Page 43 - TheGoldBug1948-49
P. 43
The Gold Bug, April 15, 1949 • LacrosseClub Faces Spring Practice Baseball Moves In Earnest; The Lineup .---------- Extensive Schedule; Sessions Reveal Pitching Improvement Forseen By Homer C. Earll Sports Editor Nittany Lions Next Football Strength Freshmen Bolster Terrors In Hurling And Hitting; Though Western Maryland's pugi- The '49 Hill stick squad under the Once again the acute barking of listic representatives to the Intercol- capable direction of coach Al Paul signals can be heard emanating from Munroe, Leap; And Fones Receive Mound Duties legiates at Penn State brought home is rounding into shape for a rigorous the soccer field indicating but one As the ground thaws out and the spring breezes waft gently over the no laurels, Athletic Director Charlie season. With a year's experience and thing at this time of the year-spring Hill, the students look expectantly to the baseball diamond. About 35 hopefuls Havens was honored. He was named with many of last season's outstand- football. Coach Charlie Havens, bles- answered the call of "Lefty" Elliott and Tom Terreshinski and began practic- president of the Intercollegiate Box- ing players back in the line-up, the sed with the return of a host of sea- ing earnestly this week. The eventual squad will have to be cut to about seven- ing Association for the coming year. squad looks forward to many suc- soned veterans, plus the valuable as- teen before the initial tilt against the formidable Washington College team on Mr. Havens previously held the posi- cessful matches. sistance of Dick Harlow, has been tion during 1941-42. Launching a tentative eight-game putting his charges through their Hoffa Field, April 12. Trinity College will move in the following day. As usual the perennial wet weather schedule the 'I'er rormen played hosts paces on the field and in Gill Gym Besides the old standbys a number of promising freshmen were out for has been breaking up the early season to Bainbridge April 9 on Hoffa Field. when inclement conditions prevail. the first practice sessions. Among some of last year's returning veterans are workouts for the teams. Professor The home team hopes to outdo last Hank Corrado, Joe Gianelli, Gene John Adamovich at second base, John Babb back in centerfield, Julian Dyke Hurt has had his racquet-swingers year's recording of three wins, seven Frank, and Leo Lathroum head a re- at shortstop, and Jim Formwalt at the initial sack. Adamovich and Dyke were practicing on the all-weather courts turning star-studded starting back- named co-captains of the Green and Gold nine. Freshman Bob Rodeffer may downtown. The other coaches are not losses. field that indicates an even finer sea- receive a starting post in the outfield. The infield seems settled with the excep- as fortunate since they have to con- son than last year's. Speed-boy tion of third base where the return of Paul Terreshinski is uncertain. Art tend with the mud that inevitably Martin Tullai, Stan Fieldman, and Press, Blackie Brandt, and Al Dodd have all worked around the infield and might get the third position if Terry does not play. Elliott plans to alternate follows the rain. Paul Terreshinski, all capable per- Leap and Maynard Fones in the out- Once again this spring our teams formers on last year's JV team, have field when pitching duties do not call. are faced with the problem of inade- been extremely impressive in work- Elliott may take a turn in the pas- above Moore, Stern Leacl quate practice areas. Each year the outs. Given the chance the ture himself when he gets into shape. Zepp, Courtmen This Year same puzzle rears its ugly head and should prove themselves very capable. The pitching staff will be bulwarked though everyone seems to be aware Krausz, converted tackle, by the return of last year's main- of the sad state of affairs, nothing is Siegal, Tillman, and Merritt, round The Western Maryland varsity stays, Kenny Munroe and Ernie Leap done. out the backfield aspirants. tennis team, under the tutelage of while catching duties will be shared Insufficient Fields Three boys who will be sorely mis- Professor Frank Hurt, has been by Bob Douglas with John Spenser sed are Bill Siebert, tenth-ranking It is true that a year ago the soccer practising for the past several weeks as number two mall. and practice football field was punter among the small colleges, Jim in preparation for an eighteen game This year's schedule will consist of lengthened and widened to bring it Formwalt, capable defensive perfor- schedule, starting with Washington sixteen games, seven at home and closer to the regulation size for the mer, and Julian Dyke, an excellent College, Monday. . soccer pitch. In the fall, both teams signal caller and line-bucker. The shared the field for several weeks in first two go via graduation and the Six Veterans order to preserve the turf for as long latter on his decision to give up the as possible. Thus neither team bene- game to devote more time to his Coach Hurt is fortunate in having fitted to the greatest extent during studies. a squad of veterans returning from this period from their practice ses- Definitely weakened by the gradua- last year. His roster of seven players, sions. tion of Cotter and Pia'vis, Coach six regulars and an alternate, in- Now we have not two but three and Dick Brown Havens is faced with the problem of cludes Rowe Moore, Norm Stern, Phil possibly four squads requiring con- strengthening his end corps. However, Sack, George Spittel, Doug Weaver, siderable space endeavoring to prac- The Green team's roster is as fol- Kobosko and Norman figure promi- Bob Talner, and John Sternberg, tice daily. With only two level fields lows: Defense; Brown, Captain; nently in the future, and give all indi- with Moore and Stern as co-captains. available, someone ends up "in the Richards, Aiau, Byron, Gold, Rhoads, cations of taking up the slack. Also Because of the poor condition of rough." Owens, and Seemer; Midfield; Mann, regarded highly by the coaching staff the courts here at school, the club We don't profess to have the solu- Hackman, Honeman, Moore, Page, are Walt Hart and Roy Barnes. Still has been practising in Westminster, tion to this knot, but it does seem as Garrison, Klohr, Converso, and Paul; in the experimental stage is the plan but the match against Washington though someone could study the situa- Attack; Keenan, Ebert, Needle, to shift Albrittain to an end position. College, and probably all succeeding tion closely and produce a satisfactory Landau, Kiehne, Ginsberg, and The tackle and guard slots have home matches, will be played on the answer. For years our teams have Roberts; Goalies j Rob bin sand undergone the biggest changes; but by Hill. Students will have an oppor- been faced with this matter, yet a Dvorine. fall practice the situation ought to tunity to witness nine such contests minimum has been done to remedy it. Newcomers to 'the squad include be clarified. Gone from last year's during the course of the spring cam- How long we wait? Robbins, Needle, Page, "r Converso, team are Martin 'I'ullai, and Fjeld- paign. Aiau, Byron, and Seemer. John Dor- man. Back again to take up the slack Ken Munroe Margarita, the slots Baseball gan and Al Truitt are the Terror at Ligorano, guard Ransford" are Shearer, and Seek Im;rovement WMC 0 Washington 6 lacrosse managers this- year. Mikovitch. Harry Bush is once again The courtmen are out to improve nine away. During practices Coach WMC-Trin~ty-rain dividing his time between center and their seven and five record of last Elliott has been putting the club Lacrosse Lacrosse Schedule guard. Corleto, Paul, and Yaglinski year, and the tough schedule indi- through batting and fielding and in- WMC 10 Bainbridge 4 Apr~l Ba.inhridge head the returning tackles. cates a hard road ahead. The team tra-squad drills. This spring Elliott WMC 9 Baltimore U. 11 H Baltimore U. Bill Kern leads a list of centers has shown such rapid improvement hopes to better last season's five and Tennis Home that includes Hajduk, Molesworth, in pre-season work-outs that Professor twelve record and prospects are en- WMC Catholic U. ea Hofstra. H~, and 'I'scupr-ake. Hurt feels a better record is forth- couraging by the looks of the base- WMC Washington ao Vill Away coming. ballers so far. The infield combination WMC American U. 2 MB~ Bright Future Seems This is Coach Hurt's fourteenth of Julian Dyke at shortstop, John Franklin,., ~ru"han Golf , Washington College season at the helm and during that Adamovich at second base, and Jim WMC 2 Hopkins 7 Possible For Golfers time teams under his direction have Formwalt is expected to be a great " ia Sparrows Point compiled the fine record of 108 wins boost to this year's defensive plan. Loyola. With the return of spring and five and 56 losses, having registered only lettermen, it is small wonder that one losing season during that time. 'kJ1I1I 'kJ",,& Coach Makosky's golfers have bright All-Intramural Team hopes for the coming season. The re- turning veterans are Captain Frank Frat League Closes As Juniors Turn Back Stephenson, Al Jacobson, Dan Brad- Ed Elliot~. Gamma Bet.. Gammas Trim Preachers Seniors In Volleyball John Sternberg, Preachers ley, Al Bright, and Jack Spicknall, Tally Hanna. Semin~TY Walt Sibjski being the only one miss- . In a playoff game held before Al Bright. Gamma Bet2 ing from last yea.r's sextet. The Gamma Bet's topped the Jack Spickn ..n. Preacha", Preacher team in a one game play-off spring vacation, the Juniors defeated to win the Intramural crown. Pre- the Seniors to win the volleyball vious to this the Preacher-men championship. The second division swamped Gamma Beta Chi by 18 title was won by the Senior B team. points, the win precipitating a tie for The honorary volleyball team has first place, but the Gamma Bets went been announced by the W.A.A. Board. Lay, on to win in the play-off by a four- On the front line are Catherine Clayton, and Sause, Jean Virginia point margin. The Red and Blue with Jane Babylon as alternate. Bet- sparked by Lefty Elliott could not hit Underarm Deodorant ty Benson, Betty Linton, Alice Year- Good Health the hoop in the first game but they ley and alternate Dorothy Alexander overcame this deficiency in the champ- Rita To ionship battle. take middle line honors, with Sarah Bittle, Margaret Ruppenthal, Lee Larrimore, rover, and Betty Day, All Hanna Outstanding alternate on the back line. Probably Tally Hanna, talented Buy Your Bedtime Snacks From center of the Seminary team was the at REXALL most outstanding player in the League Everybody Is Welcome reflected by the .fact that he received PETE'S the highest number of votes in the To Stop In At balloting of the coaches for individual GROCERY STORE intramural honors. points Tally in failed game to Margaret & Earl's below get a ten -- Jack Spicknall throughout the season which is in 10' Sealtest Ice Cream Outstanding new prospects for the itself an enviable record. I Lefty -- Westminster's team are J De Kovaleski and freshmen Elliott of the Gamma Bets was the , SANDWICHES- Main St.-Red Neon Sign New Modern Drug Store Huck Hazlitt and Don Makosky. sparkplug of that team. Lefty's fine SOFT DRINKS From all reports, the team has been long shots were instrumental in the looking good in practice rounds and gaining of the diadem for his team. DRUGS seems ready for its opening match John Sternberg, a forward on the considered is SHEET MUSIC SCHOOL SUPPLIES with Hopkins in Baltimore on April Preachers as the team, best floor man in the by schedule pro- many 13. The thirteen-match POPULAR~TANDARD COSMETICS vides only two home contests this League, for "Stutz's" ball-handling in Westminster Laundry CLASSICAL SODAS month, but next month will find the the crucial moments was of tremen- Laundry and Dry Cleaning linksmen playing host to four squad. Al dous value to the Purple teams Maryland Invi- RECORDS Bixler and Guild - tation Tournament on May 14. It was Bright, teammate game of Elliott, played ex- Pick Up And Delivery and the big Western an outstanding at guard, Choose from a Large Selection Drug Co, revealed in an exclusive clubhouse emplified by the - fact that he too Service interview that this is the' one the gained a berth on the first All-Star in . Stu's Music Shop John and Main Ste, boys are priming for, so it ought to team. Milt lIerbert of the Bachelors, Basement of Old Main bear watching. The team will end the deserves a fast and very fine forward, 34 W. Main St. - Phone 585 season with the Mason-Dixon Con- mention here as he was a big factor ference play-offs in Baltimore. in the successes of the Blue team.
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