Page 73 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 73
, The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 7, 1942 PAGE FIVE Junior Girls Hurtmen Win Ninth Straight Tennis Match; Top Sophs .,=====AFTER Baseballers Take Twin Bill From Eagles By John Robinson By 24-11 SPORTS EDITOR Yolk And B.ylies Are First Game 6-5, Hail seniors! In one week, thirteen With a terrific first inning rally, Unbeaten Thus F",r Nightcap By 8- 7 seniors who have played a major role the junior girls, defenders of the cov- western Maryland's tennis team in Western Maryland athletics will eted softball crown, swung into high ran its string of victories to nine The Green Terrors defeated Amer- be former Terror athletes. Many gear last Thursday pounding out a straight as they defeated Brldgewa, ican University twice in the double will probably continue in their ath- 24 to 11 win over the sophomores. header at Hoffa Field to give the lo- ter on the local courts on Tuesday letic ways, while others will be con- Snooky Sehrt was on the hill for the to 2. Coach Frank Hurt's racquet- 7 cals a first division berth in the Ma- tent to lean back and remember the winners and pitched a creditable game; eel'S now have a record of nine wins son-Dixon Conference with four wins old days! So it is to the outgoing being backed up equally as well in the against a lone defeat. Johns Hopkins against three defeats. senior athletes that we dedicate this field. was the only team to defeat the In both contests Western Maryland column. A udrey Routzahn set the hitting Green Terrors and that was the first went ahead early in the game only to Harry Baker-the guy they call pace for the jnniors, who batted time that Western Maryland was on have the Eagles come from behind to Punchy; likeable, blond, and humor- around three times in the big first in- the clay courts this season due to bad tie the score, but the Green team ous. Played thj-ee years of varsity ning. Ann Myers and Mary Ellen weather in the early spring. pulled both tilts out of the fire by football, alternating at center, guard, Wentz shared the hurling duties for closing rallies. and back. Boxed 165 and 175 pound the sophomores. The sophs commit- This probably will be the best" ten- Reds O'Hara went the route in the class and heavyweight in his three ted nine errors a-field while the ju- nis season in Terror history if the abbreviated first game, allowing the years of leather slinging. A swell niors muffed but two chances. Hurtmen continue at the present Washingtonians 11 safeties but only ~uy, a good mixer, Bake will be Last Fr-iday the seniors nosed out pace. Six years ago the netmen won five runs. missed. the sophomores in a nip and tuck 4 to 23 while dropping only three matches The Terrors found themselves be- lrv Blest-c-Irv-c-versatile, fast, and 3 contest, but Tuesday bowed to a but if the present team wins their re- hind 3 to 2 in the sixth frame despite. cagy. Climaxed three years on good freshman team 11 to 5. maining four matches they will own Soz Baugher the fact that Manuy Kaplan pro- gridiron by 00- On Thursday the league leaders a record of 13 victories and only one duced the first Ruthian clout for ing chosen on tangle with the Frosh meeting the ju- defeat. substitute of the Green team, is also the Green team this season in the 1941 All-Mary- niors. The winner will in all proba- Since the beginning of the season, unbeaten but he has played in only fourth with Nick Raubinstein on land team. Cap- bility be the school champion. Ken Volk and Bill Baylies have not five matches. base. tained T e r r o r As fo; the tennis season, the four been defeated in a singles match. Against Bridgewater, Bo Baugher George Bar-r-ick t opened the sixth football and bas- finalists will probably be Gale Lodge, Against the creditable opponents of stayed in the victory column by win- with a sharp single, and Jimmy ketball squads, Helen Heminghaus, Virginia Crusius, the Terrors this is quite an accom- ning his singles match, though in the Selected unani- and Emily Linton. plishment. Kenny Volkart, the able doubles competition when he teamed Jones and Tom Terry both beat out mous choice for with Harry Yingling, the Green pair bunts for singles and Barrick scored Shepherd wild on 'I'er- threw A II - Maryland lost to the Virginians. Yingling was when bunt. O'Hara struck out but team Terrors To Be Well Represented ry's basketball the only Terror .to lose his singles Jones scored on Elmer Evans squeeze and captained match as Ken Volk, Belt, Baylies, hit and Terry scored when the Amer- Robinson that team in In Mason-Dixon Meet Saturday and Volkart emerged victorious. ican second sacker three wild. John their annual In the other doubles matches Belt Hancock singled, but Evans was fray in Baltimore. A [okester, a pal, Tomorrow finds the Terror cindermen traveling to Johns and Volk won in three sets while Vol- thrown out at the plate when Nemo Ir-v'ashoes are hard to fill. Has a • Hopkins stadium in quest of the coveted Mason-Dixon track kart and Ray Hyson defeated their Robinson failed to bunt and Hancock weakness for tanks. , championship. To followers of the Terror trackmen it seems hard rivals in straight sets. scored on Robinson's single moments Bob Bricker-the Terror's Davy to believe that the Western Marylanders are fighting it out for a The tennis men were without the later. O'Brian-a real competitor who gives championship, but the Green team, under the coaching of student services of Sig Jensen, number four ., all-has had varied career on hill. coach Tommy Price, has surprised many people this year with man, in the match with the Eagles, WESTERN MARYLAND ,. All-Maryland back for 1!l41-three their good work. but were able to win easily without E'·RD.,2b .... 2 a years of good football in which his To start the ball rolling this year the Terrors won their first him. Jensen was taking his oath for Hancock. cl II 4 , a toe played a prominent part. Also victory since 1940, then in the famous Penn Relays they were the Army Air Corps along with sev- Kaplan. rf. 3 , found time for two years of basket- able to come in third in the Mason- ;- - ~ Kilkuskie,3b. .4 o Barrick, If eral other Green Terror athletes. Jone.,Ib a 2 o a , Last Elkridge ~~~~:;;:i~he:f t;~: ~:~~·'~J:~.Sh~:: Di~~n ~~~l~e;:l~~~a~il;e:~~a:- history Dickinson, 67; Western Md., 41 Club paid Saturday Terrors a visit Tennis Terry. c. p. 1 II , O·Ihra, and the pitch, catch and does. Another well was made as the trackmen were Mile Run: bowed to the hosts 8 to 1. Prof. Hurt .... 27 -;) >0 ar -,; -; !~k:~:e;li:;e;.pon whom responsibility ;~::: ~~!t~~li~r~.g~:~t~~rf~~eS~~~;~ :~:~0\.:~~.aiie~1iu~ld/D.~.nd.~?:~ thought that he would get in on the AMERICAN UNIVERSITY fun when he sawall of his men win. ., Royce. Gib<;on-they call him agita- straight year) in a field of nine. It 100 Yard Dash: ning easily and decided to play, SB. 4 Lao.ilotti, lib. ~:~ke~~!IlI ~o~'~ know why. Loves ~::y~:~dfi~~!~i::sthaa:let~: ~:~:~: rfBe~~d.r,re3er~.tMAg~),{~~~:H. T~~~ doubles with Belt but the two gener- Darb. lb 4 4 ation Terror duo lost to the Elkridge l"ewby,ct ...•... II the Penn Relays. Each Green Ter- 440 Yard Dash: pair for the only Green loss of the Sbepherd. c .•.... 4 If. ror was awarded a medal for his er- ~"r.h~~~.~5("8-~)~e~r~~"a~~~li!te;.nd. day. Potter, rf. ..... 2 3 Hert". forts. (D.). Time54.2 Bee. Randolph-Macon pays a visit to LaFontaine,2b. :3 I Rabbit. 2b ByetJ, p. Kid Mansberger started the race 880 Yard Run: ·Westminster on Saturday afternoon "Zatboek II 0 for t~e.Green team and had the Ter- Won by Smith (D.). 2nd.Gorlwin Time rw. lI.ld.), 3rd·Gould (D.). rors In second place when he turned 2 min 7.9 &ec. .. 30'511 188""4 University. Hoot, the stick over to Charlie Godwin at 220 Yard Dash: Gibby, or Stick; the quarter-mile. Bill Hall, however, Won by Pre&c"U(D.), 2nd·W. H.ll Green Terror the New York- 'was not able to keep this pace and 4i';;;" ~U·;e~~·.Mmberrer(W. Md.). er's place will be GIBSON he slipped back to fifth place, but 2 Mile Run: hard to fill. Versatile and humor Howard Hall, running in the anchor Invitation Meet loving. position, put on a good quarter mile ~~~::'H~rr(,~~·Md~)~dT~~:·ell(~i~: Ed Lewis - blocking back on this and pulled up to second place but Pole Vault: On May 9 year's Terror eleven, Ed filled in at was edged out for second place by Won by Rose (D.), 2nd.~ernBtowic. Srd·Priee rw. line during his earlier stage here. Bridgewater in a closing sprint. (D.). Md.) Height 11 ft. Bin. Plucky, Ed also put on the gloves Western Maryland will enter six- High Jump: The sixth annual Western Mary- during his sophomore years. Was teen men in the Mason-Dixon meet Won by McOabe(D.), 2od.Stratt
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