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The Gold Bug, Wmern. Marylaad College. Wacmm.ter, MeL, April 23, 1942 PAGE THREB • A. H. WALKER--- Dr. William McDaniel Dies After Serving Seminary Will Aloysius Graduate Three -----TELLS ALL. WMC For Period Of Sixty-Two Years WI\1C Alumni Sandstone is composed of grains of Noted Educator. W as Funeral Services Held sand stuck together with a substance Student, Professor, 1 Passes On j • • In Baker Chapel Rev. John Trader Will known as matrix. This is a fact. I learned this fact in Physical Science, Vice-President Yesterday Address Graduates without even trying. It is surprising In Local Church the number of facts you will pick up Dr. William Roberts McDaniel, year's leave of absence In 1906-07, in a year at college. EspeciaJly is A.M., Sc.D., vice-president, treesur- Dr, McDaniel officiated as acting-- Three Alumni of Western Mary- this true in my case; for, while I .er, and ex-head of the Departments president and, in June of 1907, was land College of the class of 1939 will don't like to brag, I have amassed of Mathematics and Astronomy of elected vice-president by the trustees. receive Bachelor of Sacred Theology during my brief stay here a total of Western Maryland College, died at When he was invested during the degrees at the fifty-ninth annual exactly eighty-three facts! And his home in Westminster at 9:30 P. commencement exercises of 1911 commencement of the Westminster with the degree of Sc.D., Dr. McDan- please bear in mind that the year is M., on; Sunday, April 19, nearly Theological Seminary, to be held in not yet up; it is quite possible that in sixty-two years after his graduation ~:~:e::;e~~:r~r:a~~~:~~ i~o~~~:i:~ the Methodist Church on Tuesday, the next three weeks I shall bring my from the college. May 5, at 8 o'clock. Bishop Ada already staggering score up to- an Dr. McDaniel filled, at various be so honored. Following the retire- Wright Leonard of Washington, D. even ninety! stages of his career, the positions of ment in 1920 of President Lewis, he C., will preach the commencement Well, you know how it is with this student, faculty member, athletic wes offered but refused the presiden- sermon. sort of thing - Eigb ty-three facts! coach, treasurer, Sunday school su- cy, which was thereupon given to Al- Alumni who will receive degrees You just can't keep it quiet, no mat- perintendent, acting-president, and bert Norman Ward, D,D. are E. R. Ackerman, William R. ter how hard you try. Thus it was vice-president at Western Maryland. .Active Citizen Dur-ret, and Charles Wallace. In ad- that on Thursday of last week, I was .Maryland Man Twice declining the proffered Su- dition, five others will receive the approached by the new editor of the Born on August 11, 1861, near St. perintendency of Carroll County Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree, Gold Bllg-a certain Alvin (P.) Le- Michael's, Maryland, he was the Public Schools, he officiated as a High two will receive diplomas, and three vin-and asked to write a column. twelfth child of John and Ann Mc- Priest in the order of Masons, a will receive the Master of Sacred Daniel. In September of 1877, he en- trustee of the Methodist Protestant Theology degree, including Rev. John eNatnrally Modest tered Western Maryland as a sopho- Dr. William R. McDaniel Church, sponsor of the Bulletin pre- "A column!" I cried, blushing to more, graduating in June, 1880, the pared by the Treasurer of the Alum- B. Jones, who graduated last year my very roots. "jU& write a column? salutatorian of his class. The follow- of medicine clubs during the summer ni Association, compiler of the Col- from the college. Oh, Alvin, I couldn't!" (I am by na- ing year, he taught at Buckeystown, session at Harvard University and, lege Scrap Book, and active partici- President Charles Edward Per- ture extremely coy). but returned to \V,M.C. in'1882 as a in the summer of '89, was invited to pant in westminster town affairs. lines will deliver the Baccalaureate But finally, by dint of much coax- Monteagle, Tennessee, His summer Sermon on Sunday, May 3, at 10:45 Durill"g the month of October, 1935, ing and the promise of a cherry lolly- tutor in Latin, Greek, and mathe- school teaching also included a ses- however, Dr, McDaniel was bedrid- and the alumni sermon to the seniors mebics. pop, he persuaded me to comply. For the next year and a half, Dr. sion at the Frostburg Normal School. den by failing health and lived in a will be given the same day at 8 P. "But," I asked, scuffing small In 1895, Dr. McDaniel was ap- state of gradual decline until his M. by Rev, John Albert Trader, class took .g'raduate clouds of dust from the office goer McDaniel Hopkins University, studies after at pointed treasurer of the college and, death last Sunday. of H123, pastor of the Trinity Meth- Johns with my toe, "about what do 'you which he again returned to the col- on November 21, married Ada Smith, .McDaniel Hall's Godfather odist Church of Salisbury, Maryland. will also be delivered An address want me to write'!" lege as professor of mathematics and youngest daughter of John Smith of Monuments of his service to West- on Monday, May 4, at 8 P. M., by the • Levin Thunderstruck Secretary of the Faculty. In addition Wakefield, one of the founders and ern Maryland now on campus are Rev, Dr. Lewis G. Rohrbaugh, pro- The editor was thundersb'Uck, to his other duties, the teaching of original trustees of W.M.C, Their McDaniel Hall, built in 1922, and a of Religion at "What do I want you, to write German was included in his schedule only child, Dorothy Sedwick, was pottrait of Dr. McDaniel presented fessor of Philosophy All exercises will Dickinson College. about?" he .fairly shouted. "Gad, until the position of another teacher born two years later in '97. to the college by the Alumni Associa- be held in the Westminster Methodist man,------cighty-three facts, and you of modern languages was added to e Almcst Hanged tion at a banquet held in Baltimore Church. ask me what to write about! Why, the faculty. For twenty-five years he was the on Februarx 7, 1930. do you realize that you hold the uni- • First Coach leader and superintendent of the He is survived by his wife; his verse in the palm of YOUl' hand?" When the department of Physical college Sunday school, and was af- daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Herr, mem- Military As a matter of fact, I had not real- Education was organized, Dr. Me- fectionately j dubbed "Billy Mac" by ber of the class of '18; and two ized it; but now that he mentioned Daniel became western Maryland's students, although, according to TluJ grandchildren, Ober Herr, Jr., and ROTC Unit Lays the point, I could see the truth in his first athletic 'coach, specializing in Alumni QUf1,l·terly, "they sometimes William McDaniel Herr. statement. the development and teaching of ex- threatened to hang their Professor of Trustees of the college acted as "Very well", I answered quietly, ercise with medicine clubs, for which Mathematics on the 'trigonome- honorary pallbearers to the funeral Plans For Drill "you shall have your column." And he devised and copyrighted a new tree'''./ held in Baker Chapel on Wednesday, with that I departed. On the steps, system, In 1887, he taught the use During President T. H. Lewis's April 22. And Inspection J glanced furtively at the palm of my hand. And so J appear before you as a Faculty And Stud.nt Opinion On After eight months of study and columnist. But here I must confess drill, the R.O.T.C. unit, in a series of that I find myself in somewhat of a exams and special drills, will seek to quandary. The reason should be prove its right to wear the blue star self-evident. For in this and one on the right sleeve, an honor which only to awards the War Department more column, I must attempt to pass on to you, the reader, a fair sampling those R.O.T.C. units which receive of the vast stores of knowledge SHALL WESTERN MARYLAND direction-and the present system- by the time we get to college it seems the rating "excellent". which I possess. To coin a phrase, I COLLEGE WORK TOWARD A with its laxness .tca those students to me we should be old enough to de- The annual war department inspec- don't know where to begin. But be- SYSTEl\1 OF UNLIMITED CUTS? who prove they know how to benefit cide, whether we should go to class, tion of the entire military depart- 'gin I must, so let ueweste no further Dr. Sara E, Smith: A system of un- best from class-seems to work well Often, time could be spent more ad- ment will be carried on this year by time, limited cuts would be ideal if the stu- enough. vantageously some place other than Col. Lawrence J. F, Barrett, Infantry. Both classes and the unit at drill will e Poetry First dents were able and willing to direct Jerry Diener: It seems to me that in class, undergo the close scrutiny of the offi- the purpose in attending college is to First, then, we shall give our at- their own intellectual life. The cur- get an education, and I feel quite sure • cial inspector, The afternoon of May tention to poetry. The. field of poetry rent habit of some "Dean's-Haters" .-CLEANOR HEALY- 4, 1942 for all RO.T.C. men has been is simply bloated with facts which of cutting classes to loaf rather than that more can be gained in class than turned over to the Military Depart- every young American should know. to work more efficiently on their own out of class. The good professor gives College Chatter ment by the college authorities for And for the sake of clarity, I shall doesn't indicate that all of our stu- you something that you can't get any- this official inspection of the battal- list them numerically. dents are ready for an unlimited cut where else. If you must cut occasion- -/ - HEREAND THERE. ion in its various phases of drill, 1. A dactyl (dactil) is a foot of system at this time. ally, you can always manage to get .• Ffgures-c-Nurnerfcal and Otherwise The competitive drill for the best one stressed syllable, followed Professor Metcalf: I believe our excused. According to statistical reports squad, platoon and Company of the by two unstressed. present system is pretty good. Those Sara Belle Veale: I think we should compiled by the president of the Uni- unit will take place during the regu- 2, Dove1' Beach was written by persons who are well up in their sys- have a system of unlimited cuts, for versity of Cincinnati, the University lar drill period on Thursday, May 7. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), tems have unlimited cuts, and those of California on the Berkeley Campus Each company, previous to this date and may be sung as a dirge to who are not as capable-in their work I Tommy Reynolds ranks first in the number of full- will select its representative squad the accompaniment of a tom- do not. Under the circumstances, time students of college grade with an and platoon for this competition, tom. feel that is as far as we should go. enrollment of 13,968! After all, Judges for the competition will be Professor the Harris: pays Papa 3. A poet submits himself to his bills and if Jane does O. K. in her Signed For that's just about 27 times as many local officers not connected with our subject. students as ~t, Western Maryland unit. 4. In To Night, Shelley makes no studies, it seems all right to me for College. The presentation of the sponsors distinction between the sexes. her to have unlimited cuts. But if Pan-Hel Figures along another line say and awards will take place on the 5. Eight and eight are sixteen. Jane doesn't do O. K, in her studies, that, according to a J ohns- Hopkins 12th of May. The athletic depart- 6. Ode to a Grecian Urn,' often at- it's still all right with me, but I don't The annual Pan-Hellenic dance, University survey, persons born in ment as in the past, will cooperate tributed to Keats, was actually think it would be all right with Papa. the third and last of the "Big Three" the spring are taller and heavier with the Military Department and at written by Fiorello LaGuardia. Bill Taylor: Yes, college students Spring dances, will be held in Gill than those who make the summer, this same time present their awards 7. All human things are subject to are mature enough to know whether Gymnasium on Saturday, May 9, fall, or winter trip with the stork. also. Dr. Fred G. Holloway, Col. Wal- decay. or not it will be beneficial or detr-l- from 8 to 12 P. M. More statistics say that college stu- ton, Dean Forrest Free, and Coach mental to their best interests to cut. Tommy Reynolds's orchestra, pop- .Three Facts Censored dents today are two inches talIer on Charles Havens will participate in the I know three more facts about po- They pay money to attend classes, ular along the entire eastern sea- the average than students 10 years presentations. etry, but they have no place in a col- and if for some reason they choose to board, will provide the music for the ago. Does anyorle have any ideas e Ellweln Battalion Sponsor umn such as this, So much, then, cut, why penalize them? Let me dance. Jack Doenges, general chair- why? - for poetry. illustrate, by an extension of this man, has announced that in accord- Lt. Col. Harry Baker will present Next time we shall take up as principle of penalization for over-cuts, ance with the plea of the student .Flight And Fan(:y Betty Ellwein, sponsor for the battal- many of my Eighty-three facts as the injustice of our present system. b~dy for more "top-notch" bands, Our great-grandchildren may make ion; Captain William Vincent wili space penuits, Til then, I shall simp- Would our absence officers like to pay careful attention was given to the the first trip to the moon-at least present Mary Turnley, sponsor of the ly say "Mon Dieu." a fine for not choosing to eat a dinner selection of this well-known band. that's one man's opinion. Dr, Alter band; Captain Robert Bricker will in a downtown restaurant after they The Pan-Hel dance is traditionally of the Griffith Astronomical observa- present Louise Shuckart, sponsor of had paid for it? representative of the concerted ef- tory says that such a flight would de- Company A; Captain Paul Meyers The Keg ••. Lucie Leigh Barnes: Going to. class forts of all the sororities and frater- pend on the development of a new will present Mabel Greenwood, spon- never hurt anyone-and I think that nities on the hill. Various commit- element known as Uranium 235. sor of Company B; Captain Richard (Cont. from pnge 2, ~ol. 2) Baker wiJ1 present Jean Lamoreau, sic lover and being in the dark as to students owe it to the professors tees which are to have charge of €he Even at that, a. rocket trip to the sponsor of Company C; and Captain why such a fan would destroy the whose courses they take to be present preparations have been' appointed moon would be a little costly, amount- Norman Fay will present Ridgely music of Schubert, an inquiring re- at as many meetings of the class as an'd are as follows: co-chairmen, ing to nearly $100,000,000! Tourist porter approached him for an expla- possible. As long as human frailty Caroline Rudisill and Tom Arthur; advertisements of the future, how- Pollitt, sponsor of Company D. exercises The day's nation. Through the excellent work persists, and it shall persist, we all Orchestra, Shirley Belle Reese, WiI- ever, will probably some day be say- a parad60f the battalion, will end with the to ing commanded "Week-end excursions bur Kidd, and Eugene Belt; Decora- need an occasional prod in the right of the W. M. C. Fact Ferret, it was __________ . tions, Paul Brooks and Dick Shuck; by the junior officers, and received discovered that (1) the record was moon-special tonrist rate. Leave by the sponsors and the senior Cadet cracked, (2) Dr. Holloway was not would not, and (3) the Lone Star Programs, David Brengle; Sponsors, Earth Friday afternoon, back in time for work Monday morning" r concerned as to if the record would state is bringing suit immediately on Gloria Salerno, Bert Jones, and Ver- (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) officers. This will be the last outside of the unit this term. formation break; rather, he was afraid that it grounds of false advertising. non Wiesand.
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