Page 52 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, May 13, 1949 Annual Cup Presentation I Aloha Positions . To Be Held In Garden B RIGHT Namecl For '50 Campus Reaction Polled By fbREt:FUI' To honor the senior girls, women of Gold Bug Roving Reporter the junior class will present the tre- Saturday, May 14- ' Francis Jones, editor-in-chief of the ditional Rose Cup ceremony in Robin- Delt Rush Party Aloha, and Br-ian Haddaway, business Having a "name" band tor Saturday's dance was an inovation on WMC's son Garden, May 26, at 415 p. m. In Monday, May 16- manager, have announced the rest of campus. Because there has been a great deal of comment about the dance, the case of bad weather, the program I. R. C., McDaniel Lounge, 7:00 p.m. the 1950 Aloha staff members. Roving Reporter has tried to get an overall picture of campus reaction to will be held in McDaniel Lounge. the question: Would Saturday's dance have been as enjoyable for you if All seniors will wear white, and the Student Gov. Assembly The editorial staff includes; as- there hadn't been a "name" band? Lee Kompa- 'I'hecda program will follow the same pattern French Club presents "Le Barbier sistant editors, Seymour, Rachel Ennis, play their Bets too fast. This was real- de Seville", Robinson Garden, nek, George 8 :00 as in previous years. Members of the p.m. and Howard Shannon; copy editors, Helen Lindahl: "Yes, for me it would ly a wonderful band. junior class will present a comic skit Mickey Hardester and Zach Jaquette; have been. From the musical point Ginny Hale: "Having a name band of the history of the Class of '49. Tuesday. May 17- typing editor, Betty Taylor; chief of view it surpassed all other dance made it seem more special." Following this, a poem about each Lantern Chain, Hoffa Field, B:45 music. More fascinating!" Mar8hall Engle: "The orchestra made senior girl will be read and an imita- p.m. proof reader, Mary Ellen Smith; Samuel Knepp: "No, this is the only the dance. It should be done more sports editors, Earll, John Homer tion of her will be given by an under- Gruber, and Ruth Allen; photography dance WMC has ever had." often. It's the best dance they have classman. WednesdaY, May 18- editor, Dorothy Alexander; student Ken Munroe: "1 would rather have had in my four years up here." The seniors will then form a circle Art Exhibit, 8:00 p.m. photographer, Dave Patten. a cheaper band." Guy Sm,ith:
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