Page 55 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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'·;~ster.n 'he e ~-~~-\tmLlstor, GRADUATION Mary~a • BASEBALL SEASON 1881 REVIEW PAGE 2 PAGE 5 i2.. Vol. 25, No. 14 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTM!!"STER, MD. May 18, 1948 Record Clas, To Graduate Dr. Earle T. Hawkins Chosen Seniors Honored Martin Appointed G-B Editor To Address '48 Gradu~tes By Underclasses Assumes Duties InSeptember Within th~ next few weeks the Annual Baccalaureate Service senior girls will say- "good-bye" to Gruver H. Martin, newly appointed the Hill by participating in a number of traditional activities, two of the Editor-In Chief of The Gold Bug, will Sclieduled For Sunday, Ma'y 30 most colorful being the lantern chain head the newspaper staff beginning and rose cup ceremonies. with the first fall issue, according to Another record will be smashed The commencement speaker wil] be The Freshman-Senior lantern chain an present announcement of Jean CoJien, Editor. when 143 members of the elasa of '48 Dr. Earle T. Hawkins, president of the will take place on Tuesday, May 18. receive their "sheepskins" at the 78th State Teachers College, Tbwson., The girls will assemble on the brow of Assisting him will be Theoda Lee Annual Commencement at 10 a. m., Maryland. Dlj. Hawkins graduated the hill overlooking,Holfa Field, and Kompanek and \Villiam Porter as Monday, May 31. The seniors comprise from WMC 25 years ago and received the procession will proceed down the co-managing' editors. Taking over the largest group of May graduates the doctor of philosophy degree from steps to the field. their duties in the .capacity of news This will be followed by a program will in the history of. Western Maryland Yale University. Prior to his present of songs and decorative formations. editor advance be Jane her Guttman, who from po- will present College. position, he was principal of Bel Air They will then journey to the front sition as copy editor, High School, State Supervisor of High of Blanche Ward Hall where each Schools, and State Director of Instruc, class will join in songs, including the Horner- Earll will continue as sports Alumni To_Be tion. The Baccalaureate Service will take Alma: ilJutel', editor. There will also be no change in the business staff with Ted Quelch Rose Cup as business manager-, Campus Guests place Sunday, lIIay 30, at 10:30 a. rn., • The Rose Cup ceremony will take remaining as adver-tising., manager, and Ed Wright the ad- Ensor will deliver President dress. place Thursday, May 20, in Robinson Della Graul as circulation manager, Garden. At 4 p. m. the same day, the choir New names added to the masthead Juniors Sh~:.:SSCo:;~:~·:m~ntot~e:e:een~~·s,\~;~~ wiJ\ present Gioacchino Rossini's honor the plan the arrangements cup is to wiil be those of Duane Salzgaver as seniors. A silver t.hc class of '48 as guests of WMC. SI,abat Male-r for the benefit of the passed around the ring of senior girls copy editor, and Rita Bittle as typing For the tlrird consecutive year the alumnae, and the relatives and by the junior class secretary. Every Holloway ToAddress editor, administration is allotting two days friends of the graduating class. senior will then receive a rose. A for alumni activities and is providing program which includes an original I'rgonaut Banquet; the Gettysburg campus quarters for former grads. Dr, F~'ed G. Holloway will be the Trumpet~rs Will Tap Although all alumni arc invited, Pays - :;~~Ol~r:l::stit~lf_:~~w~istory of the speaker at the annual. semiformal reunion group will be the class of '98 Sonja Wine, who is in charge of Argonaut banquet to be held on May Girls In Ceremony which is celebrating its 50th anniver- Damage Charges the lantern chain, has been leading the 24, at the' Charles'Carroli Hotel. Dr. Good scholarship, leadership, and sary. girls in rehearsal. Dodie Arnold and Holloway, president of Drew Univer- citizenship, as displayed in the wom- The Alumni Association has plan- A check for $850 was presented Betty Bachtell are the composers of sity, was formerly president of Wes- ed a varied program for the visitors. last Friday by three members of the an original freshman class song which tern ]lfaryland College. en of the junior class, will be honor- ed at the Trumpeter cere- tapping The first act.ivity listed for SlIturda? Gettysburg Student Council to Prest- (Cont. on page 6, col. 3) At the banquet new officers for the mony to be held on the president's will be golf at 10 a. m. Prof. Hurt dent Ensor, Dean Free, and James coming year will be inducted. Prcsi- is staging an exhibition tennis match Cotter, Student Government presi- dent, Betty Little has announced the lawn at 6:45 p. m. on Thursday, May secrecy will ellv('l- at 1 p. m. The usual garden - party dent-elect, for damages inflicted upon Pan-Hel Dance election of the following: Jean Sause, 20, The traditional of those girls who op the the campus during the football season. identity will take place at 2 p. m. in Rob~son The original bill presented to the president; James Ogden, vice-presi- have been chosen for membership, Garden with Dr. and Mrs. Ensor, Gettysburg officials was $900. De- Tci Be In Gill Gym dent; Barbara Sowers, secretar-y: and Alumni Association president, and fucement" of the rival's press box and Audrey Dixon, treasurer. , Membership in this honorary_sel'v~ Mrs. Burdette in the receiving line. goal posts by unknown acurces re- Western Maryland's eight fraterni- Students who will graduate Summa ice organiza.tinn is determined on the A short business meeting will be held sulted in a $50 deduction. Their entire ties and sororities will sponsor jointly Cum Laude or Cum Laude will be basis of points acquired fOI' par-ticipa, at 4 p. m. student body contributed the funds this year's Pan-Hellenic Dance which taken into the society as fellows. tion in extru-cuz-i-iculaj- activities and The seniors will be guests of the for the payment. is to be held from 8:30 to 11:45 p.m. fOI' excellence in curricular work. alumni for dinner at 6 p. m. at During the meeting Jim Cotter sug- next Saturday evening, May 22, in which time they will be inducted into gested a joint program of cooperation Gill Gymnasium. Art Students To Display Vvork the Alumni Association. They will for arousing school -apirit, Plans for this last dance of be nomina tel for induction. by Dr. "This check signifies the sportmen- the college year are now being made, Ensor. Class president Carlo Ortenzi like attitude of every Gettysburg and the Inter-fraternity Council, head- During Annual Fine Arts ,Exhibit will accept the nomination in behalf student." He stated, "It. also indicates ed by Ken Volkart, is supervising Western Maryland creative talent of his classmates. the value of cooperation between tbe final arrangements. Music for the will be 011 display in Smith Hall dur- section. Since the addition of a small At the close ~f the dinner, the two schools. I hope that it will be selni~formal affair will be provided ing the annual fine arts exhibit which kiln, the craf.t students have been ex- Alumni Association will hold are. possible to continue these relations by George Spittel and his orchestra. will open Thursday night, May 20, l)erimenting with glazes and firing in ception for Dr. and Mrs. Ensor. through the ooming football seasons." Pat Patterson and Frank Middle- and continue through the following clay wOI'k. Ceramics has been offered AlumThiheadquarters will be in !lIc- A futUre conference date will be ton are on the Orchestra Committee Monday, JlIay 24. for tlie first time t11is year with inter- Daniel Lounge. deSignated, for the dance. Ray Via, Bob Dubel, Miss Louise Shipley, head of the esting results. George Carr, and Ken Volkart will fine arts department, is arranging Seniors exhibiting in more than one be in charge of the decorations, Ad- the exhibit. Represented this year field are Becky Haile, Jackie Kingsley, Senior Play Is Symbolic Fable, vertising is to Len Zawacki, and Mae will be the record number of 120 stud- Mae Langrall, June Smith, Anne Wil- by Jay be directed Brewington, Eierman, son, Kitty Brown, Margaret Langral!. Sponsors for the evening ents. The range of fine arts will be and Beverly Wallis. Explains Miss Smith In Interview are as yet unannounced, covered with entries in the fields of Other art majors who have entries oil painting, etching, water color include Martha Powell, Charlott!'! by N01'ma Wright Organizations Elect painting, sculpture, advanced and el- Thornto~ Wilder's Skin of O!~1'Teeth, the Senior Class play to be given '- Officers For '48-'49 ementary design, advanced drawing, drawing. pastels, and charcoal May 28, is a fable. Textiles, pottery, and woodworking In an interview ]ll1ss Esther Smith, the director, explained that the drama Plans for the fall term have re- will be included in the tells the story of the indistructibility of the human race. It illuminates the suIted in the elections of new officials comic as well as the pathetic aspects of life. by a number of campus organiza- ''In Act I", Miss Smith explained, "the human race is saved by the skin of tions. our teeth; in Act II ,the family is saved b~ the skin of our teeth; and in Act Tri-Beta has selected Jesse Myers III, freedom and faith are saved by the skin of our teeth." as president, Caroline Sapp as vicc- ~'The characters," she continued, president, Marian, Griefenstein as ··are-symbolic. Mr, and Mrs, Antrobus secretary, and Betty Amos as histor- arc Adam and Eve, man and woman ian. through the ages. MI', Antrobus re- June Lianos will be the new pl'esi- presents the typical head of the dent of the International Relations family- the worker, the inventor, the Club. Eleanor Nettleship will be vice- creator, the defender. He is the etern· president, and Bob Hoover secretary- al male, sometimes weary and frail, treasurer. sometimes puffed up with glory, but The Camera Club officers for the possessing the imagination and faith coming year will be Jean Daughtery, that give him the courage and president; George Seymour, vice- ~\~::~th b continually rebuild his i;;;~~;;:~ur~;ther. She~pa ..d.D secre- "Mrs. Antrobus is the builder of The newly reol"ganjzed cJassics the home, the one who sustains the club has elected the following officers: family. She restores order from chaos Mary Hershfeld, President; Charles after periods of destruction, and in- A. Rahter, Vice-President; Eleanor spires strength when the others are The cast does everything from act- Collins, Secretary-Treasurer. disconsolate and ready to give up. ing to painting Scenery. Left to right; President. of the Sunday School In times of crisis and great need, she Mar-tha Adams, Leon Stover, Don will be Jim Ogden, with George is the decisive one. Bailey, Bin Henry, Kline Haddaway. (Cont. on page 6, col. 3)
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