Page 46 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 46
2 The Gold Bug, April 29. 1949 THE GOLD BUG Exchanges Reveal Pins 'n Points Offici..l student ~ew"p ..per of Western M..ry· Yelda Smotsk gazed down at her painted toenails as they peeped out from Student Elections The Sophomore Class has decided to lond Coll~ge, p\lbh.hed semi'montbly on Fri· her toeless black sandals like a mother snail followed by her four children. hold its Spring picnic at Frock's, just day, durIng October, November, Jllnuary, February, March and April, and monthly duro The big toe wriggled. Come little children, it said. And the four little snails College papers these days are full outside of Westminster, on Friday, ing September, December, and May. Entered wriggled after her. the thirteenth of M~y. Apparently not as second cia," matter lit "\Vestmin.ter Post of news about student government Office, under the Act of M&rch S, 1879. Velda sighed. Comrade Pakovitch was speaking again. elections and the prosperous leaders a superstitious class, they are looking "But my little Yelda," he pleaded, "can't you get it through your beauti- forward to a large turn out since the Member ful thick skull? They are wanting you back in the Kr-emlin. Here in New of next year's campus life. Since grounds are so near the campus, and always looking Associll.ted Cpllegiate Press York with these bourgeois your work is accomplished. They are waiting for WMC students of are doing things, it people having afternoon classes will for new ways a report," might be interesting- to "compare find it convenient to make the short Yelda settled back into the bourgeois pillows that cerrassed the broad trip after class. Jay Eggly, in charge expanse of white left bare by the backless black gown a capitalist creation notes" with other campuses to see of entertainment for the afternoon, from the overlords on Fifth Avenue. Comrade Pakovitch bored "her. In fact, how they carryon the affairs. promises to provide some moments of she couldn't remember anytime that he didn't bore her, even the first time At Loyola College ali men announc- fun for the picnlc-goers with a special that he was introduced at the Commissar's Banquet two years ago. ing their candidacy for the Presi1ent program of individual and group en- Dh, he was a loyal Comrade allright . too stupid to be anythnig else, of the Student Body or of the tertainment. or maybe smart enough not to be anything else. It was at that banquet that Athletic Association were required At a recent meeting the class de- she had been appointed to this mission in the capitalist's territory. Now, to have all publicity approved by the cided that the girls would make box after two years, her report was three months overdue, and they were fuming Bulletin Committee of the Student lunches for their dates. Dancing and back in the homeland. What had she to report? Council. The voting took place during BUSINESS STAFF They had told her that the people here were unhappy. . dominated by one of the school periods, with mem- swimming are among the facilities Busine •• Mauager. .. Edward Wright, '50 offered at Frock's, and the committee A.M. Ru.ine •• Manager Elinor Pr.ioe, '50 the filthy rich who drew the life blood of the workingman for their own bers of the Student Council going has promised that detailed informa- Adl'enising Manager Lloyd Bowhng, '51 luxuries. Yes, the common people were in a bad way. . there was no distri- from class to class to take the vote. Circulation Munsg.r •.. Jerry Lockman, '51 bution of wealth at all. Special voting 1100ths were set up for tion will be posted on the main bul- CONTRTBUTORS letin board. She smiled as she looked beyond the family of snails at the television those students not in class. Br~~~f. ~~:;~r'B"~~~;~~)'p~gOW~~~~~n,B~it~e screen. Comrade Pakovitch was speaking again. Ch"ud!cJ·. DOl·i. Day, J. C. Higgins. Harriet "Yelda, you are unhappy. 1 can see that very easily. This life has made No Air Campaigns for Terpa Orchids are in order for the individ- Kahn. Jimmy Leonard. Jules Levin. ,l\lck Loper. Ed ~orby, Alice Yenrl.y. you long for the homeland, and in your eagerness to get a full 'coverage for At Boston College all those who ual or individuals, who made it possible for the little negro children in town to your report you want to stay a little longer so that you can make a good job have been declared eligible candidates of it. But now you can leave an this." He refilled her glass with some capitalist for class or student council offices are attend the dress rehearsal of "Down Letter T0Th~ Editor brandy. one of those hovels expected to prepare addresses for In The Valley". According, to all re- ports, there couldn't have been n more The television show was coming from a nightclub. in which she had spent much of her time mixing with the filthy rich, drinking their classmates to be delivered at appreciative group of youngsters any_ Dear Sir; their bourgeois drinks, and watching this very kind of amusement for the class rallies. That rather neatly elim- where. I sit down to write this letter great- classes. She had been amused in this land. Nothing like the fine honest toil inates the controversy over who Onions are in order for the Indivld, ly inspired and exhilarated by the going on in the homeland ... the communal farm get-together twice a month, should give the nomination speech for ual or individuals who 'are convinced Eighteenth Annual Spring Concert the joy of the laborers in the fields as they swung their hoes in unison, chanting whom, or what-have-you. that they can now feel free to tear the presented by the Department of Music the fine songs of the land as they sweated beneath the fine hot sun. No, noth- old tee room apart, with the opening of Western Maryland College. The ing like it in this capitalist city. It Couldnt Happen Herc! of the new one just around the corner. combined operatic efforts of the Choir, "Comrade Pakovitch," she murmured. The University of I'll a r y Ia n d's Little Symphony Orchestra, and Dra- "Yes, Yeldaj" he inquired. Diaanondback announced that elect- Recently an entire group of people matic Department closely attained the "This land is all that t.hey have told me, and even more." ioneering at the polls of primary were waiting breathlessly for the heights frequently sought in the pro- "Yes, Yelda," nodded Comrade Pakovitch. elections for SGA and class officers death of one living creature, an Inhab- fessional field. "The class society here," she continued, "is an insult to our brothers who was strictly prohibited. Also, "a itant of this campus. The group. The chorus of the opera was su- nre even now happily digging in the fine brown soil of the land." University rule prohibiting the scat- the bac.teriology class ; the creature perb, and has proved to us that it can "True, true," he added. tering of hanr;lbills over the campus a mouse, injected with pneumonia master types of music other than She swung her feet off the divan onto the carpeted floor. Two families by airplanes and automobiles will culture. . they wanted to perform a non-secular. The results of the con- of red snails curled in indignation, then settled back in the open end of the be strictly enforced." Ballots, which post mortem in the bacteriology lab. cert demonstrate that Western Mary- shoes; eight little snails following two Momma snails. are given out after a student has land is slowly attaining a well-bal- "Comrade Pakovitch", she inserted abruptly, "I wish you to report to the presented his University identification .Many Favorable comments have anced Music Department, promising homeland for me. Tell them that this is a bad, bad way of life, and that they card, must be stamped by a commit- been heard pertaining to the occasion- much in the near future. should keep on fighting for the Cause. Tell them that the common people will teeman before they become valid. A al group singing that goes on at the Wanted: A Male Glee Club truly triumph in a burst of glory when their time comes, and the whole world complete list of candidates and their base of the step of Old Main, just at Speaking of a well balanced Music will sing the songs of the good earth as they unite in real brotherhood." platforms and activities was included sunset. This brings to mind an old said. But why can you not report yourself "Fine, Velda, beautifully Department, it occurs to me that the you would like to make an even more thorough study perhaps?" . in the publication. Western Maryland tradition .. ser- balance has not quite been completed. "Comrade Pakovitch", Velda drawled as she brought the snails to the Rules governing elections out in enading the girls in their dormitories At the moment I am listening to the door of the apartment and opened it for him, "I am now a capitalist crtiaen." Winfield, Kansas, the home of South- after the ten o'clock bell. The "How- attempts of my fellow room-mates as .•. P-J,O western College, included the follow- dry-I-am" serenading is not appreci- they try to harmonize in the shower, ing item: "No campaigning from the ated by the administration nor by the and my mind drifts to the Whiffen_ skylight in the auditorium." Now girls, but many wistful wishes have of a male glee Music Lovers Conclemn HSleeping poofs. Then there is the longing to what past experience ever brought been passed our way fOr an honest-to- hear the real strains that restriction? goodness serenade every so often . club. We have a women's glee club, why not have a male group? Time Symphony" As ProPDgancla There is surely enough talent on campus, so what are we waiting for? There may b~a larger number of composers of highly original music on the ~ P()RTER] Let's go, Music Department! We campus than the Music Department realizes. But, according to the findings don't want to miss out on some ex- of a recent student survey, unlike most of the great artistic geniuses of our cellent music education and a chance time, these composers write their most memorable pieces when completely to gain the good fellowship that goes in the arms of Morpheus. Further, their pieces will probably never be recorded @fT/l/(Ef along with singing the good old "fa- by the big municipal symphony orchestras, mostly because it is very hard to vorites." reproduce the sounds these masterpieces call for. Sincerely yours, These are the writers of the various arrangements of "The Sleeping Editor's Note: Jack D. Blade8. Time Symphony", which all music lovers and lovers of sleep have joined cupied: but it is a common obser- in condemning as Communist propaganda and not the music of the people. (Are we a stagnant group? Below vation that one can generally More commonly, it is known as the "snore". you will find an editorial in pa?·t that find time for that which appeals Dear Sir: The opening movement is a noise that would do justice to any door appeared in the November, 1945 is8uc to him, or to do that in which he "The NEW SCA must be aware of hinge in need of oil but with the plaintive whine of a puppy. Gradually, of the GOLDBUG. How well doe8 tht> is interested. The matter would the needs of this campus. We must through a series of splutters, groans, and whines, it builds up to an incompar- tntth motivating the writing of it seem to resolve itself down to endeavor to present as varied a social able crescendo, which seems to include a bit of each and resemble none, and characterize the WC8tern i1farylO!11.d the point where one might say program as possible. But, if we are to lasting up to twenty seconds. campus today n that interest in following nation- be successful, everyone must partici- Certainly, there cannot be too many people in this world who can utter al and world affairs is almost pate. The SCA is not a "Methodist such sounds, and Western Maryland should be glad to have on its campus Every so often something hap- non-existent in comparison with monopoly" nor an "angel nest"; It such a large number of night-time musicians. In fact the room-mates of pens to remind us of a condition the interest manifested in should not be! Few people realize that among WMC students which we movies, sports, bull-sessions and the SCA is a composite of the YMCA ~~~:ifo~.~Pltorh~~: ;:e7ie:o::ib~:; t:d;~.~:;r:!:~: ::; t~e~h:!~::i~t!o:s:,f a know to be generally true of the just plain "loafing". We seem and the YWCA. Protestant, Catholic, "average" college student on any somehow to be so engrossed in and Jew are urged to actively engage Lo! The Truth Is Before Our Eyes! campus: the fact that Western our own interests, our personal in our program. In the past, the SCA Maryland students actually know enjoyment and amusement, that has been severely criticized. If that extremely little about current we fail to see beyond the limits criticism can be changed into a sin- College students are said to be evacuated of superstition and nonsense political, social and economic sit- of ourselves to the broader cere willingness to help, there is no by the cultural pumps of art and philosophy; they are allegedly the very uations. Even majors in history scenes of life. reason why our Association's pro- embodiment of wisdom, rationality and logic, free from the constricting, cast- and political science, where more There are those students who gram could not meet the challenges of iron manacles of out-worn and hoary tradition. emphasis is placed on such do transcend the motivations of this campus. Not only shall we try to Yet what greater cowardly subservience to the dictatorship of custom- events than in some other pure self-interest in what they create a more vital college spirit by what greater concession to ignorance and the dogma of traditional usage-can courses, admit that they "don't do; but still they fail to make cementing friendlier relations among be found than this insane pommeling of the "kicking-postvj know anything", or know very much contact with the world of sororities, among fraternities, as well Everyday, intelligent men and women students walk down to an old little about national and interna- r-eality outside the campus. They as other campus groups, but we also telephone pole outside Alumni Hall and kick it. The performance is supposed tional affairs. are those individuals who be- hope to benefit from an extensive pro- to bear occult powers for bestowing- good-fortune upon the kicker for that Why is there such ignorance come so enmeshed in the West- during is particularly prevalent day. The practice finals. gram of cooperation with other col- Even if the students do not actually believe in tutelary charms, kicking of external affairs on the part of ern Maryland extra-curricular- leges in this area. the post is nevertheless an unintelligent submission to the tyranny of tradi- students, who by rights should machinery that campus events The Student Oovernment and The tion, a primitive acknowledgement that legendary forces govern our lives. be the best-informed group in and other occurrences in relation Student Christian Association have This innocent habit can grow into a compulsion of maniacal proportions. the land? Many of them read to the college assume prime con- pledged mutual support in every pes- We shall be caught in an unrelenting web of slavery, driven out of class every newspapers daily-but not very sideration: anything not im- sibJe way. Religion should not be a five minutes to fulfill the ancient usage, irresistably drawn back early from thoroughly or thoughtfully; mediately related to college life childhood book left upon the table at vacation in order to continue th~ practice, forced to return after graduation to many of them listen to news has only hazy existence for such horne. A vital, practical religious con- join the blind ritual, to partake of the consoling opium of custom. Ah how broadcasts over the radio-but people. viction can do much to mold healthy much easier it is to be a slave of habit-the concubine of dictatorshjp-than without much _ comprehension Succ~ssful adjustment to SitM collegiate life. Neither must religion to be the captain of our own destiny! of the facts that lie behind take on the form of a sublime halo or Down with tyranny! Down with this insanity! Our inalienable right to the commentator's presentation. uuations encountered in life afM a "holier-than-thou" attitude. By free will is being fettered! Most. students admit their fail- ter college days will be limited practicing our religious ideals, a Are we men or are we robots? ure to "keep up with what's go- by the level of social maturity greater social awareness will develop. Let that worn and scuffed pole be the last symbol of man's suffering un- ing on", and acknowledge this that we have attained. Should With this awareness must corne ac- der the age oi tyranny and oppression. Let us tear it up and burn it in a failure as a shortcoming; but we not then examine our inter- tion! To help achieve this, participate public celebration. Let there be feasting and drinking and cheering as the they attempt no remedial mea- ests and activities as indicative the NEW SCA program and make last vestige of this unjust repression of our free, democratic souls goes up sures and the conditiOl~persists. of our level of attainment and what you want it to be! in oily smoke. The usual excuse is "I just bend our efforts toward becom- Joe Culotta., Students of WMC--unite! and strike this blow for freedom! don't have time", and it is true ing more socially and emotional- President-Elect. , .. Leon Stev.,.. that WMC'ers are kept well oc- ly mature members of society?
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