Page 54 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 54
The'Gold Bug, April 27, 1948 Hammersla, Ogden Sigma Sigma Tau Reigns Wesleyans Plan Banquet As Champion O( TourneY' (Continued from page 3, column 1) Elected To Serve SCA Dr. S. Paul Schilling will be the Westminster Laundry Winner of the annual Interscror-i- guest speaker at the Wesleyan An- be condemmed for minor imper- Newly elected officers of the Stu- ty Bridge Tournament held on April n,ual Banquet to be held at the Deer Laundry and Dry Cleaning fections in the world; evolution has dent Christian Association win be in- 1f and 13 was the Sigma Sigma Tau Park Methodist Church, May 7, at Pick Up And Delivery been on the whole eminently success- stalled at-the meeting next Wednes- Sorority. , 6 p. m. "- ~ul. day in. Baker Chapel. The offieers Each sorority entered two bridge Master of Ceremonies will be Wil_ Service Development of human personali- serving for the coming year are: teams, the members of which were in ty beyond the already codified perfect Edgar Hammersia, president; James high scorers within their own club. liarn Cook. Jack Ammon and James a~ exemplified by Christ receives no Ogden, viee-presidentj Phyllis Weav- One set of partners played four hand~ Ogden are handling the reservations, '--Basement of Old Main by May 1. which are to be ~ade er, secretary; and Joseph Culotta, and then moved to the next table un- ~~~~o:e f~~~rc~U~~;Y~pg~:a:t i~~~;:; treasurer. \ til all the couples had played each must cease with mankind's achieve- Cabinet chairmen to take office af other. merit- of this rar off desidfwatum? the same time are Betty Amos, Per- Individual high scorers were Betty sonal and Campus Affairs; CarolYI{ Monarch • Absentee Deity Armiger and Ruth Anderson, Delta It Pays To Look We11 Zimmerman, Social Responsibility; Sigma Kappa, with a total of 3130 Similarly, Anti-Chance is conceived Fletcher Ward, World Relations; points. Visit The as inaccessible to man. It would seem George Coulter, Christian Herita,e; The players and total scores for Cleaners that a Godhead so conceived is n9 ad- Mary Dodd, Negro Nursery School; each sorority are as follows: Mary Avenue Barber Shop vance over the absentee landlord Bettye Benson, Publicity and editor Ada Twigg, Louise Reese, Carolyn Pennsylvania Ave. Deity, who outlives his usefulness of SCAN; and Marion Auld, Fresh- Sapp, and Louise Sapp, Sigma Sigma once he has thrown the s tar tin g. man Club. Tau, ·5320; Ruth Anderson, Betty Whete The Students Go switch. In preparation ""'for the coming Anniger, Helem Wymer, and Marcia ROOM PICK UP 85.Pennsylvania Avenue DuNouy asserts that this philoso- year's aetivities, the cabinet is plan- Koblegard, Delta Sigma Kappa, 4690; AND phy of telefinalism is the most satis- ning a retreat for the weekend of May Jean Minnis, Annabel Glockler, Jean factory explanation of the meaning 8 and 9 at Roop's Look-About Camp Sause, and Naomi Harper, Phi Alpha DELIVERY of life, and he roundly condemns the near Westminster. On the following Mu, 3460; and Sue Gordy, Helen philosophies of materialism and vital- Wednesday, May 12, the program wiII Lingenfelter, Maradel Clayton and TUESDAY and FRIDAY Modern Library ism. And, although religion is con- feature a discussion led by Ha1 Doris Ritter, Iota Gamma Chi, 2260. AFTERNOONS sidered man's great achievement, the Viehman, a staff member of the Mid- author holds that Christianity alone dle Atlantic Region~ of the Student ' has the only perfect key to the Uni- Christian Movement. (ollege Outline Series verse and to human life. Barnes Appliance Service I However, he fails to mention the SMITH II< REIFSNIDER \ Phone 793 newest philosophic improvements in I Incorporated Norcross Card., his own, idealistic camp, which, it LUMBER-COAL BENDIx-mOR . Benny's Kitchen would seem to this reviewer, could WESTMINSTER, MD. R.C.A.-SUN BEAM raise all of Hwmam Destiny to the position of prominence its strong All Work Guaranteed Where o'1d friends meet They're All Here points merit. There is no attention, 45 E_ Main Street and like to eat either negative or positive, to the Westminster's Westminster, Md. idealistic concepts of a finite God, or New Modern Drug Store IJ~ Boo/. BIu.p an endless evolutionary process. Strictly home cooked food Not the least among the strong DRUGS 161/. '11/. 'A(.... Sl points is the readability of the vol- SCHOOL SUPPLIES Run Right to ume; this is one time traditi,naUy 59 W. Main s-, Westminster long-haired philosophy visited the COSMETICS READ'S barber and emerged looking pcru Westminster 654·J human. Husnan: Destiny is delightful For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries reading which could easily contribute Bixler and Guild and Drug Needs Good Health tremendously to your thinking. Complete Photography _ Drug Co. Department To 15 E. Main Street, John and Main Su. Westminster, Md: Large Assortment of JOHN EVERHART MOTHER'S DAY CARDS All Now on Display \ The College Barber J. WM. HULL, Jeweler From and Bobber Wine'. Sport Shop Successor to Cassell's AT THE FORKS The Store of New Fashioned Coffman's Stationery REXALL 46 Pennsylvania Ave. Jewelry and Old Fashioned Opposite Bus Terminal Honesty We Carry A Full Line TIMES BUILDING of RADIO-ELECTRONIC East Main Street SERVICE SPORTS EQUIPMENT Westminster, Md. has table model Radios of ' Famous makes, RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., WHERE THERE'S COKE for immediate delivery CORSAGES Compliments of • Prompt and Efficient Radio and Repairs FLOWERS Radio Electronic Service For All Occasions T. W. Mather & Sons THERE'S HOSPITALITY 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 Stewart N. Outler.r Westminster's Department FLORIST Store of 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Everybody Stops In At Good Service. and Values Phon~ 350 Margaret & Earl'. fo' SANDWICHES- SOFT DRINKS Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and ......Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 .. Holidays; p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Sunday Matinees: 2 an.d'"4 p. m. day shows contlnaous from 4:30 p. m. Matinee 2 p- m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. SHEET MUSIC WED. & THURS., APR. 28 & 29 "DEATH VALLEY" WED., APR. 28 POPULAR-STANDARD I "PERSON AL COLUMN" Rob~rt Laray Helen Gilbert CLASSICAL LucilJe Ball George Sanders THURS. & FRI., APR. 29 & 30 RECORDS FRI., & SAT., APR. 30 & MAY 1 Double Feature "JIMMY STEPS OUT" "I LOVE TROUBLE" Choose from a Large Selection James Stewart Claudette Colbert "DANGER" COLONIAL MUSIC CO. SUN. TO TUES., MAY 2-4 "PHANTOM VALLEY" SAT., MAY 1 :J4 W. Main St. - Phone 386-J "SITrING I'RETTY" , Chas. Sterrets SmileY' Barnett Maureen O'Hlna ' Clifton Webb Robert Young SUN. TO TUES., MAY 2-4 "SAIGON" WED., & THURS., MAY 4 & 5 ,Veronica Lake Buy Your Bedtime Snacks "AN IDEAL HUSBAND" MON., MAY 5 at Paulette Goddard Michael Wilding ~"OVERLAND TRAILS" "PETE'S" FRI., & SAT., ~iAY 7 & 8 Johnny Mac Brown Double Feature TUES. & WED., MAY 6-7 GROCERY STORE "ROLLING HOME" "OUT OF THE PAST" - "MY DOG SHEP" Robert Mitchum Jane Greer Sealtest Ice Cream - SUN. 'I.'O TUES., MAY 9-11 THUR&, MAY 8 Borneo UNPElt AUTHORITYOf TH~ COCA·(OLA COMPANY BY Main St.-Green Neon Sign "I REMEMBER MAl\fA" "WILD HORSE MESA" WESTMINSTER COCA-COLll nOTI'LING CO. Irene Dunne Barbara Belle Geddes Tim Holt Nan Leslie @1948,Th .. Cexd.Co!oCompany \
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