Page 67 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 67
The Gold Bug, Western Mary1and College, Westminster, MeL, April 23, 1942 PAGE FIVE Netmen Nab Third Straight AMONG Mounts Down Locals, 8-7i Mason-Dixon League Tilt • THE· Villanova Here Tomorrow Western Maryland's tennis team GREEKS Lat. Ninth Inning Rally N.t. ran their string of victories to three In the first official game of the 1942 yesterday as they humbled American I Now, Now", Fraternity Softball season, the Black Thr•• Runs For Hom. Club University 8 to 1 on the local courts. and Whites won from the Gamma Mt, St. Mary's pushed across three hit by a pitched ball, placing runners Harry Yingling, who was slightly ill, Bets by the score of 5 to 4. Pitclier runs in a belated ninth inning rally on first and second and John Han- was the only"Terror to lose to the Carlo Ortenzi started his second sea- yesterday, downing \Vestern Mary- cock filled the sacks as second base- Eagles. son in a fashion similar to last ye~r, land's baseballers in a nip and tuck man Lawless fumbled his ground Boz Baugher won his match in as he kept the Gamma Bets hits scat- contest by 'an 8 to 7 count. Going ball. This set the stage for Stan straight sets but Sig Jensen was tered throughout the encounter and into the last half of the ninth with Kilkuskie, who promptly rapped the forced to go to three overtime sets timely hitting by his mates aided him the Terrors ahead 7 to 5, the Mount- ball into deep center field for a triple, before he was able to win. "Ken in captur-ing his initial victory. Pitch- tee crowded three tallies home on scoring all three runners. Voldt, Capt. Gene Belt and Bill Bay- er Norman Fey also hurled a' good three singles, a base on balls and the Two rolling home runs in the home lies all won in straight sets. game, failing only in the latter in- Green team's only error of the after- half made the count 3 to 2 still in In the doubles Baugher and Jen- nings. Errors were prevalent on both noon. favor of the Green team, but the sen polished off their opponents in sides during the engagement and Lee Lodge went the route for f Mounts tallie~ t,:"i~e in the fourth straight sets as did Volk and Volkart didn't favor the support of either western Maryland, giving up 13 and took a shorthved one run lead. at the number two slot and Belt and pitcher. Crucial hits by Abe Gruel, hits three of them home runs which Manny Kaplan, Frank Tarbutton, Baylies in the number three position. Bill Myers, and Viron Dieffenbach rolled over the short left field bank. Tom Terry and Jim Jones s.ingle~ in On Tuesday the Terrors defeated were responsible for the Pi Alpha All three home runs would have the fourth to once again tte things Catholic University easily 6 toa on Alpha victories. gone for singles or doubles on most up but the Mounts came back in the the Cardinals courts. The Cards Dieffenbach broke up the game in any other ball diamond. ~a:e 4~nning, tallied and went ahead were awarded one of their three vic- the final inning with a single over Western ten collected Maryland tories via the forfeit route in order first base, scoring his team-mate Bert hits off two Mount hurlers but had a ,They protected this lead until the that the Green team could leave early Jones. Charlie Gatchell and Harry seventh when Lodge doubled, stole from the Capitol city. Kompanek were the heavy wielders of number of men stranded on the third and tallied on Kaplan's ground Baugher lost his singles match but F,ank B. Hurt \ the wood for the Gamma Bets getting bases. ball to third to tie the game up at 5 Yingling was awarded a win by d~~ two hits apiece. The strong wind Starting off in rapid fashion, the to 5. fault. Jensen lost but Yolk, Belt and Prof. Hurt is coach of the tennis which hampered the players' fielding Tenors tallied three runs in the in- Two more tallies in the eighth team, which has so far won three Baylies won their singles matches to throughout the game was probably itial frame. Elmer Evans drew a gave the Green team a 7 to 5 lead. clinch the match for Western Mary- \ and lost one. responsible for the low score. base on balls but was forced by Ne- Evans walked, was advanced on Rob- land. If future games have the same rna Robinson at second. Lodge was inson's bunt and scored as Bill Jensen and Baugher forfeited their and Belt and Baylies in the number spark and fire which was character- Flaherty, Mounts third sacker, threw doubles match to the Red Birds, but three slot dropped their matches to istic of the games last year, the stu- wild on Lodge's deep hit to third Yingling and Yolk were awarded Hopkins. dents should see many an interesting Junior Varsity base. A moment later Lee scored their match by the same method. The Terrors were seriously handi- fracas, for fraternity softball is with the last Terror tally. Belt and Baylies had to work for capped by 'the fact that it was the probably the closest contended sport Nine Splits In ., their win and were victor-ious over first day that they were on the clay of the year. The defending cham- WESTERN MARYLAND the Birds duo in straight sets. . courts while Johns Hopkins had three pions, Delta Pi Alpha, have won one Evans. 2b . . ... 4. After dropping the first match of matches under their belts before com- game by forfeit and playa postponed Two Contests f~g~~~o~,.~g.::::.:: .. ~ the season to Johns Hopkins by the ing to Westminster. game with the Black and Whites at !II Hancock.d. 3 slim margin of 5 to 4, Coach Frank Up at Emmitsburg it was the Green the convenience of the two clubs. New Western Maryland's Junior Var- BarriCk. cf .......• •..... 2 5 Kilkuskie,3b Hurt's racquet swingers blanked team all the way, as little opposition, faces will be seen on the Bachelor sity baseball nine, split in two en- Kaplan, rt .....•.... 4 Mount St. Mary's on the losers courts was offered them. Baugher, Ying- club this season when they take the gagements over the week-end, top- TubuUon, If. , " "- Terry, last Saturday 9 to O. ling, Jensen, Volk~ Belt, and Baylies field for their next game. ping Franklin High School in an ab- 5 Bo Baugher, who fOI' the third swept their singles matches, while On Friday, the Bachelors go after breviated contest on Friday 6 to 0, .... .40 '710 straight season is holding down the Baugher and Yingling, yolk and Volk- their first win where they meet the hut lost to Briarley Military Acad- MOUNT ST. MARY'S number one post, has been providing art, and Belt and Baylies were tri- second place Black and Whites and emy on Saturday by a 6 to 1 count. Smith.r! .0 5 " , , the best tennis of the team. In the umphant in doubles competition. next week finds the Gamma Bets Randy Scholl pitched a no-hit no- Lawleaa, 2b. • 1 , , Hopkins match it took three, long, crossing bats with Delta Pi Alpha. run game for the 'four short innings Tuttle. Ib-p 2b. . 4. 4. },ee. dragged-out sets before Dever Hobbs, played against the Reisterstown nine Flaher!y,3b. cf. ...•..•.. 4- " o o Mason, former Baltimore City Senior cham- Important as his mates Hurley, ...•.. " H , pion, could defeat the Terror racque- WMC 56: Hopkins 511 Byrne., .. .. " 3 o McGill. If. p. teer. ~~~:IYBeec~~u~~~~ Mayack, lb. .... ..... 2 1 o e Kane. Harry Yingling, playing the num- Notes Broad Jump: ing hurler, for ",Cotr"y n ber two position, won his singles ;'Von by Price, ml, 2n.d_C~ufman. three runs in the 37 *8 13 match against the Blue Jays and so Apology to the wrestling team who WM, 3rd--Se;gf;a=~: contributed two hits for the winning their third game of the season For Locals' First Loss Of Season 220 Dash: by Brunduge, J:I, 2nd-H. Han, cause, one a run making triple in the against a strong Villanova team. fourth inning. For the Pennsylvanians Winnie Lodge, broth- it will be the Won WM, 3rd·Seigel, H. T,me23.05 .ec. er of the Terrors varsity mainstay, second stop for them on their three Western Maryland's trackmen showing but are expected to be one Javelin Throw: worked behind the pl'ate for Briarley day trip around Maryland and the proved themselves to be good pacers of the stronger teams this season. ~~~~~/M~~~;~;~~I:2D~i~~~!mt5n9 and had one single in four trips to District of Columbia. They tackle ft.2in yesterday as Gettysburg's crack track The last dual meet of the season is the plate. Georgetown today and Loyola on team romped off with a 84 to 23 vic- carded for next Wednesday at Car- Two Mile Run: Reds O'Hara worked six innings Saturday. tory on Hoffa Field. The Terrors lisle, Pa., against the Red Devils of ~~:3!a!.T~;I~:.nd~~M~m:.~~·D::'i~: for the JV's, was touched for three The problem for Western Mary- failed to score one first place in the Dickinson. Pole Vault: hits and three runs, but with better land this week will be pitching since twelve events on the card. By defeating Johns Hopkins in 3~~-M~~f:!!y. Hirei;~~i~rifrcr, support afield may have fared much the Terrors played Mount St. Mary's Fred Geiter, G-Burg star field track by the SCOl'eof 56% to 51% ~ better. The only local run came in yesterday, and have games with the man, scored almost as many points last week on Hoffa Field, the Green Dis~uS Throw: the eighth frame when Earl Schubert Wildcats tomorrow and on Saturday as did the entire Western Maryland Terror cindermen won their second ~ t~d~~~c-!::~tHbi~~!·~~~~2sk~~.. singled sharply to center field, scor- traveJ to Washington to play George- team as he won four events, the track meet in six years and the first 7in. ing Art O'Keefe from second. town. broad jump, javelin, shot put, and one since 1940. discus throw to give him an individ- The Green team chalked up five ual score of 20 points. Jim Bucher first places in gaining their victory Hopkins, Baltimore, And Ge~rge Washington and Henn Mellott won two events and placed second in nine of the for the Bullets as they rode roughly twelve events. Lose To Local Golfers; Lavin, Holloway Star over the Terrors. Underclassmen proved to be the The Green team was able to only winning margin for the Terrors, since gave his 'man, Ed Snyder, an unmer- timore to take on a strong Loyola Bees suffer- Baltimore University's score five second places and six thirds only three juniors or seniors placed ed their first golf defeat at the hands ciful whipping to the tune of 8 and 7. team, who last year held them to a 3 as Gettysburg outcJassed the local in the meet. Tommy Price won the of a Western Maryland team 4 to 2, Sarge Lavin, who is undefeated for to 3 tie. If the Terrors win this one, cindermen. broad jump, Bill Taylor placed in both at the Country Club of Maryland last the current season, extended his they will have a good chance of win- Charlie Godwin placed second in the one mile and two mile runs, and Thursday. By virtue of this win, the string of wins to four straight by ning the state championship in May. the 880 yard dash as did Tommy Bob Bricker, in his first collegiate Makosky-coached aggregation tucked trouncing his opponent, Guy Kunkel, On Saturday, the University of Dela- Price in the broad jump. Kid Mans- track meet, though a senior, placed away their third straight victory 8 a,nd 6. They teamed together to ware will be entertained in a match berger in the quarter mile, Bill Tay- second in the pole vault with a vault over a major opponent in eight days. sweep best ball 8 and 7. on the local courts. lor in the two mile, and Curly Cauf~ of 9 feet 10 inches. Dick Hausler. meeting the State Two weeks ago, the Green Terror man in the javelin throw. Jim Tind- Other Terrors to Win first places Intercollegiate champ, Eddie Johns- divit-diggers upset the powerful Co- er got a tie out of the high jump for beside Price were: Howard Hall in ton, finally bowed to him after a lonials of George Washington Uni- SMITH & REIFSNIDER a second place. 'the quarter-mile run, Charlie Godwin hard-fought match 2 and 1. Fred Hol- versity, 5 to 1. Dick Hausler and Incorporated In the discus and shot-put the Ter- in the half-mile run, the javelin throw loway, grabbing a three point lead, Fred Holloway both won their LUMBER-COAL rors failed to place a single man as was won by Jesse Johnson, and Jack only to lose it again, rallied and de- matches, and teamed together to cap- the Bullets swept these events. Alexander took the two mile race. feated Tew Bauer, 3 and 1. Hausler ture best ball. WESTMINSTER, MD. On Saturday the mile relay team, Western Maryland needed a second and Holloway also had a three point Tom Lavin kept his slate clean by composed of Mansberger, Godwin, place in the Discus throw to gain the lead in best ball, but lost this on the trimming his opponent 5 and 3 and FOUR CHAIR SERVICE Howard Hall, and either Bill Hall or victory and Stan Kilkuskie, freshman eighteenth hole, 1 up. with Mike Phillips also copped best No Wa.iti1tg Price, will compete in the famous gridder, did just this for the Green In the second foursome. the ball. Galupe lost a close match on HEAGY BROTHERS' Penn Relays at Philadelphia against and Jeb Stewart added more wood to matches proved to be run-away vic- the eighteenth hole, to give the Wash- BARBER SHOP the Mason-Dixon mile relay teams. the fire as he placed third in the tories. Mike Phillips, though he ington team their only point. Last year the Terrors made a poor same event. thought he should have won 10 and 8, Today, the squaa journeys to Bal- Nemt w Poat Offlu
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72