Page 49 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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Libr!!ry Western Maryland College ;;:estminster, Md. ROYING PERSONALITY SKEfCH REPORTER PAGE 2 PAGE 4 Vol. 26, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND' COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 13, 1949 Students Plan Exhibit For ,Art Department Le Cerde Francaise Club News .1 To Present Comedy CLUB Varied Fields Of Creative Art To Be Shown; CAMERA have been awarded in the Prizes judged contest, photo Goodrich, Saltzgaver To Help With Displays InRobinson Garden camera club's of $2.00 was awarded by Dr. MacDonald: First prize La Comedie, "Le Barbier de Seville" Next wednesday from 8 until 10 p. m. and continuing through Sunday, Western Maryland art ecrite par Beaumarchais will be pre- to Joyce Gorsuch for her picture of students will hold their annual fine arts exhibit. sented by students of French under the chapel. Dave Patton was awarded Miss Louise Shipley, of the art department, will be assisted in arranging the exhibit by Charlotte the direction of Miss Snader, in second prize of $1.00 for a river scene. Goodrich and Duane Saltzgaver. Robinson Garden, on Monday, at 8 In a recent meeting, officers for Approximately one hundred and twenty students will be represented this year. o'clock. next year were chosen by the club. Seniors exhibiting their work in ' The Count Almavlva, a Spanish They are as follows: president, Dave vice-president, Maurice C0- Patton; the advanced division are Don Bailey, nobleman and unknown lover of Bettye Benson, Marad~1 Clayton, Joe Rosine . M. Charles Shook berly; secretary, Mariam Simmons; Damuth, Charlotte Goodrich, Joyce Bartholo, a doctor and the guar-dian treasurer, Dale Townsend. plan a the club members Sunday, Hindle, Pat Kimble, Ann Larsen, of Rosine M. Anthony Konstant hike followed by a picnic in Harvey Mary Jane Price, Pat Outer-br-idge, Rosine, the young ward of Bar-thole Stone Park. The Camera Club now Betty Ranck, Ginger Riker, Duane Mlle. Mary Jean Rupert owns its own dark room in McKinstry Saltzgaver, and Gay Smith. Other Figaro, the barber of Seville Hall and has equipped it for club art majors having entries are Ginny IlL John Seiland Lee Armacost, Norma Avers, Roger Don Bazile, the music teacher of .members. Brower, Herb Klinger, Vince Landau, Rosine M. Harry Bush IRe Pat McLaren and Cliff Pfaff. The International Relations Club Oil painting, etching, water color' The Notary M. Millard LesCallette has elected its officers for the fall painting, sculpture, advanced and The narrators ....Mlle. Rachel Holmes semest€r. Their officers will be: presi- elementary design, advanced drawing, and l\:I. William Donahoo dent, 'Eleanor Nettleship; vice-presi- illustration, pastels, and charcoal This play, a comedy in four acts, dent, Gene Frank; sacretary-treaeur- drawing are fields included in the is full of life, sparkle, mischief, and er, June Beaver. exhibit. intrigue. It is a true social satire The club expects to hold its annual The handicraft section is composed which has had very much success. picnic in the near future. Carrol of textiles, pottery, and woodwork. Louis XVI, fearing the state of mind Parker is in charge of arrangements. Furniture design and construction, that this play might provoke, forked plexiglass carving, and collages are its performanpe two or three times; however, the Queen Mar-ie Antoinette new fie1ds being experimented in by Pat McLaren found it so amusing that she played it herself in the salons of the Court of the advanced design students. France. Schofield Voted Students Hold Recital Although the setting is in Spain, the comedy is French in spirit, and ha~;i\::arfi!!~s ~:~r!~:~~:c~~~. the allusions are to the social and political conditions prevailing in France When she first took over the exhibit, I Eva Mae Davis and Martha Schaef- before the Revolution. further Honors fer, members of the junior theory For the purpose of those who do not study French, we shall attempt to ~ in;;~ded;i~~r stu::~:t7:teb:t~~;~~ clesa, presented a recital of original give a brief resume of the comedy so that it may be understood by all who Through the years the exhibition has Professor Samuel B. Schofield, of compositions Tuesday. Included in attend. As the play begins the Count Almaviva has arrived in Seville to developed until now nearly every the Western Maryland faculty, re- their program were: Variation/J in E seek Rosine with whom he has fallen in love. Upon seeing her on the Prodo field of art is represented. ceived an honorary Doctor of Science Flat Major and a Minuet in G lIfajor in Madrid, he learns that she is the. ward of Doctor Bat-thole, He meets Because of the interest in phases by Eva Mae Davis, and a Minuet in Figaro, his former servant who j:> now a barber of Seville. Figaro helps College of modem art being shown by the degree from Dickinson T h u r s day, of D Major and Variation8 in E Major the Count to arrange a rendezvous with Rosine. In Act II, the Count, in the Carlisle, Pennsylvania, present art classes, Miss Shipley ex- May 5. by Martha Schaeffer. disguise of a drunken soldier, comes to ·Bartholo's house to demand lodging peets the exhibit. to be slightly dif- Mr. Schofield's award and three On Thursday, Martha Schaeffer for the night, as was customary in army life of that time. The Count, in ferent from previous years. "There honorary Doctor of Laws degrees presented a piano recital. Her pro- disguise, delivers a letter to Rosine. In the third act, the Count enters as will be some criticism," she stated, were conferred by Vice President gram included music by composers-of a pupil of Bazile whom he says is ill, supposedly, he is to give the music "but. I expect this exhibit to be the Gilbert Malcolm during the. Founders' the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- lesson to Rosine in the sick man's place. During the lesson, the doctor falls best we've had so far." turies. These selections were: GanCi- asleep, and the Count seizes the opportunity to make love to Rosine. At Day Exercises at the school. Dean Schofield was voted the award in rec- 'anda, Frescobaldie; Suit8, Pachelbel ; this point, Figaro enters to shave Bartholo who resists because he does not' scene the Count that Pastorale arranges Alpha Kappa Alpha ognition of outstanding service in the G-fga, Corelli; Two Part and Giga, wish to leave the lesson. During the shaving intercepts this attempt by show- Rosine elope with him at midnight. Bartholo Zipoli; Four Inventions, field of science education. Starts On Campus Mter receiving his Bachelor of Bach: and Sonata in E Minor, ing Rosine a letter that she had written to Lindor. Rosine has not known that so she is desolate because she thinks she is betrayed was the Count; Llndor Arts degree from Western Maryland Haydn. Icte Chapter of Alpha Kappa College, Mr. Schofield furthered his she decides to marry Bar-thole who goes out to seek the notary, About this Alpha, national honorary fraternity education at Princeton University, time, the Count and Figaro enter and tell Rosine that the man whom she in philosophy, was officially installed earning his Master's degree in arts. has loved as Linder- is no other than the Count Almaviva. The notary enters here when five members of the He is at present dean of administra- with two marriage contracts, one motivated by Figaro for Rosine and the Gamma Chapter at Gettysburg, led tion and professor of chemistry here Count, and the other motivated by Don Bazile for RCII1ineand Bartholo. The by Dr. Norman E. Richardson of the at Western Maryland. play ends with the marriage of Rosine to the Cou'nt which according to philosophy department, formally ini- Figaro who says, "When youth and love are in accord in order to deceive an tiated WMC members in McDaniel old man, all that which one may do to prevent it is called useless precaution." Lounge on April 28. Present W AA Board Students from the French Clubs of Those members initiated were: :~if~~~~n;l~~:e;.u::! ~~iV~:~~~; Setter Concert Sand Floyd Thomas, FIe t c her Ward. Elects New Members Audrey Dixon, Jesse Kagle, Ed Ham- Women's Athletic Association elec- evening. Due For Next Year merala, Betty Amos, George Franko, tions were held Monday for the com- Donald Lichty, Thomas Fletcher, ing year. Seniors To Be Escorted Extensive plans are being made for William Donahoo, Richard Randall, The results are as follows: presi- transforming the WMC band into a and J. Martin Poland. dent, Ruth Allen j vice-president, In Frosh Lantern Parade bigger and better concert band, as Dr. Holthaus, Advtsor Betty Lenz ; secretary, Betty Linton; Tuesday at 9 p. m., the freshman well as a marching one. Already, new Dr. Reuben S. Holthaus, faculty treasurer, Peggy Brown. The rest of women will present the annual Fresh- uniforms have been ordered; and advisor of the group, Dr. William R. the board includes: hockey, Virginia man Lantern Chain in honor of the girls, for the first time, have been RidingWn and Dr. William A. Mac- Hale: basketball, Rita Bittle; volley- senior women. invited to join the organization. Ad- Donald, associate advisors, also par- ball, Sara Lee Larmore; softball, Each freshman will escort a senior ditional majorettes will also march ticipated in the ritual. Helen Leerburger; tennis, Charlotte in the procession starting at the brow with the group next year during the" Refreshments and informal discus- Janney; archery, Nancy Winkelman: of the hill and ending on the football football season. sions followed the initiation ceremony. badminton, Marion Benton; golf, Joan field. While the seniors watch from The SCA is sponsoring a series of The Jota Chapter held its first dis- Brengle; hiking, Ina Grice. ROTC Reviewed the grandstand, the freshmen will band concerts being presented each cussion lecture on Monday evening, This year's board, headed by Dot form class numerals 1952, 1951, 1950, Thursday evening, at the Carpe Diem, May 9, with Dr. MacDonald leading Gamber, has arranged different func- The annual inspection of the and 19.(9. for the rest ~f this semester and the the group with a talk on "The tions such as the carnival and the Western Maryland .R. O. T. C. unit After the program on Hoffa field, first part of the fall Aesthetic Qualities of Abstract Art." freshmen party, to cultivate an in- was held yesterday. a song ceremony is usually held at The Chapter is beginning to accept terest in sports and acquaint all the The battalion and Yingling Hall Blanche Ward Hall. The ceremony new members. Those with six hours freshmen girls with the rules and were thoroughly inspected. Under- includes the class song of each year SATURDAY, MAY 21 of philosophy to their credit, or three regulations of the W. A. A. classmen met with inspectors before ending with the traditional Farewell 8;31).---11:80 C1as.eII meeting 2nd P"J"iod Tu"ooay hours, with three in process, may be The W. A. A. sponsors games such lunch and were questioned on the song, 1:01).--- 4:00 OI"'6es meeting lot period eligible as associate members. Inter- as hockey, basketball, volleyball, and work they covered in class during the Tue"d ..y ested persons are asked to see Dr. softball between different colleges, year. During the scheduled drill Tri Beta .MONDAY, :M:AY 23 Yond ...,. Holthaus of the Philosophy Depart,. which helps to create better sports- period, the batallion, led by the band, 8:00--11:00 OIao"o meellng lot peYiod ment or any of the members for manship. The present board members passed in review and was inspected. The members of Tri Beta, honorary 1:00-- 4:00 Cla~6e8 meeung 4th period :Monday 2f'!r;1 meeting 5th period the remainder of the' semester: Floyd the present system is a green blaier were presented for the inspectors by Finksburg, Maryiand. Thomas, president; Fletcher Ward, which was won this year by "Dutch" different classes. The cadets wore A tour of the farm, swimming, 8:BO--ll:30 Mond ..y Clu.e;' vice-president: Audrey Dixon, sec- Ruppenthal. uniforms throughout the day. ,hiking, and a speedball game kept 1:00-4:00 Cla.t;se. retary; and Jesse Kagle, treasurer. The usual awards will be given out This inspection is the annual one those present occupied during the 8:30-11:30. Proposed by-laws have been submit;.. at the end of the year. All freshmen by the War Department. In past afternoon and evening. A "wiener" THURSDAY, MA 26 ted to,the National Council of the girls who went out for fall sports years the unit has received an ex- roast with all the trimmings proved Monday Tuesday fraternity for approval. Several of were awarded their '52 shields at the cellent rating and, from all indi- to be the most actively supported 1:00-- 1:00 CIa,...,. meeting 8rd period 8:30-11:30 the m~bers have entered philosophi- beginning of the year at a special cations, upheld their high proficiency event of the excursion. Officers for the FRIDAY, MAY :n An 218, Eeon. 3511, English (Continued on page 4, column 5) party given by tlle organization. this year. acadel)lic year 1949-1950 were elected. 282, Latin 1(1~
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