Page 61 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 61
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 9, 1942 PAGE THREB THE=====. Lee Lodge Pitches Terrors MORNING All-Fraternity Basketball Tearn .=======AFTER First Team Second Team To Tie With Syracuse, 6-6 By John Robinson Player Club Position Player Club Opener Goes 15 Innings As SPuRTS EDITOR Mike Phillips, Bachelors F Abie Gruel, Black and Whites Terro,s Show Fo,m Afield War is playing havoc all around. Bill Burgess, Gamma Bets It is especially felt on Western Fred Kullmar, Preachers F Bill Wallis, Bachelors Syracuse University and Western til the ninth inning when two singles Maryland's front where Charlie Ha- Charlie 'I'soup rake, Bachelors C Bob Seimon, Preachers Maryland battled to a fifteen inning coupled with a pair of errors gave the Orangemen two runs which tied vans stands alone to face future deadlock yesterday on Hoffa Field coaching worries. Only Frank Hurt, George Barrick, Black and Whites G Tom Terry, Black and Whites before one of the largest crowds of the score. tennis coach, is on hand at the pres- Francia Cook, Bachelors Terror baseball history. The teams battled through six in- ent time to help Joe Workman, Preachers G Joe Kugler, Bachelors Last year the Orangemen humbled nings of overtime without a score due out with spring the Green Terrors by the score of 20 to the good pitching and of Bunky Mor- of Syracuse ris of the Lodge activity. Student to 1 and the westminster men vowed Terrors. Both chuckera pitched the coaches have that there would be no repetition of necessarily been last year's score. • entire contest. appointed in Terrors Boast Best renni~ Squacl Syracuse defeated Loyola, 8 to 0, 'Lodge and Bob Sylvesta-i led the baseball and hitters, getting font hits apiece, two Ev- of Lodge's blows being doubles. Tuesday John D. In Recent Years---Five Men Back ans, who went hitless i9t 23 trips to track, and on Makosky, golf the plate last season, blasted three mentor, was ta- ~~~~~~.;s o~o~:~~:; I W 0 I hits on Wednesday. ken to ,the hos- in~~:h r~;;::t Western Maryland enjoyed its best as successive pital for an im- courts after being shunned to work in omen n y inning in the seventh Robinson, Lodge, by Evans, singles mediate appen- Gill Gym for the past few days due to dix operation; thus golf too will have the recent weather conditions, and With softball comes spring sports, and Johnny Hancock, and a long fly to be carried on by the students. anticipates the best season in many a and also keen competition once by tallies. Earl. Schubert produced three Rip Engle, assistant football coach year for the Tenor squad. again in the annual inter-class ath- In the eleventh frame Lodge and head basketball mentor, was The Hurtmen are working in earn- letic activity for Western Maryland's doubled and was sent to third on a lost to Brown University and this est with the opener of the tough fit- girl athletes. Hancock. slot is the one most puzzling to Ha- teen match schedule with Johns Hop- Defending champions for the sec- sacrifice was by caught trying Lodge, to how- come ever, vens. In other times the solution was kins next Thursday on the Terror ond straight year, the junior ath- home when Bobby Bricker, who was simple. Senior athletes wishing to Courts. letes will once again be favorites to batting for Pern Hitchcock, missed take a fifth year could easily be cop the softball title, bnt much op- the ball on a squeeze play. fitted into the picture, but now the Belt Captain position can be counted on from the On the next pitch Bricker singled Gene Belt,' playing his fourth year senior athletes (everyone this year) of tennis at Western Maryland, was present sophomores and also the sen- to right field and Manny Kaplan fol- go immediately into the army as com- elected captain for the current sea- iors. The girls in yellow won last lowed with another bingle only to missioned officers through the R. O. year after easily shagging the title have the rally die then. This was the T. C. unit. Movement of Lt. Rey- son and will play at number five in their freshmen year and are out Lee Lodge only scoring chance for either team nolds to another area would also spot. to repeat again this season. during the extra innings. Bo Baugher, who for two years has make boxing without an instructor held the number one position, will re- In review, the fall hockey season on the previous day and came here in On Saturday the Terrors travel to Syracuse mood. a jubilant, stated, and this is not in the least impos- turn again this year a~d provide found the sophomores emerging vic- Penn State for the second game of sible. The situation is true of inter- tors closely followed by the juniors, "batting practice starts at 2:45 P. the campaign. collegiate athletics everywhere, and both laughs and thrills for team fol- seniors, and freshmen respectively. M." (game time). is giving the head coaches of many lowers. Baugher, the Terrors' Ko- Then winter winds drove the gals in- Western Maryland showed from institutions headaches upon head- vacs, was beaten in Mason-Dixon doors where they continued the sports the beginning that there would be no ··f II play last year only by Tom Thaler of showing as of last year's repetition aches. Loyola, who went on to win all the parade with basketball and ~ockey. they shoved two markers across the .Tough Situation major tennis tournaments in the On the court, the [unlors copped plate in the first frame. It's tough that the situation arose state. the championship as the seniors, Elmer Evans started the Terrors at this time for Western Maryland sophs, and frosh finished close be- off with a single in the first but was athletics seem to be on a steady hind. Then volley-ball carne about, forced by Nemo Robinson seconds climb toward the successful type and although participation wasn't as later. Lee Lodge doubled however, witnessed in years gone by. In the great as usual the ability was fine, and both Lodge and Robinson scored 55 6 13 past few years basketball, boxing, and the sophomores here chalked up when Watt miscued on Charley SYRACUSE' AB , and football have shown much im- another crown. They defeated the Tsouprake's grounder. :!I[acklen. 2b. df _•. .. " , WaU. provement. This year's boxing team seniors, defending champs to im- The Green team managed to stay Sylvestri,a,. was the most improved team of the pressively win the title. ahead of the boys from Syracuse un- McPbail, lb :rf. . .., Heaa. three mentioned above. Although not W1lit..sell,lf, . . .... s , 7 Weber.3b. a winner in every bout, the Terrors Docker, c. , fought well and in high class compe- Preachers Lead MRiD"". p. c. e Morris. tition. The basketball team, confer- I Spring Sports 5 ence champs in 1941, finished sec- syracu!otal .. ··002··000 '022. 500 goo"':~ 001 000 ond in a field of 12 this year. The In Close Race W .. t. Md .• 200 2, Sl'lve"tri, 300 Weber. 000-6 RobiD' Errors-Walt freshmen football team had the first 'OD. HanCOCk. Hitchcock. Jones. 2. Two base He ••. undefeated team in many a moon and Awny For Trophy hi,s-----Lodge (by 2. Lodge). Hit Bases by pitcbed Balls, ball- off McPhail on by Morris 6. Strikeoul~. the varsity showed promise especial- MOlTi. 6, off Lod"e Time of game 3 hr •. 56 min. 11, by Lodge 6. ly in the Maryland game. Only six Home With fraternity softball scheduled men are lost in football, two in bas- Away to start this Friday, Delta Pi Alpha, ketball, one in boxing. With a good Home Alpha Gamma Tau, Pi Alpha Alpha, Away coaching staff the future could be and Gamma Beta Chi hold first to Terror Golfers especially brilliant. Home fourth places respectively in the an- Away • Baseball Here Boz Baugher nual struggJe for the Western Mary- Top Hopkins With baseball here, the Terrors 6 American U (Doubla lleader) land College Athletic Cup. seek to better last year's unimpress- Sig Jensen and Harry Yingling, 7 Aberdeen The Preachers, defending the cup Tur-ning in their first win in two ive record of 3 wins and 9 losses. Lee both sophomores who played good, Home for the second straight year, need only starts, the Terror golf team eked out Homo Lodge is again back for the Terrors tennis as freshmen last season, will to win this year in order to retire the a 5 to 4 triumph over Johns Hopkins and with support, should win more be back to add strength to the club, present cup, in action since 1939, and at Westminster yesterday afternoon. than his share of games. George and also returning is Bill Baylies, April lead the parade with 56 points to the Fred Holloway scored a win over Barrick, John Hancock, and Manny who in doubles play with Belt, had 7 Franklin and Marshall . Bachelor's 44, Black and White's 21, Bob Gelinas, 5 and 3, teamed up with Kaplan are dependable outfielders of the best average on the club last sea- Home and the Gamma Bets, 17. Dick Hausler for best ball to snag offensive skill while Bob Bricker son. Home With the coming of the present two points, and Mike Phillips, win- Away heads the defensive deartment. The only regular missing from last 23 Loyola Away spring season, however, the gap be- ning 1 up in 19 holes, paired with Coach Frank Hurt's tennis squad year's team is Capt. Ted Bowen, who 25 Delaware Home tween the clubs may be easily closed. Lavin, who won his match, to take is the most promising in recent years. was lost via g-raduation. Reese 29r,oyola The softball league, always a close three more Terror tallies. Bo Baugher, Sig Jensen, Harry Scott, the Terrors' able substitute, May 6 Getty.burg one, finds the Preachers defending Dick Hausler lost his second close Yingling, Gene Belt and Bill Baylies was forced to leave college due to ill- 7 U. 01 Baltimore 'champions with keen competition match of the early season to Duncan are seasoned veterans. F'rosh candi- ness. from both the Black and Whites and McRae on the twentieth hole and dates who may make the grade as To offset these injuries, Hurt has 9 West. Md. Invitation Tourney. Home Bachelors. The league leaders also both Paul Brooks and Francis Cook starters are Ken Volk and Ken Vol-, two pr-omising- freshmen trying out 15·16 Md. Intereellegiat..s Baltimore are defenders in tennis while the dropped the other Terror points in kart, both boys of much promise. for varsity positions. Kenny Volk, VARSITY TRAOK Bachelors hold on to the track honors the lower pairing. I Junior Singles Champion of Balti- and will be defending- that event for • Football Schedule Western Maryland's golf team Next year's schedule in football more, and Ken Volkart, brother of the second straight season. Gamma opened the spring sports schedule for presents two new opponents. One is the former Terror captain, are vieing Beta Chi, champs on the golf course, the 1942 season, bowing to a formid- Franklin and Marshall and the other for the remaining starting post. will be., defending that title to com- able Franklin and Marshall team 6 Catholic University. In an eight Although the Terror' mentor re- M" plete the spring resume. to 3 on Tuesday on the local course. In the closely game schedule, 5 are away, 1 in Bal- fuses to make any definite statement 8·9 MllJlon·DixoD Me.1 winter sports, the contested fall and Trying to turn in a good season for and competition timore, and 2 on Hoffa Field. at tbis time concerning the positions their ill coach, John D. Makosky, the that his netmen will occupy, it seems ability has been the best in recent VARSITY FOOTBALL April years. This may be especially said divot-diggers were repelled in their October fairly certain that Baugher again 16 JohnaHopkin. first match but show promising signs 3 Gettysburg A",,,y will handle the number one position. of touch football and both basketball 10 Boston ••... . ..• Away 18 Mt. St. Mary's. . , ... ,. Away leagues. for a fine season. 17 Calholic U. .... . Home 21 Oatholic U. Away Dick Hausler, holding down the 24 U. of Muyland ..•. . Baltimore Jensen Back Home Following are the point totals thus 31 Franklin and Marshall Away Yingling will probably take care of number one position, played a brill- November_ 24 American U, . . , . Away far: iant match against Ken Craumet;'" 7 Dickinson, ....• Away the number two position and Jensen 25 Mt. St. Mary'. Home 14 Lafayette Away 28 Delaware Central Pennsylvania Amateur cham- 21 Open will occupy the number three slot. .. Away 28 Mount St. Mary'a Home Freshman Yolk will be found at 29 Loyol8 i pion, and led at the fifteenth hole ~. > Under the guidance of student the number four pOSt and Capt. Belt ~ ~ ~ only to lose two out of the next three coach Tommy Price, Western Mary- will remain at the number five posi- holes and the match one-up. land's track team is busily preparing tion. Baylies and Volkart will fight ~~~h~~~;: 6 1 11~:Tlr The winning combination for the for the opening track meet on April it out for the sixth singles position. ~~~~a &Be~i!e" ~ 2~ 4. 3 3 9 17 Terrors proved to be Mike Phillips at 15 when the Terror cindermen meet "By having strong men in the the fifth position and Tom Lavin at Johns Hopkins on Hoffa Field. Back lower positions", Hurt pointed out, Ten points are awarded for a league the sixth post. Gaiupe won his match from last year are Bill Taylor and "we will be able to get many victor- championship, twenty for a college from John Graff one-up, while Lavin Pete Townsend, both distance men, ies in these lower positions. Yes- JAY VEE BASEBALL. championship, while second, third and defeated Tony Fingo 3 and 2, They and also Arlie Mansberger and How- the old element of surprise just April 22 Brinley M. A. fourth place receive six, four and also won the best ball 3 an? .2 for the ard Hall, dash men. might be in these." 27 Navy' . , •.......• Away three points respectively. Terrors' final points.
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66