Page 62 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 9, 1942 Annual May Day Festivities Men's SGA Nominations ... WMC Choir Will Tour The Keg ••• (Cont. from page 2, col. 1) The Herculean Nominations for the office of To Celebrate Anniversary. President of the Men's S. G. A. Maryland High Schools through and through. by Viran Dieff- task was performed Beginning This W ee k will be held on Wedn~sday, April enbach and Mary Evans in digging , 15, at 10:15 P. M. in Smith Hall, May Queen Edna Triesler according to Frank Tarbutton, The Western Maryland College their automobiles out of the drifts. • Psychogalvanometer' Will Reign Over Court Of I May Queen ••• 'President of the S. G. A. All choir, directed by Professor Alfred afternoon Psych informs is extremely her us that Dr. Bartlett DeLong will go on tour this week, class Twelve Attendants men who propose to be candidates making its first appearance for the unemotional. It seems that Bill are asked to see him before that time. season in Hagerstown, Maryland. The Leatherman is about the most fluctu- Patterned after the Old English group will sing in the auditor-ium of ating male and '-Jimmy Jones, the custom of celebrating May Day, the Elections for the office will be Hagerstown High School at 11:00 A. Human Iceberg, the steadiest, accord- , seventy-fifth anniversary celebrati~n held at the Monday morning as- ]If. Tuesday, April 14. Proceeding to ing to the Psychogalvanometer. Dot- of the May Day festivities at west- sembly on April 30. Cumberland, they will ofTertheir 'pro- ern Maryland College will be held on gram in Allegany High School at 9:00 tie Whorton has a definite aversion to Springtime, Garrison Peach while Saturday, May 2, aC,rding to Pat o'clock, Wednesday morning. They didn't give the needle a quaver. White, chairman of the May Day Preachers, JGC will repeat their performance at Fort .Training Spirit Committee. Hill High School at 10:30 o'clock, that The sight of Professor Harris Edna Triesler will reign as queen To Hoid Spring same day. marching all the way cross-campus over her court of twelve attendants The group will be entertained Tues- to attend the Sunday night chapel with representatives from each class. ' day night in Cumberland and vicinity that wasn't, was interesting, but a The court will be as follows: Jean Tea Dance h.y Alumni and friends of the college. draftee has to get in shape some way. Lamoreau 1 senior duchess; Anna Robey and Mabel Greenwood, seniJr The J.G.C. sorority and the Delta SMITH Be REIFSNIDER attendants; Mary Frances Hawkins, Pi Alpha fraternity will hold their Incorporated Phone 300 junior duchess; Peggy Wilson and Spring Tea Dance on Saturday af- LUMBER-COAL Ginny Elzey, junior attendants; Re- ternoon, April 11, in McDaniel CARROLLEEN becca Larmore, sophomore duchess; Lounge. In a setting of spring flow- WESTMINSTER, MD. Doris Himler and Margaret Ann ers, club members and their dates Individual Coiffures Smith, sophomore attendants; Au- will dance from 2:30 to 5 P. M. drey Triesler, freshman duchess; Edna 'I'rtesfer Chaperons for the dance will be Beauty in its Entirety Virginia Horine and Marion White- Miss Margaret Snader, Miss Bertha Originals for Juniors ford, freshman attendants. Beginning at 9 o'clock in the morn- Adkins, Miss Martha Manahan, and ing, there will be a receiving commit- in 66 W. Main St. tee in McDaniel Hall Lounge. The Dr. and Mrs. James Earp. Party on WESTMINSTER, MD. At the J.G.C. Baltimore at will begin Thornton Wood afternoon program will be no picnic 3 March Bth, it· was announced that the Carole King o'clock and there supper served, contrary to the usual following officers had been' elected Receives Sixth custom. No invitations are being sent for the coming year: president, Peg. You will find a most to parents, but students are request- gy Reeves; vice-president, Jane Mar- DRESSES outstanding line of secretary, Alice Rohrer; tin; treas- ROTC Star ed to invite as many guests as they urer, Helen 'Voodruff; alumni sec- .t Stationary and desire. May Day Festivities will close with retary, Caroline Gable. Greeting Cards Cadet Lieutenant ...Thornton Wood a semi-formal dance in Gill Gym becomes the second man in the his- FOUR CHAIR SERVICE Coffman-Fisher at tory of Western Maryland College to from 8: 15 to 12 p. m. As has been No Waiting win six gold stars, according to an the custom in past years, the women HEAGY BROTHERS' Co. P. G. COFFMAN'S announcement made by the Military will have the privilege of inviting the BARBER Sl;!OP Times Building Department. men to the May Day dance. Next to Post Office To have attained this honor, Wood had to receive B average in all his Military courses and merit badges every semester. The requirements also called' for perfect attendance. The only other Western Maryland man to attain this honor was last More PkU.fIlA? year's band captain, Bill Banks. Wood's present home is in Balti- more, but he has lived in Martins- burg, West Virginia, and Washing- There's satisfaction in knowing that the 6v,f ton, D. C. He is a history major revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty and has been prominent in debating, on the Gold Bug staff, and as platoon cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam commander of Company "B". And you'll get complete smoking satisfaction in Chesterfield's famous blend H. E. REESE of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. This TAILOR Qeaning superior blend is tops in everything you Pressing Repairing like best in a cigarette. It is definitely DeWAYNE BILLS;- Representative and lots 94 East Main Street MILDER, far COOLER BETTER-TASTING. Try Chesterfields today. See why millions John Everhart say: "You can't buy THE COLLEGE BARBER a better cigarette AND BOBBER AT THE FORKS CARROLL THEATRE Thurs.-Fri.-April 9-10 "WOMAN OF THE YEAR" Katherine Hepburn Saturday, April 11 "SHUT MY RIG MOUTH" Mon.-Wed. April 13-15 "CAPTAIN OF THE CLOUDS" Thurs.-Fri. April 16-17 "ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT" Sat.-Mon.-Tues, April 18-21 "RIDE 'EM COWBOY" ____,~ Abbot--Costello SlATE THEATRE Thurs.-Fri., April 9-10 "JOE SMITH, AMERICAN" "REGULAR FELLERS" Saturday, April 11 "SON OF DAVY CROCKETT" Mon.-Tues., April 13-14 "4 JACKS AND A JILL" "MARRY THE BOSS' DAUGHTER" Wednesday, April 15 ONTHE , "CORSICAN BROTHERS" NATIONS FRONT Thurs.-Fri., April 16-17 "SWAMP WATER" Saturday, April 18 _Ui Chesterfleld "SADDLEl\IATES" Mon.-Tues., April 20-21 "THE PERFECT SNOB" ''THE WOLF MAN"
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