Page 50 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 50
The Gold Bug, May 13, 1949 THE GOLD BUG Superstitions Borrowed Bits Since the presentation of the opera By June Beaver Described "Down in the Valley," the excellent Helen Beth Lindahl. who arrived from Sweden in August 1947. production of "Olivet to Calvary" by the choir, and the evening of lovely writes notes to herself in Swedish, so that no one else can under- Although you and I are not super- music by the Girls' Chorus, there has stand them. "I'm very spoiled," admits Helen, and "I've become stitious, many people are; and the been a deeper appreciation of the very lazy in America because everyone has a car! In the "Old Member little odd things these people do are activities of the musical organizations Country" we walk or ride bicycles." To pedal 75 miles is nothing Associated Collegiate Press for the sole purpose of making Lady on this campus. Now, an increased but daily exercise to Helen. Now she spends her time writing Luck smile favorably upon them. is shown in the development interest Subscription, Price $2.00 a Year The strange thing about supersti- of a concert band, and perhaps, in letters, working as Mr. Havens' secre- tions is that most of them do have the not too distant future, a male tary, and teaching Swedish to some EDITOR.IAL STAFF a logical basis. In the days of yore chorus or glee club. of her ambitious Blanche Ward when everyone was ignorant of the friends. Polishing Callie's Swedish ac- t~i~';I:~O~d~i~;.: ·'~~~~Y.JIl,:!n~e~~y~~: :~~ laws of nature, the wise old sages cent for the senior play is another Fel'tllre Editor.. . ..• Jack Loper, '52 Spring Tours N&ws Editor •......... Lynn Golbar,,", '51 made up meaningless excuses for item on Helen's heavy schedule. A•• i.tBnt New. Editor Alice Yearley, '51 This interest in, and support of, SPOrt!i Editor.. . Blacki. Brandt, '51 phenomena; and these have been car- In addition to improving Swedish Copy Edil
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