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Library ~/estern Naryland College UestDiinster, Md. IYeliow Jackee Chosen As Senior Class Production Play, Olten Called Chinese 'Pilgrim's Progress', Will Be Staged In Alumni Hall On M~y 15 By James Snodgrass Vol. 19 No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE April 9. 1942 In presenting The Yel{.Qw Jacket in Sin Yin (Great Sound Language), Alumni Hall on Friday, May 15, the Marvin Sears; Due Jung Fah (Fu- College Players are bringing to the chsia Flower), Shirley Belle Reese; I Band Leader •.. Charlie Strong T0 Play campus an unusual piece of work. The Tso (Fancy Beauty), Dorothy Attix; play was written in the carly part of Tai Fah Min (Great Painted Face), the century, but it has enjoyed an in- James Robb; Assistant Property men, creasing popularity ever since. In Paul Henry and Robert Grumbine; For Annual Junior Prom fact, it was judged the best and most Chee Moo (Kind Mother), Betty Cor- interesting play given in any summer many; Lu Sin, Larry Brown; Suey last season. (Alexander Woolcott Sin Fah (Lily Flower), Victoria Hur- Noted Band Leader Will Bring Eleven-Piece Group_ and Harpo Marx played the stellar ley; Ling Won (Spirit), George Mar- Here April 18; Martha Perry Is F'eatured Vocalist roles.) shall; Wu Hoo Git (Young Hero of Much of the charm of the play is the Wu Family)' Joseph Whiteford; The junior class will present Char- due to the enchanting Oriental tale Yin Suey Gong (Purveyor of Hearts), e~::~:~p~:~~ o:~ Prom Invitations ••• upon which the play is based and the George Wilson; See Gwe Fah (Four ~~es~::o:: t:en:n~:al manner in which this exotic charm is Season Flower), Shirley Belle Reese; Saturday, April 18 in Gill Gymna- Admission to the Junior Prom transferred to the western stage. The Chow Wan (Auturn,n Cloud), Jeanne sium from 8 to 12. Martha Perry is will be by invitation only. Such play is presented, not in accord with Trump; Moy Fah Loy (Plum Blos- featured vocalist with this band which invitations will be issued only to the familiar methods of today, but in som), Edna Tricsler; See Noi, Doris has appeared at such colleges as Yale, those seniors and juniors who accord with the methods characteris- Davenport; Tai Chor Shoong, Don Harvard, University of Maryland, and have paid their class dues and tic of the Chinese theater. Griffin; Widow Ching, Lucie Leigh also at Coconut Grove and the Bilt- have signed the list marked Barnes; Git Hok Gar, Herbert Weav- The story is an allegory dealing more Hotel in New York. PAID for that purpose, accord- with maternal love, evil of cunning er; Loy Gong (Thunder), George Decorations will be centered around ing to Ridgely Friedel, general minds, vice, and youthful innocence. Marshall; Korn Lol (Spider), Gladys the idea of spring with the college chairman of the dance. It is, in a manner, a Chinese Pilgrims Crowson. colors and white predominating. All other students will sign for Prooress, Ridgely Friedel, general chairman, themselves and for any friends Charlie Strong The characters are in order of ap- Women's SGA Elections is being assisted by the following: who may wish to attend on the pearance: Property Man, James Snod- Mr. Strong will bring his eleven- programs, Robert Beglin; decorations, separate list so marked. _ Both grass; Chorus, Paul Alelyunas; Wu New officers for next year's wo- piece orchestra here to play for the Marvin Evans; invitations, Mary Mil- lists will be found in the follow- Me- men's Student Government were Junior Prom in Gill Gym on April 18. ler; advertising, Bert Jones. ing offices: Blanche Ward, man and Nor Daniel, Albert Clarence Macwilliams, treasurer Hawkins, Noted elected this week at a girls' meet- the junior class, urges that all mem- of Ward. ing in McDaniel Hall Lounge. According to Betty Baritone, Will president of this year's E I I wei 11, College To Hold bers who wish to attend either this year or next see him or Mary Louise Student Government, girls who were placed Sehrt about dues. Freshmen and To Georgie Milby, Annual Visitors' sophomores and seniors who did not Dr. Wetmore Give' Concert in office include: Bell, vice- pay class dues last year may pay at Virginia president; General chairman Friedel announc- Address honor president; Peggy Lane, McDaniel Day April 25 the door. Faculty Reeves, Ex-WMC Student To chairman; Doris Hal! house-president; Sarah Belle ed the choice of Strong's band a1ter Dr. Alexander Wetmore, Assistant Sing Opera And Veale, Blanche Ward Hall house- Several New features Will several weeks of intensive search for Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- Spirituals president, Margaret Ann Smith, Be Added This Year; Dean a capable orchestra within the WMC tute and Director of the National treasurer; and Helen Stoner, sec- price range-"Even though Charlie Museum, will address the Faculty Ellwood Hawkins, distinguished retary. Bertholf Will Supervise Strong conducts one of the most ex- Club Thursday evening, April 16, at baritone, formerly of Westminster, pensive bands ever to appear on the 8:P. M. and now associated with the C:(licugo At ten o'clock o..'1.Apxil2l'i, the por- campus, it is 'believed that the expect- Opera Company, wil! appear in con- tals of McDaniel Hall Lounge will be ed attendance and enjoyment of the The topic of Dr. Wetmore's talk in the Guagua cert in Alumni Hall, at the college, opened wide, and registration for the Prom will be well worth the cost, es- will be explorations Colombia, South This Tri-Beta To Hear near Peninsula, Friday, April 10, at 8:15 P. M. annual Visitors' Day win get under' pecially since there has been consid- will be Mr. Hawkins' second perfor- way. On this day many high school erable agitation among the students America. To illustrate his talk, he mance in Westminster in recent years. Noted Botanists seniors throughout Maryland and in for higher priced orchestras." plans to use stereoptican slides His program will consist of a variety neighboring states will get their first The sponsors of the evening will be which are among the most excellent of songs, selections from operas and Dr. Egbert, H. Walker, curator of glimpse of W.M.C. Invitations have Dr. and Mrs. Holloway; Dean and slides of their type, according to the negro spirituals. Oriental plants at the National Mu- been sent out to prospective students Mrs. Free, Dean and Mrs. Bertholf, lecturer. and the response is already gratify- is a man This noted ornothologist Following his studies at Western I seum of the Smithsonian Institute, ing. Professor and Mrs. de Long, Profes- who has occupied numerous positions Earp, and Mr. sor and Mrs. James Maryland College, Mr. Hawkins ob- and Miss Ruth Lenderking, biology A tentative schedule of the day's of great importance leading up to tained a scholarship to the Peabody teacher of Eastern High School in activities has been made under the and Mrs. Charles Engle. those which he now has in connection of the junior Lee Lodge, president Conservatory in Baltimore to study Baltimore, will speak on the subject supervision of Dean Bertholf. This class, and his guest, Miss Alice volt- with the Smithsonian Institution and of Botany at a. meeting of Tri-Beta under the famous teacher, Monetti. to be held in McDaniel Lounge on year several new features have been mer, will head the receiving line. The the National Museum. Among these After a period of study in Europe, he Monday, April 27, at 8 P. M. added. Weather permitting, a color- dance will be formal, and the admis- previous offices is that of Superinten- engaged in a series of radio broad- ful touch will be added to the pro- dent of the National Park Zoo, and casts on a national network. About Dr. 'Valker, who has spent many gram in the form of a military par- sion will be by invitation only, the he also has been associated with the this time, Mr. Hawkins attracted the years in China, will lecture on "Ori- ade by the R.O.T.C. in the afternoon. price being $2.50. Corsages are op- United States Biological Survey. attention of John Charles Thomas, ental Plants". At the present time, In addition, the Home Economics tional. another famous Carroll Countian. his special interest is the compilation Club is planning to hold a style show, Under Mr. Thomas' tutelage, Mr. of a flora of the District of Columbia. exhibiting what the "smart young Dean Adkins Urges Retrospection Hawkins appeared with him in sev- and vicinity, according to John Raw- co-ed" is wearing at W.M.C. these eral joint recitals. He has since lins, member of Tri-Beta. days. sung with him in a West Coast pro- A graduate of Western Maryland, The traditional tour of the campus And Faith In Investiture Address duction of "Blossom Time" and Gil- Miss Lenderking is interested in es- and buildings, and assembly address- bert and Sullivan'S "Pinafore". The tablishing a chapter of the Gray Me- es by Dr. Holloway, Dean Adkins, Stressing the necessity for retro- April 8. latter was offered in Baltimore last morial Botanical Association on this Dean Free, arrd Dr. Bertholf will be spection at the conclusion of four Wearing their graduation caps and campus. gowns for the first time, one hundred held in the morning. After lunch, at years of college and urging the adop- which certain students and faculty tion of a renewed faith in a new way and two seniors filed into Alumni Cultural Olympics members 'will act as hoets, a baseball of life, Dean Bertha Adkins address- Hall, preceded by the faculty, and game and. a golf match will provide ed the student body at the seventy- stood before Dean Adkins. "Man's thinking and choosing are second annual for visitors and stu- WMC's French Club Is Host To entertainment Present plans also in- ,Alumni Hall Investiture service in not free and independent acts, but yesterday morning, dents alike. clude the showing of a movie taken are determined by sociological and psychological forces in his life. Edu- Other Colleges In Play Contest by Professor Raver of college life Address Highlights ... 'cation is the means by which man and various scientific demonstrations Western Maryland College will be its precieuses, according to Moliere. to be conducted by members of the seeks to understand these forces and host to French groups from the Uni- We see in the play two bourgeois chemistry, biology, and physics de- through which he learns to make wise choices," she said. versity of Maryland and Gettysburg cousins-Magdelon played by Virgin- partments. "The world is made chaotic by In a spirit of optimism, Dean Ad- College on Monday, April 20, in ia Sweeney and Catbos, played by works of man, not by those of nature." kins attempted to reassure the stu- Alumni Hall at eight o'clock. The Shirley Belle Reese, ,who are enam- Dr. Holloway Will dent body of the beneficial effects to three colleges will present French ored of precicsite. They come to live "Education is the means by which plays in the annual French Club con- in Paris with their bourgeois father, Study Defense man seeks to understand . . . and be achieved as a result of the war, test. played by Clinton Dalton. The fath- through which he learns to make wise in spite of its vast amount of devas- tation and waste, with the statement Eminent judges will decide to which er desires sensible husbands for Dr. Fred G. Holloway, president of choices." that "plans are already being formu- the Grand Prix will be awarded.- them. The prosaic offers of marriage Western Maryland College, has been lated for rebuilding the bombed cities "Religion ... enables man to live This is the fourth annual competition made by La Grange, played by David appointed chairman of a State com- instead of merely to exist." of England in which the century-old of the University of Maryland, Wes- Osborne, and Du Croisy, played by mittee to study the defense contribu- slum areas will be replaced by hy- tern Maryland, and Hood. Gettys- Jim Elliott, fail to impress le8 de8- tion that can be made by colleges gienic, attractive housing units and burg College enters this year for the 7Il0iselle8; the men send their valets which educate women. . _ the most im))Qrtant day in a first time. In former years, the in disguise of gentlemen. The committee was appointed by man's life is Today-not Yesterday city parks." she declared, "cannot be "Faith," nor Tomorrow." grand prix has been awarded to The Marquis Mascarille is inter- Dr. Isaiah Bowman, president of refuted or proved by facts., Like Western Maryland. pretcd by Eddie Nigren and the Vi- Johns Hopkins University and chair- love, it cannot be measured, it can- The play which Western Maryland comte de Jodelet by James Snodgrass. man of the State Committee on Hu- "Faith i~ not to be refuted by facts; not be touched, it cannot be seen, but will present this year will be Moliere's The role of Marotte, the maid of the man Resources and Skills. it cannot be proved by facts ... but it can exist." it can'exist." Le8 PnicUl&Se8 Ridicule8, a seven- two cousins, is played by Debbie Bow- Members besides Doctor Holloway "On this day when we pause to see teenth century comedy. The play is ers. The girls fall in love with the are President David Robertson of " ... I urge that we adopt the way our way of life, I urge that we adopt particularly interesting because Mo- Goucher College, President Henry I. the way built upon Faith and live ful- liere's characters are universal and poetlc valets. The deception is dis- Stahr of Hood College, Sister Isabelle built upon faith and live fully, day by ly, day by day," Dean Adkins con- day." for all time. I covered and the prh:i(!U8C8 regret of St. Joseph's College, and Dean cluded. Society has always had its fops and their folly. George C. Grant of Morgan College. j
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