Page 58 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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Tho;: Gold Bug, May 18, 1948 Veterans News - Seniors Entertained Awards For ROTC Hurtmen q.ooIkJj p~ At Reception (Cont. from page 5, col. 2) sc~!~~:n~ndtocolr:;!:ctag:~:;a~'~ve~~' Given At Review Griclclers Reacly drawing" their G. L Bill educational This time, the -team carne out on the benefits, the Veterans Administra- Dr. and Mrs. Ensor will- entertain The final ROTC Review for the year short end of a 5 to 3 score. WMC then For New !)eas4:ml. tion announced a tightening of con- the seniors at a reception to be held at was staged Thursday afternoon, April invadedr the horne territory of the trols on, summer school attendance. their home Wednesday, May 19, from 29, on Hoffa Field. Awards were made Eagles of American U. and took it Under this plan, veterans intending 7 to 10 p. m. to outstanding cadets, and letters on the chin again to the tune -of 7 to to change schools for the summer Carlo Drtenai, president of the given to the members of the varsity 2. The Green and Gold entertained rifle team. highly touted Catholic U. on April 30 must obtain two supplemental certi- senior class, !IIFs. Ortenai, Ed Cushen ficates of eligibility. One must be got- and Sally Smith,- presidents of the Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, presented and were badly trounced 8 to 1. ten before entering .summer schOQ!. Men's and women's Student Govern- Cadet Lt-Col. Carlo J. Ortenzi with Catholic U. is one of the powers in and the second must be obtained be- ments, will assist Dr. and Mrs. Ensor the Sun Medal given by the "Bal ti- the Mason-Dixon league this year. to the best an-> Sun Papers", more Washiii"gton and Lee, one of the top- fore returning to the first school. in receiving the guests as they arrive, around ROTC cadet in the unit. Col. most teams in collegiate tennis was These certificates show the amount of., Members of the graduating class Ortenzi is well known on the \VMC next for the Terror netmen. Washing- G. 1. Bill education time to which an who will preside at the punch bowl ex-serviceman is entitled. during the evening are Annabel campus, not only as a football player ton and Lee had several team, All-Ameri- tennis but on their and boxer of note, but also as presl- cans the veterans planning a change for Glocker, Phyllis Houck, Mary Alice dent of both sthe senior class and the Terrors. put up a filN.....battlewinning summer study should obtain a sup- Her-sbfeld, Dorothy S c 9 t t, SUSan Officers Club, Upon graduation he 3 of the 9 matches. from all reports, the Terrors plemental certificate of eligibility now. Steelman, and Pat Chatterton, very creditable showing; in. fact met Georgetown The Hurt-men This will be prepared by VA to show The junior women serving at the will .receive a Regular Army Com- Georgetown and carne up with an up- at backfield played very well. mission as a 2nd lieutenant. summer school registrars how much reception, are Betty Becker, Carolyn • Rifle Team set victory 5 to 4, The team's play, • Center Weak G, 1. education time remains for the Benson, Mal'y Adell Clayton, Audrey The prime problem conr,·ooti"._ veteran applying for admission. Dixon, Lois Royer, Mary Ada Twigg', tel'S The Rifle Team received their let- both individually and as a team was Coach Havens at this point is Athletics of a superior type and was their finest of from Director The second supplemental certificate Phyllis_ Weaver, Eileen Weeks, DOl'O- Charles W. Havens. Those receiving exhibition of tennis so fat· this year. strengthening of the center of the of eligibility, for use by veterans when thy Rupert, and Betty Rank. the award were: W. T. Bartgis, D. M. Lebanon Valley proved an easy mat- line. To do this it may be that you'll they re-enter their present schools in Buffington, G.. S. Davis, C. G. Kidd, tel' for the Green and Gold. They won see Si TulIai, H:rrry Bush and others the fall, will include a computation of J. M. Leonard, T. W. Quelch, W. E. handily 9 to 0, Gettysburg, that in playing guard next rett instead of the education time with the summer The Lineup ••• Rhoads, and R. L. Stone, IIIr. Havens the past has always been a thorn in positions which they have played in period of study deducted. Veterans then awarded the Military Depart- the side of the WMC teem, went down the past. should apply for this by mid-summer. (Cont. fl"O_,?page 5, col. 1) ment Medals for attaining the highest to defeat to a superior opponent The guard poai- These certificates may be obtained the courts this year. This is certainly total scores during the past season. The count was 7 to 2. tion has bee n from the Registrar's office, or by going to cut down the team's potency, The Gold Medal was presented to The Green team next met Deia- g r e a t I y com- writing to the VA Regional Office and is a sad note on which to end George S. Davis, the Silver Medal to' ware University at home. This match p lic at.e d, not having jurisdiction over the area in Ken's four-year tennis career at James III. Leonard, and Charles G. proved to be filled with spills and through graduu- which a veteran is attending school. WMC, ... Kldd received the Bronze Medal. The chills from beginning to end. Ken .. {jon but rather when requesting one, a veteran Sergeant's Medal, awarded annually Volkhart the number 1 man injured through transfer. When graduation time roils around should give his full name and address each year, the question of who is go- to the outstanding freshman member his leg seriously in his singles match .I a II 11 Sgarigiio, as well as the claim number assig~ed ing to be missing OTh the next year's of the Rifle Team, was presented to and had to retire. Bob Talner took one of the finest by VA. William E. Rhoads by Mr. Havens. over in Ken's place in the doubles running ffuards teams usually arises. Aftet making Colonel Carleton Smith, P.M.S, & with Rowe Moore, but they dropped ever, to play at Lacrosse ... a rather thorough survey of the Green T., awarded thirty-three cadets their the match 6-3, 1-6, 6-2, Nip and tuck WMC is leaving Terror we decided teams, that in. a 4-4 tie re- (continued from page 5, column 2) sorer as the number of outstqndtng initial Western Maryland College battles followed until match of Norm John Sgal"iglio school at the end in Badges for attaining the doubles of t.his term suited, at least a "B" yield Hopkins B squad by a 7-4 count. athletes was concerned, we are not average, no imauthorfzed absences Stern and Phil Sack being the de- 'Order to study Although behind niter the first two goi~g to lose too many. from classes or drill, and not more ciding factor. This match was full gcology ill New Mexicu. periods, the hallie team rallied with • Team Losses than one citation for untidy appeal'- of thrills as it was set point time The ends .are well-stafred, as Jim a 'Lpoint shutout in-the second half. Ebert and Keenan scored one and two Missing fTom next year's grid ;::~ ~~;l~;:~~~ ~~r~~~a~~:gfi;~; s~:!~ ~~;:~. S~~11~4!-!:~'~\;s~dtl:eh~~c:~~ ;~~ Cotter, Walt Piuvis, Chuck Kobosko respectively fn the third quarter. Paul, squad will be a leading back, Stan ester. After reaching set point several times and Hank Norman will all be bl the who was slightly injured during the th opening period of the game, scorea ~~~ankt~WS~~rl~nlYo:~~z~th:~~Wi~~a~~ • Gold Star Awards ::id : t:~:~ti;~i' :::~h~:~k o~~al!~ ~:;~~:~~n~:~~~l~:: ~;:~;:~, ~~l~u;:;~ in. the last period, widening the gap ~orsey. St~~e :;ll~~v~n~e~l;:dre~~~:~~ t~~ G:~: reach and that was the match. Al Paul, Al Yaglinski and others who to three points. Bush and Corleto The team absorbing the greatest ROTC Badge for the first semester: Coach Hurt has been well-pJeased ',"'ill be moved up helped Gianelli defend the Terror goal number of Josses is Coach Johnny with the play of his men thus fa;', rom last year's which wasn't penetrated once during .Jones' boaters, Absent from next H. B. Bright, Davis, DO,rgan, Engle, Norm Stern has shown the greatest 1 J. V. Just who i Masenheimer, Knepp, Kidd, Myers, the last half. ~~i;~u~~ :::: !~ ~~a~:~n~~n~I:il~d~ee~h;I~~l~~~~-~::~:~ Wagner, and W~llich. ~::~:e~:;~ePm~r R~~~! ~:::e o'~h~ni~ and Ken Volkart, while halfbacks fo::ht~: ~~;~edB:d~:cO;! Gt~: ~~:~ dividing his time between lacrosse and dIe is a question :;~\::~:~i~a~~ob:P:~~el;n~i::~~:ack semester were: Brohawn, Dunlop, :~n~~~.h;~e~ee~J~:~~n~:e~!~~~ ~~l~ ~~a:o~v~~~~.;!:~~ Joe Thompson is the only member ~~;~;ns~gkel:;a::s~\~ge~ea~:~:~~: lllan has met some very tough com- ed for the first ~;on~~i~ey~~r~ni~~~~et~:I~;es~~:~ ~::~ LeIghton, Leonard, Patten, Pllldell, ~:~t~~n ;~~t: :'::It;S~~e t~:~n~:n has !:a~tic;~eeks of ('rnber. Joe wore the Green and Gold Treadway, Warehime, and Yaglinski. Th e backfield ::i~l fl:::es:as~;~st:~~ia~iSga~ePi:ri~: • T~~A II~I~~:'~s Department recom- dJud .Pe4tf1te Walt Pi(1)i8 ~~~~~~~!~!::;S~!~: ranks of the squad. mended to the Reserve Officers As- Joe G ian e 11i, The very successful freshman coach sodation thirteen outstanding cadets (continued from page 5, column 4) Hank Corrado, Gene Fral]k, Julie of the boxing team will be exchanging for awards. A football score went on the record Dyke, Leo Lathl'ollnl, Walt Piavis, and civilian clothes for an army uniform. Cadet Lt .. Col. Cal'lo Ort~nzi and books recently as Delta Pi Alpha" Jim Formwalt are all expected to Yes, the genial Carlo Ortenzl is going Cadet Captams Harry B. BrIght and romped to a 33-3 victory over Alpha lug the pigskin for our benefit. This back into service. It is going to be Samuel A. Knepp were presented with Ganima Tau. Jim Cotter was greeted is probably the strongest depart- <'xceedingly difficult to replace him ~~~.IS :rb~nSrep,::~.:nta:;:rd~~ t~: in the first inning with a 13 run menot 011the team. ~!~~U~~:~l~ :~oco;;~~~~bl:n:b~~t~~ Cadet Corporals James P. Hackman; ~~~~~ra:~d W~:cf:ll~;i~~e:Yof~:~~: • Rescn'es Short this past winter, graduated in. Febru- ~o~~idD~~i~o~~,:':';t!:l1~~~ !I~u~U~~ ~ohu;dBsaucC::I:~~nf~~I~i;e~l~~~;~~~;nhc: pe~;~e b~g~~adt:~U!~:n:.e:~~~:s~ ~:~: ary. Smith. Others receiving the decora- " of Leo Lathroum. expected tbat our first team will be ...AI Paul The departUl"C of Kula1iQwski and ~~~e~e~. C~~;~ •.~c:;:~dLS.C~~~~.;. Last Wednesday the Biack and of excellent quality, but if the Winning two oi its last three gamts, t.he Green stick squad is be- r.::~::~~l!::;:~~ot±:e ~~:~~l~:i~;' ~1:'~~:Onk~rickM. McCall; and Charles ~~:;'i;~_7~v~:::~;~c~~a~yo;~~s~~e;~: !;:~l~g~:c~;ei~ ii~;~;'~:: ::n ar::;:~~~ ginning to prove its worth. The last College, alS""o takes the stroll in Barnes on the pitchers mound, but the Green and Gold is liable to ex- lacrosse game of the season was play- Alumni Hall on the 31st. Otherwise loose fielding led to the downfall of pel'ience extremely tough going. ed here last Saturday, wjth the An- the team remains unbroken. Hats off: A varsity tennis and soc- Barnes. The losers rallied in the The schedule, napolis Club as opponents, te;n~: :t::;r gt~'; ~:!~r ~~~'i~~oS:~~~ ~;r ~::e~e~:sfOt~~sY~~::r,an:n c:~~!~ __~:~i~;itht~~e h~! a horne ~~: ~:!nC;~,~:~~ to fear. Prof. Hurt will be losing Ken participant in interfraternit.y athle_ Delta Pi Alpha meets Alpha Gamma ~dh: a ~~i;e;s~t~ CORSAGES and :ho~~~:t ~~t ~e~u~:::;g~~'S l~~~ft~:~~ ~;:~i:u~;~ ;:os:;~~~ c~ea;~~ll:n~:~;! ;:~e t~~ll ~:~k.h~~e o~vi~::r p:~n!~~~ of Delaware has FLOWERS spring completely intact. sportsman in the person of Ken It's ~retty ~er~in t;~\~hel is~ue ~Vi_n !:e\a~~m~~:~ For All Occasion' Volkart. The best of luck, Ken. remallllll 0" un, , "' ou " made. den~Sydney and Stewart N. Dutlf:rer SHEET MUSIC Flash! Th, Preachers wou th, Dickinson. A FLORIST Intramural Track iUeet Monday brand new addi- POPULAR~TANDARD noon. The Bachelors were. second, tion is Lebanon 114 PennsyJvania Ave. trailing by some twenty point.s, while Va lley College CLASSICAL JOHN EVERHART Phone 350 Gamma Beta Chi and .Pi Alpha Alpha Si TuBai whom We played ill ten- recently - RECORDS The College Barber finished ill that order. nis and baseball. Mount St. Marys Choose from a Large Selection and Bobber returns to the schedule after a year's - COLONIAL MUSIC CO. Modern Library absence. Tne last Mount-W.MC game produced a 46-7 victory fOI' the Green Good Health AT THE FORKS -- and Gold. Just what the Emmitsburg 34 W. ~ain St. - Phone 386· J team will offer next year remains to College Outline S.ri.s_ be seen. To -- All J. WM. HULL,Jew.l.r Compliments of Norcross C;_.rd. Everybody Stops In At Successor to Cassell's From The Store of New Fashioned T. W. Mather & Sons Marg.ret & E.rl's Jewelry and Old Fashioned Westminster's Department They're All Here , fo, Honesty REXALL TIMES BUILDING Store of SANDWICHES-, ....... East Main Street ,q~ BO
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