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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug. Western Maryland Collfge, Wesbninster, Md., November 27. 1941 Faculty Club To B_aker Chapel's History Sketched Soccer Team ... timore also. She has been prominent is from Bal- Doris Lee Davenport, (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) government student for Hear Talk On By Gold Bug Research Reporter ton teamed up with Blair driving in several years and at present circles Asso- is presi;- home the winning goal. Christian dent of the Student In last Art World building on our campus, Baker Chap- Mrs. Oliver Pearr-e. plain windows with against the Wheaton, game the of the season ciation. She is a member or the Col- The most picturesque and attractive When first built, boys Chicago lege Players. had the chapel el, has seen 46 years of college his- venetian blinds, and later the beauti- tallied three first half goals to take a Elizabeth Ellwein, this week's Miss Justine F. Lewis Will tory, including the weddings 'of some ful stained glass windows were given seemingly safe lead. But in the sec- campus personality, comes from ond half, the Terrors scored on Bob Supplement Lecture With by !'IIr. Daniel Baker, brother of the Shockley's penalty boot; Tarbutton's Frostburg, Md. She is president of the Women's Student Government. Series Of Lantern Slide. I. gr~:a::~el seats 250 people, and was founder; The painting above the pul- tally, headed in from a corner kick; Emily Linton, who names River- of the pit is an excellent reproduction used to accommodate stu- the entire goal in the tying and Ray Hyson's dent body for Sunday evening chapel, famous "Christ and the Rich Young side, Md., as her horne town, has been Miss Justine F. Lewis, public rela- last few minutes. Two extra periods active in women's athletics for sever- tions director of the Baltimore Mu- investiture services, Christmas ser- Ruler," and was done by Miss Fannie were played, but to no avail. al years. Spe is president of the Thomson. seum of A~t will speak before the vices, and other occasions. A Sunday With the result of these last two Home Economics Club. Faculty Club December 11, 1941 on School was organized in 1891 with Dr. Although the chapel is not in con- games, the soccer season ended with 3 the subject "The Art World Today." McDaniel as superintendent, and was stant use, its very presence adds much wins, 2 ties, and 4 losses. Coach Her talk will be supplemented by a attended by almost all of the students. to the campus. This verse from the Wallace was very well pleased with series of slides. The impressiveness of services in the poem taken from the college bulletin the success of this year's club, for it chapel is espccially remembered by describes it as: was one of the best records in the Do Your Miss Shipley, of the art department, those who were students then. As the "A little grays tone chapel, ivyclad, who is sponsoring this month's pro- student body grew too large for the Watching beside a way of hurrying past few years. gram, acknowledges the Baltimore building, the regular services were feet; ..... CHRISTMAS Art Museum as one of the most pro- held in Alumni Hall, which previously Brooding in silence on its memories Who's Who ... gressive institutions of its kind in the had been used ror entertainment only. Drawn from the years-happy, and country. It has, she said, become one Necessarily, these services lost a lit- sad, and sweet! ! (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) BUYING of the social centers of this area. tle of their inspiration in this trans- senior class and has been a member of the student for foul' government The Faculty Club is an organization rcr. At present the chapel is used by On The Hili ... years. He has played four years of for the faculty and their wives. It the Sunday School, now in the hands {Cent. from page 2, col. 3) varsity soccer and was co-captain of Now! attempts at its meetings, held month- of the students, and frequently for you may win a copy of the song of this year's team. ly, to provide a program that is both S. C. A. meetings. the week, "I'll Never Set the World Edward R. Thomas, another Sho' instructive and entertaining. The chapel was built by William C. on Fire.") man, hails from Cambridge, Md. He Two meetings have already been Baker, after his son, who had been a CONDENSED CARICATURES: has been a varsity debater for several Westminster's Leading held. The first was a banquet which student of the college, recovered from Tom Arthur-----ehemieal action; Jean years and is treasurer of the U R A Department Store took place during Freshman Week. an operation. The dedication inscrib- Eckard - s mil in g inquisitiveness; c. The last program had as its high- ed on the tablet neal' the pulpit reads, Martha Kratz - bubbling be aut y; light a talk by a representative from "To the glory of God in grateful rec- Charles Chlad - nutty noncahlance ; e Barnes Aloha Editor of Baltimore, WE CAN SUPPLY Lucie Leigh Barnes, the British Embassy speaking on the ognition of the mercy that spared the Joe College-??? is editor of the 1942 Awha, the col- subject "The British Empire, Fact 01' life of n beloved son this chapel was AFTERTHOUGHT: D uri n g the lege yearbook. She is a member of YOUR WANTS Fallacy?" erected." The organ was given by usual oscillation from freezing to the College Players and recently had boiling water in the' McKinstry Hall the female lead in the "Man Who shower, Harry Kompanek can be Came to Dinner." quoted as saying, "#!$ (CENSOR- ED!) :%." A word to the wet is suf- ficient. H. E. REESE JOKE OF THE WEEK-Nick Pi- TAILOR T.W.Malher&SonS sacano: "I call my girl "Appendix" Cleaning because she is so expensive to take Pressing Repairing Westminster, Maryland out." To which Bo Baugher adds: DeWAYNE BILLS-Repres<,nl.a!.i\·e "My sides are splitting, too." 94 East Main Street qUI our ttJoy-uJ . Chesterfield Out on the range it's "Howdy pardner, have a Chesterfield" That's true Western hospitality. ~~;.;;eiJ~~: For bringing smokers together, giving ~O~!X~~:~;°J:~ttC~~!t~:;d gram, but Waring got a hig hang out of it. He's no pitcher them exactly what they want, Chesterfield's hut he has a high haton average. Waring's Pennsylvanians RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best ciga- were born when Poley and Fred Waring played together in rette tobaccos is right at the top. a Boy Scout hand back in Tyrone, Pa. Now they do radio audiences a good turn five nights weekly on N. B.C. stations. There is more downright pleasure in Chesterfield's COOL MILDNESS and BETTER TASTE Come in and see our than in anything else you ever smoked. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE JEWELRY Make your next pack Chesterfield Special Selections for Christmas COLONIAL JEWELRY CO. Compliments SMITH & REIFSNIDER Incorporated of LUMBER-<:OAL Carroll WESTMINSTER, MD. John Everhart THE COLLEGE BARBER and AND BOBBER State AT THE FORKS For Correct Campus and Theatres College Fashions Come to Westminster's Best In Entertainment Hochschild, Kohn & CO.
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