Page 55 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, May 24, J94j) 3' The Cliche E)(pert Discovers Mr. Porter's Stakes ~tw, Rrwi,WjR~ qeid. 1/ Sen i 0 r s once again pass Arbutnot And Gets An Interview . through the arch, looking into dJ.ew. p~ (!)n q~ community, and try to be a leader." a new direction. Four years ago We wish to apologize to the author "A leader, Mr. Arbutnot?" the same group was bidding Graduation! The magic day that seems so distant to the mem- of Well K7!Qll)1~Cliches for this in- vasion of his territory, but we were "Yes, a leader, because I have had ~~rG~e~~J~ie~~~~ ~~~~~\~r:~~: bets of the fles~man class, ~ goal attained, b?, the seniors of 1949_ curious to see what the land looked the privilege of graduating from col- their way into a new world-the Another revolution by the .tlreless wheel of tJm~ has ~ome around, like, and we brought back the fol- lege, one which many of my fellow American college of a postwar" and Weste~n Maryland, ~s It has done s? many times smce the C!vII \ the farewells period. However, War and Will do so oft.en III the f~ture, gives up one ~ore grad.u~tmg lowing report. men have not had, and I must help of today take on a different out- class to be absorbed Into the dally routl_ne of working and living. guide the less edueetedz' The author met Mr. Arbutnot on look. These men and women the campus and, in the course of the "Mr. Arbutnot, you will be stepping have worked for common indivi- 'I'helr four y~ars of college work conversation, unearthed some interest- into a world ... " dual and group goals in a small Lett-rToTheEd'ltor and worry behind them, they leave g ing recta as to the well known cliche .. at the dawn of a newera. With society quite different from the. the campus that has been somethi.n of a home to them for so long, with here. We started by asking, "Mr. the discovery of the atom bomb, man Arhutnot, now that you arc about to ~:Sd~:~~:r:ds~:e.a;:;; ~:c!~:!yw~~~ ~~~c~~:n.abandoned for higher Dear Sir: ~~:~~! varied as the people gi-aduate, what is it that you carry a way from college which is most im- revolutionize the present civilization." Obviously this change of once I would like publicly to express President Jim Cotter felt the "What about this present genera- again entering the "outside world" my appreciation to the Administra- weight of marital responsibilities portant? tion, Mr. Afbutnot," should not spell complete forgetful- tion, Faculty, Students, and Alumni heavily upon his shoulders. "Tt's about "Ob, yes," he replied, "I carry away ness for- western Maryland. Alumni for making the May Day Dance so time I left and got to work, now that from college a well_rounded personali- are like foreign ambassadors-they successful both socially and financial- I'm married. But 1 will miss the peo- ty. That's why I came here in the Yes, What About This Generation? "This may be the lost generation, !~rg:e:;ee;;n;a:he\~to a~::th~a~~;ie~~ lY'Orchids are due B'etty Becker, Joe ~~ey':d ht:r: ~~t::sf:~:\:eae::)o grow :~!-C:l~~;n:O~rek:~;;.aCl:~~~~;anr~ if we do not get back to the good old every walk of life. Would-be students Fowler, Caroline Sapp, Al Bright, A tinge of regret seemed to mark of college education . a well-round- concept of \the golden rule. We can- Marydel Clayton, Fletch Ward, Dotty the words of lacrosse player Sherm ed personality gotten by mingling not afford another war." will base their opinions of our insti- Alexander, Bob Martin, and the mem- Garrison when he said, "Naturally, with men and women who are my "Why, Mr. Arbutnot?" tution on the conduct of the alumni. bel'S of the sororities and fraternities I'm glad to be through all the work, peers, and who contributed their bit "Because the next war will be the Employers will grade the institution for their time, effort, and cooperation but I'm sorry to leave this college to moulding the new me." last. There will be no victor, no on the professional efficiency of the in the planning and preparation for life. I'm sure I'll miss it when I'm alumni. Communal citizens will evalu- vanquished. We will all be losers. the dance, gone. A Plug For Auld Lang Syne ate the institution on the leadership Hal McIntyre wishes to convey his And there are many who give the Therefore we must fraternize or qualities displayed by the alumni. "In gathering these new assets and vaporize." Also, Western Maryland needs the sincere appreciation for the favorable heartiest approval to such sentiments, discarding the old," we continued, "what must we do, Mr. Arbutnot?" reception given his orchestra and ex- for they generally agree that the men "certainly you gave of yourself "We must look to the future with assistance of the graduates. pressed a desire to return next year. and women who attend ...western Mr. and Mrs. Senior of 1949, you to .. " faith. We must remember that man's are Western Maryland. You are the Sincerely, Maryland are one of its best assets, . . . to the benefit of my peers only hope lies in getting back on backbone of our institution-you Ja.y Brew1ngtol and bring the most pleasant memories and to the adva~cement of the college the road to loving his fellow man. We do with it as you like. may in future years. community. I came not only to receive, must cooperate with all nations. Dear 1\11'. Editor: BeUye Benson, on the other hand, is but also to give." not give in too leniently. . but co- The Trumpeters' for the incoming singhlg Hallelujah. "I'm good and "True, true," we nodded. "On the operate' where feasible and be willing Other Farewells senior class were 'chosen Thursday ready to leave", she says. "I'll only other hand, Mr. Arbutnot, you will to sacrifice a point to gain a point With the end of this term two evening, May 19. We would like to of- miss the kids and the good times, but cherish .. " in order to assure the future peace great people of our campus draw fer a criticism of the alleged manner not the study." cherish the memories of Qf the world. 'The only thing we have the final curtain on their life at in which the selections were made. Her eyes look to a bright future, friends so dear. Here at college I to fear,' as one man said, 'is fear Western Maryland - "Mom" First of all, let it be understood and each senior in his or her own met many new friends, some of them itself.'" Griffin and Mr. J. B. Jones. that we are not writing this to be- way, hopes that post-college life will I will know the rest of my life and "In such a world, Mr. Arbutnot, "Mom" Griffin, who has listened to little the girls who were chosen. It sec the fulfillment of the many plans some whom I may never see again." you will not forget ... " so many student problems, fixed so is the general feeling that they were professed. Yes, it is again graduation "Oh, but Mr. Arbutnot, that is all " ... my Alma Mater. They will many wounds of the body and heart, deserving of the reward. time. The class of '49 opens the door a part of ... be glad to see and hear from me and has offered that touch of home We feel that there are other girls to the future! ". . a part of growing up to man· whenever I find time. There will al- that is ever so needed at college, in the present junior class just as hood. I have left my youth behind me ways be a pleasant handshake and a leaves us for destination unknown. deserving as those seJected. Their re- and am now entering the world out- smile for me whenever I return to That man who seems to know every- cords speak for themselves. Club News side as a man." visit." one by name, who coaches the soccer We are under the impression that "A man who will what, Mr. Arbut- With this, we left Mr. Arbutnot team, afil:l.who always has a helping participation in religious activities WESLEY ANET'TES: not?" and walked slowly to the hummed hand for those ill t)'ouble, will assume carries more weight in the scoring New officers for the fall semester "A man who will take his place in strains of the Alma Mater. a pastorate at Frostburg, Maryland. system used in selecting the Trum- were installed at the anpual Wesleya- society as a responsiole citizen of the . P-40 Books could be written about the peters than do other activities and nette banquet, May 6. The officers things these two people have done. honors. If this is a fact, the system arc: president, Eva Mae Davis; ";Cfl'; needs revision. The Story Of A Martian, His Die, They have carried on tirelessly the president, Joyce Parker; sccretary- treasurer, and helpful- of friendliness tradition Dolly Dalgleish. ness so characteristic of our institu- Scoring System Wrong FRENCH CLUB: alleged The scoring system And A Question Into Future Time tion. All we, the ~tudents of '''MO, of wrong because it is undemocratic. It is Members of Le Cercle Francais can say with all of .the gratitude the school yenr 1949-1950: President- "And this-this is a Martian die." he was planning the next trip. Would our hearts is, "Thanks." is prejudiced because it is discrimina- have elected the following officers for because it is biased. tory. It is unfair The Space Traveler, as he chose to he last? He was a skeleton now. Star- Why is a girl who is in the S. C. A. Margaret Beyer, Vice-President-Vir- call himself, threw down an ugly col- vation diet on that rocket. more Love In The Spring more outstanding than one who is a ginia Clayton, Secretary-Rita Lud- We feel that a well- , ored tetrahedrone on the coffee table "Their architecture was class officer or a S. G. A. leader1 How wig, Treasurer-Jackie Brown. in front of us. J'They had games of spidery than ours-gravity less, you about athletics? DEBA'rING CLUB: chance, too, you know." know, and they used light materials. The last seat at the end of the last rounded participation which benefits Jerry Lockman and Herb Klinger "Really?" said my friend's eyebrow. Some sort of foam cement. Their .. yeah, near the window ex- the entire college community should have been elected captain and mana- "But of course," and he went on to buildings were very beautiful. I could posed to the air, that's the place for a carry more weight than it does at ger respectively of the debating team. copiously explain why tile Martians tell from the ground plans, broken lev:el-headed guy like me, he was the present. This year the club has participated should be predisposed to gamble-how pieces-and yes, pictures. A culture thinking as the poetry prof droned on We leave these thoughts for the in ten debates and has been unde- the cells of.their bodies, their nervous like that has a leisure for art, you like a king-bee. His mind escaped, an Trumpeter committee to consi1er. feated. Plans for next season include system and endocrine secretions com- know. Murals, sculpture-They were "iron-willed prisoner out of the at- ITQurs Sincerely, many mOJ;'edebates and engagements bined to produce that "reckless aban- not so different from us." mosphere of classroom famininity" as Student Group with'large universities. don to chance that creatures of so- he called it. ciety indulge in, attempting to escape But This Couldn't Happen Here! The famininity he was interested in the relentless system and predictabil- He leaned back and gazed far away. wasn't in this classroom. . Dicks ity of civilization." I could see him retracing his stumb- other self was suspellded in the air But he stopped, seeing that my lings through that great city on the inebriated with the ether of Spring friend's eyebrow was not directed to red plains, alone, digging among the and the presence of Sally. This other MartiRn gambling but 'rather, saw silent stoncs with the zeal of an self is trying to figure out just wllat that it signaled a general disbelief in Egyptologist glorying in the tumbled it is about her that makes him likc Martians altogether. blocks of Karnak. her so much more than any other girl The Space Traveler did not give up. "But they're gone now," he whis- he's ever known and, in fact, he's sure "I have proof," he beamed. He pulled pered. "They've come and gone before he'll never know. a ledger from his brief case. "Ship's man ever appeared on the earth." He stared right at her ... imagine, log," he said. "Where did they go?" my friend ....he was staring at her now, just as if "No photographs?" my friend in- asked bluntly, egging him on. it didn't matter in the least whether she knew it or not. She's not beauti- quired. sa;: !~::;U~I;~w,,, the Space Traveler !~~t,~ef:;dsudr:C!ided, but he likes her, The Skeptical Earthman lntenenes "They were a very advanced peo- The wind played with he\' hair as The log book sunk with his relaxed ple, weren't they?" I said. "Govern- ll€ watched, and he decided he liked hands: "They were all ruined," he ment, technology, you know." the straw color of it, and the wistful said slowly. "I took excellent shots of "Yes. Very. See how they have way it had of clinging to her face everything, but when I got home and united to pipe the melting snow caps here, and flying off on a tangent there developed them 1 found radiation had to their cities in their great canals. with stray ends of it brushing across blurred them." A great sadness filled They fought off the deserts that her forehead. He liked the way her him. "I have only the log, and this eyes looked. . Iikc two twinkling' threatened to dry their life, and ugly die." thrived on the lush banks. It is still dabs of blue. It's her freckles he likes, My friend paged through the log. green there with lichens and ferns-I yeah, that's it, her freckles. . the "Do you expect me to believe this? I can't understand." ones that get all mixed up when she suppose YOllhave come to warn us of I ventured a guess. 'That radia- wrinkles her nose. an invasion." He laughed with scorn. tion-that spoiled your plates. Where The last words of the prof had pen- "Invasion?" the Space Traveler did it come from?" etrated! Why? He'd only said (in asked, nonplused. For myself I be- "I don't know, 1 don't know," the quoting some great artist or an'bther),' lieved him to be innocent of the radio Space Traveler said, confuused. "She was a phantom of delight." That scare broadcasts. He would have I turned to my friend and asked, was what ruined it all. Dick knew all thought us children to dub him a the time it couldn't be true, and yet prankster. "How long does ground hold radio- he'd tried so hard to go on believing. "Invasion?" he repeated blankly. active contamination?" This other self soon fell to the earth. "Oh, no. You see, they've all died "Centuries," he said. "But what do Yeah, he thought, she was ILphantom out, long ago. There's nothing but yot.. mean? Do you mean . of delight, and if I hadn't heard that, rubble left. I've photographed all of "Yes. This die holds' the truth. I'd have been reminded that she's it. Next time 1 shall Carry my plates They gambled on civilization, and Dave's girl anyhow, so what's the "Okay. CUI 'er hard" in a lead sheath," he mused. Already lost." WiIJ we? difference?
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