Page 44 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 44
The Gold Bug, April 15, 1949 Club News Regional Tri-Betes IBRIGHT FORECRsT To Convene Here Keeper Of The Door Inter-Fraternity Council" The Inter-Frat Council is making Friday, April 15- by Jean Sause The Alpha Mu Chapter of Western Art Symposium, McDaniel Lounge, plans to hold a banquet for the pur- Maryland College will act as host to 4:15 p. m. "I'm an only child and life has .been very uneventful." It is pose of furthering the spirit of co- the Northeastern Regional Oonven, Monday, April 18- hard to believe this statement after viewing her list of activities on operation among the fraternities on tion of Beta Beta Beta Honorary International Relations Club, Me, campus. House president of Blanche Ward, Student Government the Hill. The date and details of the Biological Fraternity, which will Daniel, Lounge, 7-8 p. m, representative, typing editor of the '49 Aloha, "Who's Who", and event have not been revealed, but)t meet April 23rd, here. Canterbury Club, Baker Chapel, member of Sigma Sigma Tau. There just isn't any time left for a will be held in the near future at Dr. H. P. Sturdivant, head of the 7-8:20 p. m. dull moment, especially since the donor of that left hand sparkler Silver Run Church. is on campus too: Wesleyans department of Biology, has estimated Future Teachers of America, 8: 15 that approximately 80 to 90 delegates p. m. Doris Vansant hails from Belti- The annual Wesleyan Banquet will will be present. The colleges that will more and is very proud of the fact; be held on April 29th at the Finks- be represented are: Drew University, Thursday, April 21- however, without any regretaahe has burg Methodist Church. Dr. Albert Gettysburg, American University, of Faculty Club, McDaniel Lounge, announced that the next few years E. Day, renowned aut h 0 rand Richmond, College of Notre Dame of 8:00 p. m. may be spent with the new hubby, preacher will 'be the guest speaker. Maryland, Mary Baldwin College, Friday, April 22- Jack, in a Cincinnatti apartment. She The program will begin at 6:00 Westminster College, Bethany Col- Opera "Down in the Valley", is very emphatic in saying that .there p. m. with Bob Fringo and Paul Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. are apartments-and then there are Peshkoff acting as co-toastmasters. lege and Western Maryland. The Saturday, April 23- apartments. "Mine isn't going to be George Hipkins is in charge of the largest delegation is expected from Tri Beta regional convention, room one of those one room affairs!" music and Ed Wright will handle the the College of Notre Dame of Mary- 203 Science Hall and McDaniel land which is sending 28 delegates There has been a deep, dark secret publicity. and one sister. Lounge. discovered in this prexy's past, an Reservations can be made now with Monday April 25- accomplishment to which few can lay John Isaac. The price of the dinner Guest speaker to the convention June Conaway Piano Recital, Music claim. Doris flunked the third grade, will be $1.25 per person. will be D~-. Paul S. Conger, Associate Hall, 8:15 p. m. and, not because she wasn't bright Curator, In Charge, Section of Friday, April 29- enough either. Th'e teacher just didn't Future Teachers Of America Diatoms at the Smithsonian Institu- Eisteddford meeting, Alumni Hall, appreciate her inattention, especially "All New Devices Used in Modern tion. His topic will be: "The Diatom- 8:00 p. m. the dancing around desks. Although Education" will be tlie topic for dis- a Unique Plant." Dr. Earl Bowen, from this we might expect another cussion at the next FT A meeting to Gettysburg College, who is North- Vera Zorina in our midst, observers be held Monday, 8:15 p. m. in Me- eastern Regional Vice-President will in the rec leadership class say her Daniel Lounge. A professor of edu- also be present. square dance isn't much more than Doris Vansant cation from Penn State will give -I'he purpose of this honorary bio- a vicious circle. demonstrations during the meeting. logical fraternity is: Beta Beta Beta Doris' main fault is that she just All members of the organization and is a society for students of the bio- can't sit still very long. Maybe this Susan Rinehart Chosen interested students are invited. logical sciences. It seeks to encourage is why classes, any classes, are her sex scholar-ly attainment in this field of' pet peeve. "They're just an unneces- Princess For Festival Results of the election of officers by learning by reserving its 'membership sary evil in college." Living on second Yes, some dreams of college girls the SCA held on April 6th are: presi- to those who achieve superior ada- floor Blanche Ward has conditioned do come true! dent, Joe Culotta; vice-president, Dan demic records and who indicate the prexy against pistols, mainly For proof ask .Susie Rinehart what Welliver; secretary, Jean Curl; treas- special aptitude for the subject of water' pistols w h i c h disrupted she plans to do during the weekend urer, Bill Simpson. The new officers biology. - "Mom's" peaceful atmosphere for a of April 28th. will assume their positions in May. few weeks. Susan Rinehart, '52, will journey Plans were made for a Sunrise COSTUMES 8£ FORMALS Plans Secretarial Work to Winchester,' Virginia, as princess Service to be held Easter morning at Doris' summer work last year, in of the Apple Blossom Festival repre- 7 :00 a. m. at Hoffa Field. The com- For Rent from RCA Victor a crippled children's camp, provided' senbing Western Maryland and the mittee in charge, headed by Russell DOROTHY ELDERDICE Far Away Places good basic training for the future; State's Horticulture Society. Midship- Derogan, includes Jean Curl, Gay Cruising Down The' however, until Jack
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