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The Gold Bug. We.tem Marylaad College, W~, MeL, May 7, 1942 PAGE THREe Junior Girls Bid Seniors Farewell I Climbing A Mountain •.• • ELEANOR HEALY- At Rose Cup Ceremony May 11 College Chatter -- HEREAND THERE. !v.Iiller, Bentley To Direct Juniors • Patriotism .... In Preparation For Annual Fete Tho Yallaw Jacket of Randolph- Macon College now puts a star on the Robinson garden will again echo to "Here's to You", using each time the top of the front page for each alum- the strains of "Here's To You" as the name of the senior drinking from the nus in the armed forces. I think if junior class girls bid farewell to the cup. we did that, we would have a defi- senior girls with the traditional red Co-chairmen of the cup ceremony nitely star-studded Bug - patriotic rose and cup-of-friendship on Mon- are Mary Miller and Jean Bentley. Jo insect to say the least! day afternoon, May 11, at 4 o'clock. Daniels heads the property commit- .We've Heard This One Before A committee of junior;; headed by tee, and Phyllis Cade has charge of Ohio University must be the home Mary Louise Sehrt have selected un- singing. of practical jokers-c-at- least judging der-class women to imitate each se- In the event of rain, the ceremony by this gem which we snagged from nior in dress, mannerisms, and activi- will be held at the same time in Mc- the Ohio Unw&!'sity Poat. It seems ties, accompanied by the reading of Daniel Lounge. that in a certain fraternity house one poems written by a committee chair- of the brothers went to sleep in the maned by Sara Belte Veale. . afternoon and slept through dinner. Following the imitations, there wilt At 7:45 that evening some fraternity be presented a one-act comedy in Home Economits Club ... brothers rushed into the room to verse, "Now Is the Time; or, What At a meeting on Monday, May 4, warn the sleeping one that it was the Sign Over the Clock Said", writ- the officers of the Home Economics almost time for his 8 o'clock class. ten and directed by Carolyn Schmidt. club for next year were formally Glancing at the clock, the boy hur- The scene is set in a courtroom and installed at a candlelight cere- REHEARSAL FOR SENIOR PLAY Joe Whiteford, Herb Weaver, and riedly dressed, shaved, and rushed at one of the Shown left to right those taking part will be: Prologue, mony. Janith Horsey will serve numerous rehearsals for the Yellow James Snodgrass. a scene into the dining room, glanced at the The players are portraying Peggy Wilson; Sadie, Deborah Bow- as president, and Frances Ogden Jacket, senior play directed by Miss in which they climb a' mountain. empty table, and yelled "Where's ers; Prosecuting Attorney, Virginia as vice-president. 'I'he offices of Esther Smith are: Paul Alelyunas, Story 011 page 1. breakfast?" Bell; Defense Attorney, Virginia Cru- treasurer and secretary will be Believe it or not-we're only quot- sius; and Judge, Carolyn Schmidt. filled respectively by Ruth Broad- ing! As the final part qf the program, r up and Agnes Camochan, Alumni Reunions Crowel Week-Enel • Personally, We Favor Sally in accordance with tradition, all the Mrs. Samuel B. Schofield, the Some one or two of you may hap- senior girls, dressed in white, stand first head of the Home Economics (Cent, from page 1, col. 5) the Diamond Jubilee Ball, an alumni- pen to remember that Washington in circle arrangement and receive in department, reviewed the early his- Veasey, '96, of Orlando, Florida; Law, student dance, in Gill Gymnasium at College was occupied with picking out turn a red rose and a sip from the tory of the organization at this D. Roger Englar, '03, of New York 9 P.•M. a mascot and a name for their teams. cup-of-friendship. With the presen- meeting which was terminated by City; Medicine, S. Gardner warner, Dr. Fred G. Holloway will deliver The winner, and therefore their new tation of these symbols of farewell, the serving of punch and cookies. '24, of the University of Maryland; the baccalaureate sermon to the grad- mascot, was the Chesapeake Dog; and the entire junior class will sing Ministry, Albert Buckner Coe, '09, of uating class at 10:30 A. M. on Sun- the teams will be known as the Chesa- the First Congregation Church, Oak day, May 17, in Alumni Hall during peake Bay Retrievers. Naturally Hills, Illinois. the course of the annual Baccalau- Brethren And Sistern Scouted By Reeves there were some non-conformists in Following the discussion period, Dr. reate service, a program in which alI the crowd, for one person voted for and Mrs. Fred Holloway will act as the churches of Westminster will a leopard, while two voted for Sally Clubs Prepare- Rush Parties And the hosts of the garden party in Rob- participate. At 7 P. M. the college Rand! On the back of one of the inson Garden which will be a recep- choir will present a concert consist- ballots which boosted the lady with Fiftieth Elections As Session Nears ·End tion for At 4:30 P. M. an Alumni As- ing of selections sung on their recent the fans, the voter would be created the Anniversary wrote "Imagine tour. Class. the sensation that By Peggy Reeves sociation business meeting will be • Finally, Graduation if Sally Rand were led around on a Senior farewell banquets, election Delta, Bud Smith; Alpha, John Rob- held in the SCA room in McDaniel To the strains of the familiar "A leash in front of the bench!" Hall followed by the seventy-fifth an- is Our of officers, and rush parties seem to inson; Beta, Clarence McWilliams; niversary dinner in the college dining Mighty Fortress graduating God", the • "End The Beguine in a recent-up on class will seventy-second The Car()linian, characterize the activities of the sor- Epsilon, Charlie Chlad; Gamma, Bill room given by the Alumni in honor orities and fraternities during these Lewis; Sunshine committee, Harvey of the graduating seniors. begin its traditional procession into the whereabouts of various persons, last few weeks. Buck. Saturday's activities will close with Alumni Hall on Monday, May 18, at found Artie Shaw in the Naval Re- 10:00A.M. serve as a seaman first class. Among Delts---Saturday, May 9th, is the there then, date set for the Delts' swim party at other things Shaw records will be no more Artie "for the Frock's Farm. Freshman rushes will Senior Students Comment On duration." be transported on a load of hay for .l\farriage An Emergency an afternoon of games, swimming, Hood College has relaxed its rules eating, and dancing. and now permits married girls to live At a recent meeting, Marie Steele in the dormitory. The college de- was elected president for the coming clared that the move is an effort to year, and will be assisted by Virginia' In response to a question put to a first class passenger is likely to sit derful in my life. The knowledge I've adjust "to situations arising from the Elzey, vice-president; Janith Horsey, number of seniors this week by one on your best hat. acquired here and the fr-iendships I war emei-gency]l" secretary: Sally Ann Cox, treasurer; of the Gold Bug's rambling reporters, Jack Doenges: College has been a have made are things I shall always Mary Louise Shuckhart, sergeant-at- the following comments were passed. very convenient step. It has much to treasure. My experiences here, both arms; and Mary Turnley, alumni sec- 'I'he question was "What Has College offer (and yet holds back too much) curricular and extra-curricular, have retary. meant to you1" so that we are educated to be a neces- been instrumental in equipping me Sigmas--Last Tuesday night, the Betty Ellwein: It is hard to put into sary cog in the great wheels of Amer- to meet the problems the world has to Sigmas announced that Peggy Wilson words my feelings when on the verge icanism. It gives one the opportuni- offer a graduate today. would be their new president, Virginia of leaving "the hili". I have come to ty to arrange one's thoughts for in- Adele Masten: Opportunities to Bell, vice-president; Ridgely Pollitt, look on western Maryland as my trospection, not in the classroom sole- make more friends, to have fun as secretary; Becky Larmore, treasurer; home and its students as my friends. ly, but in the companionship of fel- well as to work, to prepare for life's Betty Billingslea, sergeant-at-arms; Living as we do here is not always low students, and to try these ideas work-these things plus many others Dorothy Clark, sunshine messenger; rosy; it has its disappointments as that college may foster in one way go to make up just a fraction of what Brainarops and Pearl Bodmer, alumni secretary. well as it!! joys, but, as graduation or another. It has opened the doors college has meant to me. Football Quietly, quietly, raindrops are fall- At their Senior Farewell Dinner approaches, I begin to reafice that to wider fields. I hope that I have - and basketball iT\..the winter, formal ing; last Thursday at the Historical House, these have been the happiest four grown in the process. dances in the spring---but behind Slipping from wet leaves, they fur- June Lippy, this year's president, was Jean Lamoreau: My four years at those are hours of work, especially row the pane; awarded a pin for being the most typ- years of my life. No matter how far Western Maryland are ycars I shall in the library. It takes all of those Soothed by the opiate drip of their ical Sigma of the class of '42. away or how many years pass, there always remember as the most won- to make up college life. calling, will always be a sort of bond between Gamma Bets--The Gamma Bets western Marylanders which even Lulled by the monotone sound of the last week elected Vernon Weisand as time cannot sever. It is this spi"rit rain, their new head, Joe Whiteford, Vice- of fellowship which will make college I sleep.· Chi; Ridgely Freidel, Beta; Bill Pret- life and all it can mean a lasting Friday, May Fifteenth tyman, Vice-Beta: Bob Moore, Gam- memory in my life. 8:15 P. M. The Yellow Jacket . .. Alumni Hall Stealthily, stealthily, memories come ma; Tommy Lavin, ViCe-Gamma; The College Players streaming; Johnny Williams, sergeant-at-arms;. Dorothy Attix: College is a winter Saturday, May Sixteenth ---Visions of violets bunched on a Harry Kompanek, chaplain; and Paul retreat where experts (in a special hill--- Naef, Beta Pi. sort of way) atralghten out undesira- 10:00 A.M. Academic Procession will form at Old Main Building Hall But eager small rivers of pain splash 10:30 A. M. Alumni Convocation __.._ _ _ __. They, too, will gather at Clear ble kinks and put in others of their Address---President George F. Zook my dreaming, Ridge Inn this Friday for their Senior own---preferably in the gray matter. , American Council on Education And, revery vanished, I wake with a Banquet. College, on the surface, is somewhat 12:30 P. M. Buffet Luncheon for Invited Guests chill. Blanche Ward Gymnasium Bachelors--Dick Shuck will take like a travel folder---but you might 1:30 P. M. Conferences of Professional Groups within the Alumni -.-e~ ScI-idJ over next year as the new president drown in that ocean and that other Association of the Bachelors. He will be assisted Business ··c···co·,,,· ,"c ·c······,············· Levine HalI Charles F. Cook, Tau; Paul Brooks, Mr. Paul Harris by Fred Bohn, Vice-Alpha; Joe Rowe, Education __._ _.__._.._. . Smith Hall To A. R. M. Gamma; Earle T. Hawkins, '23, Speaker I wonder if in heaven they really love sergeant-at-arms; and \Vallen Beane, Homemaking .._ _ _ Alumni Hall each other? Miriam Lewis Veasey, '!l6, Speaker chaplain. To Discuss Art Law _.._ _.._ _ _..__ _.. .._._. Room 22, Science Hall Will you love me, Fried chicken constituted the main D. Roger Engler, '03, Speaker and I Jove you, course at their Farewell Dinner at Professor Paul Harris of the Art Medicine _.__.. _.... Room A, Lewis Hall no matter, Clear Ridge at which Professor Hurt Department will take part in a panel C. Gardner \Varner, '24, Speaker whatever? and Coach Havens were the guests of discussion on the subject of "Art and Ministry _..__.__ _ _.__ . Baker Chapel But what about the ones who hate Albert Buckner Cce, '09, Speaker honor. the Public School Children", to be 3:00 P. M. Garden Party __.. .. ._.._._ _ Robinson Garden (at least they say they do)? Black and Whites---In the Black and held in Hagerstown, on Thursday Reception for the Fiftieth Anniversary Class They'll be in heaven too, White elections, Abe Gruel was elect- evening, May 7, at a meeting spon- 4:30 P. M. Alumni Association business meeting S.C.A. Room, loving like the others? McDaniel Hall ed president. Other members of the sored by the Washington County 6:30 P. M. Seventv-Fifth Anniversary Dinner. ... College dining room And the ones we love but don't love new cabinet are James Robb, Vice- Committee of the Parents and Teach- I 9:00 P. M. Diamond Jubilee Ball __ _. .._..... Gill Gymnasium us; Alpha; Earle Schubert, Beta; Frank era Association. Sunday, May Seventeenth there they will love us then 1 Zeigler, Vice-Beta; Bert Jones, Gam- Professor Harris, who is State And there will we transcend __. ma; Tom Tereshinski, Delta. Chairman of Art for- the Maryland 10:30 A. M. Baccalaureate Service Fred G. Holloway . Alumni Hall the littleness of manmade codes and Sermon---President The club recently won the new Congress of the P.-T. A., also spoke 4:00 P. M. Tea __._...._...._.._. McDaniel Lounge laws1 scholarship cup which was offered to the Howard County Association at 7:00 P. M. Vesper Service _.__._ . . Alumni Hall And we can say we love everybody this year for the first time. Clear Elkridge High School on the subject The College Choir and nobody wiJllaugh at us1 Ridge was also the scen(1 of their of "The Past, Present and Probable Monday, May Eighteenth Senior Banquet on Tuesda~ .night. Future of Art Education in Maryland Seventy-Second Commencement . ._.__.. Alumni Hall I hope there is a beaven! Preachers---Preacher elections plac- S<:hools", on Thursday evening, April Address---Senator Millard E. Tydings -~...aUM""'" in office: Delta, Lee Lodge; Vice- 30.
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