Page 52 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 52
L~tters WMC Presents: Winning To The Editor Limericks First Prize April £5, 1948 by Sheila Siegel Dear Editor: A quaint little ghoul named Iddy To-night by the fireside after the May make the career of "cribbers" chapel service, Mr. Har-ry Haines' From shorts to smocks and then selle" who asked her, if she'd care to qnite skiddy; have her picture taken. "I promptly once again gave his "performance" back again. Primarily because of a His campaigning theme about China, showing some Koda- double major in phys. ed. and biology fell off my stool," she said, but man- Is to get on the beam, chrome slides taken in Szechuan~ one Gladys Sause makes the transition aged to pun herself together, we And that is the thought of my ditty. of the western provinces of China. frequently. But to begin from the be- trust, .stnee she has been notified Jesse Myers that her picture will appear in June's This province used to be topographic- ginning, Gladys' interest in sports de- aily in an isolated condition, like veloped when she was still in Eastern issue of the magazine. Incidently, Second Prize some of the other western provinces, High in Baltimore. She was on the while in Cape Cod she developed her A pathetic aesthetic named Pete, It has become prosperous since the varsity hockey and volleyball teams passion for lobster. Found it's hard to make both ends war with Japan and can hardly be and soon 'became prominent in wom- So far this year, Gladys has com- meet. said to be modernized, nor can it be en's sports when, she came to the Hill. pleted her practice teaching pertod He's stopped laving and shaving, taken as a representative .of our So prominent, in fact, that she now, which was as harrowing as it was And the money he's saving, whole country, Many customs there holds the office of president of the ~:~e:st!~;~~ant~~~ad p:r~odha:~ne'- \:: Goes for meat for the aesthete to eat. Sheila ~::~i~y ous;e::n tope::le v;:rn/~~:;~ i:s~A s: Glbae~~~,v!C:os:re::~:~~ thrust into teaching immediately upon her arrival because of a phys Honorable Mention from the eastern part of our coun- ~~y:.o:~~ c~urS!~~~ ~~en~~ll t:~~hi~~ ed teacher's absence. Nevertheless Now the person who runs the' library, !7tiv;~~::hiniSe:::~:~~:~~ ~::~e~o~~ tends to continue to do so after grad- she declared with a fondly reminis- With her arranging does keep us un- ai, economical, or political. Mr. uaticn, celi't smile, "I sure had a good time." merry. Haines spent nearly all his six years But these facts, though impressive, Besides this we gather that Gladys Where today Locke she keeps in that one province, and he said that w_erenot too helpful in presenting the worked very conscientiously at her Tomorrow it's Pepys, what was being shown was the way personality of the girl who has been preparations for this practice teach- And yesterday a French dictionary. ing period. In fact, according to her our 450,000,000 people live. What a ~e:~~c~:;gQ~e:~~n ;;~e~~~eb~o::~ Gladys Sause roommate's reports the two girls , Ma?'Y Alice Herehieki ~~::o~~:pr:;~~:~iv~~o:~'~Vi~~:! from buddies for about ten minutes, and since Gladys is treasurer for the were practically forced to vacate in Our interesting prof of anatomy we learned that she likes weekends, Argonauts and Vice President of order to make room for her visual Is the stiffest in this darned academy. Nearly every time I heard Mr. dancing, hamburgers "with", and her Tri-Beta. aids. This lit.tle man bustles Haines speaking about our country, roomate, Lyn Hopkins,"who is one of · However, to continue, this past Though Gladys graduates this May To teach us our muscles, he always tried to exaggerate every- my favorite" hobbies and a member summer, as co-winner of the wood's she will be teaching on the Hill and But how could he expect thatomy? Hole scholarship, she spent the sum- taking graduate work simultaneously. Helen Lingenfelter ,~:~:~~~dr.:~k~i~:n\: f~:e o;Itet~o~i~l ofG~~y:s~;17:escU:oi~ ~~f~:: :~:~~: mer at the Marine Biological Labora- Besides this, her sister Jean and pos- Old People's Home he made fun, of getting up early and "is in a daze tory with Annabelle Gleckler. One day sibly her youngest sister will be here Don't forget this is your last our inflation condition. -In fact, when till after twelve when my classes are while in lab, Gladys was approached to carryon the high "standards she chancc to enter the Gold B1(g limerick he left China, the inflation had not over." We find this hard to believe by a photographer from "Mademci- set during her four years at WMC. contest. Deadline: May 12. been so bad as he exaggerated; and he made fun of that, trying to make people laugh by means of other people's unluckiness! It seems as if American Side Show he- knew more about China than our people, ourselves while he has lived only in "one" province of China. I write this because I do not like The belief of most observers, ex- berg of the remainang candidates can belief in that the main underpinning my coutrtry being made fun of, nor cluding Mr. Truman and Mr. Wallace, draw. ' of a free society is individual enter- Thomas E. Dewey do 1 like people giving a distorted ts that the next president ~ll be a • Foreign Policy prize. Fair competition in. the long Thomas E. Dewey has been forth- picture of it. I feel very sorry to say Republican. With that premise more His stand on our foreign policy is run solves its own problems. He does right and clear cut in his action and that it seems better for Mr. Haines or less established, the Republican an insistence on increased pat-ticipa- not concern himself with immediate beliefs. His leadership as the gover-- not to give anoy more "performance" candidates have flocked in from every tion \in world affairs, and he has been effects, but rather in future develop- about my country until he learns side to offer their services. For each out-spoken in his praise of Senator menta. His stand against price con- nor of New York has accomplished more about it, 'We welcome friendly liberal, conservative, radical, or re- Vandenberg in that respect. He goes trois was to remove the controls on many reforms and inovations. criticism about our country. We do actionary, a man has appeared. Fol- further, to advocate establishment of the premise that such restrictions not need such propaganda. lowing are appraisals of several ma- a world government, to be built step- were detrimental, though he was Yi-Yuan Yu jor Republican candidates. by-step, as we prepare fbr it. Inclden- ~ R.ware of what the immediate results If 'your man has been ignored by tally, Stassen, back in 1942, suggested would be. The Gold Bug 'political correspon- a UNO conference, prior to any move Taft is, in, general, conservative in dents, you will have a chance to name on the part of Roosevelt towards such his action. However, he has not hesi- Deal" Editor: your own choice on the adjacent bal- a meeting. With all this, he calls for a tated to break with his party on is- Just how would you feel?~. lot. The results will be tabulated and continued policy of firmness in our sues which he felt New Deal policies Suppose that you had worked hard sent to Varsity Magazine to be In- dealings with Russia, and a national would improve. He is the author of and long on term papers, that you eluded with the results of polls by defense program, including UMT only pending bills to extend federal aid had faced the inevitable collateral college students over the entire coun- if it appears feasible In view of on a large scale to housing, health, c~rd's, that you had read assigned try. Place the ballot in The Gold "atomic age warfare", which will en- and education. Neither has he any ob- sections from texts about as well as Bl~g box in front of the post office able us to maintain that policy with jeetion to government ownership o( the next person, and knew almost alI door before 6 p. m. on \Vednesday, some foundatio!1l. railroads and noncompetitive utili- the answers on the tests. Then sup- April 28. The result~ of the Western • Oppositihe campus all knows that I'm mar- candidate for two years, but up to last a compromise ticket offering the pub- and supports the policy of ried- Tuesday, too few people had ever lic Vandenberg and Stassen in that initiative and free enterprise in EUl'ope The years at the college I've tarried. heard of him. Now he looms large on order. It appears a strong possibility, -009ulas MacArthur to accelerate progress. He maintains, I'm not known as Anes the Republican horizon. Not having and will be extremely difficult for the however, that aid should be given re- And it saves me some pains, been President, he does not need to Democratic Party to oppose. General MacArthur had been high- gardless of the policy of the natio!1l. But still by tp.ose classes I'm harried. answer to charges of incompetence :n Linden Summers ly lauded as a soldier and a military A. F. Ane8 that 'office. UnJike most other candi- governor, but less acclaimed are his • Foreign Policy The Village dates, he has put into print his own views of domestic and international Dewey's foreign policy is bi-pRl'- platfor~ "Where I Stand:..', and, I Robert A. Taft affairs. As a general on acti~e service tisan. He -staunchly supported the although not adhering rigidly to party Taft is called the ablest figure in he is forbidden to engage in political Marshall plan administered on bi- lines, even other Repl].blicans admit it American politics today. There have activity. Due to his inabilit~ to dis- partisan and business· like basis "with THE GOLD BUG is a strong one. His past record, as been few men who have had as soun~ cuss US politics, it is not known how sufficieI1t funds to function adequat.:- Governor of Minnesota, can stand the he stands on domestic problems, such worst of political mud· slinging cam- a grasp of the process of government as tax _reduction, prices, and civil ly." He was one o.f the first to insist on the recovery plan including China. Iso~III"IO~li!~:,~n\,:bii:::.r~o~~r"i:!:'[hi)'MO':,; paigns. Coming of farming stock, as he has. His knowledge is reputed rights. Tuesday, dUring October, Noo""ber. Jonu to be greater than any President _ Dewoy has repeatedly urged easing "'y, Febyu,.,..,.. March and April, ond monthl,. S~sen has constantly had their weI· However, on the one overriding durlnlr September, December, and Yo,.. En· since Woodrow Wilson. Taft has had problem of the US and Russia his immigration laws to help displaced tered n8 •• "ond duo motter ot Werrtmlnoter fare in mind, and holds the loyalities POtIt Ollloe, under tho Act of Morch 3,1879 of a large proportion of the farm vote. extensive formal training anli a great views are unequivocal. He believes .persons. He believes in strong military deal of legislative experience. On any that the US should negotiate directly establishments and in military train_ • Independent. Vote Appeal governmenta~ problem.,:: he has the' with Russia to solve our differences. ing. He can point to a military record theory straight and knows what If this fails then Russia should be Dewey's SUPPOr:tf!TS accredit his ad- second only to that of MacArthur, and practices have been carried out. decisively stopped. This 'attitude is ministrative talents to the practice of having none of the unfavorable pub- • Favors small business exemplified in his handling of the to aU sides of the questions, licity of the latter. In addition, he has Taft has been associated in general Communist problem in Japan. The investigating the facts, seeking ex- two more jewels in his crown: he sat with big business. Actually however, supporters of MacArthur are agreed pert counseling and getting things as a delegate in the San Francisco he favors small or medium si~e busi- that here is the one man who can done. His critics maintain he is guid· UNO conference, there advocating a nesses. Taft does not believe in large handle Stalin. ed solely by personal ambition and much stronger central goveTIlment units. It is his opinion that there i~ In support of this view and added that his stands on issues are due to than was evolved; and he has person- a "point of diminishing r'eturns witn belief in his ability to handle presiden- popular political trends, and do not aily visited Stalin and seen the Russian governments .... and that the United tial duties, they point to his alert signify his personal conviction. They form of communism at first hand. The States has about reached the unit of mind, strong determination, and abil- believe him to be clever rather than practical Republican party leaders effective governmeI1t. This attitude ity to outmaneuver his opponent by recognize in him an appeal to the in- results in his stand against a world peaceful methods, as welJ as by mili- dependent voters that only Vanden- Taft enlarges upon this tal'Y means.
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