Page 56 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 56
eod eapeM The l.ineup • Sparrows Pt. Bows Juniata Takes GolF TourneYi To Hill StickSquadi Juniors Upset Netters Continue To Score by Homer C. Earll Senior Team Sports Editor Loyola On Top {h;h~~eiS::~m:r~:l~h~!::mi:~~i:en~; Rallying with a fourth period four- by Rut1~ Allen Lehigh Second, WMC Sixth In Excellent Invitation; goal splurge, the Western Maryland In a surprising upset, the juniors Hurtmen Record Victori~' Over Conference Foe. "The Lineup" in this IDeation. It has stick squad recorded a 12-9 victory turned back the seniors by a score of I been a very pleasant experience in over the Sparrows Point AA on May 9-6 in the last softball game of the The tennis team played its final The Western Maryland golfers I every respect. But before we write season. The juniors took an early match against Gettysburg College played host teams from ten visiting "30" for the last 14. The fracas lagged through the first lead, and, although the score was tied here at Western Maryland on May 21. schools on May 14 in the Tenth An- time, we would three quarters as faulty stick work twice, the seniors never overtook the The courtmen had little trouble with nual Western Maryland Invitation like to make a ruled the scene. Noticing their two- underclassmen. the Bullets, taking them into camp by Tournament. few observations. point deficit at the close of the third The junior's victory leaves tbe a 7-2 score. Juniata took honors in the 36-hole First, we hon- stanza, the Hill team turned loose a standings in a rather confused state. On the preceding day, the squad match with a tow'cnet score of 594 estly believe that Three teams, the seniors, juniors and engaged Baltimore U. on the home while Lehigh placed second, just one the qua lity of sophomores· are tied for first place, courts. Norm Stern, playing in the stroke higher. The remaining teams teams now being each having won two games and lost number one spot, sparked the home placed as follows: 3, Loyola; 4, Hop- produced at Wes- one. The freshmen are in last place team to its twelfth win, when, after kins; 5, Gettysburg; 6, WMC; 7, Mt. tern Maryland is with three losses. Due to the short dropping the first set by a 13-11 St. Mary's; 8, American U.; 9, Balti· still holding to the upward trend time left it is doubtful that the tie count, he bought back and wone the more U.; 10, Washington; and 11, which has been apparent since the will be played off. next two, 6-2 and 7-5. Phil Sack and Dickinson. war. More rigorous schedules coupled A hockey game has been tentatively The sixth-place Western Maryland- with better opposition have been scheduled this week between the sen- ers set a precedent in the school's featured in this upswing. Admittedly iors nnd underclassmen. With this history lIS all four players recorded not one of our teams has been a gnme the senior women will close all the scores in the 70's. Al Bright "world-beater" but is it not better to their college careers in sports-leaving was the Terror medalist with a 148 make a creditable showing, even behind them a particularly outstand- for 36 holes, while Frank Stephenson though it may be in a losing cause, ing record. Six senior women have had a 153, Al Jacobson 156, and Jack against respectable opposition than earned their big "M's". Represent- Spicknall 157. to maul unmercifully a team of sub- ing an unusually large number to par caliber1 When a win is recorded receive this award are Margaret Rup- Jack Cronin of Loyola was the it constitutes a worthwhile achieve- penthal, 'Vilma Steele, Annette Mac- Tournament medalist with a 141. Mahon, Sue Dixon, Betsy Taylor and On May 16 the team journeyed to m:;:~re· are a few reasons why we Della Grauel. Joan Minnis and Dot Baltimore's Mt. Pleasant course to believe W.MC will never be a really Gamber have also been very active in place third in the seven teem Meson- great power athletically. This school the support of their class teams. Dixon Tournament. Hopkins surprised was organized for the purpose of edu- The class as a whole began their by trimming Loyola for the crown. cation, not the production of pro ath- Norm Needle career on the hockey field, where they The Terrors were trailed by Baltimore letes. Athletics are essentially extra- won their first championship in their U., AU, Mt. St. Mary's, and Washing- curricular and should remain that five-goal burst. Vince Landau bagged freshman year. They have continued ton College. Once again Cronin carded way. We're not stumping for WMC to two gopla while high-scoring Bob to hold the crown during their four the low score, this time a 150. Spick- become powerful enough to ask ad- Ebert and Norm Needle also pene- years. On the basketball court they nall Ied the Green with a 168. mittance to the Ivy League. we de- were not quite _so successful, losing sire teams that will hold their own trated the visitors defense. the championship game each year by Phil Sack handed Loyola the with the clubs representing similar fourth loss in nine starts stickers their a close score. However, the class has to close out size institutions that are placing the season. The stronger and more always been well represented on the George Spittel were also winners in generally an equivalent emphasis on adept Greyhounds trailed only once as varsity basketball squad. For three the singles bracket, but it was Terror intercoUegiates. the Terrors Charlie Mann opened the years they held the softball crown, strength in doubles that enabled them to cop the match, six to three. scoring in the early seconds. Once while this season they are in a three- Almost within the space of a week Class Is A Factor way tie for first place. The seniors Loyola started to operate the eventual the Hurtmen took three matches, lost The days of Western Maryland outcome was obvious. Tight .defensive have also been active in individual one, and were leading in the fifth. trimming Georgetown, Boston College, work by the 'Hounds kept the WMC sports, with members of the class Dickinson fell victim twice and Tow- Maryland and others in football are offense at bay. Loyola failed to score holding the badminton crown for four son Teachers were shut out for the past. As long as the large universities in the final period but by then they years. 7' second time this year. Loyola College continue to offer incentives to the had scored 13 goals while the home And thus they write finis to a proved to be too much again and performers, the smaller, squad could garner but four. Mann career which might well set a note- Westem Maryland lost its second bout -e- non-incentive schools will not get the had two of these-while Dyke and Paul worthy example for the years to with the Greyhounds. This time it was pick of the crop. They will get a fair contributed the others. much closer. Doug Weaver and Bobby ~ share of stars, and we have done well Talner won their singles matches, on that account, but the crowd will Carlisle Team Ekes Out 4-2 Triumph As while the doubles combination - of run to the universities that number Rowe Moore and George Spittel in the thousands. Consequently, the Green Terror Nine Closes Out Schedule gained a point for the Green squad. smaller school cannot hope to com- Final score: Loyola, 6; WMC, 3. pete with these Goliaths of the sports As finals draw ncar, the baseHall baseball team, and the contest was On May Day the Green and Gold world. Some few persons yearn for season has culminated with the Ter- the last for John Adamovitch, Jim played host to Johns Hopkins. Wesf- the "good old days" but they are rors posting a record of four wins Formwalt, Ernie Leap, and Walt ern Maryland had suffered a setback .... gone for all time. Schools must be and nine setbacks. Lack of strength Pia vis in a Green and Gold ~niform. at the hands of the Jays in Baltimore, class conscious nowadays. at bat and consistency in the field Rain and wet grounds hampered but this time they were leading by a Another factor that is preventing plagued Lefty. Elliott's charges the squad the early part of the sea- 3-1 score before a heavy thunderstorm Western Maryland from gaining more throughout Ithe season, but the per- son, causing cancellation of several struck. and Cushing took individual honors. widespread reeognition is the pro- formance of newcomers Maynard contests and retarding the progress of The final thirteen and four record Al Jacobson, who has been competing nounced scarcity of intersectional Fones, John Spencer, Bob Rodefer, compiled by the tennis team is out- against the best of the golfers in the contests. A step in the right direc- and Kenny Shook provided the few standing, but by no means unusual area all season, lost to Feldman, who tion was made this year by schedul- bright spots in the picture. for Hurt-coached squads. scored a two-under-par 69. ing Wagner, Hofstra, and Trinity, Sparked by the slugging of John In a match with Gettysburg the fol- but most of our opponents were Babb, the Green and Gold made it two lowing day the Terrors were defeated schools not more than a few hours in a row over Loyola; this time on the Hull and Kemper 5-2. Don Makosky and Joe Kovaleski ride from the Hill. Yet as long as the Greyhound's home diamond, triumph- combined for the WMC total while cut system grants no leeway to the ing by a decisive 8-3 SCOTC. In the Dealers in Stephenson lost his match on the players, intersectionals are inadvis- first game against Loyola, it was Bob Chrysler and Plymouth eighteenth g-reen. able since the players have no desire Douglas and Jim Formwalt who fur- Cars to be penalized for the missing of --- classes. We don't advocate the elimi- ntshed the punch, while Babb turned Factory Appro vcd Service to pull relief pitching in some nifty nation of our local foes, but rather the that one out of the fire. On r.lay 18, Used Cars of Quality J. WM. HULL, Jeweler addition of several intersectional con- Western Maryland played host to teste to each schedule thereby adding Westminster, Md. Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds interest for players and spectators ~:~~~~s~:~kb~! !h:_2Gco;~nt~q;~~s ~::: Phone 586 and furthering the name of Western The Store of New Fashioned Maryland in locales where such a title the last game of tIle season for the Jewelry and Old Fashioned is connected with a railway, not a Honesty school. TIMES BUILDING Everybody Is Welcome Good Health East Main Street Could Be Leader To SLop In At To Westminster, Md. John Babb The future of our athletic program lies in participation with opponents Margaret & Earl'. the team under actual game competi- All in our own class. That our adversaries for tion. With the end of football prac- could be picked from more widely tice, Tom Tereshinski aided Lefty From separated parts I do believe. It also SANDWICHES- Elliott in coaching the team so El- It Pays To Look Well seems very possible that our teams liott could devote more time to play- REXALL Visit The could have better records for reasons SOFT DRINKS ing. However, neither 'I'ereshinski already ~entioned. Our players are as nor Elliott could find a winning com- good if not better than the average at bination. J Avenue Barber Shop this level of competition. The present staff is doing a superhuman job and Where The Students Go conditions are constantly improving. GRADUATING CARDS Buy Your Bedtime Snacks With a few breaks in the right places, Compliments of at 85 Pennsylvania -Avenue the wholehearted support of the stu- and dent body, and the continued deter- PETE'S mination of the varsity players to do GIFTS Rutan Chevroltt Co. well at all times, western Maryland GROCERY STORE COSTUMES & FORMALS not only can have but will have teams -- For Rent that will continue to improve and fos- P. G. COFFMAN CO. Watch for Latest Sealtest Ice Cream ter the name of 'VMC as a leader in Times Bldg. -- DOROTHY ELDERDICE -the athletic world among the smaller City Models of Cars Main St.-Red Neon Sign colleges of the East. Come on Ter- 75 W. Green St.-Phone 57 rors-WIN!
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