Page 51 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 51
The Gold Bug, May 13, 1949 The Lineup • Hurtmen DeFeat Terror Pitching Terror Ten Victors Twice, Three Rivalsi Improves Teami Drop Struggle To Sho'men By Homer C. Earll When Bob Ebert racked up ten Lose To Jays Rookies Assist goals in last week's lacrosse game With the baseball season half over, VMI, Franklin-Marshall Victims Of Gold Team; The at Franklin and Marshall, we started courtmen Western Maryland varsity only six of a scheduled ten games Washinglon College Staves Off Rally To Win sche- have continued their a diligent search in the record books have been played. Rain and wet for individual scoring honors. The dule successfully, checked only by an grounds have hampered the Terrors On April 30, the Western Maryland t r a i I eventually upset loss to Johns Hopkins and an since opening day. Weaknesses afield varsity lacrosse team traveled to led to the Balti- expected defeat at the hands of and at bat have accounted for Wes- Lexington, Virginia to engage the Loyola. ?1Wl'e Sun where On April 25, the squad went away tern Maryland's four setbacks, but Virginia Military Institute stickers. Jim Elliot, for- to engage the Gettysburg College these defects are being attended to by The cadets were good hosts, as the mer sports editor racquet-swingers. They added G-Burg coaches Lefty Elliott and Tom 'I'ere- Terrors came home with an over- of this paper, re- shlnskt. By shifting the infield and whelming 14 to 4 victory. The trip ported that inso- to their Jist of victims by a seven to adding Leo Lathroum and Walt Hart was marred only by the weather, far as he could two count and extended the victory to the pitching staff, hope for im- rain coming down throughout the determine it was skein to six straight. Maryland provement is seen. game to make the footing uncertain. day Western The next a record. How- played host to Towson State Teachers. Of the six games played, Western Nevertheless, the Gold squad ap- ever, not all sources have been The Terrors were rather inhospitable Maryland has won two while dropping parently found it to their liking and checked; so that is still an unofficial to their guests, winning seven matches four contests. The losses were to the outcome was never in doubt. assumption. The next issue ought to and losing none to gain their first Washington College 6-0; American Franklin and Marshall couldn't contain definite word on the matter. shutout of the year. An unusual fea- University 3-0 and 12-1; University stem the tide, the following Wednes- Record or not, it was still a great ture was added to the affair with the of Baltimore 10-9; and Mount St. day, when they also were swamped effort by Ebert, who still has two sea- Mary's 8-7. The scores of the latter by Western Maryland. Bob Ebert sons left in the field of intercollegiate ~~~s:~~:~: :t Yi~U~!p~~d~ho~~ T;r:: games show the improvement of the spearheaded the attack with a possi- Iecroeee. vided inspiration to some talented hilltop pel's. The Green and Gold has ble record-breaking ten goal effort. WMC co-eds to tryout for the team beaten Towson Teachers 13-4, and up- This, coupled with his seven points Slugfllflt next spring. It might help spectator set powerful Loyola 21-20. In this scored against Hofstra, put him well The baseball clubs of Tom Tere- interest! last see-saw battle, the home team in the lead for team scoring honors. shinski seem to have a peculiar knack The following Friday, the Green used three hurlers while the Grey- Charlie Mann and Dan Honemann for becoming involved in weird con- and Gold traveled to Baltimore to hounds threw five into the fracas. Jim contributed steady and well-played tests. Last year they hooked up with meet Johns Hopkins. Unfortunately, Formwalt's big bat accounted for Bachelors Lead Softball games at attack and midfield, re- three hits, one of them a home run. Hopkins in a four-hour marathon the boys encountered an off-day, and spectively, and the whole team was that finally produced a Terror win by Hopkins upset the Terrors six to Western Maryland took the lead late Gammas, Next well-coordinated and alert, despite in the game on ten walks and was Preachers, a 20-18 score, This past week saw three. In the singles matches, only sweltering heat which made Coach them produce their annual thriller as Weaver managed to salvage a win, able to pull it out of the fire. The The intramural softball league got Al Paul substitute freely. Final they out-walked Loyola to a 21-20 while the doubles combinations of other four- games were rained out. under way April 25, with the opening score---WMC: 20; F & M: 2. vletory. Stern-Sack and Moore-Spittel gained game between the Bachelors and In- On May 7, the Green and Gold took Coming to bat in the last of the victories. dependents. The Bachelors, behind on the powerful Wa$ington College third, the home team trailed the Undaunted by this loss, the Hur-t-, Lathroum's seven hit pitching, tri- lacrosse team and -gave them a hard Greyhounds 12-3 and seemed headed men bounced back with a decisive umphed by a,7 to 4 count, garnering battle before losing the contest, 5 to for a defeat. At this point the real triumph over Baltimore U. Final 14 hits off several I.ndependent hur- 3, on Hoffa Field. Hampered by a fun began. Somebody swiped home score-WMC: 8; BU: 1. The Bees lers. driving wind, rain, and hail storm, plate-cat least insofar as the visit- were beaten almost from the start, The following Wednesday the Bach- which drenched a large May Day ing pitchers were concerned. Three but the win was marred by Doug elors won their second in a row, an crowd of spectators and players alike, hurlers co;'ldn't find the mark. The Weaver's first loss in nine matches. 8 to 5 victory over the Preachers. The the home team didn't get its attack Westminster team had a wonderful The tennis team went out of its Preachers had a one-run lead early in rolling until Washington College had time parading around the basepaths. class on May 5, when they met the game, but this was wiped out by gained a three point advantage. Then Midway in the proceedings, Jim Loyola's fine team at Evergreen. Led a four run outburst in the third in-- sparked by midfielder Rowe Moore, Formwalt, broke the spell by blooping by Jim Lacy, who hasn't lost a match ning, and they remained behind for who scored two goals, WMC narrowed a Texas League single to center, and in three years, the Greyhounds over- the remainder of the contest. the Sho'men's advantage to a single John Spencer provided variety by be- whelmed the club with little trouble. The Gamma Bets split two games, counter. However, the visitors held ing hit with a pitched ball. When Nonetheless, Professor Hurt and his shading the Wesleyans, 9 to 6, and on grimly to their slim lead, and scor- the team was finally retired the ball charges are looking forward to the dropping a slug-fest to the Preachers, ed the final goal, to win. game was all tied up. How do you return match, May 12, here on the 16·15. Three home-runs in succession Washington College brought to do it, Terry_? HilL by Preachermen Hurry Bush, Joe Westminster the nation's leading Corleto and Stan Fieldman provided scorer in the person of Ray 'Wood, Spicknall,Stephenson Former Terror the spark to overcome a Gamma Bet but defenseman Chad Aiau hung on Walt Sibiski, formerly of Wl't1C's John Spencer lead. to him like a leech and held him scoreless. golf, basketball, and soccer teams, Are Leaaing Golfers The Bachelors won their third game . With their toughest contest yet to performed ably in lef.t field and ,a'lso John Babb, Jim Formwalt, and in a row by trouncing the Black and come, tbe final game against Loyola at the plate for Loyola. He chipped in With the aid of good weather, Freshman Maynard Fones have been Whites, 13 to 5, on May 4, while the here on May 18, Coach Paul has been two hits for the losing cause. The which has been out of keeping with consistent performers both at bat and next day the Preachers had little working his charges to eradicate Evergreen school apparently hasn't this year's schedule so far, the links- in the field. The whole team has been trouble defeating the Independents, early game mistakes in' preparation changed "Si" much, for his ever-ready men, on April 27, defeated Mount St. improving steadily this season and 13-9. to try and upset the power-laden smile was just as prominent as al- Mary's on the WMC course by a 5-4 should realize several more victories Thus far, the Bachelors are in Greyhounds. By adding Joe Giannelli ways. Win or lose, he seldom loses score. The match was very close all before the end of the season on May first place with three wins and no los- at goal and shifting the line-up his JOViality.This was a true case of the way and was not decided until 19. With five league games remaining, ses; the Preachers follow, two and slightly, Paul hopes to return to win- "our less being their gain." the last hole. Frank Stephenson, the squad hopes to end the campaign one; and the Gammas are in posses- Jack Spicknall, and Dan Bradley were at the .500 mark. The rookies on the sion of third place with one victory ning form and sweep the remaining This writer's prediction of the the individual winners. team should help in these aspirations scheduled encounters. tennis match between WMC and and one defeat. The Black and The lacrossers have done well, thus Loyola went slightly awry. The Grey- and those of next year. The team Whites and Wesleyans are tied for far, sporting a four and three record, hound racquetroen were far stronger plays on Westminster High School fourth--one loss apiece. The Indepen- and they stand a good chance of com- field and needs your support for the in the lower positions than anyone on remaining games of the season. dents occupy the cellar, having two pleting a winning season. Much of the the Hill had believed. It was the setbacks. success of the squad has depended initial, and we hope the only, white- the attack trio of Bob Ebert, Norm washing of the team this year. We Girls SoftbaliT oumament, Girls Softball Lineup Needle, and Joe Keenan, but mid- can hope that a better showing will fieldmen Charlie Mann, Dan Hone- be made when' the teams meet on the Intramural Tennis Started Senior Team: mann, Rowe Moore, and Al Paul have local courts. S. Dixon, W. Steele, Taylor, J. contributed their share of the scor- With a hopeful eye on the weather, Minnis, D. Grauel, M. Ruppenthal, ing. The whole defensive unit has Drehids To Aiau the girls' softball tournament has got- M. Price, D. Ruppert, D. Gamber. played well also, led by Captain Dick ten under way. Games have been A low bow is in order for Harvey scheduled through the coming week. Junior Team: Brown, Chad Aiau, and Elmer Aiau. The heavy-set lacrosse defense- The standing show the seniors in R. Allen, B. Lena, V. Clayton, B. ,Richards. man accomplished a notable feat in first place with two wins to their Day, S. Larmore, R. Holland, J. Graf, holding Ray Wood, currently leading credit, having defeated the freshmen M. Will, O. Bruning. the nation's scorers, goalless. The 11·3 and the sophmores 15-6. In Substitutes: J. Watkins, M. Thomas, Shoremen were extremely fortunate second place are the sophmores, with A. McMahan, E. Weeks. Baseball to edge the Terrors as they did. This one win and one loss. The win came Sophomore Team: WMC 8 Loyola 3 was the first time in two seasons that when they defeated the juniors by a M. Brown, B. Milstead, B. Pfoutz, WM'C 1 Gettysburg 6 Wood had been .held scoreless. score of 7-5 in what perhaps was the M. Williams, M. Buchman, E. Linton, Hawaii's representative to Western tightest game thus far. Tied for third C. Janney, D. Phillips, J. Newell. Tennis Maryland really played himself quite Al Bright place are the juniors and freshmen, Freshman Team: WMC-Dickinson rain Schmidt, J. Broekelbank, B. a game. each having sustained a loss. Hale, J. Brengle, M. Shawn, E. Davis, V. WMC 3 Loyola 8 Tomorrow will see representatives On the preceeding day, Hopkins The tennis courts are also the scene H. Leerburger, J. Lawson, M. Grice. Golf from the general area competing in furnished the opposition, this match of much activity. The first round of WMC 6 Baltimore U. 3 the tenth annual Western Maryland resulting in a 4% to 4lh tie. SpicknaU the intramural tennis has been played, WMC 'h Juniata 8'h Invitation Golf Tournament. Each and Bradley again took honors along thus narrowing the field of competi- seek revenge! Hopkins to team is allowed four participants. The with Al Bright. tion. However, it is still too early to WESTMINSTER'S furnish ollPosition 'tomorrow, here at University of Maryland has copped The golfers, the same week, met the make predictions coneerning the prob- Western Maryland. the honors for the past two years but Gettysburg College golf team at the able winners. FAMILY the quartet of locals are marked as Gettysburg Country Club. They drop- RESTAURANT tough to beat on the home course. It ped this m:tch, 4~3, with Bradl.ey, should be an interesting affair from Stephenson, and Makosky accountmg start to finish. All those who enjoy for the visitors' three points. The Good Health Benny's Kitchen SHEET MUSIC watching "ye aIde English" sport are Bethesda Country Club was the scene POPULAR~TANDARD invited to follow the proceedings. of the encounter with American Uni- To CLASSICAL Dip the Derby: Award of the week versity, which the Terrors lost, 6% to Whert;,. old friends meet goes to John Babb who has been turn- 2%. Spicknall and Bright were the All RECORDS in some fine work for the baseball only point-getters for Western Mary- \lnd like to eat club. Not only did he chip in three land. From Choose from a Large Selection hits fOr the Terrors as they defeated The Green and Gold squad began 59 W. Main St., Westminster the following .week right with an Loyola 8-3, but just to prove that impressive ~ to; 1 victory over Dickin- REXALL Stu's Music Shop hitters can also pitch, he set the Grey- Phone 654-J 34 W. Main St. - Phone 585 hounds down with one hit in the last son, an~ thIS was followed on May 5, two innings! by a 6-3 ioss to Mount St. Mary.
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