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lIestern ~::l~~~~ C01'J"elege. BASEBALL SEASON MAY QUEEN UNDERWAY PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Z286 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Coronation Of May Queen Highlights Festive Weekend I President Ensor To Conduct Ceremony; Formal To' Conclude Day's Activities Coronation of the May Queen, girl, and Jonathon Holthaus, crown Gladys Sause, by President Ensor, at bearer. 2 p. m. will inaugurate the traditional Members of the court include Mar- May Day festivities on Saturday, garet Eierman, senior duchess, Jeanne May L Stein and Beverly Wallis, senior at- The ceremony wiJI take place in the tendants; Martha Powell, j u n i 0)' amphi-theater in Harvey Stone Park. duchess, J a 11 e t Raubenheimer-, and The queen will be pr-eceded to the Betty Staley, junior attendants; Sher- throne by the court procession. Peg- ry Donovan, sophomore duchess, Peg- gy Kerns and Kitt.y Earnshaw will gy Stacey and Martha Schaeffer act as pages, Jean Ridington, flower sophomore attendants; Marion Engle, freshman duchess, and Betty Fisher Recital Offered and Dorothy Puyan.t, freshman at- tendants. • Immediately following the crown- By Louise Scptt ing ceremony, the May Ladies Day Meet", play, Shakespeare's "When May Court. Seated Left to right: Marion Engle, Freshman duchess; Gladys, May Queen: Dorothy Pay- directed by Miss Esther Smith, will ant, freshman attendant. Standing: Left to right: Sherry Donovan, sophomore duchess; Betty Staley, junior Louise Scott, accompanied by Oliver be presented. Produced by the junior attendant; Beverly Wallis, senior attendant; Betty -Fisher, freshman attendant: Janet Raubenheimer, junior Spangler, will give a voice recital in dramatic art students, the cast in- attendant. Not pictured: Jean Stein, senior duchess; Martha Powell, junior duchess; Martha Schaeffer, sopho- Levine Hall, Tuesday, May 4, at 8 eludes Norma Wright, Caroline Me- p. m. more attendant. Nabb, Ruth Volk, Charlotte Goodrich, The program follows: Phyllis Houck, and Marcia Koblegard. 1. Silent Worship Handel After the completion of the out- 2. How Shall An ArUMS Maiden door activities, open house will be "Skin Of Our Teeth" Inaugurates Dr. T. F, Marshall 3. Dormi, Dormi, Bel,Bambin Viardot held until dinner in the various club- rooms for guests of the members. Folk Song Italian-Swiss The semi-formal dance, from 8:30 Cpmmencement Activities May 28 Wi~s CEA Post; 4. Whither Ru.nneth My Sweetheart to 11:45 p. m. in. Gill Gym, will cJi- max the program for the day. Fea- by Norma Wright Chosen President Bartlet ture of the evening will be the pre-, Beginning the commencement ac- Usher James Cotter 5. Queen of the Night's Magic Vengeance sentation of the May Queen and her Orchestra Aria from "The court. George Spittel's Flute" will tttvtties on the Hill, Skin of Our Usher Donald Lichty Dr. Thomas F. Marshall, acting Teeth, a dramatic bombshell by Drum Majorette Marcia Kobleg ard head of the English Department, was Mozart "provide the dance music. Tickets are Thornton Wilder will be presented Drum Majorette Caroline McNabb named president of the Middle At- G. Th~ Almond Tree ....... Schumann now on sale for $1.20 per couple. Cor- the Western Maryland College Fortune 'Teller .. Martha Adams. lantic College English Assoetatton 7. Thc Elfin's Song 'r" Wolf sai:: y ~ea;~!iobne~~g sponsored hy " onder the dir-ection of Miss Conveeners-c-Hown'rd Haines, William for "ti,e year lS4S,1!l49 at their an- 8. Psyche Paledilhe Student Government Association urs- Smith, on Friday night, :May ~ Porter, Howard Hall, Leon Stover, nual spring meeting on. April 17 at Robert Lizer, Harry Adams, Donald Goucher College in Balt.imore. 9. The Broken Flower Faure del' Sally Smith as general chairman. Lichty 10. Caro Nomc Cke II Mio Cor- from Those assisting her are Phyll'is Houck Chairpushers--Thomas D 00 lit tl P, Covering Maryland, Delaware, the "Rigoletto" Verdi and Sonya Wine, program; Annabel Duane Saltzgaver District of Columbia, and eastern Gleckler, flowers; Sue Dixon, props.: Defeated Candidates ..Kline Haddaway West Virginia, the association in- 11. [ PlT:~~tS~~~..~~ ...~~.~~..:!~sselle ;:~:~, P:;ak:_r;o:;~s~~;ai~:~n~at Chat- Excelsior, New Jersey, and their Norma Wright cludes English teachers from approxi- .... Valverde The various committee heads for 23 colleges mately Ruth Yolk and univer-sit.ies children. Actually it ra~s over the Girl. as members and holds meetings each 12. Clavelit08 . entire experience of the human race Broadcast Dfficial..; ... Robert Lizar 13. The [stand Rachmaninotf the dance are Phil Schaeffer, general from the ice age to the past war. Assistant Stage Manager .... spring and .fall, Dr. Guy A. Cardwell, 14. The Rivals Deems Taylor chairman; Frank Stephenson, publici- • Symbolic Characters Phyllis Houck head of the Engli~h Depaftment at ty; Don Bailey, decorations; Joe Mr. Antrobus, played by Robert Mr. Tremayne. Howard Haines the University of Maryland, was 15. Love lIfc Little, Love M6 Long Gianelli, refreshments: and Jim Cot- ter, clean up. Mathias, represents the typical man, Heste Martha Powell elected to serve as vice-preeirlerrt. Haydn-Liebling sometimes arrogant and boisterous, Day .. ....... Anna fless A member of the WMC English sometimes bluffing through a had Fred Baily .........,.. ....Donald Lichty Department since 1943, Dr. Marshall of "Fashion Road To Spring" Comes of the Bailey is in charge Donald situation, but always having enough sets and lighting. has also'{.aught at the University imagination and faith to carryon. Pennsylvania, and has served as sec- Ruby Steim is Mrs. Antrobus, a retary-treasurer of the -association To WMC For Co-Eds Enjoyment mother first, last, and always, fight- Soviet Econ.omic Position for the past two years. That he is de- ing to protect her children. serving of the honor is evidenced by By Lenore Hoffman Christine Royer plays the 1'ole of I. Lecture Topic May 4 his present positions as consultant S~bina, a l'epresentative of good and to the Library of Congress for the Mhs Berry, is touring many col- Economie Posi- "The Political a;d bad, the comic and the pathetic. tion of Russia Today" is the topic to Quarter,!1 Review, which is edited leges and universities throughout the Henry, a~ played by James be discussed by Mr. Ernest C. Ropes, for the State Department by the li- connb:y with this show, entitled Leo~ard, is the son who gives us a in the assembly, Tuesday, ~[ay 4. brary, membership on the bibliogra- "Fashion Road to Spring." picture of the hatred and frustration Former head of the Russiall Divis- phy committee of the Modern Langu- A completely rounded wardrobe of in human migds. ion of the U. S. Department of Com- age Association, and as an editor of 20 outfits aloIl€' with a varicty of ac- cessories which cover every type of Glady.s, portrayed hy Betty Little, merce, Mr. Ropes is currently lectur- the Bulletin of The Carrol! County is our llope of the futUre. ing around the country. Recently he Historical Society. costume a college girl needs will be • Others in cast addressed the American Friends'- He has also had works published in exhibited. include a dirndle outfit, , Highlights The rest of the cast iI'.lCludes: International Institute in Baltimore such periodicals as t~e Modern Lan- bright navy wool gabardine bolero on Russian-American relations. guage Jow7lal, The Quarterly Journal s,uit, a gray sharkskin jersey bath- Dinosaur Doolittle Classes will follow the regular as- of Spcech, and the American Journal. ing suit, and two e ha l' min g eve- Mammoth Betty Lee Robbins sembly schedule on this day. ning dresses, 0 n e of eyelet' em- Telegraph Boy. .Duane Salugavel' .-- -. / Course In Theater Art broidered organdy, the other of green Doctor Adams chaIl€'eable faille taffeta. Professor Stover Planned For Summer Miss Berry has induded several Judge . William Porter Student Government outfits which will be of interest to Homer Robert Lizer· Candidates for office of the A course in the Greek theater has those starting out on their business Miss E. Muse Anna Hess Student Government are Betty been scheduled by the admin.istration careers. Amos, Frank Stephenson, and for the second sessfon of the Western Olive Berry Besides the fashion show which Spring Picture P~rty. Jones Cotter. Maryland summer school. What is the young college girl will be modeled by the students, Miss Voting for officers will take Berry is also scheduled to lccture on place on April 28 in Mr. Jones' Designed to cover the archeological, wearing this spring? The Horne Eco- careers for Home Economics students Camera Club activities for next office. The office will- be open literary, and production aspects of l!lOmics Club will answer this ques- and the story of pattern making. month will feature a picture taking from .12:30 to 4 :30 p. m. and Greek drama, the Art and Classics . tion, most important to the feminine jaunt on May 2. The outing will be from 6:30 P'l"Q.:._to9 p.m. Departments ,vill collaborate in th'e' world, when it sponsors a spring In addition to the fashion. show concluded with a picn.ic, refreshments Thursday, April 29, at 3:15 presentation. fashion show' We
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