Page 34 - TheGoldBug1941-42
P. 34
Christmas Hop Is !Bull-Sessions' In Girls! Dorms Second In Series ~eveal Divers Subject Matters Of Frat Dances a radio blaring full blast, and a heated discussion (mostly about War Robs The Campus picture heavily. Schools or colleges of medi- Take half a dozen Western Maryland co-eds. food from home. cine, engineering and applied science Bright spots in a darkening have gained. Black And Whites Sponsor the opposite sexj-c-and what have you'? Answeri.-..a bull-session that confronts are American colleges and .Missing Students In Army There are usually two or in a girl's dormitory almost any night. pointed out by edi- universities "Some of the missing students Seml-Fermel Affair To Be three in each hall, and they are most prevalent at night right be- torialists of the New York Times af- in the army. Others are in defense are ter a recent study of the national sit- fore bedtime or after the time when bedtime should have been. Held In Blanche Ward What do they find to talk about? uation. Despite enrollmcnt decreases jobs. If World war experience is a What do all girls talk about? Boys! caused by defense employment and guide in the present emergency, many The second in the series of four fra- The male sex is usually the main Dr. W. M. Gewehr To the draft, institutions of higher learn- of these will find their way back to ternity dances will be the annual topic of discussion-So P.'s (Secret ing have at least three times as many college when the crisis is over-if it Christmas Dance to be sponsored by drips, their dates and ev- Speak At IReMeeting is over soon enough. The most dras- ago. had 25 years as they Pi Alpha fraternity in the Blanche Passions), (No personal students the Times envisions a situa- tic recession that can be expected this Further erybody else's dates. Ward Gym on Thursday, December reference intended by putting "datesw OnU.S.ForeignAlfairs tion that may force education "to year will still Iiave left us with at 18 from 8 to 11:45 P. M. so close to "drips"). leave its ivory tower and adapt itself least three times the number of un- Hart-y Marsh, well-known in and And then there is usually a genius "Present Day Status of the U. S. in more fully to the realities of our com- dergraduatee.cregietered in American around the vicinity of Hanover, Perm- with a book propped up in front of World Affairs" will be the subject of a colleges and universities 25 years sylvania, for his excellent music, will her who yells at irregular intervals, ' discussion to be led by Dr. Wesley mon life.", ago. provide the rhythm with a 10-piece "Quiet, please," but to no avail. The Marsh Gcwehr, professor of History .Times' Analysis band featuring two female vocalists Here is the Times' analysis: .Outlook Dark and a talented drummer. Marsh comeback is that there is always the in the University of Maryland, at the "Financially the outlook is not library. Decem- r. R. C. meeting on Monday, is also remembered for his fine per- Other sources of conversation are bel' 8. and "Enrollment in American colleges bright for institutions dependent on which rose to new universities, formance at the Black and White Mid- homework, the dread of tests coming The author of several books, Dr. levels as the country began to come endowments and tuition. It may not year Hop of last year by those who the next day (always followed up Gewehr has also taught in the Uni- be much brighter for those dependent were present. with, "I know I'll flunk"), eccentric veraity of Chicago, Ohio Wesleyan out of the depression, are down on public appropriations, for the non- In keeping with the theme of again. President Raymond Walters defense tax dollar is shrinking. Ed- Christmas, the red and green decem- professors, international hits, affairs, and American University, from which of the University of Cincinnati, whose ucationally the situation has its hope- and latest registration the jokes are movie annual song figures he was sent as an exchange professor tions will be set off with pine trees stars, English mistakes, movies, to Taing Hua College, Peking, China. last word in this field, reports that ful side. Higher education, compet- and a .misty lighting system. out of 573 approved higher institu- ing for youth in a war market, may Assisting Earl Schubert. general dances, who i-an down the hall in the tions in all parts of the United be forced to leave its ivory tower and chairman, are Jack Quynn, decora- :~~~~d O!h~~;sn!!~~ ~:~h a~~~~ :he:~: Economics (lubbers Elect adapt itself more fully to the reali- tions chairman; Jim Griffin, adver- States, 125 have about the same num- ties of our common life." tisements chairman; Roger Saltzgav- 40-watt bulbs. Beane President; Choose ber and only 117 have more. There within this gen- are many variations er, programs chairman; Bill Vincent, A waste of time? Yes, but highly eral statement. Women's colleges music chairman; and Lee Kindley, re- educational. 'Wiesand As Vlce-Prexy have lost less than men's colleges, freshments chairman. public institutions less than those For Correct Sponsors will be Dr. and Mrs. Hol- Tweed, Lieutenant and Mrs. Reynolds, Elections of officers of the Econom- under private control, independent loway, Dean and Mrs. Free, Professor and Mr. and Mrs. Engle. ics Club on Thursday, November 27, and Mrs. Makcsky, Dean Bertha Ad- Admission to this semi-formal af- appointed A. J. Beane, president; Ver- colleges of arts and sciences less than Campus and the universities. The independent kins, Professor Hurt, Miss Sarah fair will be $1.10. non Wiesand, vice-president; John teachers' colleges have lost most \Villiams, secretary-treasurer; and College Fashions Post-ollice Push And Pull •• , 'william Prettyman, program chair- Come to Announcements of future programs PATRONIZE (Cent; from page 1, col. 3) included movies, outside speakers, OUR Hochschild, Kohn & CO. tel'S are those belonging to the for mail. Now a moment must be de- panel discussions, and business meet- "honey" group. It is interesting to voted to the others who see that so- ,ings. ADVERTISERS. stand outside and note the different cia! contacts flourish with the 10 feet physcological effects caused by this (increasing as the minutes slip by- type of mail. sometimes even as far as back camp- One young woman may come out of us), of the sacred threshold. the post office-by instinct; she may speak to a dozen friends-through • Bashful Type habit. In other words, she is out of Here, the bashful type stands this world. You can hear her heave blushing (and cussing) for ten min- a sigh and say "Gosh, he's wonderful utes before he can call his iniative to -such sentiments." That's what the fore to say hello. At the end of chain letter writing does. 10 weeks, though, he finally managed. Flitting out behind her, we see the By the close of the semester, he excitable type. After a thorough might get courage enough to ask her bound of gymnastics, which usually for her name (or he could even find includes the kissing of her closest en- out from a friend-but he. might ap- emy, she pulls out the epistle and pear overanxious). gives eyebrow punctuations as she Then there is the sneaky, shifty- reacts to the entranced huddle that eyed (shifting up and down, of has formed, (giggling, too). course) wolf, who hovers around un- til some fail' damsel comes out unes- .Third Reaction cor-ted. Then he dons his sheep's But there is the third r-eactien ; she clothing and leaves the pack. didn't get a letter, If anybody would Of course, we might mention the light a match to this interesting case girls who wait for the waiters and of paleness, McKinstry would be no boys who make their waiting interest- more. As a matter of fact, this little ing. As soon as "the one" appears. miss is through unless she gets a let- though, his little turtledove slides ter by Monday (all of this happens back into her shell. on Tuesday-just like it did last Last, but n'ot least, we must men- week). tion the stragglers who wait around The men accept their lots more and bicker and quibble for about an casually. They stuff the letter in hour. But they, too, in time pass on their pocket and casually knock ev- and leave the post office to the peace ••• popular stor of John eryone out of the way as they saun- and quiet of the few hours between Golden's hit ploy"Cloudio;' ter (at 60 miles per hour) over to the meals. says Merry Christmas to dorm. They like the privacy and va- Every now and then, we see some her many friends with the cancy of their own thoughts when one break this spell by dashing in to cigarette that Satisfies. they get roped in by her literary line. buy a book or to read the package These above reactions are usually list. This latter one is usually a found in the 20% of people who go to faithful dining hall eater who is slow- &Htlny the post office more than Once a week ly dying of malnutrition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~s6666~~666~ !The Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT i Chesterfield s For Western Marylanders i .•• it's his cigarette and mine · PINS-CIGARETTE CASES-LIGHTERS !: This year they're saying S BRACELETS-PENDANTS-CHARMS ~ : i etc. Belt and Buckle-Rings, ~ Merry Christmas with Chesterfields. .. All Have The W. M. C. Seal .. For your friends in the Service • ~ And for the folks at home SEE OUR DISPLAY • • • • Than these beautiful gift cartons ~ • 1& MANY OTHER ATTRACTIVE GIFTS • What better Christmas present Of 10 packs, 3 packs, or 4 tins of 50. • WITHOUT THE SEAL Milder Tasting : - BUY NOW - : Nothing else you can buy ~ A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVEANY GIFT !i ... that's why Will give more pleasure for the money. !i !i 71er~altiW Buy Chesterfields ~ BONSACK BROS. Th, Coll,., Shop !i .. !i For your family and friends !i!i~666!i!i.!i!i6••••• 6!i.!iss6~6!i Beautifully packed for Christmas.
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