Page 60 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, May 18, 1948 kind friends, teachers, schoolmates, Ridingfon Elected Skin Of Our Teeth Se?L~[E!~~::'l~~!.~~ GRADUATION dear old college---one and all-c-good bye." Qfficer Of A I A (~;~~n:i~d!:~mo:::' ;~~oi~~~ l!. Wi~a~~ 7r:~h~:!n~~~ei~e~::~~ible 1881 Dr. William R. Ridington, professor trobus represent our hope of the for making her own lantern. All the (continued from page 3, column 4) We regret CORRECTION of the omission the and immortality. of classics at Western Maryland Col- future, our mortality represents our un- girls participating are requested to as their speech was flamboyant and following names of May Court memo Henry Antrobus wear white. lege, was elected second Vice-Presi- and flowery. We, in contrast, are a bers ; Peggy Stacey and Margaret dent of the Baltimore Chapter of the resolved oonflicts-the tortured and _ General Chairman of the rose cup little hard, a little resigned, a little Eierman. Archaeological Institute of America at frustrated human being, the killer. ceremony is Barbara Sowers. :poris disillusioned Our prose and our dress a business meeting of the Chapter in He symbolizes all the hating and kill- - Vansant and Jean Sause are in are dark and plain compared to theirs. Baltimore, May 14. He Will serve in ing we have done from Cain to Hitler. char'ge eof invitations; Audrey Dixon They were aware that they stood on that,capacity for the year 1948-49. "Gladys Antrobus is our hope of and Callie McNabb are writing the I·WEEK· COURSE Professor Ridington has had an continuance into the future as well as senior verses. The flower committee ~:~:~::~h;:;!e~:~:~::o;:ns~:~~ - active interest in the archaeological our childishness, gullibility, and ten- is headed by Sue Dixon. face to'face a tremendous internation- Intensive summer school train- aspects of classical civilization derness. In case of rain the program will al catastrophe, and are censured by Ing in shorthand and Iype- throughout his academic career. His "Sabina is the Antrobus' maid, and be held in McDaniel Lounge. our elders because we do not have writing. A doy course recom- doctoral dissertation at the University portrays the ignorant, the restless, OFficer Elections ... faith and optimism. mended for high school grad- utterly of Pennsylvania dealt with the Min- the utterly selfish, the courageous. gen- In Perhaps the difference between u s vetes and college students. erous, the momentarily can-Mycenaean origin of Greek ath- other words, the common people in (Cont. from page 1, col. 3) is not so great as it appears. We letics, and his work at the American their confusion and their need. Coulter as vice-president, Maradel are not so hard -that. we will 110t be Summer elass85 begin School of Classical Studies in Athens "The fortune ·teller is the cynical, Clayton, Counselor, Charles Shook touched by graduation, for many of was in the field of archaeology. contemptuous finger .of doom. She is will hold the office of treasurer and us next week will have to suppress June 21 ""., July 6. After the business meeting, Profes- Elinor Price commissioner. the tear that we can catch im Miss sor David N. Robinson of Johna Hop- !:~v:~~;y~~:,:p:;~:~~:~::.tter insight, Accepting .mlOt~er duty, Maeudel Stalnaker's voice as we Ileal' her Attainable ob jec:tives arel kins University presented an illustra- "The refugees are great men and Clayton will be the new president of closing her oration in the Pavilion; (1) The obility to take notes ted lecture to the Chapter on the sub- their ideas looking for a home. They the Iota Gamma Chi sorority. Their' ". - .. And In the eventide of our on lectures and typewrite jed of his excavations at Olynthus. bring with them comfort and en- . recently elected officers include: Doris school days we have come together manu5cripfl; (2) Basic training Members of the class in archaeology Ritter, Vice-president; Betsy Buder- only to separate. How many years in essential business skills; at WMC conducted by Dr. William' A. couragement. The hesitation of Mrs. 1 er, recording secretary; Louise Hyder must intervene before we meet (3) Credil toward graduation MacDonald, attended the lecture. ;;:;:~!~:s~inl~s.them in sy~bolizes corresponding secretary; Carol Lowe, again, lies in mystery. What scenes from a complete Secretarial future Archaeology Lecture of shifting sands, living without the life treasurer; Lenore Hoffman, historian; the future presents, the But now - I REQUEST SUMMER SCHOOl BULLETIN City represents "Atlantic holds among its secrete. Pat Intersorority Moore, representa- roots featured At Tri-Seta on the brink of disaster. The merry- tive. Fletcher Ward was elected • Presi- STRAYER (OlLEGE Con- are the irresponsible veeners Speaker at the recent Tri-Beta makers, the shallow, the Iight.hearted, dent of the Pi Alpha Alpha fraterni- meeting, May 5, was Dr. Urick of the ~iddy and silly. They are the ty, Roger Simpkins, vice president; 13th and' $1•.• Wal~lnlllon 5, D. C. New Windsor High School who pre- people down the ages who have des- Shermer Garrison, corresponding sec- Benny's Kitchen Telephon.,NAllolloI1748 sented a talk on his archaeological troyed themselves in foolish waste. retary; Bob Keyes, secretary; Joe work in Arizona. Dr. Urick also used "I feel," Miss Smith concluded, Culotta, treasurer; Barney Chen, his slides on the site as illustrations "that the students in the play under- sergeant at arms; Bill Carroll, Where old friends meet for the lecture. stand the characters they are playing. master of ceremonies. RADIO-ELECTRONIC At present all Tz-i-Beta members Not since 'Our Town' have they shown and like to eat . SERVICE are busily engaged in writing articles such sincere intereqt and full cooper- has table model radios of for the annual Alpha Mu New8 Let- ation." famous makes, ter, scheduled for publication in June. In view of the high caliber of this ,-Strictly home cooked food RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., Thc work will include information drama and the enthusiastic prepar- for immediate delivery about chapter acljjvities during the GRADUATION CARDS and ation with which the Dl rector and the Prompt and Efficient Radio past year and will also contain news College Players are investing it, it is '59 W. Main St., Westminster Repairs of the alumni member of-the organ- _GIFTS certain that the personnel of Western ization. F Maryland College will be offered We$tminster 654-J Radio Electronic Service Cascade Lake was the scene of the several hours first ratc entertainment. 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 annual 'I'ri-Bete picnic, held May 14 Coffman's Stationery which included such sports as base- ball, swimming, boating and, inci- dentally, lots of eating. TIMES BUI~DING _Music Supplies Come in and get acquainted ..... Also held at this time were elections "' \ for next year's officers. The group Sheet Music-Down Beat Westminster Laundry now has 29 active members and 13 Accessories BAUGHER'S provisional members as against 15 Laundry and Dry Cleaning • On Taneytown Road actives and 6 provteionals of last Selmer Band and Pick Up And Delivery September Orchestra Instruments HOME COOKING Winc's Sport Shop Service SANDWICHES Gibson Guitars SODAS - CANDY Buy ; our Bedtime Snack! 46 Pennsylvania Ave. in PASTRIES Basement of Old Main Stu'. Music Studiol Yuengling's Ice Cream A Full Line We Carry "PETE'S" of 32 W. Main St. 2nd Floor GROCERY STORE SPORTS EQUIPMENT Westminster, 585 Md. Phone Sealtest Ice Cream Main St.-Green Neon Sign WHElIE THERE'S COKE Run Right to It PaY$ To Look'Weli READ'S Barnes Appliance Service Visit The For Fine Cosmeticl, Toiletries' THERE'S REFRESHMENT Phone 793 Avenuc Barber Shop and Drug Needs Complete Photography BENDIX-THOR Where The Studenu Go R:C.A.-sUN BEAM Department 8'5 Pennsylvania Avenue l' E. Main Street, All Work Guaranteed Welltmiruter. Md. 45 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. !=====! -e~ ~~ 'kI~,Md. -Monarch Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Holidays; Holidays; Cleaners Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. (fay shows contin.uous from 4:30 p. m. PennsylvS.nia Ave. SUN.-TUES., MAY 16·18 TUES.-WED., MAY 18-19 "STATE OF THE UNION" "TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN" Spencer Tracy Katherine Hepburn George O'Brien ROOM PICK UP AND WED. and THURS., MAY 19-20 THURS.-FRI., MAY 20-21 "SONG O}<'MY HEART" Double Feature DELIVERY Frank Sundstrom Audrey Long '''l'WO BLONDES AND A REDHEAD" TUESDAY and FRIDAY FRI. and SAT., MAY 21-22 "BLONDE SAVAGE" "STRA W8ERRY ROAN" AFTERNOONS Gene Autry SAT., MAy 22 "DEADLINE" SUN.-TUES., MAY 23-25 Sunset Carso11 "THE BRIDE GOES WILD" Van Johnson JulW Allyson SUN.~TUES., MAY 23-25 "BODY AND SOUL" Compliments WED. and THURS., MAY 26-27 J oiIn Garfield Lilli Palmer "MOONLIGHT SONATA" G. C. MU!{PHY Music by Ignatz Paderewski WED., MAY 26 THE FRIENDLY STORE FRJ. and SAT., MAY 28-29 "WILD FRONTIER" , "BLONDIN'S ANNIVERSITY" Anal'll Lane 6-10 W. Main Street Arthur Lake Penny Singleton THURS.,-FRI., MAY 27·28 - Westminster, Md. SUN.-TUES., MAY 30-31, JUNE 1 Double Feature aomID UNDER AUTHORITYOf THE COCA-COLA COMPANY av "B. F.'s DAUGHTER" "CRIME DOCI'OR'S GAMBLE" WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTL~G CO. Van Heflin 'Barbara Stanwyck "THE SMUGGLERS"
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