Page 53 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 53
The Gold Bug, April 27, 1948 The lineup From Archery To WMC Splits Bargain Bill by Edward Gushen by Horner C. Earli Softball For Able With Shoremen- Drop JHU Man has no more liberty or human Sports Editor dignity than the flywheel of the time- Women Athletes ' piece under whose yoke he must bow. When the golf team recorded a 5·4 'I Such is the nature of the reasoning vlctery over Johns Hop kin s last b A It M M h - Opening Gome. OF Season On HoFFaField Show which might result from an appraisal Thursday, they became the fourth of of world history; such is the nature our five spring season teams to hit Softbal: pr:::iC: s~r:d a~iS week Indications Of Strong Club; Adamovitch Bats W ~II of the reasoning which would prob- the win column. Only the track team and will continue through next week. ably evoke the charge of "bacteria- remains out of the favored/circle, and Five practices ere necessary to J1e The Green Terrors opened their Mason-Dixon baseball campaign by split- eye view" from Dr. Lecomte duNouy, they have but one dual meet remain- ting a twin bill with Washington College Saturday, April 17. Dropping the biologist of International stature and ing. eligible for a class team. Competition opener- 3-0, the local nine came back in the nightcap to emerge victorious by a the very' classes between appears exponent of an idealistic philosophy The racketeers came through in keen and the j u n i 0 r a, last year's 9-2 count. The hurling of Ken Munroe and Bob Gage was sufficient to win nourished by the science at which he their first outing with a victory over champions, will have to work to keep both games, but impotency at the plate cost the Terrors the opener. Aided is master. Washington played on the par k by two "fluke" doubles which fell safely in the sun-blinding right field, the . Most outstanding of the basic laws courts of Westminster. Following their title. Shoremen were able to push over enough runs to win. It was a heartbreaker of nature, duNouy asserts, is the phe- this the team has 'absorbed two sue- Archery practice is in full swing for Munroe to lose, but the fine chucking of Coakley was equally merito'rious. nomenon of evolutionary progress, cessive defeats. However, twelve these warm spring days and you can The second half of the bargain bill was a different story. With the locals' and it is upon this thesis that Human matches remain on the card, and with find girls busy at the tar get s by bats spanking at random, the Terrors jumped into an early lead and the contest Destiny, (Longmans, Green, 1947) is the potential strength that exjsfs on 8lanthe Ward most any afternoon. was never in doubt. John Adamovich, peppery keystone operator, and Stan grounded. that team we are expecting them to The Columbia Round, made by Kulakowski paced the visitors attack with three singles apiece. outlasted a game Hopkins club, and emerged On March 20, the Terry-men To account for the emergence of pull out of this slight slump and shooting 24 arrows each from 50 victorious by a 20-18 count ." The contest was a weird one indeed, for the game consciousness from matter on the start· showing that power typical of yards, 40 yards and 30 yards, is the lasted a little over three hours. Posting an early 11·0 lead, the game looked basis of chance alone is statistical a Hurt-coached teem. most popular round. June Graf, sopho- like a sure thing. In the top of the fifth, the Jays reached Ernie Leap for madness; hence the author postulates more, and Nancy Winkleman, fresh- three solid hits, with a walk and an error "en sandwich". Teresbinski refusing the necessity of an "Anti-Chance," man, are running a close tie for first to gamble with his seemingly safe lead, yanked the little portsider in favor of equivalent to God. -lt is this God which pJace in the college championship is responsible for spearheading evo- with a score of·244 and 263 respec- Gage. Bob fared no better than his predecessor. Before the side was retired, lution in the direction of man, whose tively. Dot Gamber is high scorer in the Terrors lead had dwindled to a "mere" six runs. biological development is now being the junior class, while Dotty Wilder John Adqmovfch and Joe Thompson were the big guns of the Terrors' replaced by a moral evolution. The is leading in the senior class competi- attack, but .nearly every man participating had a hand in victory. A notable "far off divine event toward which the tion. weakness in the visitors' catching was obvious, for the Green and Gold outfit whole creation moves" is conceived in was able to pilfer 11 bases. a score of 250 or over By making terms of the increased control of spirit on a Columbia Round one may receive over matter, both of which continue to 100 points for W A A which may Steady Improvement be rear and co-existent. be counted toward your school letter, Anti-Chance is that spark which 200--250 will give you 75 points, 150 Shown By Srickers guided the great prophets of the human race, and aiter whom humani- -200 will give you 50 points and 100 The Terror lacrosse team played its ty must pattern its aspirations. Moral -150 will give you 25. points. initial tilt on Saturday, April 10, on development will consist only in All girls are invited to participate Hoffa Field. The stickmen were' de- spreading among man the already in this sport and may practice fifth feated in this game by Washington perfected moral code, which, duNouy , period and eighth period and ;ntil College, who had previously played insists, is now the heritage of the' 5:30 every weekday except Friday.' two games. Christian philosophy. 'This universal- AThygirl interested in entering the Working the ball into the attack- izing of the spiritual basis of religion inter-class tennis tournament be sure men was the chief difficulty that day. will not prove abortive, for it is as and sign up on the bulletin board Defensemen Joe Corleto, Elmer Rich- much a part of the Universe as the _Jule Dyke in Blanche Ward Gym. One or more ards, Walt Dorsey, and Dick Brown material substance upon which "Anti- "The Youngster" is doing a great matches won will give you 10 WAA played a fine game aided by the Chance imposes his plan of "Telefinal- job in shortstop position this season. points and the finalist will get 100 blocking of Harry Bush. Richards, tal- ism". points. lest man on the squad, played in the Telefinalism is simply the belie! - A Baseball Oddity that God is working through evolution Those who saw the baseball game The golf course is now open to all creas,e and sustained an injury which to produce man, and eventually to per- with Johns Hopkins played on Hoffa those girls who know how to play may keep him sidelined for a few' feet mankind as the final goal of the Field on the 20th, certainly saw a and for those who wish to learn. If more days. He is a capable stick- Universe. game which they will probably not your average score is under 60 you handler and is a very capable body Ken Munr-oe . (Continued on column 4) may receive 100 W A A points. checker. AppeaTs to be the best hurler on • ArIstotelian .".- Midfield was played by Rowe this years Terror Squad, despite his Dr. duNouy's thesis is by no means Moore, Doug Beakes, "Moon" Paul, reoora. '~i~:'r:lst!:r~~\~es:~~r~S:~I::;:::~~_ Golf Sqll.acl Records VictorieSi Dan Henneman, Sherm Garrison, and In conclusion, the ball game may and Paul,! Eckhardt, Jim Hackman. to be for Anti-Chance, who appears similar- Wins Over Hopkins, Gettysburg safely be termed a "fluke". No game a first cousin to Aristotle's ~:~:e:::. ~::~ie ~:.e~ia:;l~:nsSt:p~~~ in which two college teams partici- ly proved '\Jnmoved Mover. After the Terror winner, but the home club fourteen shots at the goal and has pate should conclude with a score of establishment of this idea, duNouy's The divot diggers will continue picked up points on halves and low adopted the lacrosse stick with ease this nature. It will be credited to the coherence seems a bit vague. It is their- busy program by travelling to ball matches to make it a close con- and success. Bob Ebert, Joe Keenen, win column' of the 'I'errors] but a only the eX'istence of God which c~n -Pennsylvania to meet the Juniata victory of this nature is not one of be traced in the material Universe; golfers on Friday afternoon. test down to the last putt. and Charlie Mann. settled down on the which to be proud. data as to his nature must be born After dropping the first three Next, the Terrors journeyed to attack and played a steady game. of intuition; pronounces the author, matches of the season, the club Carlisle to face the Dickinson Red The following week the Green Ter- in d i v i d u a I who insists that a God cannot be less swingers hit their stride in downing Devils. Most of the ror team engaged the Annapolis A. on two occasions Wl\1C almost came than omnipotent. Strangely enough, Johns Hopkins and Gettysburg. matches were close, but the Red C. away and put up a rough game through with that operation. Second, this same omnipotent God, who In the opener, the Terrors were Devils emerged as victors, 7-2. against a team largely composed of the pitchers were extremely wild, created the laws of evolution, is blanked by a strong University of A trip to Baltimore brought the ~ Ex-Navy men. They came out on the twenty-eight men reaching first base powerless to alter their operation. Maryland team. Loyola then visited Green Terrors their initial win of the short end of a 14-1 score. Don Hon- on free tickets. Third, an excessive This "anti-chance" is likewise not to the home course to take a 5:¥.J-3¥.: campaign at the expense of the Johns neman was the WMC man who evert- number of errors (twelve, in fact!) Blue Walt Sibiaki, Many of these can (Continued on page 4, column 1) verdict. Al Jacobson was the lone Hopkins Stephenson, Jays. and Dan Bradley ed a shutout. This game brought about were committed. to the rougn condition and more accuracy Frank closer teamwork be attributed !I,···~~~·'~·;~~;·~~~·i~~··;~;·;~:~~~~~;~····: infield, but others evidenced took points', and ill passing. individual team of the gave the sextet a 5-4 decis- counters 19, the Terrors On Monday, April sloppy play. . ion. defeated Hopkins B squad. This game Coach John Straughn's men made was well played and showed what we _ Lacrosse Team Scores it two in a row by taking the Gettys- may expect in the future. Bob Ebert That newly-formed lacrosse team This new5paper-along with hundreds of other studenl burg Bullets into camp by a 6-3 score scored twice, with Paul and Hackman is showing st.eady improvement un- hand of player_coach der the guiding last Friday. Walt Sibiski, AJ Jacob- each scoring once. Time improves any Al Paul. Inexperience is the biggest ~::,'~:b~~lt~~~i~~e~~d~:':,' ;r!~:r;~~:strYofh~: ds~~~:~ problem at this poillt. Since many of readers. Local results wilt be anncunced soon-and the ~~~~k~n~1~:~~ ~::~h~n~~~'ea~~ ~aecr~ ~~~mil:~: ~~c~:;~::s:h~~ll~ea!~m:h:~: this year's team are freshmen ana countrywide tabulation will be publicized nationally via rors four points. Two additional low way as time and practice ripen our sophomores, this trouble should be preu and radio by Varsity, The Young Man's Maga. ball points brought the victory to the team. largely overcome next season. Their zine, before the maior political parties meet in Philo· Green and Gold.' ~-------~- delphia 10 choose their candidates. This is a vital elec· (Continued from column 2) 5·4 "ictory over Hopkins JV was a tion-so cast your ballot now, and help give America', definite upset and from all reports the 'crowd rugged a students a stronger voicel Notice forget very soon. In fact themselves to was achieved only after our support- game. The team needs adjusted had scarcely their environment when WMC blew let's corne Ulrough! To All Golf Playing the game wide open in the last of Moving Operat.iOlls Earth CIRCLE ONE tjAME ONLY Students: the first inning by chasing nine men • Last week saw the practice foot- 11111A,.all Lev.,.tt Saltoutall There are some general rules Q_f over home plate. Generally speaking, ball field undergo some plastic surgery field was end of the Harolll E. Stanll Harry f.lyrll .ob.,. golf tbat should be followcd- not that's usually enough runs to provide The northern by cutting away the side lengthened JHU looked so of victory. a margin only for the enjoyment of the player, "h"'a' E. DlwlY A. TaH but for the comfort and pleasure of impotent with the wood for the first of a gentle grade. The earth removed Wlllia. O. DI.'111.1 Ha"y S. """'1' others. privileges of the course are few innings that many felt that those from this area was used to widen the The field along the edge of the ninth fair- Dwl'llht D. 11.. lho.1f Artllur H. Vandenbur'll nine tallies, plus four more collected contingent upon the observance of in the 3rd and 4th innings, were go- way. The new areas will soon be Gil. DOI'lllal MacA,thr Hllry A. Walla" these rules. The coJlege reserves the ing to be more 'than enough. About seeded so that the field will be in con- .1011,11 W. Martll, Jr, Earl Wa" •• right, at all times to withhold these the time this opinon was expressed, dition for use by the soccer team ne)l{t . . a. No group larger than a foursome narrower than a regulation size soc- Formerly fall. the had field been the Jays came to life and drove home priviJefes. 0,,_, ._. tW'a. In choic.) permitted. I six runs. more in the cer field with the result that often They picked up four away 6th, b. No more th~n one player to use then they were somewhat some- Maryland one bag. top of the equalized but matters Western when the team played disorganized games, by c. Each player must be provided what by scoring seven runs. Not to the larger field. Perhaps it won't be CIRCLE :.:~,~at:ARTY PREFERENCE too long before more of that back !:::,! with not less than three clubs, one be outdone, Hopkins equaled that out- of which must be a putter. put in their half of the seventh. After campus area is leveled off. The de- Republican d. Foursomes must allow three- this the pitchers managed to stagger m~nd for praetice areas is worse than Progressive (Thlr~ Party) Hats off: To Johnny Adamovich, _ somes and twosomes to pass through; through the last innings without giv- ever in the Spring. threesomes must allow twosomes to ing up any scores. the hustling second baseman of the The game was notable in a number i" (Wri"I,,-chotuj pass through. of ways. First, every possible con' baseball team. He's cm'ering lots or Player should also carefully observe ground afield and also doing a great the rules printed on the back of the tingency allowed for in a 00)1{score job at the plate! I].-,,='-"='~~-"=~"'-'=".'-='----'.-..'---": score cards. occurred e)l{cept a double play-and
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58