Page 66 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUR- The Gold Bug, Watem Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 23, 1942 WMC Passing Parade I Western Ma;yland's May Queen •• '. Gold Bug Files Reveal Story Of College Activity 18 Years Ago By John Robinson Buried beneath the accumulated SPORTS EDITOR dust of nearly two decades on a lorty shelf in the library office lies a col- Bert Jones Is Suggestions have been made to lection of several large, bound vol., have a benefit baseball game, follow- umes harboring, within their olive- ed 'py a benefit track meet, followed green covers, back issues of The. Gold Elected Prexy by a benefit tennis match, followed by Bl!g-a living record of Western a benefit golf match-for the sole re- Maryland's passing parade. OF SeA lief of the junior class. Green Maryland's Western When • Bug' Born In '24 and Gold trackmen tripped up Johns When the first college" newspaper At the S.C.A. business meeting held was published under the name of Tk6 on Wednesday, April 15, the follow- ..........,..-.....'~e~':.~~~v:s l:~! Black and 1Vhit6 in 1924, sponsored ing new officers were elected to the second victory in by the Black and White fraternity, cabinet for the coming year: Bert the history of W.M.C. was 18 years younger, Dr. Jones, president; Peggy Reeves, vice- the school for the Albert Norman Ward was in his president; Josephine Branfot-d.+sec- track team. Back fourth year~of presidency, and Pro- v retary: Olive Cook, treasurer. in 1940 they took ressor John Makosky was still a mere On Sunday, April 19, Dr. Lawrence their first win, student. Little, the newly elected officers, and downing Ameri- can University 78 de~t~~~~~lt; ~~~:~~:t~i. ::!:! ~:~~~.~~~po:ft~!u:~l~ts~t~~~:~ent~:g S~~~ ........ WO._..... to 30. This sea- has not changed drastically in these dent Christian Movement Area Train- son, the Terror eighteen years, although outwardly it ing Conference at Morgan College in cinder men are may appear so. Baltimore. western-Maryland led the very well balanc- morning worship at the opening meet- cd, both in the field events and the e Soclal Note ing. Dr. Riggs of Johns Hopkins If such a social note as the follow- University spoke on "The Job of the dashes. Hopkins has beaten Loyola ing from the January 29th issue were Christian Association Today", after and Gallaudet this far, so our Terror rep6rted for all the many names list- victory is one to do a little bragging ed daily on the post office package which the assembly was divided into about. four groups for further discussion of list, the Gold Bug would soon be a so- the topic. In the afternoon, "Your Underclassmen have played a ma- cial sheet and nothing else: vun Sat- Job in the Christian Association" was jor role in the track season thus far, urday afternoon, January 19th, Miss- and Coach Tommy Price has high es Marjorie McWilliams and Dorothy discussed in special groups with such hopes that his team will be well rep- topics as presidents, finances, proj- Beachley entertained in their cun- ects, programs, publicity, and spon- resented in the Penn Relays this Sat- ning apartment on the third floor of sors, followed by a closing worship urday. Charles Godwin, Reds Hall, McDaniel Hall. Games were played service led by Morgan College. and Arlie Mansberger will make the which afforded much amusement af- Dr. Little and Bert Jones are rep- trip on Saturday along with other ter which chicken, potato chips, resenting the Tri-state Area, which representatives. Maryland biscuits, sandwiches, olives, includes Maryland, Delaware, and Tomorrow Villanova will be met on celery, cake and punch were served. Washington, D. C., at jthe Council of Hoffa Field, and Saturday the Green Those present at this delightful af- the Middle Atlantic States Student 'and Gold nine will journey to Wash- fair were . " Christian Movement. Bert Jones has ington to face George washington's • Letter To Forum recently been appointed as a member Colonials . In a Jetter to the Open Forum for of the Central Atlantic States Next Monday the Mounts will be readers, one collegiate expounded for Y.M.C.A. Council as the representa- met on Hoffa Feld, Loyola will enter- half of a column on the trials and tive of the Tri-State Area. Dr. Lit- tain the Terrors on Wednesday, then terrors of the showers in the boys' tle is also chairman of the planning the Green and Gold plays Hopkins dorm, working himself up to an irate committee for the annual summer here on Friday and ends up a tough climax in wishing to "remind them conference to be held from May 31 to week on Saturday against Catholic (the authorities) of the fast ap- June 7 at Kanesatake, Pennsylvania. University in Washington. With a proaching baseball and tennis seasons scarcity of hurlers, the locals must and the need for better bathing re- play their best ball. Poor Lee Lodge. cilities ... the condition at present Edna Trlesler Frank Hurt's tennis team Professor is nothing less than deplorable. I Miss Triesler will head the May Court festivities in Harvey too, is also in a busy state. They en- Jc:ne Fraley To defy any man to find three fellows Stone Amphitheatre on Saturday. May 2, at 3 P. M. Attend-" gage Delaware at home next Tuesday, taking a shower at the same time and ing Miss 'I'riesler will be court of twelve class duchesses and on Wed- Loyola in Baltimore Give Recital In getting perfect satisfaction." escorts. (Story and picture on p. 1). meet Elkridge Tennis away Club here on nesday, Delaware on Friday, and • Dancing Prohibited Several editorials throughout the Saturday. Golf finds the locals pit- Levine Hall newspaper's first year of existence charmingly costumed and gracefully comment: Devilbiss in \ '24 had one ted against Loyola next Wednesday, were concerned with western Mary- executed series of manoeuvres. The advantage over western Maryland for the only match of the week. Dick- C/ark.Dittmar Recilal land's prohibition of dances, although young ladies, tastefully gowned in collectively in '42, because the feath- inson will be met in track on the dancing was permitted at' other col- the styles of bygone years, showed er definitely established the fact that same day, the last meet prior to the Scheduled For Jeges in the vicinity. In place of unexpected aptitude in the handling the soup was chicken! annual Mason-Dixon meet in Balti- their old fashioned garments, May 5 them, numerous parties were given. of while the gentlemen displayed all the .'·Indecent" J.G.C. Rip Engle is happily engaged at After one George Washington party, Other J ene Fraley will present her senior the dances were described as a "very courtliness and finished grace which resentful editorials were indignantly Brown Univeraity. Although the 'of the "indecent" J.G.C. in- piano recital in Levine Hall, Friday is rightfully associated with the itiations and, on March 18, was popular boss -or the past basketball evening, May 1, at 8 o'clock. The colonial times." printed this article: "J.G.C., the se- squad is extremely busy, he reports program, which will climax four Plug .lUakosky Campus Trutaky cret organization of Western Mary- things going along in smooth style. years of study, includes: Even then, the W.M.C. student land's upperclass-worncn held its an- And though away from Western ;=:~p:··3·i~"*~"··2~~.~~.~~;~~~:0~~! body included a group of leftists who to nual spring initiation Friday night, Maryland, Rip's heart and thoughts Aloha Manager in the usual manner, conformed, are forever here. of Allegro radical, non-conformist unconvention- after two and days classrooms polluting the He is very anxious to know how all ex- with campus Ada.gio Asks Students alism, as witnessed by this little dit- amples of how reaJly horrible good the boys arc making out and was Allegretto ty: looking girls can appear. Much of pleased to read where the Terror , Nocturne in G Major. ,..Chopin John Makosky the initiation was funny, particularly baseballers tied Syracuse. He asked Two Mazurkas Chopin To Settle Edwards, Bish; the scene in the tea room Friday for a copy of the Gold Bug and said Ballcde in F Major .. ..... Chopin Lenin, and Trotsky, noon. However, in large part, most that he would be down again some. c« que/a Vu Le Vent D'Quest By Jack Doenges What a dish! of the situations were ludicrous, but time in May to see all the fellows After weeks of work and months • Feather Identifies Soup disgusting. The men lost their usual again. A swell guy, Rip . Lotus Lam/,.: : :: ..:.... ecou of worry, the Aloha has finally gone Flash! February 19, 1924,-"Devil- (Cont. on page 6, col. 1) (Cont. on page 6, col. 3) Hunga?'W.n Rhapsody, No. 11 . Liszt to press. Bit by bit, it gradually took bisa discovers chicken feather in On Tuesday, May 5, Dorothy Clark form until now the end is in view. soup. That's something!" Our only and Alice Dittmar will give a com- One. of the problems that does re- bined recital which will include piano main for the A loha staff is now in SAVE THE SUMMER MONTHS: numbers and vocal selections. the hands of the studer:ts; namely, Dorothy Clark will play: the paying-up of the Aloha. fees. It * 8 WEEK COURSE: Ano8o Bach has always been a problem for the Son.ata, Op. 2, No.3, students dohlg the collection work to IN SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING: Allegro con Brio act as instalh;nent collectors and stu- (Cont. from page 3, col. 4) FantM1/ Piece8, Op. 12. ..Schumann dents at the same time; so we are • V-For Vit.amins R Immediate rewards for earlier training. This iC In the EVfming asking the cooperation of the student Sugar rationing will be good lor special course is recommended for college stu- iC Soaring body in speeding up this program. If us, according to a University of dents, for high school graduates who expect to iC ~~~r~ \ you have not as yet paid your Aloha Michigan authority on dietetics. Dr. A ~~~erasco~~:efir;~r p~":tr ofm=r~ee~~~taria1lo~o~~~~ iC ~ dues, see the student collector in your Alice Dittmar's vocal selections dorm. - Newburger will declares that a sugar SUMMER CLASSES ~ cause us to eat more shortage are: Blanche Ward-Kitty Voss. meats, milk, and green vegetables, 'all JUNE 8 AND 22. JULY 6 ~ Deh Vietti, Non Tordor (from L6 Hering-A. S. Hancock. of which gives us everything that 'Nozz6 de- Figaro) . ..Mozart Ward-Larry Wimbrow, Ken sugar does plus mnch-needed B-vita- Complete courses leading to Secretarial Diplo. iC Zueizung R. Strauss Grove, Grover Powell. mins. mas, Review and speed bujJding classes for iC Lied des Salld»ULnnchena (from Han- McKinstry-J. Skidmore, J 0 h n .Non-Jive commercial graduates. Strayer graduates are iC zel and Gretel) Humperdinck MacWilliams. Stephens College students have de- preferred and applicants for positions in p.rivate in- in iC excellent for records dustry, qualified Depuis Le joie From Louise Charpe Albert Norman Ward---Jerry Die- veloped a great interest in the ha'rp, government examinations. iC Depuis Le joie ner, Joe Workman, Warren' and now comprise the largest class Open all the Summer, Day and Evening iC From LouisQ Chal'pentier Earle. devoted to this instrument in any The C?7Jtl1g of Water Day Students-Louise Young, Eu- college. From this it would seem Campbell-Tipton gene Belt. _______ that at Stephens College, at least,. Ac'owgLLE"G'i'''·· ~ Contentment Coryell Faculty-Thomas O'Learey, Lau- swing is on the wing, or perhaps the The Sleigh, Koontz retta McCusker. girls are training themselves so that Oh, C6a8e Thy Singing, Maiden Fair The sooner your dues are paid up they can say they've had experience Rachmaninoff the sooner the Aloha will be deliv- when applying for a job in the L01JO went A_riding Bridgc you! ethereal regions! 13TH & F STREETS. WASHINGTON. D. C. :
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