Page 38 - TheGoldBug1941-42
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., December 11, 1941 suspect ... College Players And Choir Will Shakespearean Scholars Confused ... con, although we strongly reading) last but never mind-keep night for a session of poker and a Present Vesper Sl!rv;ce Sunday ended (Cont. from page 2, col. 5) men who could read, was found to round of ale. During the course of a cont-ain three unpaid laundry bills, an of confusion his life because over this damnable line, Poindexter, old cuff link, two broken golf tees, discussion on whether or not Germ- any should be encircled, Francis and The Annual Christmas program, under the joint sponsorship in his excellent work, "Spaghetti And and a letter, all undoubtedly belong- I became quite excited and called each of the College Players and the college, will be presented on Sunday, Suicide", published late in the fall of ing to William Shakespeare. Identi- December 14, at 4 :45 P. M. in Alumni Hall. This traditional ves- 1928, points out that the scholar very ty was established through the fact other several foul names. I am afraid per service has been largely attended in past years, and is a high probably shot himself because he was imprinted on each article, probably that because of this he will try to light in the college program. no longer able to pay his fraternity with an hydraulic press, was the clain'1"that he wrote all of my wonder- ful stuff. The first part of the program will be a concert of Christmas dues, salaries in England being what name John Deering, Toledo, Ohio, Please nave 10,000 copies of this carols by the choir, under the direction of Professor 'Alfred de they were at the time, which scholars claim was merely ope letter mimeographed and distributed Long. The numbers will be traditional folk carols of several But now an end will be made to of the Immortal Bard's numerous during the next leaflet air-raid to nations and classical works, The all petty squabbles and suicides, aliases. show people that Bacon just didn't. program will include: . Joseph will be portrayed by Bill Shakespeare's baffling bit of verse But it is the contents of the letter God bless America. Leatherman, The Shepherds are John has been explained, revealed in all its alone that interests us; for here at Behold A Star from. Jacob Shimed Douty, Donald Marsh, William Sires, last, is the explanation, the true WILLIAM. (from "Christusvjc--Pelix James Robb, Russell Sellman, Robert nakedness to the approval or disap- meaning, the ie ne sais qu.o1. of P,S. If anyone asks about a certain Mendelasohn-Bat-tholdy Grumbine, Marvin Sears, Don Grif- proval of the ages, In a little cottage Shakespeare's deathless line. We line I wrote recently in "King Rich- Tho Angels and the Shepherds fin, Ed Thomas, Paul Henry, Thom- on the outskirts of Stratford-On-Av- need proceed no further than a quo- ard II", just tell them to refer to (Traditional Bohemian Folk Carol) as Bush, and Joseph Geary, The on (Poindexter points out that the tation of the letter: Poindexter's newly published "Trends The Nativity Carol of Mexica1t Shepherds' wives are Lucie Leigh cottage was 87 miles away from Dear Emily, (Now 10ho was Em- in Shakesperean T r end e." He'll Shopherds Barnes, Victoria Hurley, Dorothy Str-atford, but we have it on good f ily? Is Shakespeare trying to explain all. I'm going over to Harry's (Traditional Mexican Carol) Sowter, Phoebe Robinson, Carolyn authority-his mother-that at the throw us all into confusion and get plastered. W. Angels O't' the Fields Schmidt, Kitty Voss, Peggy Reeves, time of writing, Poindexter was dead (An old French folk song) Pearl Bodmer, Jean Trump, and drunk) WPA workmen 'while exca- again? Hasn't the rascal caused SMITH; &: REIFSNIDER already?') enough trouble Ca1'()l o] th e Rll8~ian Child/'en vating in the lovely, old, ivy-clad I was over to Francis's house (S, (From White's RlIS8ia.) i~:~p:l~:ep~~r11~~~~a\: ~ehol~~e\~\~~ home in preparation for turning it probably refers here to Francis Ba- Incorporated Caral ot the Dooee son, and Joseph Whiteford. info a night-club, discovered a tin LUMBER-COAL (Ancient Polish Carol) box, which, upon being jimmied by the WESTMINSTER MD There be no regular will Chapel f h b I Sing ot The lIfaiden Service on this Sunday, and Dr, Hol- on Iy mem er 0 t e group of 72 work- Come in and see our Katherine K. Davis loway suggests that students come WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE On Christmas Day All Christians MERRY CHRISTMAS JEWELRY Sing early to secure good scats. There Special Selectio~ for Christ.mas Merry Christmas (Ancient Briton Melody) will be no admission charge, Compliments of The Halleuliah ChIYrU8 (from the Mackenzie's Drug Store COLONIAL JEWELRY CO. Messiah) Handel and a After the concert, the College Play- John Everhart ers, under the direction of Miss Es- THE COLLEGE BARBER Christmas Greetings ther Smith, will present a Nativity For Correct Happy New Year play entitled "The First Christmas," AND BOBBER To The Sludenls by Marjorie Marquis. The theme, AT THE FORKS Campus and • which has special significance this of Christmas, is one of hate and emnity College Fashions obliterated by the miracle of the birth Western Maryland of the Christ Child, CARROLL THEATRE Coffman-Fisher The Madonna is E4na Treisler, and Come to College Thursday, December 11 Co. "NEW YORK TOWN" Hochschild, Kobo & Co. H. E. REESE Mary Martin Fred McMurray HUTZLElt BroTHERS @ TAILOR Fri. and Sat" Dec, 12 and 13 Cleaning "THE FEMININE TOUCH" Pressing Rosalind Russel! Don Ameche Repairing DeWA YNE BILLS - Representative Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 94 East Main Street December 15, 16, 17 "SMILIN' THROUGH" ~ Gene Raymond Ian Hunter STATE THEATRE Thursday, December 11 A Big Action Double Feature "KNOCKOUT" Plus "MURDER AMONG FRIENDS" Friday, December 12 "SLIGHTLY TEMPTED" Hugh Hubert Saturday, December 13 } "NORTH OF THE LONE STAR" Bill Elliott Man, and Tues., Dec, 15, 16, "BURMA CONVOY" Charles Bickford Evelyn Ankers Wed, and 'I'hiu-s. Dec, 17, 18 "STRANGE ALIBI" Plus "DEAD MEN TELL" Double feature CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Mer~ChrIS/mar Westminster's Best Place To Eat CITY RESTAURANT epC'Yb()i(y_ ... this is your old friend ~~~ This time I'm coming to you With a timely shopping tip .•• Drop in at your tobacco store Take a look at the handsome way Your Christmas Chesterfields are packed. You rever saw the like Of these swell gifts ..• Big ter; package cartons Cartons holding four tins of 50 And brand new thisyear M 'ld Special greeting 7artons t er ~ Holding just ihree packs. Better- Tasting ,~;. t..J ••• that's why This year It's Chesterfield ~,,!~~.~,:~~:~:~~~:::~uyChesterfield
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