Page 69 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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Libr!!ry . Sen'ataT~S~'dlnggsTo Address~,Graduating ·Class Class OF '42 To Alumni Reunions Present 'Yellow 1~ qoUBw; Crowd Schedule Jacket' May 15 For Week-End One hundred and twelve senior men and women, a total of thirty-one less than last year, will be graduated with the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Science on Monday, May 18, at 10 A. M. in Alum,ni Hall, climaxing a weekend of alumni and student ac- tivities. The address to the graduat- ing class will be delivered by Senator Millard E. Tydings, senior United States Senator+from Maryland. Opening event of the affairs sched- uled for commencement weekend pro- gram will be the presentation by the College Players, directed by Miss Es- ther Smith, of the last senior play The Yellow Jacket on Friday, May 15, at 8:15 P. M. on the stage of Alumni Hall. .Collvocation Speaker Dr. George F. Zook, president of the American Council of Education and a former State Commissioner of Education, will deliver the convoca- tion address at 10;30 A. 1.1. on Sat- urday, May 16, to be followed at 12:30 by a buffet luncheon for invited guests in Blanche Ward Gym . • Series Of Conferences After luncheon, there will be a strange, and their manners are series of conferences of professional only because our theatre and groups within the Alumni Associa- way of living has not retained the tion, 'to be led by alumni who have of the imagfnation-c-everything achieved prominence in the various to be written out in the bold style fields of discussion. Speakers will be: of a photograph instead of using the WMC Takes Rationing With A Grin--- A local rationing board under the direction of Business, Charles R. Miller, '81, of imagination to understand the exotic Robert Gelder makes application for War Ration Dean Free, Dean Adkins, Miss Tweed, and Miss the Fidelity and Deposit Company of beauty of an oriental drama. Book One to Mary Stevenson. In rear, left to right, Earl was set up to faeilit'ate the issuance of the Maryland; Education, Earle T. Haw- the search by \VU Hoo Git for his an- I Ann Meeth, Jean Lamoreau, Carol Stoffregen, Lau- sugar booklets to the college last Monday, Tuesday, cation; (Cont. on page 3, col. 3) kins, '23, of the State Board of Edu- For Happiness e seareh Home Economics, Miriam L. The Yellow Jru;kfJt i~ the story of and Wednesday. Reeves. McCusker, and Margaret retta cestors and for happiness. He learns the name of his mother, Chee Moo the obstacles of life before he finds the Beautiful and his father, Wu Sin happiness with his Plum Blossom, Professors To Leave ... Ten Ho-nors Students Accepted Yin tho Great; but ancestors are not Moy Fah Loy. enough. Wu Hoo Git must overcome (Cont. on page 6, col. 5) The resignation.s of Dr. Rich- For Fel/o,,"
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