Page 56 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 56
- " The Gold Bug, May 18, 1948 Slant On The Hill Four Years In Retrospect Meet Eddy ... by Edward Cushen This IsWhere Retrospections nearly invariably presumptuous for any of us to at- schedule, the Gold Bug gets a new When things are going according to staff only once a year, in February. We Came In :;:y.r~;!:!e~:l~t~d~~t s~~~r:::ta~~ty~ I ~~::.tJ;~n;f ut~~e~:~~~:::~e:~~;':~~ number of hangings, shootings, large But what with the unusually tar- Be- Christ, and Socrates vehicle. Plat.o, Einstein, metaphor as the main cause of the necessity for viewing seldom appear. However, each of and-featherings, etc. this year, we reading sports copy, things there as an organic whole, the these huge personalities exemplified have run out of staff members early, the hardest job of an editor is most meaningful events- and trends that creative tendency which seems and we're going to have a new staff the writing of a farewell edi- overshadow the production. Can it be to lie in each human. What more can again in September. torial. So this editor is not writ- that these most meaningful events be expected of any i1erson, including This poses several problems, one of ing a farewell address, but rath- -muet be expressed poetically? those five, than the nurturing of two which is saying farewell to the pass. er a welcoming editoral. Four years ago we started as attitudes - acknowledgment of and ing editor. For Jean, alas, will not be First, we greet the inaugura- freshmen. Let's skip t-he u sua I contribution to those things of with us in the fall. It's a shame, too, tion of a closer student-faculty phrases which you well know, and greatest "value" in man's experience? because she was just learning where relationship. The initial work of suffice it to say that we were four "Nature is never complete. It'is al- the broom was. the students, particularly those So here's a quick so long and thanks 'responsible for the assembly re- ~~:~s w:o~~lfe~~it ~~n;~~;t~ ~;~!~~:~Sot pa:~~:!ie::i~::~y it~~''''be~~~ for the memory, etc., Mme. Ed.-it's volution, in honestly recognizing looking now. Most of us haven't lived Nature in which he Jives. been swell .. Jean Cohen and discussing the detrimental outside a scholastic environment any I W.hit,"~ad, Pro.". and R.a/i!y. 44H -TheSto,ff factors on campus, laid the basis longer than enough to fill an appren- will I for the courageous honor com- ticeship period. As a result of this r-------------------------------~ mittee meetings. nearly unavoidable bias, we Letters To The Editor Good will and mutual respect probably tend to regret the dirty have developed in a situation hands our ideals will get- S0011. - 2. Do not use the overhead lights appeared in your last issue and feels which could have resulted in Everything which man does rests Dear Editor: (no one I know needs the illumin- it is only fair to ask you to publish much bitterness. This has been upon certain assumptions-and so There are certain factions that re- ation of a stadium to read) ; allow the following reply: _ due, in a large part, to the will- did the educative process. Despite -side on the hill and give no concern the individual person, to deter- First of all the pictures shown at ingness of both students and "sad" conditiona in world, national, to the functions, the normal functions, mine whether he wishes to have the Fireside Fellowship are not the faculty to compromise in order local, and family relationships, a of the student body at large. Through his nearest lamp on (to a min- - writer's personal pictures but are to reach an immediate solution, large portion of mankind still has misrepresentation and falsification imum of two lamps). with the intention of later reach- faith in the possibilities of man. It of the elemental facts, these well 3. Recommend to those in charge one set of some 40 identical sets is- and Church sued by the Methodist ing a more satisfactory one. hardly seems desirable to work for a meaning squares and missionaries, that they treat the persons using can be rented together with the script with the assistance of a house mother, As an astute reader of this common denominator for life any have convinced the administration the lounge with a reasonable de- used from any Methodist Publishing column may have guessed, we lower than the betterments of man's that the availability of McDaniel gree of civility and remember that House. As such they have been shown believe in an honor system social relationships. And many think- Lounge during the evenings is a she herself was once young. to hundreds of groups both in U.S.A. (where have we heard that term "era will tel! us that that is the highest menace to the purity of our co-eds I am fully_ aware that the term and in China. Well informed Chinese before?). We believe it can be denominator w'e have a right to ex- and the reputation of our college. draws to a close and that I am a who have seen them consider them a successful on the Western Mary- pect. The faith of humanity in the "Johnny-come-lately", but I point very fine presentation of the great land campus. Although we may possibilities for its own development Here are the facts: out these facts and make these recon- progress in rural China, particularly not yet be scholastically ready has made our education meaning-ful 1. Except for the small overcrowd- mendatlons for those who may follow. West China. for such a system, the prevalent rather than wasteful. This faith ed reception room~ of the wom- Jeffrey B. Smith_ Then it is most unfortunate that interest and enthusiasm indi- seems deeply-rooted in man, and en's dorms, th~ lounge is the only Mr. Yu was only in the meeting for a cates an adult concern. Even the rests on rationally guided observe- respectable haven for those who Dear Editor: few minutes and saw 4 slides out of pessimistic letter staring re- tions. would care to relax. some 52 that were shown. Had he re- proachfully from the opposite May we suggest 2. The closing of the lounge has a The writer is rather disturbed by mained to see the others he perhaps a "theor-y ? column, albeit we disagree with It is because of the beautiful and de~ided tendency to drive those the nature of Mr. Yu's letter which would not have formed such a hasty its logic, exhibits a mature con- t.he growing aepeets that significant who would commit themselves to judgment as to consider them exager- a little harmless necking to "back i~~~l~~~~nof the, pro b 1 ems contributions have been made to hu- campus" and,.-- more tangible Fin_al Examination ated, for the pictures show the pro- man progress. Similarly, that which action. gress made in 'educational, medical and The honor system, however, church work that any Chinese might is merely" one issue to be dealt is beautiful and challenging has lured 3. The introverts who urged and Schedule well be proud of"! with in student-administration Us back to the Hill three times. Our welcomed this action by a well collaborations. Eventually it is British friend 'I'oynbea su~gests that meaning administration have lived Friday, May 21 Finally it should be pointed out that hoped that the student body will it is the successful responses to sue- sheltered lives and are not author- All classes end at 4:15. while no single province can repre- have a voice in deciding such -eesetve challenges which makes a ities on subjects so unknown to Saturday, May 22. sent all China, yet the province in matters as curriculum and facul- civilization grow. May we offer the themselves. which the writer lived for several ty changes. Future editors may thought that similar responses are Here are the recomendations: 8:30-11:30. All classes meeting years was during that time the seat even get an hour's English the determining factors in growth of 1. Keep the lounge open at least Srd period Tuesday. of the National Government, and its credit. individual personalities? It would be fi-om 7 to 10. - Monday, May 24. capital Chungking was a symbol to So we wish to welcome, sec- the whole world of China's resistance ondly, the instrument of the con- 8:30-11:30. All classes meeting to Japanese aggression. During those tinued good relationship and WMC Pre:sents ... 2nd period Monday. years it could be rightly claimed that fight-for-rights, the combined 1:00--4:00. All classes meeting 5th it was the military, political, cultural, Western Maryland Student Gov- :JjGHB~ period Tuesday, and Thursday, and financial centre of China. ernment. Merging of the Men's and the following; Home Econ. J. H. Haines and Women's Student Govern- by Frank Stephenson 302, 408; Latin 104; Psych, 352, ments has been a long-anticipat- played some varsity basketball in his Biology 3q2. Dear Editor: ed reform in WMC's history. Its "Yes, those \ were the good old freshman and sophomore years, and Tuesday, 'May 25. I do not propose to state that the completion this term marks a days." actively engages in all the fraternity Honor System positively is unsuited forward movement. Thus spoke aged senior, Don Bro- ·8:30-11:30. All classes meeting for this college. In attempting to ex- The meeting with the Gettys- hawn, reminiscing about his wild and sports. Although hampered some- 3rd period Monday. plain my reasons for this statement, I burg representatives (see story carefree.days as a freshman on the what by size, he has never been 1:00-4:00. All classes m~eting will show how the Honor System page 1) has provided the im- Hill, when there were some fifty-odd 5th period Monday. worked at II university I attended petus for a series of joint meet- boys on the campus, the rest girls. Wednesday; May 26. and leave the question: Are the con- ings in the fall with other "No responsibility, no worries, no ditions similar at. this particular schools. An effort ".fill then be studying (and incidentally, no grades) 8:30--11:30. All classes meeting institution? made to redirect the misguided -it was wonderful!" 4th period Tuesday. The University to which 1 refer is school spirit which has formerly But don't let that fool you; Don 1:00-4:00. All classes meeting" the Virginia Military Institute, which resulted in vandalism. A strong has worked hard at his various jobs 4th period Monday. is rated as having one of the- top student government has proven and duties as vice-president of the Thursday, May 27. three Honor Systems in the country. to be necessary and possible. senior class, executive officer in the is based first on Student support is all that is ROTC, and first semester president of 8:30--11:30. All classes meeting fear The system there student acclimates and, as the 1st period Monday. ne~~~~ilY, and dearest to our the Delta Pi Alpha. Privately, he ad- 1:00-4:00. All classes meeting himself to the instif:ution, the basis editorial heart, we welcome the :~t:ett:/~~~~!:~ i:~~:e~i:v~; ;:~ ~:: 1st period Tuesday. for the system is transferred to tradition (in which the school is rich). rh~~~iftd~1!i.g~~:·jo1;.~A~r~'"; a snag, just appoint a committee." Friday, May 28. Arc fear and tradition present at can wish for them is as much And it works, too! 8:30--11:30. All classes meeting WMC? I would say "No," emphatic- fun and fewer typographical A rcsiden~ of L.a~s.downe, M~. 2nd period Tuesday. ally. errors than we have had. (somewhere In the Vlclmty of Balh· 1. Teachers ,vill inform students V1\1I was founded in 1839, by the . The Editor more, hut "having no connection with where exams are to be held. state of Virginia for the purpose of -it") , Don grew up with his mother, training men for the state militia ========== father and older brother. He claims II. Conflicts must be resolved by The Honor System was immediately that except for a few occasional mis- conference between student and teach· installed, and has functionea success- THE GOLD BUG understandings in ,earlier life, he and ers involved. This ,- is the stUdent's fully for 109 years. student At least ninety responsibility. presently attending Bud, brother of the per-cent body must University of Maryland, have all hampered by a lack of spirit, which III. Seniors are excused from aca· omclal emdent ne ....'papu of We.tern M... .,.· give its full support for such a pro- lAnd. College. publl.hed. .eml·montbl.,. en ideal relationship, although they is charactecistic of all his undertak- demic duties at 4:00, Tuesday, May ject to be successful, and I sincerely Tue,dAY. duri"g Ool<>ber. No~e'nber. Janll UY. February. Much and April. and monthl.,. sometimes have trouble coordinating ings. That he has an over-abundance 25. doubt if sixty per-cent of the students dnring Septemher. Deeembar, and Ma,.. Ell' their schedule as to who will get the of energy can willingly be testified to IV. Juniors, Sophomores and Fresh- tered as second clu. matter at Weslmilloter ~;s;~~~. school wou?d sanction such II POlt Oliloe. ullder the Ad of Marth 11, 1819 new car for which dance. Of course, by any of his three roommates. men are finished at 11:30, Friday, Mama and Papa Brohawn don't count. As for studies, even with aU his May 28. If the Honor System is not solidly Don attended Catonsville High extra curricular activities, Don has It should be 110t.edthat faculty ac- backcd, who win instruct the fresh- EDITORIAL STAFF .. School and still insists that he was been able to keep Up a better than tion has prohibited any exams longer men of its me_rits? One group would ............ Jean Coh.n not interested in any girls during his average record, although "with such ........ Gn,""r H. Mart;n than fifteen (15) minutes during the attempt to point out the benefits E.iii~;T~~~~~. '.'~~Btln~:~~~ high school career, a statement that roommates it is pretty hard to get period between May 15 and May 21, (which are many) 'while another much done." Being one of...·his room- ".:':' .::ii~~nerRF~n";U leaves room for a little doubt, judg· inclusive. would tear down all the good work Jone GuttmAnn ing from later experiences. He was mates, I'm inclined to think that it is Also by faculty action, teachers-not accomplished. Would it be fair to the also active in high school, holding thc other· way around. Busn'ES$- STAFF' new students? No is the only answer. Whe:? asked what he plans to do ;~:~r e~I:~:na:~~7~ m~~! !~~e~r~n:{a~~~e:ge;' 1:"J ~,~i!~:;::~~~s class offices during his four when he gets out of school, Don has I:~i~~i~!ee~ -Walter Dorsey CircuJahon ~a:;RIBUTOllS IlplJ~ GrAne~ Amol1g his talents Don found voice to think a little while, but usually whole or part of the period allotted (Ed. Note: Ob"llio!lsly, VMI did not for the examination in their courses. Bill S~heder, Carroll P~rker, Huth- Allen. enough to sing in the Lansdowne comes up with something like "per- Conflict exams should be scheduled sturt with an hOllOl" system 109 years old. Fear may have been the ca~(.8eof t!~~~!l~er,EICj\~~~ ~~~~~~, Sh~i1., RS~;~~.lI1:ethodist Church choir (he still sonnel work"; but due to his excellcnt during this period. The committee on its initiol success, but wouldn't stud- Charl •• Rah'"r. Helen Becker Sal'1: does) amid the swoons of the younger work in the ROTC, I think Uncle f:i~k"~Put MeLaren. Rita of the female species in the congrega- Sam may have something for him to e.xaminations will be willing to act as ent-facnlty and stuc/cnt-atudent co- ~:i:~};' . tion. However~ on. the campus he do for a while. But whatever he takes referee in case of any disputes. Note operation form a more effective basis? Phyllis Flouek • .Joyce Parker, Fletcher '\·ard. / usually saves hiS vOice for the shower. up, you can be sure of one thing-it that no exams are scheduled on Sat- We seem to have a head start in that ~~:i\~~Omin,k)', Charles f)l,ook,Ma~y Ellen Always interested in athletics, Don will be a job well done. urday afternoon, May 22. l·r~l'('('t.) }
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