Page 68 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western. Maryland College, WestmillSter, Md., April 23, 1942 french Club Wins Play Last Chapel . • • Junior Girls Will Give Annual Dr. Fred G. Holloway, president Contest for Fourth Time of the college has announced that Cup Ceremony For Seniors Sunday, April 26, will be the last Sunday evening chapel for the Members of the junior class will Mary Miller and Jean Bentley will For the fourth consecutive year, the in previous years. This was the first year. bid a traditional farewell to the se- be in complete charge of the program Western Maryland College French year of competition for Gettysburg, The original plans called for nior girls at the annual Cup Cere- and will be assisted by the following club won first place in the fourth an- who received second prize in the judg- evening chapel until commence- mony on Monday, May 11, at 4 o'clock. committee members: Play, Deborah nual competition which also included ing. ment, but unexpected developments An original play will be written and Bowers, chairman, Virginia Bell, Vir- Gettysburg College and the Universi- All of the characters in the play, have caused curtailment of the presented under the direction of a ginia Crusius, Peggy Wilson, and Car- ty of Maryland on Monday, April 29. which was coached by Miss Margaret schedule. 'play committee immediately follow- olyn Schmidt; Poems, Sara Belle Staged this year in Alumni Hall, Snader, were members of the French ing the reading of the individual' Veale, chairman, Peggy Reeves, the winning play, presented entirely classes on the hill and included Vir- poems and the senior impersonations. Mary Frances Hawkins, Bette Craw- in French, was "Les Precieusea Ridi- ginia Sweeney. Shirley Belle Reese, The Morning After ... Imitations of each senior girl will be ford, Mary Miller, and Caroline Ga- cules" by Moliere. Gilttysburg Col- Clinton Dalton, David Osborne, Jim presented by underclassmen who will ble; Impersonations, Mary Louise lege, who placed second, presented Elliott, Edward Nygren, James Snod- (Cont. from page 4, col. 5) attempt to assume her mannerisms. Sehrt, chairman, Janith Horsey, "La Farce du Cuvier", and "Le Bour- grass, and Deborah Bowers. Miss Parker, women's athletic 01- While the imitation is proceeding, a Georgie Milby, Virginia Elzey, Sally geois .Centilhomma", by Moliere, was rector, is rapidly improving from a poem will be read about the girl, af- Ann Cox, and Marjorie Ruec Proper- given by the University of Maryland. minor operation and at this writing ter which the seniors will try to guess ties, Jo Daniels, chairman, Frances Judges of the contest induced M. ~ j ~ • d ~ V is reported resting comfortably in which classmate was imitated. Ogden, Marie Steele, all(l Elizabeth Etienne Burin des Roziers, French s ..1 " 3 f-'j .. "t. ~ 0 Union Memorial Hospital. Reports During the Cup Ceremony, which Gable; Song, Phyllis Cade, .cheir- Ambassador; Dr. Charles S. Single- are that Miss Parker will return to ton, of Johns Hopkins University; < N ~ 1\ " ~" the campus at ure latter part of this concludes the afternoon's activities, and Dean Mary Galt, of Blue Ridge the senior girls, dressed in white, '" Q a -'I " .. .J;, :; I ~, I week. In her absence, the coaching College. )( <:'.1. !>O" class and Harry Baker are carrying stand in a circle in alphabetical order Due To Government This was the first year of the com- on her outside duties. Baker is being to receive in turn the Cup of Fr-iend- petition that Western Maryland was I .. ! quoted as "just loving it." . ship and a red 1'0130. As each senior- Regulations Very Little sips from girls the cup, the junior hqst to the other colleges; in the iJ:> I, As yet, the barrels have not rolled College Seal Jewelry three previous contests, the French S <: 3' 1, out for the annual spring softball sing the traditional "Here's to you." Will Be Availabl'e For club players had journeyed to the -9 d n !,J .. iJ ~. iI;.V:. I ":. Sale For The Duration The prize awarded the French dub , '\ ' .. ~, " " 1.1, .l, V,"',O,.l, But Fred Bohn had his All-Stars Graduate for first place in the contest was a out in full force to meet a team from lost, town (They down last week. silver engraved medal, as it has been In the drinking water; too.) 20%~i~ awsy ~ith Gold Bug Files . . . See John-Do these excerpts dandruff I be With Honors cannot Although (Cont. from page 4, col. 4) completely representative of \V.M.C. (3.. ,till (JrdLet:;e Seal amount of sleep Friday night." You in 1924, they all contribute to West- Dresses, Slacks, can jump to your own conclusions as ern Msryland's passing parade. But, A1~ to why the _ 1n.e?1. lost their usual we wonder, what will students think Jaekets & Riding Togs amount of sleep Friday night, al- of us in 1960? Men students and co-eds will though this time it probably wasn't Moderately priced both find clothes and acces- craps. Make Your Selection Now .Attempt At Culture John Everhart at the sories to please them at In- 1924, almost everything in the THE COLLEGE BARBER stt,le stw.p paper was written in an attempt at HUTZLER. BroTHERS @ highminded "culture", in fact even ; ,AND BOBBER 62 W. Main Bonsack Bros. some advertisements appeared in AT THE FORKS BQltima,~,Mary/and poetry when Art took over Ever- hart's Barber Shop with the follow- ing free verse: Every morning when the sun was ris- ing She went to the spring And there, leaning over the water, She combed her silken tresses Above her reflection. Which was a pretty habit, Except that it got dandruff There's satisfaction in knowing that the 61'2" revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam Compliments And Chesterfield's superior blend of of the world's best cigarette tobaccos T. W. Mather We Pay More Than has everything it takes to satisfy a A WEEK smoker. It gives you a smoke that is & Sons $2,000,000 the Tax Stamps definitely MILDER, far COOLER and lots h U S T",asury for f Chesterfields BETTER·TASTING. Get yourself a pack of infO f e .' ek's out:_p_ut_o...--:;:;;o;;d Chesterfields today. neeessary (or one we CARROLL THEATRE He,re'swhat th,iS=~e~;; Smoke the cigarette that SATISFIES •. lVednesday and Thursday I for defense In April 22-23 "ROXIE HART" tlOWITZERS Ginger Rogers 4,\60 \OS.1\'l':; COMPLETE Friday and Saturday April 24-25 5~i~ I(lTCtl ENS "CITIZEN KANE" Oreen Welles orp.SSEt.aG'ER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "5~~~;:TCA.RS April 27-28-29 "SONG OF THE ISLANDS" Betty Grable Victor Mature Thursday, April 30 "DUDES ARE PRE'ITY PEOPLE" "THE RAKER'S WIFE" Friday and Saturday, May ,1-2 "THE COURTSHIP OF ANDY HARDY" Mickey Rooney Cecilia Parker ----+<---- STATE THEATRE Thursday and Friday April 23-24 "A YANK ON THE BURMA ROAD" "DEVIL BAT" Saturday, April 25 "JESSE AT BAY" Monday and Tuesday April 27-28 "PARIS CALLING" "MISS POLLY" Wednesday, April 29 ON THENATIONS FRONT "MERCY ISLAND" Thursday and Friday April 30, May 1 "MELODY LANE" "MAN AT LARGE" _Hj Chesterfle Saturday, May 2 "TWILIGHT ON THE TRAIL"
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