Page 50 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold'Bug, April 13, 1948 Of his own work Smith says,' "Like life itself' my stories have no point and get absolutely nowhere. And like Modern Library It Pays To Look Well (Continued from page 2, column 5) life they are a little mad and pur- taken to the monthly lunch of the picture from his publisher, who tells poseless. They resemble those people Visit The Kiarians. of chancing to look out of his office who watch with placid concentration College Outline S.ri.s • Duck In The Room window shortly after a morning con- a steam shovel digging a large hole in Avenue Barber Shop At the luncheon a dull person known ference with the writer, in time to see the ground. They are almost as pur- as W. C. is delivering a long, un- him disappear into an open manhole poseless as a dignified commute).' Norcross Card. Where The Students Go interesting speech when some dis- which bore a "Men Working" sign. shaking an impotent fist. after a 85 Pennsylvania Avenue gusted and bored fellow Kiarlan be- The amazed publisher drew his chair train he has just missed. They are madly who man dashes gins to quack like a duck. to the window and watched the man- like the traffic only to linger aimlessly through ......'Kiarians!' cried the speaker. hole for fur the r- developments . on the opposite corner watching a They're All Here 'Is there a duck in this room?' Promptly at noon several overall- fountain pen being demonstrated in clad workmen and Smith emerged 'You haven't begun on your soup a shop window." yet,' said the Major in a loud admoni- from below the surface of the busy In 1934 while enjoying a rest at Westminster's tory voice. 'What do you want with street. Smith took a seat on the curb Sarasota, Florida, Thorne Smith 'had New Modern Drug Store a duck?' with the workme~ who divided their a heart attack and died at the age 'I don't ~ant a duck,' thundered W. lunches with him. After they. had of forty, leaving fourteen completed DRUGS C. finished eating, a flask was produced volumes and an unfinished novel 'But you did ask for a duck,' said from Smith's pocket. It made several which was finished by Norman Matson -, SCHGOL SUPPLIES the Major, stubbornly sticking to his trips up and down the curb, then the and published in 1941 as The Pas- Compliments of COSMETICS guns. entire crew reentered the manhole. sionate Witch. E.G. SODAS 'I asked if there was a duck,' the Just what took place in the dark man retorted. depths of that street, no one will ever T. W. Mather & Sons know, but the incident gives us some 'Well, is there?' Mr. Harkin in- Bixler and Guild quired pleasantly. idea of the character of the man. Westminster's Depaeemene f·'How should I know?' snapped the • Hollywood Triumph Benny's Kitchen Drug Co. great man. 'There were duck-like In 1933 Smleh was in Hollywood Store of \ sounds in the room. If it wasn't a where he was employed to write di- John and M~in Sts, duck I'll eat it.' alogue for M-G-M, for only the movies Where old friends meet Good Service and Values 'May I eat it if it is?' the Major could take these fantastic plots and asked brightly. turn them into concrete form. The and like to eat 'Wili somebody please throw that motion picture versions of the Toppel' duck out,' .... " And so on through- series, and later The Pceeionate out the book. humorous confusion Witch, made large profits for their Strictly home cooked food Everybody Stops In At reigns. This mad chase is at last producers as well as for their ';l'eator. Good ?ealth brought to an end when the depar-t- S9 W. Main s., Westminster Margaret & Earl'_. meet store is burned to the ground. SMITH '" REIFSNIDER It has been charged that 'I'horne , Incorporated - To Smith is too preoccupied with sex LUMBER-COAL Westminster 654-J £0' and liquor, and therefore should be WESTMINSTER. MD. SANDWICHES- avoided Jest we taint our impression- All able young minds. We make no effort SOFT DRINKS to defend or to justify this charge, SHEET MUSIC From but -we cannot refrain from pointing J.WM. HULL, J.w.l.r to such bits of recognized literature POPULAR~TANDARD as Boccaccio's story of Caterina's CLASSICAL Successor to Cassell's nightingale, the stories of Balzac, The Store of New Fashioned REXALL Chaucer, Clawson, and DaMaupassant, RECORDS Monarch to name only a few. Jewelry and Old Fashioned Of Smith's personality, we get some Choose from a Large Selection. Honesty Cleaners COLONIAL MUSIC CO. TIMES BUILDING Pennsylvania Ave. East Main Street W~stmin$ter Laundry 34 W. Main St •• Phone 386- J Westminster, Md. Buy Your Bedtime Snacks Laundry and Dry Cleaning II;::::::::::::::::=;=; fOOM PICK UP at Pick Up And Delivery CORSAGES . , "P.ETE'S" AND Best Place Service and The Buy Greeting In Town GROCERY STORE DELIVERY To Cards FLOWERS Basement of Old Main For AU Occasions Browse Seal test Ice Cream TUESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS Stewart N. Dutterer Around In Main St.--Green Neon Sign FLORIST Coffman's Card Shop 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Run Right to Phone 350 Opp. Bus Tem,linal READ'S For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries KEEP FUN GOING and Drug Needs Barnes Appliance Service When Downtown Complete Photography Department Phone 793 Stop In At PAUSE FOR COKE 15 E. Main Street, BENDIX-THOR BONSACK'S Westminster, Md. R.C.A.-SUN BEAM AU Work Guaranteed LUNCHES 45\E. Main Street SODAS-ICE CREAM Westminster, Md. ... JOHN EVERHART The College Barher e~ .
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