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~;~~:~; Maryland College ';'":estminster, Md. Courl Which Will Allenci May Queen On May 2 ••. Vol. 19, No. 16 WESTERN MD. COLLEGE April 23, 1942 Senator Tydings To Deliver Address At Commenceme~t Diamond Anniversary Of Western Maryland Will Be Center Of Saturday Activities Millard E. Tydings, United States activities of the day will center Senator from Maryland, will be the I around the celebration of the college's commencement speaker for the seven- diamond anniversary. Representa- ty-second graduation class of West- tives of' educational institutions ern Maryland College. The exercises throughout the nation have been in- will be held on Monday, May 18, GU- vited to attend. - maxing the four-day celebration of A buffet luncheon is planned for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the invited guests in Blanche Ward Gym founding of the College. at 12:30 P. M. 'Commencement week and activities Following the luncheon, there will Pictured above are eleven of the twelve members Edna Triesler), senior attendant; Mabel Green- will begin on Friday, May 15, when be a series of conferences of profess- of this year's May Court. The court, which will wood, senior duchess; Marion Whiteford, freshman the College Players will present the ional groups within the Alumni As- escort May Queen Edna Triesler on May 2, consists attendant; Mary Frances Hawkins (in front of senior play, The Yellow Jacket, in sociation of the College. Alumni who of: (left to right) Virginia Elzey, junior attend- Miss Whiteford), junior duchess; Rebecca Larmore, Alumni Hall, at 8:15 P. M. have achieved prominence in various ant; Doris Himler, sophomore attendant; Virginia sophomore duchess; Margaret Ann Smith, sopho- Dr. George F. Zook, president of fields will lead the discussion. The Horine, freshman attendant; Peggy Wilson, junior more attendant. the American Council of Education, speakers will be as follows: Business, attendant; Jean Lamoreeu, senior attendant; Edna Not pictured is Audrey Triesler, freshman duch- and a former State Commissioner of Charles R. Miller, '81, of the Fidelity Triesler, May Queen; Anna Robey (in front of (Another picture p. 4). Education, will be the convocation and Deposit Company of Maryland; speaker on Saturday, May 16. The Education, Earle T. Hawkins, '23, of the State Board of Education; Home- of Edna Trlesler And May Court To Reign making, Miriam L. Veasey, '96, Club New •... Orlando, Florida; Law, D. Roger "Latin America" will be the Englar, '03, of New York City; Medi- subject of a talk to be given by cine, S. Gardner Warner, '24, of the At Annual Spring Celebretlen May 2 Mr. Ben F. Crowson, Jr., at a University of Maryland; Ministry, combined meeting of the Home Albert Buckner Coo, '09, of the First more, sophomore duchess; Do- Semi·Formal Dance Economics and I. R. C. clubs in Congregation Church, Oak Hills, Il- Festivities To Be Held ris Himler and Margaret Ann McDaniel Hall Lounge at 7 P. 1\1. linois. In Harvey Stone Smith, sophomore attendants; In Gill Gymnasium on Monday, April 27. Plans for the rest of the day con- Audrey 'I'reisler, f res h man !0 Close Activities Accorping to Emily Linton, sist of a garden party in Robinson Amphitheater duchess; Virginia Horine and president of the Home Economies Garden, an Alumni Association busi- The sixteenth annual celebra- Marion Whiteford, freshman As has been the custom in club, Mr. Crowson is the editor ness meeting, the Seventy-Fifth An- tion of May Day Festivities at attendants. past years, the girls will have of the newspaper "Latin Ameri- niversary Dinner, and a Diamond Announced by the sounding the privilege of inviting the Maryland can News Record" and has pub- Jubilee Ball. Western on Saturday, College will of trumpets and preceded by the men to the May Day Dance. All May 2, in be held lished charts and bulletins on President Fred G. Holloway will the natural amphitheater of co u r t procession, including visitors to the campus are in- Latin America. His' experienee preside over the Baccalaureate Serv- Harvey A. Stone Park, at 3 P. Margaret Whitfield as flower vited to attend. Tickets may be includes trips to Cuba in the sum- ice on Sunday, May 17. A tea will be M. This year's festivities will girl, and Allan Spicer as crown purchased from Betty Ellwein mer of 1937 and to South Ameri_ bearer, the May Queen will be at Blanche Ward Hall and will Old Eng- the 4 ca in the summer of 1941, and given at and the o'clock in -...~Daniel be patterned after welcoming the escorted to her throne where also be sold at the door. Admis- of lish Lounge, Custom College Choir will studies at the summer session of hold a Vesper Service at 7 P. M. in arr-ival of spring on the first of the coronation will take place. sion price is $1.10 per couple. the University of !\Iexico in 1938•. Beginning at nine o'clock in Alumni Hall. May. • Custom Begun In '27 the morning there will be a re- Visitors To Be liThe Actor's The Thing" Following a custom begun in ceiving committee are in McDaniel requested Students Lounge. 1927, a May Queen, traditional- to bring all visitors there to senior a and twelve 'The Yellow Jacket', Senior Play, ly attendants each of of girl, representatives have them being sent No invita- but Greeted Here register. tions are out, classes from the four Wil/tSimu/ate Chinese Drama will to sit in review the of the after- students as they desire. as many April 25 may invite amphithea- parade into guests ter Maryland College's annual Western In our Western world "the play's I noon's entertainment. Day The cele- e Seml-Pormal Dance dance will visitor's day will be held on Saturday, is spon- May bration of A semi-formal Women's !~:or~hi;~\h~::."j;h:h~h~::! ~~:: Play Director ••• sored by the The queen Student her close the day's festivities in Gill April 25, at whieh time prospective will students be made acquainted and Government. none of the realistic settings and __ --- ,--- ... court were elected by the entire Gym from 8 :15 to 11 :45, fea- with the many and varied aspects of stage scenery of our theatres, but student body of the college. turing "The Courtiers" of Balti- college life. Invitations have been the actors, with gestures and with sent out to many high school seniors words, transform the stage into e Twelve On Court throughout Maryland and neighbor- whatever he wants it to be-a moun- In commemoration of West- Exhibit Of Art Work ing states, according to Milson C. Ita- tain top, a palace, a farmer's hut; ern Maryland's Seventy-fifth ver, director of publicity. symbols and banners are used to rep- anniversary, Dr. Fred G. Hollo- To Be Held Week The program of the day will begin resent many things such as .;.I chariot way, president of the college, with registration in McDaniel Hall or snow. 'I'hus, the Chinese theatre will officially invest this year's of Of April 30 Lounge at 10 A. M. This will be fol- has maintained a high standard of May Queen, Edna 'I'reieler, lowed by tours about the campus and Maryland, artistic finish. This artistry, how- Hagerstown, of flowers. The with court a The art department will open its buildings, conducted by members of crown ever, has not yet become a powerful the student body.' At 11:15 the mili- influence over the Western theatre-- will be as follows: Jean Lamo- annual exhibition of all types of tary department will present a pa- Ro- a recent play which shows the influ- reau,.senior Mabel duchess; Anna sen- . work done by the department on the rade and review on Hoffa Field. Greenwood, April 30, at 8:00 P. M. bey evening of and ence of the Chinese drama is Our ior attendants; Mary Frances This exhibition of student work will At 11:45 a program will be pre- TmQ"lI., by Thornton WiJder. Hawkins, junior duchess; Peg- remain open from the 30th through sented in Levine Hall consisting of a Often the Chinese actors are of piano solo by Eugene Belt, a vocal low caste, but each actor is an artist. gy Wilson and Virginia Elzey, May 5th. by the classes of design, solo by Alice Dittmar, and addresses junior Lar- Projects attendants; Rebecca Also, the audience plays a big !lart; textile 'crafts, and practical crafts by President Fred G. Holloway and to, a foreigner, the audience is half will be shown, as well as the work Dcan Lloyd M. Bertholf. of the show. This brings up an old done in the drawing class, illustra- As an extra feature, a recording Chinese saying, "those in front of the Senior Banquet .•. tion, pastels, clay modeling, and oil will be made of a part of this pro- stage are fools, and those on the Miss Esther Smith As a Ierewetl gesture to the 'painting. New techniques first used gram and the record will be present- stage are lunatics." Miss Smith will direct the senior senior class, President and Mrs. this yea'r are: work in plastics, ppr- ed to the school having the largest The Senior play, The Yellow Jack- play, The Yellow Jacket, to be "trait painting, and etching. delegation present. et, resembles a Chinese drama in given in Alumni Hall on May 15. Holloway will give their annual Some of, the students who have Following luncheon, which will be spirit and in fact. Many of the con- dinner for one hundred and two done outstanding work to be repre- served at one o'clock in the dining ventions of the Orient are used in a seniors on Thursday, May 7, at 6 sented in the ·exhibition are: Edna hall, there will be a choice of act.ivi- striking and oftentimes amusing Belle Reese, Dorothy Aitix, James P. M. the traditior,aJ" cue- Bandorf, Mickey Reynolds, Libby ties consisting of a style show pre- Following manner. Robb, Paul Henry, Robert Grumbine, tom; dinner will be served by ten Tyson, and Doris Davenport, sen- sented by the home economics depart- Th(} Yellow Jacket will be given Betty Cormany, Lawrence Brown, ment. in McDaniel Lounge, a science ani Garrison and class James the evening of May 15, in Alumni Victoria Hurley, George MarshalL girls from the junior Due to the Iore ; Peaeh juniors; Anne Moore, show in the Physics laboratory in Snodgrass, will be semi-formal. hall by the College Players under Joseph Whiteford, George Wilson, large number of seniors, "it will be sophomore; and Elizabeth Miller, Lewis Hall, movies of Western Mary- the direction of Miss Esther Smith. Jeanne Trump, Edna Triesler", Doris land College life in room E of Lewis Students taking the part of charac- Davenport, Don Griffin, Lucie Leigh buffet style and will be followed by freshman. 'Hall, a tennis match against Mt. St. ters in the play are, in order of ap- Barnes, Herbert Weaver, Glady.s the singing of 'pOpuJ!arsongs, con- The exhibition' is under the direc- Mary's College, and a golf match with pearance: James' Snodgras!\, Paul Cr.owson, Don.ald Marsh, ard Mary .c1u~ing !rith the Almll:,~8:te~..._ !~~n(l~r~~iSS Louise Shipley, instruet- the Univer.sityof Delaware. Alelyunas., Marvin Sears, Shirky Frances HawkinS.
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