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Librll.ry lJestern Maryland College ;:Jestminster, Md. PERSONALITY FAREWELL TO "MOM" SKETCHES PAGE 1 PAGE 4 Vol. 26, Jl!o. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 29, 1949 May Day. Festivities 'Promise Gala Weekend ~an Hellenic Council Plans May Dance; Final Production Of Players . Frats, Sororities Make Up Committees To Be 'I Remember Mama' son will take place at GIll Oymnasiurn next Saturday, Dancing will The final and probably most glamorous social event of the sea- be from 8 :00 until 12 :00 to the music of Hal Maclntyre and his Caroline McNabb, James Leonard, Norma Wright nationally famous, orchestra. May orations will be Betty Becker and Joe annual the In keeping with .Will Head Large Cast In Human Interest Drama Day tradition, Miss Helen Lindahl, Fowler, and advertising will be head- 'May Day Queen, will be crowned ed by Caroline Sapp and Al Bright. The College Players will present as their final production of s~~etime durin,g, the evening. Th~ ~n- Maradel Clayton and Fletcher Ward the year '1 REMEMBER MAMA, written by John Van Druten and dividual sorortnes and fraternities will head the refreshment and coat directed by Miss Esther Smith, May 27 at 8 :15 p. m. make up the different committees, check committees, with the Preachers The play was adapted by Mr. Van Marion Auld; Dr. Johnson, Robert with Jay Brewington serving as and Phi Alphs in charge of clean up. Druten from Kathryn Forbes' book Lizer; Arne, Bruce MacDonald; a chairman of the event. Head of ~dec- Mid-day activities will include a of short stories, MAMA'S BANK nurse Mary Ellen Smith; another lacrosse game with Washington Col- ACCOUNT. Primarily a stage pro- nurse, Virginia Armecost.: soda lege, a baseball game with Baltimore duction, I RElIfEMBER MAMA, was clerk, Howard Haines; Madeline, HMom" Griffin University, and a tennis match with also a motion picture. Rachel Ennis; Dorothy Schiller, Joyce Catholic University. The play pictures, nostalgically Parker; Florenee Dana Moorhead, Leaves After Dean Howery has given all girls but truthfully, the very core of civil- Bertha Bern; bell-boy, Davir Sor- permission to remain out until 12:45. All school members and alumni are ized existence, the family. It is a torio. , Six-Year Duty warm-hearted picture of a Norwegian Don Bailey's sets and stylistic use invited to attend the dance. Their family living in their modest San of Ijght will assist in establishing the After six years on the hill sponsored friends may accompany Francisco home some years before locale as well as the mood of this Mrs. Belle Griffin, head of the them with the administration's con- the war. It shows dramaticalIy the true-to-life play. infirmary, is leaving in June. sent. Over 400 tickets have been family's 'struggle for security and "Mom" as she is affectionately mailed to the alumni through the on the Hill. eight social organizations education. of her hUB- Philip E. Uhrig called, came to WMC in September of Mama, with the help 1943 with the ASTP unit. At that Profits made on the dance will go band and Uncle Chris, keeps the time the girl's infirmary was in Mc- toward the erection of a new infirm- ary. The price of tickets for the semi- health, through hard times and good. Replaces Jones Daniel and the boys were in the pres- formal affair is $4.00. and family going, through sickness Eight beds for office. ent infirmary Play At 2 p. m. She is resourceful as well as generous, girls and five for boys made up the Following 'the processional and she is masterful as well as loving. For Next Year complete hospital facilities. Mama is more than just a mother; As she is very proud of saying, crowning of the May Queen, Helen she is a symbol of security, a potent Tho holder of the office of Director "Morn's" four children graduated Lindahl, and presentation of her symbol in this age of chaos. of Public Relations will be changed in from WMC. court, the sophomore dramatic class The play provides many laughs, June, when Mr. Philip E. Uhrig Helen Lir.da.hl, Quecn Mrs. Griffin received her nurses will present the annual May Day play the deep-seated, human kind of laughs assumes the post vacated by Mr. John training at White Cross in Columbus, which has been moved up to 2 P. M. which come from remembrances of Bayley Jones. The May Court will consist of .[anet Ohio, and her Masters Degree from If the weather permits, the play will be given outdoors. The group is pre- our own family life. Mr. Uhrig will not, however, re- Raubenheimer, senior duchess, Car- Ohio State University. She was in paring to enact The Red Velvet Goat, place Mr. Jones in the sociology de- lolyn Benson and Betty Staley, attend- England when she earned her mid- Features Large Cast partment, but he will do teaching ants; Betty White, junior duchess, wifery license from Evelyn Hall. Then a Mexican comedy, by Josephina Nig- gIL The cast, which is being directed here, according to Doctor Lowell En- Martha Schaeffer and Peggy Stacey, "Mom" went to Ohio State Medicine Katrin, the artistic daughter, will attendants ; Mary Ellen Hess, sopho- School for a dispensary operator's by Miss Betty Amos, will include: the be portrayed by Norma wright. sor, President. He earned a Bachelor more duchess, Jinx Engle and Rachel license. For eight years she headed hapless, bungling husband, Jay Eg- Caroline McNabb" will portray the of Arts degree from the University of Holmes, attendants; 'Virginia Hale, gly; his beautiful but fiery wife, Bet- wise and loving Mama, the hub of al Monument in Arizona. He was in- an outpost dispensary in India. ty Bachtell; their moony, romantic the family. The kind and gentle Papa ducted in the armed forces in 1943 freshman duchess, Janice Zaiser and This summer "Mom" will be camp son, John Seiland; the object of his Bay, will be played b~ James Leonard'. and after receiving his discharge from Virginia Fiegel, attendants. nurse at Silver She hasn't Lake George, affections. Dorothy Arnold. the Army; Uhrig became a teacher at New York. any made The boisterous Uncle Chris will be definite plans yet for the fall although The rest of the cast is composed of: portrayed by Zach J acquett, Don New Windsor High School for the Senorita Tejada Talks To she has had a variety of offers from Bill Dulany, Doris Phillips, Rita Bit- Bailey will portray Mr. Hyde the elo- year 1947-1948. tle, Dorothy Alexander and Pat Suls- quent boarder. Nels, the earnest and Working For Masters Faculty Club Members various schools and hospitals. back. sympathetic son, will be played by "I have loved my work here from Protege of Miller Don Lichty. Mary Mott will play Seeking further education, he came, Senorita Carmela Tejada, a native the beginning. I can't imagine work Hal Macintyre began his rapid Christine, another daughter. Betty in the summer of last year, to WMC, of Peru, from the Division of Educa- anywhere that I will enjoy as much climb up the ladder to success by Lee Robbins will play Dagmar, the where he is working for a Master of tion of the Pan American Union, or get as much out of." Mrs. Griffin featuring his band at college affairs. youngest of the family. The Aunts Education degree. As part of his can- spoke to the Faculty Club on 'I'hurs- also added, "The students have always The Glen Miller protege is famous for Trina, Jenny, and Digrid will be didacy for this higher scholastic de- day night, on the subject of Latin given me splendid cooperation and his selection of songs and is a hit portrayed by Ruth Volk, Charlotte gree, he is at the present time teach- ,;\merican Culture and the Organiza- have shown their appreciation." with college coeds everywhere. Goodrich, and Peggy Stacy, respec- ing at the Montgomery Junior College tion of the American States. "Mom" stated that circumstances The Pan-Hellenic Dance Committee tively. Duane Seltagaver will play the in Bethesda, Maryland. Uhrig is mar- On Friday morning, Miss Tejada beyond her control make return im- sponsoring the May Day affair ex- shy Mr. Thorkelson. ried and has two children, all living spoke informally to students of Span- possible. pects tho festivity to be mqre suc- The cast also includes: a woman, in Westminster. ish, answering many questions con- cessful than any in the past and to cerning the life and customs of the Club. News set an ensuing precedent for any to Ge~. Seymour To Head 'Honor Society; people in several 'South American countries. Senorita Tejada has lived in many Home Ec Club Ed. Note: Dance scheduled (The Pan-Hellenic Plan Annual Spring Banquet For May 23 of the capitals of Europe as well as Club was held at the last meeting of [or SatUTday is setting a pTecedent at Election of officers by the Home Ec South America. She was invited to the in two 1) this is the first of a George Seymour has been elected don Auld as secretary, and Robert United States by the State Depart- the group. The following will be in- Western Maryland appearance ways: to succeed Jean Sause as president of Lizer as treasurer. ment and later was asked to work in stalled at the May meeting: president, name band on campus, and 2) the the Argonaut Honor Society for the Plans for the annual spring banquet the Division of Education of the Pan Pat Moore; vice-president, Ann women are allowed to remain out un- forthcoming school year. to be held at the Charles Carroll American Union. Miss Tejada is a Thompson ; secretary, Ginny Hale; til 12:45 A. lIf. It is up to e'Very stu- Others who will serve with him are Hotel, May 23, are being made.' The teacher who is keenly interested in and treasurer, Marion Benton. dent to back this social function i'lt Donald Clark as vice-president, Me- guest speaker for the evening will be the problems of the high school stu- Canterbury Club e'Very way he knows how.) Dr. Elizabeth Nitchie, head of the dent. At the present time, she is prepar- Speaker for the last meeting of the English department at Goucher Col- Canterbury Club on May 9 in McDan- SCA Staff Inauguralion lege in Baltimore. ing to attend a seminar in Rio de iel Lounge will be Bishop Powell, Janeiro which will be attended by rep- Slated For Wednesday A~ th.e present time, Dr. Nitchie is resentatives of several European D.D. Everyone is invited to attend. completmg work on a book on Mary countries as well as South America. WAA Officers and cabinet of the NEW 'V. Shelley, the second wife of the Last Monday night an open meet- SCA will be formally inaugurated in poet. She will use as her topic Mary ing was held by the Board in an ef- Baker Chapel Wednesday during the Shelley's portrayal of Shelley as Piano Recital Given fort to establish the WAA as more of weekly meeting. shown in her novels and short stories. a working organization. Plans were discussed for next year and a report The following eabinet, appointments The various committees for the af- Second o! the bi-monthly music re- was heard on the revisin$ of the pre- have been made: Commission Chair- fair include: invitations, Mary Ellen citals was given by Anne Shuppert, sent award system. Dot Gamber ex- men _ Christian Heritage: Martha Smith, chairman; Kelly Rice, Samuel pianist, who presented her senior re- pressed her appreciation to the Board Schaeffer; Personal and Campus Knepp, Phyllis Alexander, and Ma- dtal Tuesday in Music Hall. members for their cooperation and Affairs: Dorothy Alexander; Social rion Auld; transportation, Bob Lizer, The program included the follow- the new Responsibility: Marion Auld; World chairman; Shermer Garrison, Joseph ing selections: Gavotte in B Minor, urged everyone to support for next program and their Board Relatedness: David Sartorio. Lacount; place cards and programs, Corell; Gavotte in B Flat Major, year. Intercollegiate Program and Con- Helen Lindahl, chairman; Betty Handel; Gavotte in E Minor, Leclair; Plans are being made to climax ferences: Charles Hammer; Publicity: Lenz, Margaret Beyer, Anna Englar, Prelude and Fugue in F Sharp Minor, this year's activities with a WAA Elizabeth Schubert; Director of Mu- Theoda Lee Kompanek, Mickey Hard- Bach; Sonata Op. 22, Allegro con party to be held in Harvey Stone sic: William Scheder; Freshman Ori- ester, and P.'ichelEnnis, flowers, Mary brio, Beethoven; Album Leaves Op. entation Program: Herbert Klinger: Frances Jones, chairman; Dorothy 124, Little Cradle, Fantasy Dance, Park. The program will include the presentation this earned of awards Freshman Representatives: Dorothy Alexander, Betty White, and Betty Schumann; The Little Nigar, Debus- winter and spring. Shoemaker and Donald Makosky. Ranck. . sy; Dance Soliloc,.uy,Kubik.
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