Page 64 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western. Maryland College, Westmimter, Md., April 23, 1942 A Movie Review; A M.n P.sse. On Crossword Puzzle. By W m. Taylor (Solution On Page 6) Horizontally 36. Symbol for 63. To carry 24. Prohibit. (Abbr.). 26. AIrican (Colloq.). calcium. 1,5. Our May qneen. as. ~':..;~r;:riona! Vertically 30. Foott.,. animal •• IB. ~~::.~!~~of Illumination. S2. Variant of.lign. instru· ii~:~,::X,"\·•• 84. FiBhing nets. Here' s Something For You, Jo •••• imal as one of the finest pieces of comedy that we 15. Right of 41. Musica! of lndia. 37. L.....e of absenes ment .uffrage. forreaBonsof have seen on either stage or screen in several health. A Motion Pictur. Revi.w years. It's worth your while, Joe College; if you 16. Moaning Ao.nnd. 43. Unit of quantity S8. el'n~~re~::rabe of electricity. 17. ~a~~~gra .. ng goddeg 45. Egyptian don't get any ideas from it, at least you'll get 18. Portogal of motberhood. "..- "Oh, wad some powe1' the Giftie gie us some laughs-at yourself. (Abbr.). 47. Dnmatic com· hatred. 40. Employ. position. To see ourselves as ithers see us." 19. Not "s much. 49. Syllabl6 uroed In 7. To move to 41. Men of learning. action. 20. Papal 42. Symhol for -Burns. representsti ..8. bobintion. S. To send back (a Aound). It has never been the policy of the Gold Bug 21. Man'B Ohristian 50. Baoeball team. 9. ~~~~~~!~ 44. ~';r:'~~:l:'of 51.CorvinebirdB. May. editor to disucss in these stately and austere col- Dr. William R. •••• 22. Frozen water. thinli" 52. Peer curiously. 10. Chines,. 46. ~~~g:ta~~B. to the or 53. To turn 23. Person umns such a commonplace subject as a motion supposed to right. 47. To jonrMY. brIng picture. But it seems to us that the Giftie about A Tribute To A Scheler 24. To .eethe. good luck. 54. Cigar made from It. 12. Spirit. will WORr 48. Decp gorg8. pereu.,. 52. Stringed Cuban She tobacco. which Mr. Burns speaks has "come across" with 25. Street (Abhr.). 55. To r.vol. her royal para· 54. U:~~ie). sion instrument pherualiaor--- 26. Stern. an exceptional opportunity for us to catch a Herewith, in accordance with our policy as on- 27. Oppo,ed to a ;~: g::}.or (Abbr.). 14. Ha.lf an em. glimpse of ourselves from an objective viewpoint. nounced: in the last issue of the Gold Bug, is pre- given policy 58. Small AmericAn 15. Drum of a 55. Subterranean of a pInt. carnivorous part shaft column We're speaking about a certain photoplay entit- sented the first of our guest editorials. st~~~~: (Architecture). 57. Sman loar of led The Male Animal. We feel that, inasmuch as the subject is one of 59. El~b.illi!hments. ::: ~~~:in~:g to the b (Dial. 61. Unit (Greek Eng.). We, to make use of a rather hackneyed phrase, intense personal concern to him, the author is far 31. AmhBry. 62. Pole forming a iAn:h.itecture. 58. Centimeter Philosophy). (Abbr.). .heartily recommend it. Seldom has there been better qualified than 'We to discuss it. ~~:Y':~:;~f'atree. centufor May 23. Genua of rna· 60. New York (Abbr.). portrayed in any form such a rollicking, good- The passing of Dr. William R. McDaniel means plant. Dny sports (pl.). rinegastropods. natured, all-too-true jibe at the foolishness and more to students of other days than you of today' follies of certain phases of college life. can ever realize. Opinion is unanimous that no We recommend The Male Animal for those one has been better loved throughout the history hyper-spirited Joe Colleges who march behind a of Western Maryland College than this great band and "yell their heads off" at a madly man,-a Christian gentleman, a scholar, an ad- swirling "get-out-there-and-fight-we're-with-you- ministrator. We shall never see his like again. boys" football rally. Let Joe drop in at the Throughout the years of my presidency, into neighborhood theatre and see how utterly silly whatever community I have gone, almost the his shallow, flighty, ultra-excitable school spirit first question coming from an alumnus would be: looks against a background of sane, common- "How Is. Dr. McDaniel?" I would be prompted sense loyalty to a school and to its ideals. to say that his going has left a gap in the lives We recommend The Male Animal for the well- of all who' knew him, were it not for the fact that placed and needed thrust it takes at those people' we can never think of him in any other way than -students, administration, t r u s tee s-who as a person still living. scramble madly backward, lift their skirts, and For nearly seven years he had been bedfast. scream "Red!" at the sight of anyone who dares During that period relatively few of the alumni express a liberal thought or tend to a policy of saw him and yet all were conscious of his pres- thinking across the grain of ordinary opinion. ence. Though thus separated, they knew he still We think even those persons might be a bit im- lived. There shall be no difference in their think- pressed when the head of a great university gives ing now. He is in no physical sense accessible orders to his staff to fire or expel all "Reds"- but we know he still lives as though in a room "and if you can't find any Reds, look around for apart where we cannot go now. some parlor pinks!" We think even those per- The influence of this great man is such as to sons might be impressed by just how Inocuous, renew within all of us who Knew him the convic- how detrimental to stagnation, how inspirational tioTo'that such lives cannot die. This influence, to forward movement is well-grounded, well which we have felt and do now sense, will live thoughtout, liberal thinking. on forever. And, in addition, we recommend The Male An- THE BY Joe Campus P.rson.lity Triesler KEG New. And View. Workman From Kicking Post l_ To S.v.nth Green _j • Back To The Gay Nineties tween "A" section, New Dorm, and In view of the Hale America pro- .McKinstry. Chief Autryman, Rich- Through drifting clouds of steam (by strict parental order); holding gram, the men on the campus did ard Patten, adds, however, that in rising from Iavendar organdy stretch- I Ruler ••• class offices (vice-president, junior their part to prove their claim to mae- 'case of Paratroop Invasion, the Au- ed on an ironing board, Edna pushed year; treasurer, sophomore year); of- culinity by growing moustaches. First trys will be ready. back a strand of light blonde hair, ficiating as president of the science • prize in the big- .Deep In The Heart of- smiled, and wondered why she was club; and keeping a diary which she ger and better The Chapel scrmon delivered by our being interviewed. pulls out frequently for rereading class goes to prexy on last Sunday night a week, and amusement's sake. Paul Brooks who was certainly unique in the fact that .Blonde Bomber "Just to remember some of the silly ou tla sted the it was the first and probably the last By virtue of election as queen of things I did and said makes me laugh. field. Bill Vin- sermon, the fate of which rested on the May plus various other qualifica- Once I was all broken up because I cent of the deb- whether a record would break or not. tions of face and figure, including a only got 95 in a Latin test!" onair upper lip, Knowing the good Doctor to be a mu- silky blondness, a soft sweetness of e Summers In Stock ran a close sec- (Cont. on page 3, col. 1) voice, and an appealing femininity ond but decided of manner, Edna Triesler was s-elect- During past summer vacations, Ed- he had proved his ed as this week's Campus Personality na has played minor parts in a sum- point early; and • Sorority -- for the benefit of any individuals who, mer theatre in Hagerstown known as the foliage fell before the electric taking count of the number of her the New York Players. razor-Consolation prize is won by pictures in this May Day issue, may Affectionately named "Sophie""by Fred Bohn, who needed shoe p~lish to ---News· wonder how she got that way. her friends, her family includes a prove he had one. brother, Henry, ex-editor of the Gold Bug, and member of the class of '41; .After The Ball Was Over. By Peggy Reeves .Twice On Court and a sister, Audrey, freshman duch- The Junior Prom is over but the .J. G. C. Setting down the iron to cool and ess on this year's May court. memory lingers 011; and long may it On Tuesday, April 21, the junior waving away ~the aforementioned linger in the memory of those several J. G. C. entertained the senior mem- steam, Edna summarized the extent e Opttmistlc Intelligence couples who pulled the old army game bers with a surprise picnic held at of her college extra-curricular activo Edna Triesler A soft-spoken intelligence, coupled and maneuvered their way in by Tramp Hollow. It has been a custom ities by listing membership in Sigma with a cheerful optimism character- switching-It might please those in the club for Juniors to entertain Sigma Tau sorority, the French and ingly that "if she could play golf, izes Edna's personality, not to men- couples to know that because of their the Seniors at the end of each year; Latin clubs, the College Players, the she would probably like that too." tion a persistent habit of never being Scotch blood, a hard working bunch and so with food, games, and singing Gold Bug staff (social notes), and ready on time Oust ask a certain of Juniors took the proverbial "gas" the tradition was fulfilled. two years on the May court, conclud- • Hails From Hagerstown light-haired lifeguard on the campus). on what was undoubtedly one of the After a recent meeting, Ruth Mac- ing that her majors were English and Born in Hagerstown, Maryland, in In conclusion, all that remains to more outstanding dances of these past Vean, president, announced that, be- Latin. 1921, she graduated from Hagers-: report is Edna's own opinion of eel- few years. For entertainment, the ginning next fall, sophomores as well What she'd really like to do after town High School in '38, thirteenth lege, and, as far as she is concerned affair was tops. A carload of con- as Juniors and Seniors will be elgible graduation is to write radio scripts, in a class of 310. Her high school in reference to her college career- gratulations to the entire group of for membership. but, as far as she can tell in May of career was divided between studying "well, L did have a good time!" Committees. The decorations were • Sigma Sigma Tau- 1942, she'll probably teach English, such that Gill Gym has never seen, On Wednesday, April 22, the Sig- preferably in a progressive school. and the band was the best. It does mas' Spring Rush Party transported Creative writing, as you might seem a shame that because of a few :freshman rushes to Tramp Hollow on guess, is her hobby, and the' rest of THE GOLD BUG innominate individuals, the affair will a load of hay drawn by a tractor. her spare time is spent in reading be remembered as something it should Last Saturday, April 18, the 'alumni (the latter not too extensively) and not have been! playing tennis. Questioned about any entertained the present members of .Attention: Art Majors th~ sorority at a tea held at the home further hobbies, she concluded mug- Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Hall as newI In respect to a statement made in of Jane Mellor. The Senior Farewell the last issue of this paper concern- Banquet is scheduled for April 29th.·chief.._ .....__.. . Alvin H. Levin '43 ing the military status of Professor The Sigmas have recently added to Managing Editor... . .__ Carolyn Schmidt '43 Mary Miller '43 Harris, it is imperative to announce their number Betty Billingslea, Millie :~~~;;~~..::r.s~~ot-a-g-,,-.-t., News Editor._ _................... . . Caroline Gable '43 News Editor.... Assistant that said person holds a First Lieu- Hoke, and Virginia Black. Feature Editor. . Eleanor Healy '43 tenant's commission in the artillery .Phi Alpha Mu- "Olympics" team on your hands. Sport.s Editor .__.__.._ __ . John Robinson '43 Reserve and of a certainty will not On Thursday, April 30th, the Phi This makes four years in a Assistant Sports Editor _.._ Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 . be drafted- Alphas will take their turn at rush- row that the French Club has Proof Editor............... _ _._........................ Mary Turnley '44 Staff Photographer Carl Webb '44 .Armistice ing the Freshmen with a Hobo hitch captured that titanic cultural Copy Editors............. Lillian Jackson '45, Mary Virginia Walker '43 Due to a priority rating on paper at Roops' school house. tussle. Business l\Ianager _.._ _ ._.._ _ __ Wemer Orrison '43 '44 __.._ _ _.__.__._..LeRoy Gerding explosive ca~s, the Junior Gene Au- They have recently received Phyl- Sincerely, Circulation !Uanager '43, Jane Miles '45, Carolyn Weant '45, Thelma Contributors: Ruth Sartorio try's wish to announce an armistice lis Greene and Frances III .,-.1-- Morris '44, Dorothy Thrush '44, Peggy Reeves '43, Fred Holloway '44. in the nightly cap' pil'ttoJ raids be- members. --- haac Rehert '42, Joe Workman '43, Jamee Snodgrass '43.
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