jew who was trying to exalt the weak, because of the here, discarding there. Though the new rec room doesn't mer Secretary of the Navy. Jew's own weakness. Can the ant do this? He can not have absolutely everything we might That may be, but we cannot talk about that here. Those are philosophical remember, or plan, or modify mem- want, there are some advantages you questions. bers of his group, much less break might not have considered: now we Here's Looking To The Futur-e] don't have to walk as far after meals, But professors, I've been in college for four years now. I'm virtually a the unfailing chemistry of his every Some far-sighted individuals of Bachelor of Arts. I read good books, but I don't know why these books are movement. and, in all probability, the north set George Washington University have better than the dime magazine my brother reads. I can name all the bones of steps to Old Main will be worn as announced that the graduation exer- of the skeleton, but I don't know what my soul is, or what life is. I know that It Should Happen Only To An Ant smooth as those on the South. With cises scheduled to take place in the I'react in certain ways to certain stimuli; but I don't know why. I'm not even the opening of the new grill, we'll University Yard will be held in Con- sure I believe in democracy. I know that Jesus died for an ideal, but I Yet we speak of "determinism," a even have a choice of steps upon stitution Hall in the case of rain. don't see anybody living his ideal. I sometimes think He made a mistake. I dark, foreboding spook that prevents which to sit and sun ... north in "The presence of all graduates is re- can do all sorts of things, but I don't know why I do them, or which of them: men from being "free" to govern his the morning while awakening, south quired unless an excuse has been ap- are worth doing. Do you call me an educated man? actions, that he is a mere puppet of in the afternoon while catching a' proved by the Dean." (It is too late We are sorry, son, but we don't know what education is. That, too, is a circumstances, from the time the bat- cat-nap. to make excuses now!) The Right philosophical 'question. tle is taken away too soon from him, Reverend K. M. Black, Bishop of to the surrounding temperament of The final picnic of the semester California, will give the Baccalaureate his parents which condition his out- was that of the Junior class, held at address at the Washington Cathedral. Pre-Graduation , In A Girl's Dorm look on life. Ah, that we can be thus Cascade Lake last Thursday. This Members of the graduating classes receptive to outside inflllences! To was another fun-filled affair, but the think that we may read, or be taught, and their parents will be received by Seven o'clock in a well-known girls' dormitory on the Hill-the usual big difference between this and the President and Mrs. Marvin in the time of peace and quiet, when all studious-minded girls, either by sheer and thus modify our behavior-is this two other class picnics was that mem- Chinese Room of the Mayflower Ho- necessity or an unfortunate rule of the Dean of Women, begin hitting the not better than the ant? It is fortu- bers could really enjoy the swimming tel on the night of May 31---daneing old books. But what is this? Girls running around in night gowns already? nate for the ant that he cannot go to ... the water was alright. The din- to follow with music by Sidney. No, at this early hour they are called evening gowns, and are worn with college, acquire a little book-learning ing hall furnished food for this, 'as (Might be worth graduating for!) pearls, no less. Oh yes, this is the night for that final touch of education and be thus modified to think like the they did the other two outings ... ' before the pick-shaped fingernails of the forty-niners go out into the world "determinist" that "it is all fate". now everybody is looking forward to The "Life Goes to a Party" report- er has been invited to photograph of punch cups and open faced sandwiches. After picking up a few spiked ••• Leon Swver. next spring and more picnics! Goucher's annual boat ride to Tol- heels (and the things that were clad in them) from the stairs, things calmed chester. The recently inaugurated down a bit, and a few black-rimmed eyes turned wearily to clutters of books and papers. president, Dr. Otto Kraushaar, and his wife invite all faculty members But not 'for long! Soon a feminine figure made an awkward attempt at and students to keep up this tradition slinking into a room down the hall, draped itself across a bed, let out a soft which started in 1906. The two-hour moan-and blurted, "Whom does this remind you of? . Well, keep it under your hat until the Rose Cup Ceremony." Just rather then another creature stay at Tolchester will include fires rcsembling a poodle dog in dire need of a good clipping job, peeked up under on the beach, 'swimming, sailing up (or rather, through) 'an unruly set of bangs, and muttered, "If I let them the Bay-and even wading! If the grow out and brush them back, do you think I'll look like-?" Life reporter does not accept this in- vitation, he may miss some very in- Fortunately, that slip was muffled by a chorus of- teresting pictures. "Roses are red, violets are blue; We're the class of fifty-two." echoing from the halls of third or fourth floor ... wound its way down the steps don't know exactly Which. Presently, a procession of white-clad fantasies Some Poetry to second floor. The absence of chains clanking made the silence deadly, but (They looked more like Ivory clearly visible were some weird yellow lanterns. Sno boxes covered with yellow crepe paper and dangling on plaid shoe strings.) Once in a saintly passion At this the fire chief sniffled the air and dashed out of her room muttering I cried in desp'rate grief, something about varnished floors and smoking in the hall. "0 Lord, my heart is full of guile, Of sinners I am chief!" Finally, "practice" was over, proctor cards were in order, and all was well and quiet with the coeds. However, a few sleepy heads were aroused bY' the dick of busy little heels on the corridors. What, those students of social Then stood my guardian angel psychology 501 just getting back? Eleven o'clock-indecent hour. And whispered from behind, Cheer up! In no time at all this same set of midget seekers (gold or dia- "Vanity, my little man, mond, it's all the same difference) made their final parade for the evening- You're nothing of the kind." this time with tooth brush in hand, clad completely in caps and gowns, and .•• ThompBon. stopping in every other room to see if the tassel were set at the proper angile.'
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