Page 59 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 59
The Gold Bug, May 18, 19i8 The Lineup HurtmenHitStride; Terror Golfers Baseball Season Ends Soon: by Homer C. Ea\.n Win Three Straight Set Back Thrice; Fight To' Advance In M-D Sports Editor Comes now the last issue of The Over Strong Teams' Trip B. U., D-Son Terrors Close 5,elson With Mount And Towson; Gold Bug for several months. Let's by John Gruber On April 26, a strong Loyola golf reflect briefly on some of the sports Drop Two To Loyola But Beat Baltimore May Day events of the last seven months. Gen- Western Maryland's tennis team is team downed the Western Maryland The Green Terror baseball club has been extremely active during the erally speaking, the past year, ath- sporting a .500 record as the seasoin ~ sextet 8% to %. The near shut-out past few weeks. The schedule has certainly not been an easy one and the won letically, has been reasonably success- is progressing and we -have entered was played on Loyola's horne course, and lost record is still not overly impressive. It might be more so if the team ful. The football team did not repeat the final weeks of competition. which undoubtedly contributed to our had not had to play so many zemoa so close together, but insufficient rest for as state champions, but they fin.ished The team was hampered somewhat team's difficulty in scoring. Jacobson the pitcher-s has been a continual plague to the team. with a percentage over .500. The by insufficient indoor space on which halved his match to take the only Trailing' Mt. St. Mary's 11-4 into the top half of the ninth inning, the Gettysburg and Hopkins games would to practice earlier in the season, since score for W. M. C. Loyola took the 'I'errors broke loose with a rally that succumbed just two runs short of a tie. the clay courts were not in shape .due other matches and all three best balls have provided us with a final per- The Mounts reacged pitchers Munroe, Babb, and Adamovich, for fourteen hits. centage of .666, but the breaks did to wet conditions. However, since then achieving a decisive victory. Bob Douglas had a big day at the plate getting three of the Terror's twelve not come our way on those two oc- hits, one of them being a circuit clout. Joe 'I'hompson-alsc belted a four-bagger. casions. , April 27 saw Baltimore U. trip the W.M.C. team by a 16·2 score in a game The soccer team had a rough sea- halted after a 5-2/3 innings by rain. Serio was on the hill for the Bees and was son, winning onl~our out of twelve nicked for only three hits. B.U. bagged the game when they exploded for seven matches. Of those eight., three were tallies in the fifth. dropped by single _goals. Coach Loyola, the current leader in out- division of the Conference, was played Ferguson's basketball team seemed con Hoffa Field, April 30. The Greyhounds pulled out to an eight run lead headed for a really dismal season, but over the first three innings and then Mike Zedalis helped along a nine-run a stretch drive in, February carried auree in the fifth with a four-master. Ernie Leap's triple helped the Terrors the squad to a creditable record and come up with a five-tally sixth inning and Bob Gage blasted a homer in the fell just short of a playoff berth. eighth, but the damage had already been done. The Green and Grey went away The Terror pugilists broke even with a'21-10 triumph. over a season composed of five dual The following ajtei-noon saw the 'I'er-eahinskt-men avenge an earlier drub- meets. Considering the caliber of the bing by trimming Baltimore U. perore a large May Day crowd by an 8-6 score. opponents, it was a very creditable John Babb went the route on the mound. We grabbed the lead on a five-run showing. sixth inning highlighted by Julie Dyke's triple with the sacks crammed. Stan • Tennis Team Kulakowski blasted two doubles in the Terror cause. Misfortune overtook the team in the A return eng'agement with Loyola at Everareep proved to be no more pro- form of all injury in the Delaware fitable than the first. Loyola's ace ehucker, Bill Carroll, almost achieved a no- match played atop the Hill last Wed- hit victory. It remained for John Adamovich to keep the Terrors from being nesday. Ken Volkart, playing the completely whitewashed. Ken Munroe was on the mound for the Green and would have fared quite well had it not been for untimely home runs by Zedalis number one position, struck the wire Doug weaver Jack gplcknall fence. A trip to the infirmary re- Jack has really been hitting the ball and Whalen. vealed a badly bruised and cut knee, Playing his second year for Prof. but Ken returned to finish the match. Hurt, he has shown a steady game of late-c-note his recent scores. q.1Ud.1!.~ Having already disposed of the first all Season. On an overnight trip to Huntington, set 6-1, he then dropped the next two Pa., on April 29, the Gold Clubmen because of his inability to get around they have shown steady improvement 9-0. Om Bachelors, Delta Pi were shut out by Juniata the court .. ~ter exam!nati.on indicat- bo~h~ns::~~~i:~~~:;~fi~y;~~b~~~;~ boys considered their hosts as the team offered fine hospi- Alpha Vie ·For First ed. ~ torn :l g ament WhICh"In all prob- - ing host to Washington College. The best golfers we've met so far. The ability, will prevent Ken s return to fellows came through with a smash- Pennsylvan.ia (Cont. on page 4, col. 2) ing 9 to 0 victory. Then followed a tilt tality, a good golf course and an even Spring is here -alcng with the I Terror Batting Averagos I with a highly touted Loyola College. better team! (Cont. 011_ col. 1) one of the major frat sports played with and Robins, it comes softball, (Cont. on page 4, col. 4) here. The Preachers are the defending Ab. R. H. .370, Lacrossmen Score Over JHU champions this year and it looks as Pet. Kulakowski 27 10 5 if there is really going to be a battle Adamovich 17 .347 for first place. The Bachelors, Preach- Douglas 30 " 10 .333 As Keenan Leads The Attack ers, and Gamma Bets are fielding the Thompson 45 13 11 .289 strongest teams in quite a while . off with a sharp The season started Formwalt 35 9 ,1 .257 by Mike Chu1ltl/er rivalry still involving the Gamma Bets Gage 39 10 8 .256 Beasley, of Sparrows Point, was the and Preachers. To inaugurate the Dyke 48 12 6 .250 The Western Maryland sttckmen, high scorer for the day with fom- opening of the season the first ball Leap 32 8 13 .250 as hosts, topplcd Sparrows Point's was thrown out by Dean Free. . Dick Rrown (Including game on May 12, 1948) big ten, 7-6, April 24, before a goals. The game was a see-saw battle with Sturdy defen'Seman has done a great somewhat excited crowd of lacrosse • Washington Collcge the Purple Raiders winning 14-11. job this year. (Cont.from col. 3) fans. Moving away to the south on May Home runs were hit by Rev. Smith, The second double-header of the bowed May 4 saw Gettysburg topple the The Terrors took a one-goal lead 6, the Terror ten, as guests, College Gene Frank, and Harry Bush . Len year was played with American U. Washington to an outsccr'ing western Maryland six, 8'h_1J1, on in the first period by moving quickly team, which kept a smal! but persis- Zawacki was the winning pitcher and here on May 8. Ken Volkart went the visitors. and out-maneuvering the Gettysburg- territory. The Terror Sparrows Point caught up in the tent margin throughout the game. had two strikeouts. Lefty Elliot, Gam- distance in the opener, but was charg- golfers couldn't seem to cope with the second quarter to tie the score at half The 8-6 final tally was only reached ma Bet hurler also got ~wo men on ed with the loss when A.U. pushed a- short, difficult, tree-lined fairways. time, 3-3. Each team scored twice in after four quarters of hard work by strikeouts but walked ten men. Walt cross a tally in their half of the On home ground last month, the period three whiCh ended the third bot.h teams. OUI' stick men outscored Dorsey had a perfect evening at bat ninth. We had hopped on Bordeaux, Green team downed the Pa. boys by period in a deadlock. The fourth per- the hOme team in ,he second ha.lf to with three fQr three. the Eagles' starter for five runs in the a smalier margin. iod turned into a fast and furious no avail, as WaShJllgtoll had racked The second game saw Gamma Beta fiJ'st six innings, but his successor was The Green Terrors journ.eycd to fracas, each team trying to outplay up sufficiel1t goals in the earlier per- Chi take on the Bachelors, and come somewhat more difficult, and the WMC Bonnie View Course in Baltimore on and outrun the ot.her. T)Je visitOl'S iods to keep the lead. The Grel'll out on the short end of a 5 to 4 ball- club garnered but one run off his May 7 to ov~rcome a game sextet tallied first to take 'what seemed like Team's aggressiveness is significd l1Y game. Lathrom chucked for the offering over the last three innings. from the University of Baltimorc. a decisive lead, However, Kee,nan, its eight penalties to Washington's Bachelors and spin-hall pitcher Earl The Eagles pecked away at our lead Half of the W. M. points were scored playing close attack, broke through two. Gianelli, defending the Terror Pettil hurled for the Chi-men. Will until they tied it up and then went Herbert the longest had by Jack Spicknall, Al Bl'ight and Dan and tied the score with a successful goal, saved 12 of the opponen.ts' at- evening a triple-to left field. hit of the on to win in the ninth. Bradley, all winning their respective shot at the goal. In the closing mo- tempts, with agility and dexterity. Black and Whites versus the Delta Ken Munroe pitched a very neat matches. The remaining tally was ac- ments, Keenan again rallied, and Keenan, of W. Md., .Jeallord and Mel- Pi team resulted in the Purple and four-hittel' in the nightcap as Western quired by all three best balls making saved the day by setting a one_poinl; lonee of Washington College, shared Gold win_nin&....16to 2. Walt Dorsey Maryland scored two runs in the first a six to three final coun.t. Three days margin which we managed to keep top scoring honors ~vith 3 points each. again _captured scoring honors with inning and kept the score just that later, May 10, the Terror clubmen until time ran out. The roughness. in- • Johns Hopkins three home runs in four times at bat. way until the last out was made. later saw Mr. Munroe Two days racked up another victory this time volved was characterized by the con- On home grounds, May 10, the ter- Al Paul hurled for the Preachers, over Johns' Hopkins University. Sibi- siderable number of penalties inflict- ror lacrosse men trbu!1.{·eda slow-to- while Don Trostle tossed for the B back in the.1ineup again and for the days the team ski, Spicknall, Bright and JacoBson ed on members of both teams. C. (C'ont. on page 4, col. 1) and W's. second time in three Lebanon Valley produced a victory. scored for the home team. The first The Bachelors beat Pi Alpha 18 was cut down, 8-4. Joe Thompson con- foursome yielded best ball to us, con- to 4 behind the pitching of Ned Mas- tl'ibuted a triple and Munroe and Babb ceded the second, and halved the third Friday night the team met Last College, and Western Marylsnd Col- Newell; J. Palmer; J. Pfeifer; D. Volleyball Manager: Betty Linton the Quantico Marines under the arcs lege. Natural threats were Loyola and Smith; S. Stevenson; M. Williams; N. Softball Manager: Ruth Allen WMC 5 Lacrosse Annapolis A. A. 8 at the Virginia base. Mt. St. Mary's Washington who placed first and Winklemen; S. Youngman. Archery Manager: June Graf Tennis and Towson Teachers will be played second respectively in the Mason- Dues must be paid before the Tennis Manager: Charlotte Janney Gcttysbmg 3 tomorrow and Thursday rcspectively. Dixon Tournament last May 11. awards call be made. Those who have Golf Manager: Della Graul WMC 6
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