Page 70 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 7, 1942 • A. H. WALKER--- .--- .,(l ~~ ------ B'f !J44Dc B. ReIuvd - • JOEWORKMAN --- Aloysius The Keg -----TELLS ALL. --NEWS AND VIEWS. On Monday, May 18, one hundred Well, here I am again, as it were. The purpose of this literature course is to true. Maybe an intellectual oligarchy would and twelve Western Maryland s~n-' I know you are all eager to be on acquaint you with good literature. We shall be a better form of government? How do I tors will leave Alumni Hall for the with your fact-finding. And since I read good literature and thus form a taste know?, last have so many pearls to east before for none hut, the best. But you are living in a democracy. You left time as students. that We who are_ know behind five these you, and such a limited space in But why isn't this book as good as that- should adjust yourself to it. What is the score and twelve will some day reo. which to do it, I shall plunge right in I like it better. Isn't it better if I like it best type of government? is a good question; turn to the Hill. Next year there~ with reckless, so to speak, abandon. better? but we cannot discuss it here. It is a phi- Last week, if you will remember, Well, that just isn't good literature. losophical question. :~II~~tan~i~r :~;~~re Cl::: r to f~~:;~ we had scarcely finished our consid- Why not? Who sets the standard for good "Cap" Kidd and his Buccaneers? eration of the fascinating field of literature? Blessed ere the poor in spit·it: For Ward Hall will never be the same poetry when the ftell rang. 'I'he net I am sorry. That involves the question of theirs 1.<; the kingdom of heaven. without the familiar chuckle of Ken result is that we ere still left with 76 whether there are absolutes, or whether all Blessed are they that mourn: For they Groves. facts to be disposed of. For the sake things are relative. We can't discuss that shall be comforted. The Chemistry Department urill .. of eiarity, again, I shall list these nu- here. That is a philosophical question. Blessed are the meek: For they shall in- surely go to pieces after Kin~.i~·;:' merically, this time under four gen- herit the earth. . Yentsch, and Cantwell leave . Then eral headings; these being: History, We have seen the gradual development of Blessed are they which do hunger and Betty Cormany, our only de-camp-c. Science, Music, and Home Economics. the animal kingdom from the amoeba to thirst after righteousness: they used female, will be graduated. 'I'he : There will be no further editorial man. Do you see how man evolves from shall be filled. For • I FOY_POdliChWil~ ~ comment, except that which may be lower animals? . four Y~~;sof~:~. necessary in the clarifying 9f some. Yes, but where did the amoeba come This is the "Sermon on the Mount," Our you ever. wond~:· obscure point. from? Lord Jesus died for these ideals. just who will. Why? Why didn't Jesus talk his way out History fr!e indoor~!n~n~':tte!~ probably d~veloped of it? make posters af- 1. America was discovered by Chris- But we cannot create life. The book says The prophecy said He should die on the ter Edna Ban- topher Columbus in 1492 A. D. On so. Did God create only the amoeba ?--or did cross, that He might be raised to meet His dorf, Libby Ty- sen, the way, he accidentally discover- He inspire life into all creatures as they now Father in Heaven. Caltrider and Ruth are ed India. are? But how do we know He ever did? How do gone? The li- 2. Oeofge Washington was known as Let's get back to the discussion of the we know there is a God? the father of his country. similarity between man and the other verte- The Bible says so. ~Youdo not doubt the brary wi II be 3. The Bubonic Plague is not a brates. Your question is good, but we can- Scripture? strange after plague, nor is it bubonic. not discuss it here. It is a philosophical But there are inconsistencies in the Bible Lauretta McCus- and --Barbara] Young, 4. The expression "Fit as a fiddle, question. -it isn't infallible. Maybe Jesus was ker, Louise have received their di- Zimmerman and ready for love" sprang from wrong. Maybe He had the wrong idea. plomas. an ancient Anglo Saxon proverb. People react to stimuli in given patterns. Hitler certainly doesn't believe that the (Originally, "Fit as a G-string, By conditioning, we can train them to' act in meek will inherit the earth. • College Players ~o,~~ly\, will and set to pitch") given ways, by establishing S-R bonds. But Hitler is a maniac. The College Players Dottie Attii~\ 6. Rabbits are nasty little beasts. Well, I've heard atheists who said that miss Paul Alelyunas, Does that mean that all learning depends Marvin Sears, and Larry Brown. Of Science on conditioning-on previous experience? Jesus was a fanatic too. They say he was eoprae, we haven't seen the Aloha; 1. The common ant may lay as many Yes. just a smart Jew who was trying to exalt but next year, its editor, Lucie Leigh the weak, because of the Jews' own weak- Then if all reaction to stimuli depends on as 5,000,000 eggs at a single sit- past experience, is there no freedom of the ness. Barnes, will be missing and that ting. will? Cannot man .think out a thing' for That may be, but we cannot talk about spot must be filled. Jane F_ralei_~nd'-, 2. Provided it's female. that here. Those are philosophical ques- Gene...Belt will haunt us each time 3. In France, the moon is known as himself? Is he a free, rational creature at tions. the pianos in Levine Hall strike a the lune. all? What is the mind anyway? chord. (No satisfactory explanation of We are interested here in behavior. We Just what will Dr. Whitfield do I've been in college for But professors, this enigma has ever been reach- really don't know the answers to the ques- four years now. I'm virtually a Bachelor of without Andrew H. Bohle, the right They are philosophical tions you asked. ,d) questions. honorable? Nightly, the ghosts of 4. Certain Ubangi tribes in South Arts. I read good books, but I don't know Eloise Wright, Grace Kelbaugh, and Africa receive monthly stipends why these books are better than the dime Ruth lIfacVean will parade through Napoleon was a rascal. He tried to set from the Dutch government, for up a dictatorship over all the world. If he magazine my brother reads. I can name all McDaniel. Memories of Ben Grif- the bones of my skeleton, but I don't know lip-services rendered. had succeeded, we might never have gotten fith's trumpet will resound through. 5. Corn is grown in wide-spread reo what my soul is, or what life is. I know out McKinstry for years to come. gions throughout the Southwest, the democracy we have today. that I react in certain ways to certain stim- Bill Vincent's hearty "Hey" cannot Well, what is wrong with dictatorship? too. It is more efficient than democracy? Who uli; but I don't know why. I'm not even be replaced. I know that I'm sup- sure I have a mind. Music said democracy is best? posed to live in a democracy, but I'm not .Rats And Dean's Listers 1. Mozart had a wooden leg. We are living in a democracy. We must sure I believe in democracy. I know that Who will fix the faculty radio 2. Debussy composed his Concerto learn how to conduct ourselves-to disci- Jesus died for an ideal, but I don't see any- when' Bill Leatherman is away? for Jews-harp while suffering from pline ourselves-so we can make our de- body living his ideal. I sometimes think He What will happen to Esther Henvis' the hives. mocracy work better. made a mistake. I can do all sorts of things, white rats after she receives her di- 3. Do, re, mi. But democracy means equality of oppor- but I don't know why I do them, or which of ploma! The Dean's List will lose its 4. Fa, so lao tunity. I don't want the negro to have the them are worth doing. Do you call me an well fed expression when Jean La. Diener walk that 5. I forget the last two. same opportunities that I do. He's inferior. educated man? . morenu and Jerry Quynn and his "B" last mile. Jack You are not being loyal to your country's We are sorry, son, but we don't know Home Economics ideals when you say that. what education is. That, too, is a philoso- Company growl will live with the 1. Meat from a hog is commonly But I'm not sure that those ideals are phical question. Military Majors. The top floor of known as Hog-meat. McDaniel wili have a light bill once 2. It is exceedingly bad form to serve more when the "Scholar's Row" of oat-meal for dinner. Rudisill, Rudy, Jackel, Stevenson, 3. The knife and the spoon go on the Reese, Masten, and Triesler are right. . Campus Personality AI.lyunas graduated. 4. The fork goes on the left. • French Dead Sans Sweeney 5. Hitler is a dirty bum. French will be a dead language on Let me see, now. Twenty from the Hill with Virginia Sweeney and seventy-aix-c-earry two-give Mary David Osborn gone. The triumvirate four apples ... It seems we still of Orloske, Hancock, and Sheffield, have fifty-six facts left over. Oh, By Eleanor Healy • Accomodation An Effort certain, Paul declared that he would broken up by graduation. Of course, well-after all-if I told you ev61"y- Liberally splattered with paint and In an effort to be accommodating, like to go into dramatics and writing Harry Baker will miss those noonday I know, you'd all be as bril- backstage dust, Paul AIeJyu~as (al- Paul tried conscientiously for several after graduation. "in all probabil- walks with his harem and A. J. liant as I am. Which would never do. ias Sheridan Whiteside, Lennie, and minutes to think of something unus- ity, though, I'll get a job--no partic- Beane will miss the second floor of Mabel numerous other persons) calmly ual which had happened to him, but ular kind, but one which will give me Lewis Hall j but what without the May time to write plays." As a result of after will failing to remember anything Greenwood, just stated THE GOLD BUG finished midst the confusion of half- especially exciting, he concluded this hobby, Paul has written several Court do? Lippy, Emily Linton, and Alumni on Hall scenery June comedies and some serious works (as that his life has been uneventful. Olllol.! .tud~nt MWOp.P.:r ot Wnt.rll. M.ry· stage that "college has been amusing e Not Bothered By Army yet unpublished). Since the draft Francis Lcmkey will be sadly missed I.II.I!> Ooll.g~. pubH.hed .vuy dudll.g but confusing." Further comment on theae.d.mieyuruceptingth.t"llo .. lugholl· this succinct statement was not Although the future is rather un- (Cont. on page 6, col. 4) {Cent. on page 6, col. 3) day periodo, Chrhtm .. and Spring VacBtlon. l' eeoll.del."In.tteraIW •• tm!nater forthcoming, so we give it to you root om nnder the Act .6) Managing FAlitor..Carolyn Schmidt '43 Philadelphian by birth, it was at News Editor Mary Miller '43 Merchantville that Paul has spent AOROSS 48. Gaze n Caroline Grable '43 5.PeTiainillg 10 54.'\..,lsh rahbit .ound 2S.Uember of a slaff diplomatic punishmenl 58. Abnormal inhreathing Feature Editor Eleanor Healy '43 school that Paul first looked the foot- I(). ~~~~~ .urface of 59. Insurgent 26. !:I!~ini.,"e~h to Ihe lights in the bulb; the play which Sports Editor John Robinson '43 served as his debut being "Box and }~: ~t;li:i~e~
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