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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., April 9. 1942 • JOE WORKMAN --- .LUCINDA HOLLOWAY- The Keg Books A Statement Of Our Policy--- come to use the columns of the paper for --NEWS AND VIEWS. No Sweeping Changes that purpose, either in the form of guest ed- ._-- SOME REVIEWS. itorials or of the more popular open letters • De Boid Is On De Wing The time of changing of staffs, of the tak- to the editor. We feel that the editor of a "There is no frigate like a book At last, all those months of eraving ing over of a college newspaper by a dif- college newspaper is hardly the only person To take us lands away." the wind was for a reason; Spring has ferent editorial board, has usually been the on the campus who has something he would Whether you express the thought arrived. McDaniel roof again at- cue for the new editor to announce dramat- like to say to the faculty or to the students in the words of Emily Dickinson, or tracts the feminine portion of the stu- ically in his column that the said newspaper or to the administration. simply say in modern phraseology; dent body for their worship of the would be published under a policy of sweep- We shall endeavor earnestly to be sure "I'm mad about good books," ultra-violet. Ridgely Pollitt is a ing changes and of wideswept reforms. that whatever issues we may wish to pre- we know what you mean. You like walking advertisement for the values We feel that were we to attempt anything sent will be founded on fact and not on to slip a fiction book from the library of suntan. It is marvelous what a like this, we would only be joshing ourselves, half-truths. We shall carefully consider the shelves just to find out what the book little sun will do for one. if not our readers; for, of a truth, we can see statements that we make and shall try not .Steady, Boy! no great changes or drastic reforms that to commit the error so common in editorials, is about. You read deeper and deep- The gravel voiced "Harp" that dis- that of going off on a subject "half-cocked". er into the book while your collateral reading on Cato or on the causes of turbs .the tranquility of Miss Ward's must be wrought in the editing of the Gold The Gold Bug in the past and especially the World War goes unread. Before . Bug. Library from a covered position near in the last year, has attempted on its feature you realize it, the librarian is saying, Thanks To Retiring Staff the chapel had better be a little more • The retiring staff, thanks largely to the page to present to its readers the creative cautious. There is only one tenor on unceasing efforts of Mr. Rehert, produced a writing ability of various members of 'the "Library is closing." this campus that can handle those publication which we and, we feel, the student body. That phase of our policy will .New Library Books notes. greater part 'of the college, read with inter- be definitely continued and encouraged. We With the new fiction books in the e Cavaleade At Sundown est and approval. . feel that in the absence of a college maga- college. library, the temptation is r On Monday afternoon, as the blood- Building on this standard set by the past zine, it is of special importance that the Gold greater than ever. How can you pass red sun sank behind the Blue Ridge editor and his staff, we shall strive continu- Bug serve as the medium for the encourage- by Pearl Buck's Drago'lt Seed, or Mountains of Mt. St. Mary's and ously and industriously to reach and to sur- ment of embryonic literary ability. In col- Mary Ellen Chase's Wind8wept, or bid goodbye to pass this high level of achievement. lege life, all too little attention is paid to this Arthur Meeker's Ivory Mischief? But this land of ro- Western Maryland College's paper has al- matter, the campus mainly busying itself wait a minute. Why not take one you to read f . mance and serene ways in the past stood for the impartial with the awesome questions of dates and back to the dorm with beauty, a strange presentation of news in its columns, news dances and football games. while you are waiting for the dinner- caravan trooped which would be of interest not only to the • Lighter Side Of Campus Life bell? You will probably forget to go down the steps of student Body but to anyone connected in any The feature page, as well as the front to dinner, though, when you become McDaniel H a II way with the college; namely, the large fac- page, will be devoted also to the presentation absorbed in one of these new books. and into the con- ulty and the ever-increasing number of al- of the lighter side of life on the Hill. Col- .Chinese Novels fines of her sis- umni who read the Gold Bug. We shall con- lege always has been and, we hope, always If you want a good picture of war- ter dormitory, tinue to publish the news thusly-impartial- will be, a source of humor. It will be our torn China, try Pearl Buck's Dragon Blanche Ward. ly, adequately, clearly, with an eye on the policy to garnish the news that will be Sued, her first novel of China in three Each of the long fact that readers are interested, in the main, served our readers with the spices of laugh- years. The story is concerned with line of towel draped visions held in that which they. do pot already know. ter. the family of Ling Tan, a farmer liv- clenched in her right hand, a tube As far as the technical details of the paper ing neal' Nanking. It shows the perils Of Opinion Organization of tooth paste in addition to a bristled • The Gold Bug has always in the past at- are concerned, we shall harness them to the of the Chinese in territory occupied toothbrush held at "present arms". tempted, through its editorial column, to or- purpose of serving 'our readers with a paper by Japanese invaders. It has been Who were and from whence came ganize and crystallize the opinions of either which will be both physically inviting and said by some critics to be her best these mirages of bathrobed and students or of faculty or of administration physically easy to read. We shall incorpor- novel. During the week that ended raincoated figures? Characters from and, having organized these opinions in ate all those modern journalistic, devices February 27, Dragon Seed was the Arabian Nights? Nay, fair read- which we feel aid at all in serving as a among the first six most popular tangible form, to present them for what er, they were characters to be sure, they were worth to all of its readers. Behind means to this end. books in the leading bookstores of but of another land. These are but this policy of crystallizing opinion has us- • Personality Of A Newspaper sixty cities. D1·ago-n. Seed was select- the inhabitants of Upper McDaniel, ually been an attempt, first of all, at stimu- A newspaper tends, from one set of edi- ed as the Book-of-the-Month for Feb- waterless due to a plumbing disturb- lating thought by bringing to the fore in this tors to another, to take on different shades ruary. ance, taking a long trek to Blanche same column .pertinent issues which may of, or entirely new, personality. 'We hope Similar to D1'agon Seed in its set- Ward, the Oasis of the campus, for a have a direct or indirect bearing upon the that it will be so in this case, in spite of the ting is A Trembling of a L(J{J,f,by Lin much needed bath. conduct of college life. fact that we have said that changes in policy Yutang, author of Moment in Peking. .Military Ball will be few. We hope that we will be' able A Trembling of a Leaf tells of a Chi- Same Policy To Continue And just what did you think of the • We shall continue that policy; we shall to present a paper that will stand out from nese family living during the present military Ball? A lot of opinions have try to enlarge upon it. For the purpose, its predecessors as does one human being war. The novel gives many true ex- been expressed but the general one therefore, of stimulating thought and com- from another. And we hope that the things periences of Chinese refugees. Lin seems to be that it was a grand dance. ment and action, we are throwing open the which will make the Gold Bug stand out will Yutang explains his title by saying: The University of Maryland students editorial page of the to guest be the attainment of a new and higher level "Our task here is to trace whnt the Bug Gold found it hard to believe that the deco- writers who wish to speak their minds. of achievement, the increasing of readabil- war did to one woman, one leaf rations were not professional. Now a Those people, both faculty and students, ity and attractiveness, the voicing of clear- among the millions." plug for the Junior Prom thr-ough the who feel that they have something to say ly-defined pertinent opinion, and the ever- .Best Sellers help of Ridgely Friedel. Charlie about some pertinent issue which they think increasing interest of our readers: Ivory Mischief, by Arthur Meeker, Strong's Orchestra will play for the should be brought to the fore, will be wel- is just as exciting as its title sug- affair to be held on April 19, in Gill gests. The two heroines are .teken Gym. Admission is by invitation from history. Dark-haired Magde- only, so get in your intentions. Inci- Iaine and blond Catherine-Henriette dentally, you of the Junior Class, pay were sisters at the court of Louis your dues. Campus Personality Rehert XIV. Basing his novel on historical .Drifts About Snow facts, Meeker gave six years to the That heavy snow brought more writing of it. than snowballs with it; many amusing The library has five other books sights were to be seen: the picture of among the list of best-sellers. They. Janith Horsey and Bobbie Beglin are: struggling through the three foot Down in the lower right hand cor- daily witness and exclaim over the Keys of the J(ingdr:ym, by A. J. Cro- drifts; Phil Cede and Jean Bentley ner on page 2 of Western Mary- feats of Superman on the radio and nin. nearly buried in the drift in front of land's bi-weekly Gold Bug (subscrip- in the comic strips could visit West- Saratoga Trumk, by Edna Ferber. Alumni Hall with only their mouths tion price $2.00 a year) in every is- ern Maryland's campus, their reac- Botany Bay, by Charles Nordhoff showing; Margaret and Earl's on Sun- sue for the past year has appeared tions might well be:- and James Norman Hall. day morning with everyone in the the title, "Editor-in-chief-Isaac B. "It's a bird!" Storm, by George R. Stewart. place ordering cinnamon toast and Rehert, '42." "It's a man!" All that Glitters, by Frances Park- poached eggs; Rollie Blanchette, the But "Editor-in-chief" implies more "It's a former editor-in-chief!" inson Keyes. walking snowplow, and Charlie God- than merely the first name on the win with his Sunday pants wet masthead and stationery. In Ike's case, it consisted of innumerable liDo You Take This Souse To Be ••• ?" (Cont. on page 4, col. 5) Tuesday nights spent in pacing the floor of a scrap-happy Gold Bug of- Family Course Investigation Shows THE GOLD BUG countless coat-doffing, sleeve-rolling fice in search of editorial material- attempts to get to work, only to be Primary Factors Against Marriage interrupted by questions from all sides; inky bouts with temperamental If your current heart throb won't 3-Insufficient education (what are typewriter ribbons; and so on, in- marry you, don't jump off the Brook- we at college for?) definitely. lyn Bridge or paint the number-s Sub8cription Price $2.00 a Year 4-Moral differences Born in Baltimore on January 12, "one" and "eight" on the soles of 5-Insufficient income (the price of Bditor-In-ehief Alvin H. Levin '43 1922, his high school career at City your shoes so you can convince the nylons is going up) Managing Editor ..Carolyn Schmidt '43 College was, as far as Ike is concern- Isaac B. Rehert army you're over eighteen-at least, &-Slovenliness News Editor Mary Miller '43 ed, Simply a "four-year blot" on the not yet. Not until you learn the reo 7-Immaturity Assistant News Editor honor roll. At the beginning of his tions are mainly in social work. Un- eults of a recent mate selection sur- 8-Irresponsibility Caroline Grable '43 Sophomore year, he returned to the der his new editorial policy, attempts vey conducted in Dr. James Earp's 9-Drinking Feature Editor Eleanor Healy '43 campus for Freshman week as assist- were made during the year to focus family sociology course, the main 10--Inconsiderateness Sports Editor ..John Robinson '43 ant football manager and spent his student-faculty attention on scholar- reason why so many erstwhile stu- Assistant Sports Editor spare time helping out Ronny Kom- ship for scholarship's sake, rather dents crowd the prerequisite intro- That's the female viewpoint, but in Nelson Wolfsheimer '44 panek, the contemporary editor. than for the usual quarterly avoid- ductory sosh lOI. the opinion of Joe College, a girl can Proof Editor Mary Turnley '44 That's how he got started on the ance of D's. Members of the two family classes be a combination of Lamaar, Sheri- Staff Photographer Carl Webb '44 Gold Bug. "Dynamic" summarises Ike's per- picked out at least five eligible or in- dan, and Turner and still not get her Copy Editors In addition, his activities have in- sonality, although it is a dynamism eligible prospects on campus and list- man without that certain "oomph." Lillian Jackson '45 cluded the presidency of the Men's tempered by genuine humility and ed the outstanding reasons why they According to the men, these are the Mary Virginia Walker '43 Student Government, the vice-presi- kindness, a contagious grin, and in- wouldn't consider him or her (or it) ten tops on their hit and miss parade; Bnsinesa Manager dency of the Argonauts, and appoint- numerable puns. as a possible choice for breakfast 1-Personality Werner Orrison '43 ment as one of this year's Western After attending numerous commit- companion, or for someone on whom 2-Religious differences Cireulation Mana~r MaryJand College representatives in tee and club meetings, keeping up to blame the latest scratches on the 3-Educational differences LeRoy Gerding '44 "Who's Who In American College and with the Gold Bug, falling behind '37 Plymouth's newest fender. 4--Jealousy Contributom: Ruth Sartorto '43, Jane Universities." Studiousness and eon- and then catching up on themes for As far as the women are concerned, 5-Poor management of income Miles '45, Carolyn Weant '45, Thel- sclentiousness have kept him a con- Dr. Wills' creative writing course, the ten most outstanding reasons for 6-Conceitedness ma Morris '44, Dorothy Thrush '44, sistent Dean's Lister. and' writing a philosophy thesis, the selection or non-selection are: 7-Insincerity Peggy Reeves '43. Fred Holloway In spite of a major in mathematics only time left on Ike's hands- is con- l-Conceitedness (personal or tre- 8-Looks '44, Isaac Rehert '42, Joe Workman end minors in physics, science, and tained in the case of his wrist watch. ternal?) 9-Family background '48, Jamel!l SnodgnJ.Ss '48. education, bis pOEt-gradUate expecta- If the crowd of spectators who 2.--Religious differences 100Morai differences
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