Page 57 - TheGoldBug1947-48
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The Gold Bug, May 18, 1948 Last Limerick Contest Wmners Student Government Stassen leads by Louis Pietroforte This week's winners will receive a HONORABLE MENTIONS Election Results Presidential Poll Modern Library Book from the A;" The first rays of the sun began to t.ique Book Shop and two free tickets A certain wise speaker named Ropes PRESIDENT-Jil_n Cotter In the presidential preference poll, peep over the rim 0:( the eastern hills to the Carroll Theatre. Proclaimed capitalism for interna- VICE PRESIDENT - Bet t y recently conducted by The Gold BIIg that late spring day, There was one tional hopes. Amos Harold E. Stassen received a plurali- precocious ray in particular that held FIRST PRIZE But the-communist Russians ty, polling 140 votes of the 300 votes our interest, and we followed it as We hear of a goalie named Joe Never hear such discussions SENIOR it zoomed over the campus and burst Who makes his opponents look slow. And still read from their Marxian REPRESENTATIVES cast. into a certain dormitory room where He flits here and there Horoscopes. Norman Stern Henry A. Wallace ran a close lay two typical specimens of coJlege Like a hound hunted hare, -...... _Leon StoveI' Sue Dixon second, receiving 129 votes. On the first day of polling his Victory seemed manhood, crew cuts and all. _ How fast could he go if he'd grow? JUNIOR • assured, but "the Stassen devotees Percival Jones slowly opened one -Ellis Bruner REPRESENTATIVES eye, squinted at the daring beam t~at SECOND PRIZE -, Ther:aa:te profs on the Hill who say John Silber rallied during the second day to sub- Helen Ray mit the necessary votes for victory. ~e;:z;ra;~e~, ~n~ktOl\:~v:;si~S d:::::: - In t~en;;llage there's one known as Has some theories whose brain work SOPHOMORE This poll was conducted in conjunc- which is The eye m~ed slowly along the wall, Whose old tests her husband obtains. is scant REPRESENTATIVES tion with Varsity Magazine, choice of the presidential publishing over the smudged spring sports sched- She's very mysterious But they really don't know Robert Benton ule, and to the corner where, peeping I bet she's imperious-- - What they're missing, and ~. Sonja Wine the nation's college students. Though not the final from beneath thirteen weeks' dust, This suspense 1 can hardly sustain! I say they are the ones who re aslant. completed, tabulatiora has received been the results, by- rested the dust mop. To the left of -Duane Saltzgave,1' -Marian MCl'edUk The Gold Bug through its newspaper the door adjoining the corner, stand- exchanges, gives Stassen an over- ing in front of an untidy bureau, was whelming vlctcrv. a chair which certainly must have GRADUATION 1881 Wallace's standing in the results seen better days. thus far received is much lower than Beyond the epai~' the eye stumbled Jan Rogers the number of votes cast for him by upon its usual morning feast. WMC students might indicate. Also two huge white fcet jutting- out from significant is the low position ac-' beneath the sheet, hips thrust to one corded Truman, MacArthur, and Taft side, one arm dangling over the edge on all the polls. of the bed and the other twisted Following is the result of the WMC around hi~ neck in a most interesting poll: manner, nose spasmodically twitch- Stassen 140 ing as he snored complacently. The WalJace 129 room-mate seemed a reasonable fac- Truman 7 simile of the Yogi snake charmer, MecArthur sounds effects included. He was obvi- E. Roosevelt ously steeped in slumber, if nothing N. Thomas else. Eisenhower • Ul:'f)polisibilities Dewey 12 A thought slowly wormed its vway Total 292 to the fore of Percy's consciousness and the eye opened wider. "Ah," he _ Ten votes were disqualified. muttered; "dawn of the day upon which I become a college graduate!" "ooncee graduate. Me, Perci- College Calendar val Jones, B. A. Hmm. That sounds pretty good Percival Jones, B. Tuesday, May 18 A. A leader of men. 1 ~il1 go out in- Latin Club, 7 p.m", McDaniel to the wide world and join my fellow Wester'lt Mal'yland Col.lege 1881 Lounge, Dr. Glenn, guest men as they strive for ultimatc good, • much embroidered, and bouffant. silk mull with a long train of lace. I speaker. universal peace, and personal gain. To t~e stude~ts who attend the _ Women were invariably termed "fe- Her talk, which was delivered in Wednesday, May 19 Upon my shoulders will rest the fu- g-radua'tion exercises on May 31 there males". And the very newest thing in tones "clear, distinct, and forcible", President's Reception, 7 p.m. ture of the world for 1 belong to a will seem to. be ver~ little change in songs was "Auld Lang Syne". began: to 10 p.m. new generation. Crusty with Educa- the ceremomee and In the school as .n. This, then, was the world the gradu- "The echoes of the bell which an- Baseball, Mt. St. Mary's, tion, I will go out and sow knowledge whole f.rom the way they were ~t this ate of Western Maryland faced as he nounced this day the last of OUl' Home,3 p.m. in the unploughed fields of the world same time l.ast year. Yet, .whlle the took his diploma in hand, and gradu- pupilistic life, have died away; and Thursday, May 20 and bring light. into its dark corners. .general ~utlmes of these thl~gS .seem attcn was, despite the other changes, when this academic grove shall have Trumpeter Tapping, Lawn of "I live in a changing world, Chimge to ~ary httle w~en one year 1S. Viewed every bit as big an event as it is now. ceased to resound with the echoes of President Ensor's home, 6 :45 is taking place so fast I can't even beside one of its nearest neighbors, The Gazette began heralding it a our voices, how changed will be our p.m. Exhibit, Smith Hall, Art see it. . that goes·to show me how the growth of Western Maryland wllOle month early. The May 1881 is- position. through May 24. fast things are changing. I must take when considered over.a period. of sue announced proudly that there One by one the others followed, read- Baseball, Towson Teachers, my place in society as a responsible half a century or more IS astounding. would be twelve in the graduating ing essays on "Nobility", "Truth", Horne, 3 p.m. citizen, aware that liberty is- not li- In June, 1896, for example, 17 men clasS, and that the seniors' parting "Beauty", "The Importance of Liter- Golf, Lehigh, Away. cence and therefore I cannot just do and 21 women were graduated, and gift to the College was to be a fine ary Culture", and other subjects, Rose Cup Ceremony, Mc- whatever I feel like doing because, as drawings of everyone of them in statue of the Muse Clio, designed to while proud parents listened breath- Daniel Lounge. I llave already mused to myself, I their caps and gowns appeared on adorn the campus lawn. The whole lessly. While they are finishing, let Friday, May 21 have responsibilities." the front page of the B.altimore Sun· of the June issue was devoted to a us draw away for a moment from Tennis, Catholic U., Away. day Aflterican, along with an account· description of the ceremonies, with the chairs on the lawn, from the little • Determination of a convention of sixteen thousand summa;ies of the speeches (every squarish building which was then "the Saturday, May 22 Gill Gym, Pan_Hel Dance, Percy began muttering under -his veterans of the Confederate Army, a senior gave one), and detailed_ ac- college" and is now but the central 8:30 p.m. breath: "Percy," he said, "You're go· 'hole column of "Gossip from Lon- counts of the young ladies' dresses. part of Old Main, to the more familiar Sunday, May 23 ing to face life with determination and don", and a sketch of the very latest looking hill whose view at sunset was No chapel service. ambition from this day forward. You thing in the ball gO>\vns,a creajion of • Graduation Exercises praised even by the Guzette. Monday, May 24 will have faith in the future and keep "pink satin lined with petunia velvet The exercises took place outdoors, Let's appraise this school of the 80's Argonaut banquet .. 5:30 p.m. your eyes closed to the 'past except and set with folds of tulle and em- on the "Pavilion" (where are the and its graduates in relation to our- Examination week begins. for the little things that should re- broidery". pavilions of yesteryear?), and a band selves. Their background was deep, Friday, May 28 main as memories only. . the 'good But let us look back evcn further, was there. to play. It was on Thurs- but narrow. They knew their Bible "Skin of Our Teeth", senior old days' will always be the days at by way of the Gold Bug's illustrious ~:~l h,~:e~e:~. :~:l~he~;rft~et::~n~:~:~or~:~fs~he; play, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p.m. Litera11/ ::~c~.~~!1.l::'~;no:/~ hand." predeccssor, The Irving Saturday, May 29 He swatted at a fly that had some- Gazette, to a description of the cere- ~chvltles---debatJDg contests, ~h~read- great deaJ better than we do. Science, Alumni Weekend begins how gotten into the room and vigor- monies surrounding a graduation of l!1.g.of essays aloud: the gIVl~g. of economics, psychology, and sociology Sunday, May 30 ously scratched the spot where the the early 1880's-say, 1881. orahons b~fore the hterar y . socle~les, they were little concerned with. But Baccalaureate, Alumni Hall, pest had been performing its morning -. World -{If '81 • the awardIDg of scholarshlp pl'lzes, the demands of their world were limi- 10:30 ~.m. ablutions. Let's see, what was it that First, a little backgTound for the and the announcement of each stu~- ted also, and they wth-e adequate to Choir, 4 p.m. ent's average for the year. Thus thIS face them. \Ve know a little about a he'd been thinking about 1 Oh, that's setting. The President before last had event which we are watching is ~h.e lot of things, and have at our dis- Monday, May 3T:' right, ,graduation. Graduation, Alumni Hall, been Ulysses S. Grant, and the last c~lmination of several d.ays of festlvI- posals the groundwork for much that 10:30 a.m . • Recollections one had been Hayes; and now Gar- bes: The day was bright, and the can be developed later. So, since the "Percy, you won't forget the field, whose assassination less than a Jadl~s among the guests fanned them- demands of our world are numerous heartwarming fellowship enjoyed here month later was to shock the nation, selves quietly as the ceremonies pro- and varied, we can be said to be at as witnessed by the many times we was the chief executive. Warfare with ceded. least reasonably adequate to face SMITH " REIFSNIDBR have gathered around t.he gang and the Indians was still being fought, in:fi~r :~:ni:~ndse~~~i!~iS~;~ .r~a~~ th~~re is, h:wever, one aspect in sang the Alma Mater." In~orporated He brushed away a tear that was ~~~~::ei~~~r::~ ::ny::r:e~::~i~:: Ward, the President of ' the College, ,which we ,differ radically from these LUMBBR-COAL the first speaker forming in the corner of the eye. Abilene and Dodge city were still wide rose and introduced class, a Mr. Somel's predecessors of ours. They were as WESTMINSTER, MD. hopeful and self assured and sincere of the graduating open, rip-snorting western towns, and "You will remember your college there were only thirty-eight states in days and you will never forget your the union. The Civil War was still a ;;~r:~o:; ~~S~;yth:a~~g~e!d:~~. ~~~at (Cont. on page 6, col. 4) Alma Mater because you know it wiJI very near thing in the minds of Mary- always remember you and will always landers, for newspapers still carried • l\tiss Goodhand NEW SUMMER welcome you with open arms when- feature stories of the surrender at A young w 0 mall the Gazette Westminster's STYLES ever you decide to come back and Appomattox by men who had seen speaks of as "Miss Goodhand" follow- visit the old campus .. you kno\v the event. Dresses -were tight waisted, ed; she was wearing a dress of white New Modern Drug Store AT that, don't you? "Percy, you will be filled with the DRUGS spirit of brotherly love and you will WHEN DOWNTOWN SCHOOL SUPPLIES' The see your good thoughts culminate in Follow ~he Crowd T 9 COSMETICS action. Yes, action! That will be the STOP IN AT Coffman· Fisher byword of the new generation." GRIFFIN'S SODAS The fly droned lazily overhead. The BONSACK'S sun's rays bounced off a half empty Fo, Bixler and Guild Company milk bottle that stood on the nearby SODAS - ICE CREAM DEPARTMENT STORE desk, and the shaft of light had now DINNERS FOR Drug Co. reached the face of the girl in the SANDWICHES LUNCHES picture above his bed ... sh; still John and Main Sts. looked at"~1im in the same old way. Opp. The Carroll Theatre SODAS - ICE CREAM 11 E. Main St. phone 102 Perey"slowl~" turned over and sumed his interrupted sleep.
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