Page 47 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 47
The Gold Bug, April 29, 1949 • Gold Stickers Bow q..u qruHU Heavy Rains Slow Baseball; The Lineup To Penn State Ten; Coeds Laul'1ch By Homer C. Earn Trip Hofstra 10-8 Spring Spc.rts Netmen Hit Winning Stride Sports Editor Many of the WMC students who use - The Hill team bowed to the Penn Despite adverse weal;her conditions, Contests With Dickinson, Penn State Rained Out; the golf course are playing for the State lacrosse squad April 16 on spring sports have gotten underway Hurt Racqueteer. Whip American Twice, Albright flrst.time ; yet, intuitively or otherwise Hoffa Field. The more experienced with softball, tennis. archery, and they are generally considerate enough visitors advanced to an eight-nothing golf on the agenda. The Western Maryland varsity Hindered by inclement conditions of other players half time score and went on to win Softball practice·is being held every courtmen, with Professor Frank Hurt and lack of game competition Western to adhere to good 14_5. afternoon at 4: 15, weather permit- at the helm, have steered through five Maryland's baseball team has gotten golfing etiquette. Led by Attackman Thomas, who ting. Monday and Wednesday are straight matches without a loss after off to a shaky start. As much cannot tallied four times, the Penn Staters open for freshmen end Tuesday and dropping the opener to Catholic Uni- In the opening game with Washing- be said of some cleverly defended their goal from at- Thursday for upperclassmen, while versity. ton College, the Terrors appeared on p La y e'r e from tack throughout the first half. Friday is a general make-up day. On April eleventh the Green ana the short end of a 6-0 score that does Westminster, Mt. Picking up the face-off at the Class teams will be chosen from those Gold opened its schedule by traveling not give a fair indication of how well St. Mary's, and beginning of the second half Dan who attend a sufficient number of to Washington to engage the CU net- the team played. Ken Munroe pitched others nearby Honeman charged through a mo- practices and an intramural tourna- men, but came away on the short end four-hit ball and with better support localities. mentarily unorganized opposing team ment will begin next week. of a seven to two score. The following afield, the outcome could have been There have been instances this defense and shot the home team's first The schedule for the tennis tourna- day they played host to Washington entirely different. spring of parties not even having the goal. He got more in the remaining ment has been posted, and those girls College, but with different results. Rain, hail, and wet grounds result- common courtesy to ask permission to minutes of the fracas. Ebert and who signed up are requested to play Final score: WMC 6, WC 3. Nine con- ed in the cancellation of games with play through preceding groups. You Landau each scored one in the second their matches as soon as possible. The tests are usually played to complete Trinity, American U., and Penn State. need only observe for a few minutes half. courts are in shape and students are a match, six singles and three doubles A trip to Dickinson resulted in a 1-2 to see groups driving from the tees Bob Ebert, Green and Gold close reminded that they may reserve them matches, and one point is scored for eontest halted at the end of four inn: before the party ahead is out of range. attackman, tallied seven times against by signing a list posted outside the each contest. Rowe Moo~e, George ings by more wet weather. In a 10-9 slugfest lost to the Uni- On golf courses there is no umpire; Hofstra's lacrosse team April 23 at girls' gym office in Blanche Ward. Spittel, Doug Weaver and Bobby versity of Baltimore, the Terrors fair play is each golfer's personal Westminster and set up several other Archery enthusiasts are also urged 'Iulner bested their opponents in sin- really showed batting and fielding responsibility. We of the college com- to come out and try their skill. The gles for four points while the doubles strength. "The game was nearly won munity must overlook the visitors bad targets are set up near Blanche Ward combinations of Moore-Spittel, ana but a ninth-inning rally fell short. taste for they are paying customers and practice sessions should be ar- Weaver-Sternburg accounted for the With \VMC players loading the bases and our guests. But just so none of ranged with Miss Todd. Instruction remaining two points. and only one out; Coach Lefty Elliott these guests can ever gripe about the sessions are offered seventh and A U and Albright lined what appeared to be a sure hit conduct of the college students, let us eighth periods daily. A special award In the next two days, Western down the first base line. Vern Mum- conform to the book. If some foreigner system is in effect whereby those Maryland was visited by American ir. mert, Bees first-baseman, made a sky- wrongs you, suppress that vengeful archers qualifying are eligible for an and Albright College, successively. reaching catch and then doubled desire to drive off when he is but fifty archery pin. Anyone interested should The results were fundamentally the Fones off first to kill the rally and yards distant. Golf injuries are far too see Miss Todd. same in both cases; the Terrors, exhi- end the game. serious. Even if the payin'g customers Golfers may receive \V AA points by biting a balanced and aggressive With a veteran infield headed by do not realize this let us by our con- turning in the scores of their six high- Adamovich, Dyke, Formwalt, and duct show that we are well aware of est rounds of nine holes each. These Elliott, the Terrors have both experi- such a fact. should be given to Delja Grauel or ence and fortification. Miss Todd b~' I'IIay 20. Points will be After football practice closes, long- Netmen Hustllng ball hitter Paul Ter-reshinsk will awarded according to the average of i Prof. Hurt's racquet-swingers ap- t.he six scores. probably take over the third base po- pear to bc the closest thing to a team Last Saturday Miss Todd and ten sition and Formwalt will ge back to powerhouse that Western Maryland students especially interested in arch- his old outfield post. has to offer intercollegiately this ery traveled to Wilson College in Ken Shook ;nd AI Dodd have been spring. Of course we've come to ex- Chambersburg, Pa., to attend an arch- alternating at first and third respec- pect better than average performance At Paul ery clinic. The program featured a ively and have been impressive in from the tennis team and up to this discussion by Mrs. Myrtle K. Miller, workouts. Fleet-footed John Babb point the outfit has an exemplary re- plays as Western Maryland soundly director of 'I'eela- \V ooket Archery and heavy slugger Ernie Leap head cord. To win four out of five matches trounced the Long Island, N.Y., Camp in Vermont, concerning the the returning outfielders who have been bolstered by Maynard Fones and in the space of a week over difficult visitors 17 - 8. Hofstra's Covert open- basic principles involved in teaching opponents takes power-and that's just ed the game by scoring in the first archery, two talks by manufacturers Bob Rodeffer. what the club has! six minutes of play. on the purchasing of archery tackle, Capable Ken Munroe heads the We predict that Loyola's Lacy, La- Pour minutes later Charlie Mann exhibitions by an ar-chery team from mound staff which stands as the out- roque, and Co. will experience an tied up the score for the home squad. Bloomfield High School in New Jersey standing weak spot on the team. Re- afternoon filled with action when they Twelve seconds after the next face-off, and the shooting of a Columbia lief hurler Sandy on Noble is the only the other veteran Dick staff. meet the Hurtmen May 5. Ebert scored the first of his seven Round. Representing western Mary- Handler, Charlie Shook, and Howard And while we're talking- about ten- and the Terrors stayed ahead for the land in the tournament were Nancy Tillman round out the department. nis, Prof. Hurt has asked the coopera- remainder 'of the tilt. Hofstra trailed Winkelman, June Graf, Dot Gamber Doug Weaver Handling the pitchers are Bob Doug- tion of the student body with regard 8 - 5 at the half time. and Ruth Allen. squad, beat AU five to two and las, John Spencer, and Walt Piavla to the use of the varsity courts. Please A demoralizing seven point barrage swamped Albright eight to one. while Skip Barry is serving his third wear t~nnis shoes at all times and re- by the hosts in the third quarter put Golfer. Defeat Baltimore; April sixteenth found the Green and year as t~m manager. frain from using the courts after they them safely ahead. The Terrors tallied Gold ill Newark, Delaware to meet have been lined for a match. two more in the final period to win by Fall Victim Thrice By 7-2 the University of Delaware's team. a healthy margin. The trip was made aU the more pleas- Golfers Get Soaked Western Maryland, Hofstra Scoring. Taking advantage of the one clear ant by a decisive six to three victory It has been reported, but the item Hofstra, _ Walsh 3, Bierline 2, day that they have had thus far, the to complete a week of strenuous activ- remains unconfirmed, that the golf Baldwin, Miller, Watts. Terror golfers defeated the Univer- ity. team is. seriously considering chang- WMC, - Ebert 7, Mann S, Moore 3, sity of Baltimore on April 20 over the The sixth match was played the ing their title to the "swimming" Paul, Ginsburg, Keenan, Honeman. Bonnie View IiMs. Individual winners following Thursday in Washington team. In both of their first two Score by quarters: were Jacobson, Spicknall, Bradley and with American U. again furnishing matches the golfers sloshed over the Hofstra 2 3 1 2 - 8 Kovaleski with Jacobson-Stephenson the opposition. The Eagles absorbed greater part of the links. WMC 5 3 7 2 - 17 and Kovaleski-Bradley winning best another licking from the Hurtmcn, The maddening part of the whole ball. ' this one by a seven to two score. matter is that on both occasions the Gridiron Workouts In their other three matches, the Thus far Doug Weaver has paced team was ahead until the heavens fell Iinksman have been greatly hampered ,the squad with an excellent six and in. Water and the WMC men appar- Reveal Weaknesses by inclement weather. In each of the nothing record while George Spittel, ently do not agree for the two oppo- contests the team was holding its own after dropping his first encounter, »ents had registered identical 7 - 2 Spring football is rapidly drawing but fell behind with the aid of deluges has won five straight to rank second. victories when the last putt rode a to a close. Several important things from the heavens, losing each match Bobby ~alner has a l,og of four ana wave into the eighteenth cup. have been learned it is felt by the by the score of 7 - 2. The first of these one, while Norm Stern has lost one Astonishment was widespread last coaching staff; namely, better ball soggy affairs was with Hopkins on more than Talner while also taking wednesday when the clear weather handling and a thorough understand- April 13 on the Mt. Pleasant course. four. Rowe Moore has broken even, held throughout the match. Then to ing of the plays. With the same backs Jack Spicknall was the only individual three and three, and Phil Sack owns Julie Dyke prove that they were not chalting idly, in operation again this fall, there winner in this match, while Frank a two and four record. \ the linksmen trimmed Baffimore U. should not be many mistakes along Stephenson broke even and Dan Brad- _In the double bracket the team of 6 _ 3. Bookmakers note correlation be- those lines. With reserves that in- ely and Spicknall halved their best Moore and Spittel leads the pack with tween weather and results! clude speedy Mitch TuBai, hard-run- ball. four wins and one loss. The Sack- Good Health Frat softball is underway again and ning Paul Terreshinski, and Stan Ray Cushing provided the onts . Stern duo sports three victories. John as always the games are being bitter- Fieldman, the backfield seems to be individual honors for mfC in their Sternburg has operated as alternate To ly contested. The Bachelors claim to pretty well set for the opening en- match with Loyola over the local and participated in two doubles be the powerful outfit, due largely to counter. course on April 18. The other point matches with Doug Weaver, winning All the pitching prowess of Leo Lathroum Insofar as Coach Havens is con- both. who hurled the Blue and White club cerned, the line stands as a big ques- was picked up by Bradley's halve and From to last year's pennant. Rumors ema- tiOl, mark. Bradley and Cushing halved their best nating from both sides of Alumni Hall, Harry Bush still remains as the ball. REXALL however, promise powerful outf,its to outstanding center. Walt Hajduk is Two days after the BU victory the Westminster's represent the Gamma Bets and Prea- the only reserve in action at this point Terrors sloshed over the home course New Modern Drug Store as Molesworth, Kern, and Tsouprake chers. Time only can confirm or deny are all incapacitated. The most likely with American U. to again absorb a such rumors. reserves for guard slots are Shearer 7 _ 2 pounding. AI Bright was the sole DRUGS McQuillen Again and Ra~sford. Both are capable per- Green winner while the Jacobson- SCHOOL SUPPLIES Makosky duo took their best ball de~ formers but need more werk. COSMETICS Everybody Is Welcome In case the reader does not follow Joe Corlete and Al Paul will again spite the fact that both lost individ- the "Baltimore Sun" sports page too have to be iron-men in the tackle posi- \laily. SODAS To Stop In At closely, we pass on the word that tions. Frank Krausz stands out as an The team has added two matches, Western Maryland's Glenn McQuillen up-and-coming man in this position both with Mt, St. Mary's, to their Bixler and Guild Margaret & Earl'. is going to be a big feature of the but beyond him there is little real heavy schedule. This week saw the fa, Orioles club this season. He is current- strength. The fl.ank positions also Terrors meet Gettyburg, Hopkins, the Drug Co. ly ba:tting in the clean-up spot and have but three leading operatives Mount, and today the golfers traveled SANDWICHES- doing a great job of it, too. You these being Hank Norman, Chuck to Washington, D.C. to try and avenge John and Main Sts. SOFT DRINKS WMC-ers who go out to the Stadium Kobosko, and newcomer \Valt Hart. now have a really personal interest Where further support will come from their earlier defeat at the hands of in the Birds. is difficult to say. the AU Eagles.
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