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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, We.tem Maryland College, We.tmiruter, Md., May 7. 1942 ROTC Lists 55 SGA Prexy ••• 'Ah, The Blinding Pain' Frat Ball ••• Men Applying Ex, ROTC Cadet Reminisces About aided in the victory. Hits were rre- (Cont. from page 5, col. 3) For 'Aclvancecl' Experiences In Military Inspection quent Walls, Joe Kugler "while only J. by the Preachers, Bill A. and By Edward Nygren sui-e. Why, they even had three Beane hit safely for the Bachelors. Accepted Applicants To Company A had extended order- smoke pots to make things interest- This year's league is one of the Receive Appointments poor fish. 'Ah; How well I recall the ing, and we-we didn't even have the closest in recent years as all four At End Of May fond days of long ago when I too raced inspiring pleasure of the inspector's clubs boast even tens. The Gamma Bets are improving rapidly, while the our entice. stare as we performed up over the girls' hockey field to 'flop ungracefully on my stummick; sim- To add insult to injury, he ignored rest of the clubs still linger in the Fifty-five sophomores and other spotlight ready to topple over oppon- students have applied for admission ulate fire; and get painfully on my us and gave his attention to a for- ents at their first chance. The Bach- to the advanced military course, ac- aching feet to run again. R€ally- mation on Hoffa Feld. Ah! we were cording to an announcement issued by anyone who has not enjoyed the the uncrowned heroes of that gruel- elors and Preachers title, are in a tie for round the first which will be Colonel C. M. Walton, head of the plcagurc of extended ord-er has defi- ling afternoon. Ah! the torture we decided in the near future. The Military department. nitely not experienced a well rounded endured, ah! the blinding pain! But Gamma Bets are ahead in the second Approximately twenty-five will be year of activities; anyone who has flesh and blood can endure only so round with two victories and no de- chosen from this number. Applicants may not live to. For extended order much, even in my case. Despite my feats. The Preachers and Black and is no fun for man or any other beast. accepted will receive notice of their iron \ will, exhaustion got the better Whites following in second tied with appointment to the course about the Last year, too, when I gave my aU of me; I dropped, unconscious, to the one win and one defeat apiece, last of May. for the glory of our dear Alma Ma- blistering earth. Men fell all around Applicants are Eugene B. Adams, ter, a dearth of wind and a particu- me like flies. Yes, like flies ... Sob. Wallen L. Beane, Edgar L. Bond, Jr., larly humid atmosphere all afternoon Ah! Those were the days of the Remember made life miserable for D Company- Harvey E. Buck, Kenneth E. Burdette, Lodge Is Elected men of tomorrow-I mean steel. And John D. Burroughs, Thomas G. Bush, my eompany-and we had to keep on when that gruesome day eventually Jack G. Bullner, Walter Carr, Charles President our tunics. However, easy though it drew to a sweltering close, scarcely a MOTHER Diefenbach, SGA was made for them this year, (I hope J. DeMansa, Vb-on L. the editor respects my desire for man was alone to tell the tale. Gone Warren L. Earle, LeRoy E. Gerding, anonymity) I was perfectly content was the indomitable spirit of our with a Jr., James E. Griffin, Emory F. Gross, By a scant plurality of two votes glorious company. Gone was the Howard E. Hall, Wm. P. Hall, Charles above the necessary majority, Lee to sit Oll the bank with a bum gam grand little group who gave their CARD and CANDY iiii•••• ~ J. Harden, Clyde V. Hauff, Fred G. Lodge was chosen president of the and let the pampered things take it lives so freely that others might flop myself wasted quite . Holloway, Jr., Ray S. Hyson, Sigurd Men's Student Government in an elec- easy while I the exertion of criti- on their bellies at the ninth tee ... P_G. Coffman Co. away through L. Jensen, James C. Jones, Jr., Wil- tion held during the Monday morning oh, sob, sob! Gone was the fighting mer Kerber, Fred A. Kulmar, John F. Assembly period on May 4. cism. Biting criticism, you may be Mann. Peter P. Mannino, ArlieR. Other officers to take their" posi- Company D. Mansberger, Edward W. Mogowskil, tions in September are: Senior repre- Bart Natalizi, Howard J. Skidmore, sentatives, Clarence McWilliams, Jo- Donald M. Sullivan, Thomas J. Terre- seph Workman, Harry Gruel; junior Wilbur Preston, za. shinski, James E. Tinder, Jr., Charles representatives, S. Tsouprake, Ariel V. Warner, Ar- ward Mogowski, Richard Patten; and thur F. O'Keefe, Jr., Carlo J. Orten- sophomore representatives, J 0 h n DON'T QUIT COLLEGE zi, Richard G. Patten, William E. Pen- Smith, Roderick Naef, and Nicholas nington, Wilbur D. Preston, Thomas Piaacanc. E. Price, Guy M. Reeser, Jr .•.Wm. T. Richardson, John E. Rowe, Russell A. ford, George W. Wilson, Lawrence E. Sellman, Randolph C. Scholl, Wm. O. Wimbrow, Nelson J. Wolfsheimer, if you are 17 19 and want to THRU Sires, Carl E. Webb, Joseph S. White- Donald S. Woolston, David Young. Senior Stuclent Recalls The Past become a Naval Officer! In Preparing For Gracluation By Lucie Leigh Barnes Just for the fun of it, just one last shower. And docs anyone remember time, I have some little lists. It is who planted '42's ivy? a vicious habit born in four years of .Adkins-Free Burlesque note-taking, outline-making. And there are things that will nev- There are some observations, mar- er be surpassed. The song of the sev- ginalia on four years here at West- enth green; Bo Baugher's strip-tease; ern Maryland. Four years is a long Bob Faw's muaicless dance. And Dean time; and a short time: like a wed- Adkin's and Free's burlesque of a ding. Eight semesters have painted fraternity dance in the 1939 Faculty new scenery on the campus, built new Show, or the "Candle in the Corner". buildings, taken the sausage curls off And the water bags that scored. And Cyn Rudisill's head, sliced plumpness Strongheart, or "The Case of the off Ginny Jockel, cut hair and ma- Chloroformed Canine" (or was he?). tured many, changed all. In 1938, And a soaring FReeeeNee! and Mona the boys all looked like "before" pic- (Cont. on page 6, col. 5) tures for Charles Atlas ads. Now Beanie is a man. H. E. REESE .MacDowell And Trawick Then there are memories. We used Cieaniltg TAILOR to hike down to the armory for bas- Pressing You can be of greatest service degree, provided you maintain the ketball games; and, when the team Repairing established university standards. lost, it was the dreariest, coldest walk DeWAYNE BILLS-Representative to your country by acting on not high home. We all took speech under Miss 94 Eut Main Street officera' to fin- MacDowell; she had a scarf inevitably this New Navy Plan right now! year be- slippingc off her shoulder and she THE BESTIN- fore they are ordered to duty at punctuated sentences with wide OU WANT to fight for your physics. After you successfully a Naval Training Station as Apprentice Seamen. sweeping gestures with a hand and a Y country! Are you willing to complete lY:i calendar years of At any time during this special finger like the pointed finger of fate. Sodas--Sundaes work for it? To toughen yourself college, you will be given a gen- college training program, if a stu- To train yourself And Miss Trawick always celebrated physically? for a real job in the eral examination prepared by the dent should fail in his prescribed mentally Navy. 10 o'clock with "the house is closed". Our Lunches Are United States Navy? If you are, subjects, he may be ordered to ac- There are things that are better off Delicious the Navy wants you to enlist now Stay in College 2 Years tivedutyasanApprenticeSeaman. passed to limbo. First floor McDan~ -- -but to stay in college, to con- If you qualify by examination, Pay starts with active duty. All courses will be given and iel regularly blew the fuses with tinue your studies, to prepare you may volunteer to become a graded by your regular college yourself for active duty in the rur toasters, and the girls exercised and BONSACK'S or on the sea. Naval Aviation Officer. In this faculty. The Navy asks that you case you will be permitted to fin- played leap frog in the halls late at And your college will help you ish the second calendar year l:lf devote your time and energy along night. And the water once rolled do it! In cooperation with the college work before you start your certain channels that will equip down from the third floor at three in Navy, it offers all freslunen and training to become a flying officer. you to serve your country to the the morning. And radio music had to Phone 300 sophomores who are seventeen Or you will be selected fortrain- very best of your ability. and not yct twenty, special train- It's a real challenge! It's a real steal muff1cd from closets and under ing that may win for you the cov- ingto become a Deck or Engineer- opportunity! Make every minute ing Officer. In that case, you will beds. CARROLLEEN eted Wings of Gold of a Naval continue your college program count by doing something about And Katherine Rleir sang in the Aviation Officer or a commission until you receive your bachelor's this new Navy Plan today. as a Deck or Engineering Officer. Individual Coiffures HowtoBecome an Officer DON'T WAIT ••• ACT TODAY Beauty in its Enti;ety -- To get this special Navy train- , 66 W. Main St. ~:~~~~=tTh~a;o~nc~~i::~;1. Take this announcement to the Dean of your college; 2. Or go to the nearest Navy Recruiting Station. in college, but you will include WESTMINSTER, MD. special courses stressing physical 3. Or mail coupon below for FREE BOOK giving full details • mathematics development. and ._----_ .._......_--------- .._---------------- ...-----------------------_. __.._------ 2 Congratulation~ U. S. Navy Recruiting Bureau, Div. V-I 30th Street and 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Please send me your free book on the Navy Officer training plan for college Seniors freshmen an" sophomores. I am a student D. a parent of a student 0 who i.s__yeam old attending__College ee _ Our best wishes for a Successful Career Coffman-Fisher Co.
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